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Democrats welcome Thai military-dominated legislature


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Thailand was given the opportunity of democracy and it was squander. Thus sounds a good idea. Thailand is not ready for democracy; it needs a stable law abiding society first. Until that is achieved democracy will need to wait.

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Well Myanmar is no longer using the name Burma. Maybe Thailand can rename itself. There was a great country under a military dictatorship

And can someone give the yellow party a dictionary, then maybe they could understand what democracy means.

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Surely a great example of cronyism filling more than half of the NLA with officers 'loyal' to the NCPO.

This whole charade is just going to go round and round in circles until they find a way to reform the laws etc so an election can be held where irregularities are punished, but the results whatever they may be are respected.

They must think many of the population are completely retarded if they think they cannot see what is happening and think there wont eventually be a back lash, whether that is 1 or 10 years down the line. This is probably their last chance to get it right, so i sincerely hope they make good on their promises of reducing corruption, nepotism etc etc, not just replace a corrupt elected political party with a similar thing but with uniforms on and even less chance for opponents to question or query anything that is happening.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Suthep did not lead the protests out the goodness of his heart for the Thai people. He has obviously been promised something in return, so i wait with interest to see him rehabilitated from his monkhood and then the spin will begin before a glorious return to some prominent position for him or his step son.

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Any action that puts in place an administration that denies the current crop or infestation of politicians of all political persusions is a positive move.

So far there seems to be a lot of positive moves in trying to thin out the infestation in the political garden here in Thailand.

A long term campaign if it is to be a success must be put into place and the gardeners left to do the cleaning job.

Medicine is often unpleasnt in taste however the gain should be worth the pain.

Democracy as we undertsand in a western context is totally at odds with the asian concept, time will let democracy grow, let the gardeners do the weeding and ground clearance so as the seed of democracy can hopefully be planted and grow into a mature plant.

''As ye sow so ye shall reap.''


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How about Dictocrats?


You seem to forget it was the arrogance of Taksin to be included in the amnesty that brought this to happen. Democrats never tabled that, the PTP did.

Keep the blame where it should be please.

Robblok, the military has been involved politics here long before Thaksin entered the stage. It was well expected that they would oppose anything that goes against the plans of the ammarts. It's a never-ending cycle.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The coup would never have happened if Taksin had not gone for his amnesty. That is a fact there would be no support for it.

Just wondering how many of these whiners about Thaksin loosing control over the country will still be with us after Aug.12 That is when the non corrupt government will start enforcing the law on visa runners at all points of entry in to the country. Next will be the education visas.

Naw... Did I hit a nerve? Where oh where did I say that I supported Thaksin? I was pointing out facts.

You my friend, are so far gone that you won't accept other people's opinions. It's easy to see why you would accept military rule. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Any action that puts in place an administration that denies the current crop or infestation of politicians of all political persusions is a positive move.

So far there seems to be a lot of positive moves in trying to thin out the infestation in the political garden here in Thailand.

A long term campaign if it is to be a success must be put into place and the gardeners left to do the cleaning job.

Medicine is often unpleasnt in taste however the gain should be worth the pain.

Democracy as we undertsand in a western context is totally at odds with the asian concept, time will let democracy grow, let the gardeners do the weeding and ground clearance so as the seed of democracy can hopefully be planted and grow into a mature plant.

''As ye sow so ye shall reap.''



One question for you? Do you really believe that the armed forces and all these people being placed in positions are corruption free, and can be relied upon to do the best for the country?or they will as every other Government be it military or civilian feather their own nests?

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Just wondering how many of these whiners about Thaksin loosing control over the country will still be with us after Aug.12 That is when the non corrupt government will start enforcing the law on visa runners at all points of entry in to the country. Next will be the education visas.

I might not agree with what they post but i certainly don't wish them to be send out of this country. We are having differences of opinion here debating, and trolling / teasing (me at least stating things stronger as I really mean to get a reaction). But in no way would I wish anyone to be forced out of Thailand.

