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Video of Thai police slapping murder-rape suspect causes stir


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"However, the video has also raised concerns among some that Mr. Wanchais confession may have obtained under duress; Thai police have a history of coercing suspects to confess during interrogation."

Exactly how innocent people are put to death for crimes they did not commit, and exactly why the death penalty should never be used. Instead full life sentences should replace it.

Most death penalties are sentenced from confessions. Even jury trials can convict on the basis of confessions because jurors really believe that an innocent person would not confess to murder unless they were guilty. It doesn't take much for someone under duress to admit murder even if they are innoicent, particularly if they are promised that they will not receive the death penalty.

A country like Thailand especially should not be using the death penalty - it is a penalty for the poor. The rich and influential don't even get convicted for such crimes.

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To every who wants lynch justice. Maybe you prefer interrogation style like around 200 years ago where it was kind of normally to be tortured and confessions were forced. Think about how many thousands or even millions of people in our history were killed in lynch justice.

I don't want to play down what this man did. But violence ends in violence... the police has no right to torture suspects and humans fought many decades or even centuries for this victory...


Moreover, one might even start thinking a "confession" made could have been "forced".

Which might lead to the police not really trying to find the truth, but bending the findings around the confession.

Also, the halving of the punishment if there is a confession does not really help finding proof.

Sorry to say, but this problem is found in nearly all police forces in the world.

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I was wondering how the police managed to get so many confessions....now I know how they accomplished this

Yes, I was going to say the same thing. In the USA if this was to show up the officer would be fired and sent to prison as well. The court would also disallow the confession in court. This would pretty much sink the case, unless there is some DNA evidence, which I am sure there is.

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Don't see any problem here!!

Of course that would be everyone's first reaction.

But seriously on second thought how about caring for actually finding the guy who did it! Maybe police tortured this guy into a confession and the real killer runs free?

That's the problem here.

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Don't see any problem here!!

Well, while I sure hope that this monster gets much more than a slap, I see a very big problem. When the case comes to trial, the defence now has an added argument that the confession was given under duress. This can have a lot of weight on the proceedings and can cast a very real doubt on to the monster's guilt. I admit it, if I wear the officer in question, I probably would have found it very hard to restrain myself and do give him much more than a slap, but restaint is a must if they want to bring this monster (I refuse to call him a man or an animal) to justice.

I am very confident, that if the guy is found guilty and goes to jail, he will be subjected to what he deserves, but please officers let us all make sure he goes to jail only if he is guilty, and let us not give the appologists reason to set a guilty monster free because you could not contain the slap.

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The punk clearly fell asleep. So, what was the police officer supposed to do when questioning the punk. Politely wait for him to wake up? I feel no sympathy. It was a slap on the back of the head. I spoke to a neurologist who said the kid will probably survive the slap.

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Nice to see how many people are out there and crying for democracy but raise their hand for lynch justice, I could probably get everyone to confess a murder with torture even if he or she hasn't committed the crime. Achievements in human rights are going down and society slowly falls back to cavemen style, what a wonderful future.

One guy in my home country "confessed" to a murder & was later asked but was not allowed to retract that confession. Spent over 20 years inside. just released may or June. Eventually semen DNA pinned it on a serial rapist who was active at the same time. The guy was "a bit dull" but did 20 years for a murder he did not do. Reputedly, in his case he stupidly confessed to the murder to get his 5 mins of fame. Suspicions continue over the nature of interrogation used on a slightly retarded person. Police must not manhandle suspects. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and that includes the judge accepting the confession before entering the conviction. At the very least, beating suspects may result in public & jury sympathy & a reduced sentence.

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Again the RTP shows the world how stupid they are. They will never learn, God bless them.

You do not lay a hand on a suspect in your custody while being recorded, period. Unless of course you have an agenda to jeopardize the case. If you are an emotionally high-strung individual with a short temper, your place should be in the records department, not in interrogation.

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for me it looks more like beating on the head, than slapping.

slapping is with an open hand on a skin, this one is violently punching on the back head, so it moves.

surely, a case for an officer dismissal. Firstly, for beating a detainee, secondly for recording it on his mobile and publishing online. Breach of regulations.

defense lawyer might use it in the court case as intimidation

I know for a fact that Police in Canada and the USA are much harsher than this Thai officer and for much less of an offence.

I don't understand this video getting out.

He can now claim he was forces to confess.

Maybe he paid for the video to surface.

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Seriously you just can't do that, it's stupid and unprofessional. People saying "well you cant blame the cop if he just heard the guy confess...." really! Would you then say its ok if the case goes to court and is thrown out and the guy walks free, because of that cops actions?

Think I am joking? I'm not, this happens all the time in the US and the UK. The cops have to be above that sort of behaviour and actually apply professional interrogation techniques to get answers. Cases have to be locked down and water tight leaving the scum no room to wriggle out of the charges! Sure we would all like to be in a locked room for an hour or two with this guy. However would we then want to face the family when he walks on a technicality? Yet again this is the BIB showing lack of professionalism, lack of training, and stupidity on then posting it online. I hope the forensic evidence is strong enough to convict without having to reply on ehem....'confessions'

By the way- I fully accept the Thai courts wont care if the confession was under duress'. I still think its wrong though! I am also not a bleeding heart liberal. Trust me his immediate future in prison is going to be a lot worse than what the TV keyboard army would actually do to him!

I couldn't have said it any better. Your right all the way.

