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Invitation to the Grand Opening of the Thaivisa Lounge Bar in Bangkok on July 4

Jonathan Fairfield

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Any good hotel recommendatios nearby ?

I recommend the Ibis on Soi 4 for the budget conscious traveller... Bring your own soap.

I recommend, the Woraburi on Soi 4 for our budget conscious traveller, TEFLrs or Chang drinkers.

Will this fine upstanding establishment be serving "snake bites" will the Blether be it town?

Sell it to me, why should I bother?

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I will be there but mind you my phone is crazy to check internet or make use of app

I have registered this on my Notebook/Laptop and download the app on my Notebook/Laptop

please let me know if I am allowed to be there and I will be there with + 2 that is total of 3 persons coming

Thank you

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Count me in Ladies and Gents getba break from Welcome Inn ChiangnMai

Count me in Ladies and gents get a break from Welcome Inn Chiang Mai oh yes have to get past Garden Bar

Edited by jimstar1
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I'm home in australia until 20th. i didn't know there was a thaivisa bar in hua hin. i'll have to look for it next time i'm there. best of luck with the opening. see you there after i get back

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Some photo's and a map would have been helpful. Perhaps a menu and prices as well.

I don't think photos would help you, as it has been stated earlier in this thread that the signs aren't up yet. What do you want them to take photos of? Would you like them to take a picture of the building and then photoshop what they think the sign will look like into the picture so you can recognize the building. In all seriousness, this is a forum for expats and long-term visitors. While I admit that there are some tourists here and newbies, most of us have been to Bangkok once or twice. A lot of us actually live here. For those who have been to Bangkok a few times, I would venture a guess that 95% of them have visited lower Sukhumvit at some point. Even those who haven't know how to use google maps. At the very least, they know how the numbering of sois off of a main road works throughout the country. If you are unable to locate Soi 7 without a map to the venue, you are going to have a difficult time getting around anywhere in Thailand. You might want to consider giving Bangkok a miss altogether, as you are likely to be as lost as an Easter egg!

Soi 7 is located between Soi 5 (there is a McDonalds on the corner and Gullivers is on this Soi) and Soi 7/1 (There is a Subway on the corner along with Vasu Exchange. There are a number of girly-type beer bars on the Soi along with The Pickled Liver and Maxim Inn. The infamous Eden Club is also located on 7/1). So, look for the Soi located between McDonalds and Subway! It's really not as difficult as it sounds. It is connected to the BTS; however, the nearest entry point to the BTS from Soi 7 is and escalator going up. It will prove useful should you struggle to maintain your balance when trying to return home!

As for a menu and prices, I think this is more like a soft-opening for members. We already get a 15% discount. I don't think ThaiVisa is going to engage in price gouging if they want to remain open. Again, most of us live here or visit regularly. If prices are unreasonable, you can bet your bottom baht that most of us will vote with our feet. Your first drink is free. While sipping on that free beer, you can have a look at the prices and menu and decide if you want to stay or not. It isn't like there is a shortage of other venues to have a drink in the nearby vicinity. There are only 100 bars within a couple of block radius.

Good luck getting there! Hope these directions helped!

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Yes, I'll be there too.

A set of stocks, over-ripe tomatoes and bad eggs will be supplied. Actually that could be a good promotion, pelt your 'favourite' Mod smile.png

Exactly what time are you going to be there old chum and what will you be wearing ? wink.pngtongue.png

Tomatos............thumbsup.gif ......................laugh.png

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