These visa restrictions can affect us all, for now I am on a "safe" visa but who knows what is next. I also don't really think that the junta / democrats / PTP differ much about how they think of us. We are of minor consequence to them. And there are quite a few visa rules I don't agree with mostly the one about 4 Thais to every foreigner in a company and the 49% max shares for us not Americans.

I also don't take anything personal here, its an online forum.

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Quite a lot when i read the farang redshirts post. You ?

Good to know that I bring 'happiness' into your life! Maybe more than the junta? smile.png

You bring sorrow into my life.

It pains me to see people still mesmerized by Thaksin and his checkbook.wai.gif

What's a checkbook?

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They should change their name. For sure they are not a Democratic party. How about the Kiss Ass party.

Still sour grapes Bob ?? After all this get a good mixture of different views, all decent values of course, refreshing start after the aftermath of untrustworthy government.

Bob just misses the good old days when Thailand was ruled by a puppet government, via Skype, by a fugitive, felon, ex-PM, who lives in Dubai. He misses the outlandish proclamations of Chalerm. The talented FM Khun Surapong; impartial investigator, DSI chief, Tarit; and all the other 'fit for their position' members of the cabinet. He misses bills being passed, behind the opposition's back, during the wee hours of the morning. He misses bills being reworded between reading and before being sent to the Senate. He misses spending bills, in the trillions of Baht, being passed as off budget and without oversight. He misses unsustainable Rice Support Schemes and Flood Prevention Schemes that are passed and bids taken when there have been no public input nor environmental impact assessments made. He misses a government that is so powerful it doesn't have to accommodate the opposition and can end debate without Parliamentary procedure being followed. He misses the selective enforcement of law by the police and the unbridled violence of the UDD. He misses all the hate-speech and dividing of Thai people into rich/poor, city/rural, North/South. I could go on but you get the point. Mango Bob is a big Thaksin supporter and he is watching all that Thaksin built being dismantled. Sad days, indeed, for Bob and his ilk. Too bad I have no sympathy for Bob but have schadenfreude when I hear how unhappy Bob is.

schadenfreude: : a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people.

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Might be a good time to change the party name then!

How about Dictocrats?


You seem to forget it was the arrogance of Taksin to be included in the amnesty that brought this to happen. Democrats never tabled that, the PTP did.

Keep the blame where it should be please.

Robblok, the military has been involved politics here long before Thaksin entered the stage. It was well expected that they would oppose anything that goes against the plans of the ammarts. It's a never-ending cycle.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Maybe you should have shared that bit of knowledge with Thaksin before he had that 'blanket' Amnesty Bill passed.

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Yes this is all about Thaksin but its got zilch to do with corruption. Yes he is corrupt but so are all of them. Yes they want to get the Shinawatras out of Thailand but its got nothing, absolutely nothing to do with corruption. What will it take for some posters to spend a few hours getting information from another source

Since it is not about Thaksin's corruption, tell us why they want to get the Shinawatras out of Thailand. Why should we spend a few hours when you could just publish the links here? There is no guarantee that a few hours on the INTERNET will lead us to the information you have. You do not even give us any clues as to where to begin the search. Why are you clueless, City?

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Might be a good time to change the party name then!

How about Dictocrats?


You seem to forget it was the arrogance of Taksin to be included in the amnesty that brought this to happen. Democrats never tabled that, the PTP did.

Keep the blame where it should be please.

Robblok, the military has been involved politics here long before Thaksin entered the stage. It was well expected that they would oppose anything that goes against the plans of the ammarts. It's a never-ending cycle.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Maybe you should have shared that bit of knowledge with Thaksin before he had that 'blanket' Amnesty Bill passed.

Ah so you finally interject into one of my conversations/debates. Wondered how long it would take before you did that.

I think you miss the point entirely but I'm pretty sure that's your intention. I'm not engaging in another pointless debate with you. But just be clear on something, your opinion is that Thailand was stabile or even status quo before Thaksin entered politics?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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We don't know yet if there will indeed be any, or many serving military in the interim Govt, so it is at this point all speculation.