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The "suspect" should be treated well and not experience any threats, torture, beatings, etc. while in custody. He should be given a fair trial and then if he's found guilty he should be hanged by the neck until he is dead, dead, dead. Good riddance.

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Time for the dogooders with their pink sunglasses on to shut up for good - that guy should be kept alive for the sole purpose of giving away all accomplices to this atrocity and then all involved should be killed in front of cameras by a firing squad what in my opinion would be very humane.

The police did not help in searching and finding the poor girl's body by the way, and Thai social media says that the police gave her mom a script to read in front of the cameras in which she had to thank the police for helping with the search... Officers involved in this should be ashamed and deserve a good slapping too.

Edited by catweazle
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Don't see any problem here!!

Well, while I sure hope that this monster gets much more than a slap, I see a very big problem. When the case comes to trial, the defence now has an added argument that the confession was given under duress. This can have a lot of weight on the proceedings and can cast a very real doubt on to the monster's guilt. I admit it, if I wear the officer in question, I probably would have found it very hard to restrain myself and do give him much more than a slap, but restaint is a must if they want to bring this monster (I refuse to call him a man or an animal) to justice.

I am very confident, that if the guy is found guilty and goes to jail, he will be subjected to what he deserves, but please officers let us all make sure he goes to jail only if he is guilty, and let us not give the appologists reason to set a guilty monster free because you could not contain the slap.

On further thought, only the confession can be thrown out. They would still have a case to prove with other evidence they can gather. I see no problem to convict this guy.

It is not a technicality, it's just un-submit able evidence.

Everyone can settle down now.

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Hold you're horses,,,,did that scum got slapped before he confessed or after,,,,,If he got slapped after he confessed he did not get enough,I would have done a lot better, he would never see trial and jail.

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To every who wants lynch justice. Maybe you prefer interrogation style like around 200 years ago where it was kind of normally to be tortured and confessions were forced. Think about how many thousands or even millions of people in our history were killed in lynch justice.

I don't want to play down what this man did. But violence ends in violence... the police has no right to torture suspects and humans fought many decades or even centuries for this victory...

You are right of course they should stick to internationally recognized methods...like waterboarding.

"Internationally recognised" as torture perhaps. Even the current president of the US has referred to it as such...

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Someone describes this as a beating. Someone is referring to torture. Go to Australia.

I got pushed into the side of my car by a parking officer two weeks ago.

Doing his job?! They haven't heard the last of that one.

Assault is assault. Grabbing someone on the arm, unless he or she is being arrested is assault. Technically and legally.

It is unprofessional and usually illegal. Nobody could blame the cop though . . could they.

I am sure it won't affect his case.

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How about giving the policeman the same consideration as you wish for the perp. What did we see? The suspect got two raps to the back of the head. There was no apparent reaction to the first one and a glance at the camera that showed neither horror nor pain on the second. Anybody who views this with an open mind can clearly tell that the purpose of these raps was to get the suspect to look into the camera for a souvenir photo to show to family and friends. When he turned, the slapping stopped. The head was not jolted, there were no cries or grunts of pain, and no "welding wires" in evidence; if this is how the police force confessions, it would amaze me that they ever get one. The cop is also innocent until proven guilty.

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Don't see any problem here!!

If Wanchai was left in a room with me he would be dead meat. He is absolute scum, as is his lookout who stood by watching out for the approach of other persons.

And all this 'Mr. this and Mr. that' sickens me. He is given respect as a person and not one of the most evil persons in the realm.

And his parents, did they educate him that, he was entitled by right, to do anything that took his fancy.

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Don't see any problem here!!

...until you are the one being slapped and otherwise assaulted.

Perhaps one day you are stopped and asked for your passport. Not having one, you are taken to the police station. While there and perhaps not in the bestnof behaviors, another officer takes offense and cuffs you about the head. The other police officers laugh while your nose starts to bleed and you loose consciousness. Later you die from a broken blood vessel in your brain.

No problem?

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Don't see any problem here!!

Well, while I sure hope that this monster gets much more than a slap, I see a very big problem. When the case comes to trial, the defence now has an added argument that the confession was given under duress. This can have a lot of weight on the proceedings and can cast a very real doubt on to the monster's guilt. I admit it, if I wear the officer in question, I probably would have found it very hard to restrain myself and do give him much more than a slap, but restaint is a must if they want to bring this monster (I refuse to call him a man or an animal) to justice.

I am very confident, that if the guy is found guilty and goes to jail, he will be subjected to what he deserves, but please officers let us all make sure he goes to jail only if he is guilty, and let us not give the appologists reason to set a guilty monster free because you could not contain the slap.

On further thought, only the confession can be thrown out. They would still have a case to prove with other evidence they can gather. I see no problem to convict this guy.

It is not a technicality, it's just un-submit able evidence.

Everyone can settle down now.

Well, you better hope there's a lot of good evidence beyond this confession (and I'm not talking about a ghost appearing the to victim's mother in a dream). My co-worker was murdered by his wife a few years back ... shot in the back of the head while asleep. The wife, who was initially not a suspect, was charged with the murder. The video of her confession was thrown out by the judge in the pre-trial disclosure of evidence because at the point the police started to suspect her of complicity, they did not advise her of her rights (at the point she went from being a 'witness' to a suspect, she should have been read her rights). As a result of the loss of this critical piece of evidence, she was found not guilty of first degree murder. .

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Isn't this guy innocent until proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt in a court of law? Police treating him like this seems to suggest that they think he is already guilty, no need for due process, stop wasting our time! The court of public opinion has already convicted you.

Edited by JeezeLooeze
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