However there have always been retired military and police in all parties.

There is no doubt that the NCPO should remain in charge of security, that is keep a firm thumb on the police as well as the military and also have say in how a reform process goes forward.

What he OP does highlight is the difference between the Dems and PTP.

We have seen the Dems not afraid to speak up, at times being critical of moves of the NCPO NACC and others while PTP say nothing.

Doesn't mean they are always right of course but it does show they are willing to be part of moving the country on closer to a real democracy.

This of course stems from the attitudes of each to individual thought.

PTP are still in the "Thaksin thinks PTP acts" mode where they do nothing, nay are allowed to do nothing without the say so of the great thinker, therefor individual thought has been suppressed, this is one of the worst aspects which has led to the present situation.

Yingluck was a proxy for her brother...correct. Who do you think Abhisit was a proxy for. Abhisit...somebody's else's man, Thaksin was his own man...Now thats a fact

Thaksin was his own man...Now thats a fact

Thaksin's was certainly not Thailand's man...Now that's a fact. Thaksin has always been in it for himself, above all others.

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Well Myanmar is no longer using the name Burma. Maybe Thailand can rename itself. There was a great country under a military dictatorship

And can someone give the yellow party a dictionary, then maybe they could understand what democracy means.

And can someone give the yellow party a dictionary, then maybe they could understand what democracy means.

Yeah, and the UDD and Red Shirts all thought 'democracy' meant Thaksin dictatorship and that 'dictatorship' meant non-Thaksin democracy.

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My opinion is that Thailand will be more stable without Taksin.

But the best way to get a stable Thailand is to reduce the corruption options of politicians. The moment they can't scam / steal as much money as now they wont invest money to get elected and wont resort to hiring people to commit violence as the ROI (return on investment) is too low.

So far I see the Junta putting in place many checks and balances and IF they are applied fairly its a giant step forward.

We just have to look at Phuket and see how that is changing for the better, remember Phuket is Democrat territory and they cleaning it up.. so it does not look like they are only going after red politicians.

I feel that we should give the Junta time, I don't believe they should stay in power always.. but I do believe they should stay in power long enough to make some changes preventing corruption and preventing that they have to come into action ever again.

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You seem to forget it was the arrogance of Taksin to be included in the amnesty that brought this to happen. Democrats never tabled that, the PTP did.

Keep the blame where it should be please.

I'm not sure what point you were trying to make in "Democrats never tabled that, the PTP did." The passed bill was held to be unconstitutional solely because its passage did not follow the prescribed process for enactment of legislation; the Constitutional Court did not take issue with the content of the bill. The PTP could have resubmitted the bill to the House following appropriate procedures; maybe it would have still passed or maybe not. The bill might have applied amensty to Thaksin as well as to Suthep and Abhisit, so I don't understand the mention of "arrogance of Thaksin." And yes, the PTP sub-sequently tabled resubmission of the bill largely due to the dissolution of the House and a determination that at that time it would be derisive to the political conflict between the Democrats and PTP.

I find it ironic and hypocritical that given all the Democrat outage of the amensty bill, it has no problem with the military junta providing itself amensty for its unconstitutional overthrow of the elected government and acts commited by it under martial law. But that comes as no surprise as I am sure the Democrats will be appointed to the interim Assembly along with Gen. Prayuth's military appointees. And once again the Democrats shall succeed to power the only way they can - without elections.

What I mean is not how constitutional it would be but about the protests that followed. He had not counted on those and that was what brought him down.

Also Abisith and Suthep did not want the pardon they wanted the court cases, als 25.000 corruption cases would be dismissed and the rice program would be absolved. So morally this amnesty was totally wrong. All parties agreed upon an other amnesty without Taksin and then there would not have been any protests ending in this.

As for your point about the army and amnesty for them.. they were forced into this by the inaction of the government for reigning in the terrorists on their side... 4 children !!! were killed by red supporters plus 90% of the other victims all done by reds and no arrests were made. However the moment the anti government did something (and yes they did some bad things and deserved to be arrested) they had no problems arresting them.

So the current government was protecting terrorist and had lost all validity to rule.

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pathetic Dems show they are out of touch, again, with mainstream Thais and will lose AGAIN in any election (if it is allowed)

Why would there need to be an election, soon Thailand will have a functioning assembly, with all the right people represented, a benevolent Junta in the background to stear them in the right direction, and the support of the Democratic Party! An election would be a distraction, and besides, it could only impede the steady process of reconciliation!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, we certainly don't want elections interfering with democracy.

It didn't under the PTP.

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pathetic Dems show they are out of touch, again, with mainstream Thais and will lose AGAIN in any election (if it is allowed)

Well losing is one thing--but having to get kicked out is another. Who are the mainstream Thais now ??? or are you losing touch.

The mainstream Thais are whatever the military is reporting are mainstream Thais. The history of coups in Thailand shows a l o n g history of "oh, crap, we want our power back" mentalities that are thoroughly supported by the military (note the recent non-action on the lottery corruption and practices. One company, of three, that benefits is military-owned to a large degree, and on and on....). Arrests are selective, enforcement is certain to leave those on top untouched, and it is a fight over--duh--succession. Education reform never discusses stopping the subsidies to private schools -- yes, subsidized private schools who rake in tuition and then state subsidies per student (that is why the education system is a wreck -- it is geared toward never losing a good customer, I mean student).

The reds and yellows are two different shades of corrupt. Neither is justified in what they do. Murdering to demand democracy and killing people with a car and Red Bulling free on bail seem like two versions of sanctioned killing to me. It's just that the courts only sanction one flavor of poisoned Kool Aid....

The "reforms" are a formalized way to guarantee the Democrats more voting parliament members. It's called 'gerrymandering', and is being reported as a "reform" on BP and the Nation. The yellows don't need amnesty -- they never see a day in court. The reds want amnesty -- they never see a fair day in court.

Same same. Amazing Thailand.

Everyone simultaneously wants to do away with corruption and benefit from it. Get over it. They have the right to screw their country up in their own unique way, just like the West, and South, and North.....but taking sides in this is like declaring one clown has better make-up than the other.


I did note on one single occasion you were impartial---reds and yellows are just as corrupt.

The rest is leaning towards bashing Dems and the army.

Your third paragraph is propaganda/BS. (reforms)

Going back to the "mainstream" bit. Wasn't it the same when PTP were in--then they thought they were the mainstream. The bit about the army-"want our power back" again isn't that what yingluck tried and failed, she tried to push through an election to nullify the charges pending and have another 4 years. The gods shone on Thailand and did not allow that to happen. Here we are an unelected army working wonders, and we had an elected PTP not working at all only for the almighty in Dubai.

The courts--well this is another story when you look at the Shins court appearances.

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eh yellow toons, Yingluck just got off the water mismanagement charge, case dismissed. Good news uh.

Good news indeed red toon. post-9891-0-31347400-1405494460_thumb.jppost-9891-0-96803600-1405494580_thumb.jp

Now, do you think she's going to be absolved of responsibility or blame for the state of the rice pledging scheme/scam?

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Yes this is all about Thaksin but its got zilch to do with corruption. Yes he is corrupt but so are all of them. Yes they want to get the Shinawatras out of Thailand but its got nothing, absolutely nothing to do with corruption. What will it take for some posters to spend a few hours getting information from another source

Since it is not about Thaksin's corruption, tell us why they want to get the Shinawatras out of Thailand. Why should we spend a few hours when you could just publish the links here? There is no guarantee that a few hours on the INTERNET will lead us to the information you have. You do not even give us any clues as to where to begin the search. Why are you clueless, City?

Ask yourself what will probably happen in the near future and why the military wants to be firmly in control of government then. Begin your search with topics that can't be discussed here.

Edited by heybruce
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