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I think you're right Rogue Leader. There are moves to drop visa requirements for Chinese and Taiwanese tourists right now. Do the Chinese come to Thailand for sex? Do they have bars in tourist spots? Just interested.



I hope that Chinese aren't going to get visa exemption status. There are already enough Chinese coming to Thailand and foregoing that extra revenue is rather short-sighted of Thailand, not to mention the extra scrutiny that visa issuance entails (for example, unemployed Chinese can't get a Thai visa - they must show they are employed, a student, retired etc.) the single exception being the 15-day VOA where this is not requested and a return ticket, sufficient funds and passport photograph are the only documents needed.


I think you are talking about free visas for 3 months. Big deal. After 3 months they will have to pay again but don't think that just because a visa is free that it will become easier to get, certainly not in these times anyway.


And of course Chinese come for sex. In fact probably most Chinese businessmen have sex on their agendas when they come here. They tend to hang out inside bars and karaoke bars, rather than on bar stools for some reason. But they are certainly coming. Ditto for Taiwanese, Japanese and Koreans.

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It seems to me that the hotels we check into while on holiday from our normal addresses should have TM-28 cards on site. They already scan your passport when you check in, and they could make you fill out the form while you are standing in front of them, with your passport in their possession. Then they fax them or give them whoever picks up copies of passport for police/immigration report.

The junta has made it clear they have an agenda to control criminal activity, if you are doing nothing wrong no problem. However if you are up to no good you need to be concerned, so what are all you posters of negative comments afraid of?

1. Having my passport stolen or simply lost.

2. Wasting time reporting my location.

3. Facing extortion if there is an unintentional error.

Are you really so thick that you equate intention with effect? How old are you?
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"you will be arrested if you do not ID yourself even if just walking down the street if a cop stops you and wants to know who you are.

it has been that way for decades."


In the U.S., laws of this type are set by the states. Many states allow that you be detained if you do not fully and truthfully identify yourself when asked by a policeman who has reasonable (not probable) cause.


However, not one single state has a law that requires you to carry any form of ID. You only need to answer verbally when requested. There is no penalty (no fine) for not carrying a DL or whatever, so the laws there do not compare with the law in Thailand.


And please do not mention New York City's Stop & Frisk. It's an onerous law but the police can only search you. There is no requirement for carrying ID. 





Wonder how Thais would like it if similar rules were enforced upon them when living overseas. Thais in the UK can travel freely without any of this nonsense.

Most continental European countries also require a form of id, doesn't have to be the passport. Switzerland will let you roam without ID, just avminor hassle should the unlikely event of a personal check happen.



I don't think so. Pretty sure Switzerland requires everyone to be in possession of an ID. Swiss ID or other European country ID is OK for nationals of those countries, a passport is required for all other foreigners. I am Swiss although I haven't lived there for ages but know this to be true.


Additionally, Thai friends of mine on a business trip with my parents to Greece last year were often stopped and asked to show their passports. My Thai friend and another ex-girlfriend who she was friends with were asked for ID when stopped by police in France for being caught not paying for their tram fare. Passports were requested but I think in the end their local student IDs sufficed. Also, the fines levied were paid on the spot, by me of course, lol.


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bkkjames, Jasun, the way I read TM 28 is "out of province for more than 24 hrs." I would not take this to mean everytime you moved within that province, unless permanent change of address you had to report. TM is NOT in effect Kingdom wide, yet.


Theoretically, how do you think this will work for people employed here for companies that provide support in the form of inspection/maintenance/commissioning and a whole range of other services?


Where said company are sending out crews every week to locations all over Thailand? Do you honestly believe the employees will fill out TM28's every time they travel? What possible advantage would this give immigration? I myself am probably away from home more times than I am there during certain prolonged periods of the year. You might be surprised at the number of people in the same position.


BTW, I always carry passport & WP when out of province and trust that the hotel I am staying at is reporting me as being there. 


The passport & WP are left in the hotel for the duration and a business card size copy of passport details carried with me when I'm out. I still believe there is a 24 hour period for you to present further proof if required by the authorities. Or has this changed as well?


I think you're right Rogue Leader. There are moves to drop visa requirements for Chinese and Taiwanese tourists right now. Do the Chinese come to Thailand for sex? Do they have bars in tourist spots? Just interested.


If they do, they do it as part of organised tours - much less danger of money being spent outside the leisure interests of Thailand's moneyed elite. Much easier to control.


Seriously, if you're not planning on activating your emergency escape plan, start thinking about it now. Every farang in Thailand has an emergency escape fund and plan, right?


It seems to me that the hotels we check into while on holiday from our normal addresses should have TM-28 cards on site. They already scan your passport when you check in, and they could make you fill out the form while you are standing in front of them, with your passport in their possession. Then they fax them or give them whoever picks up copies of passport for police/immigration report.

It's however unclear if some one else can submit a TM.28 on the Aliens behalf or if he has to go by himself. From the text of the Immigration Act my interpretation is the Alien must submit the TM.28 in person.


Why doesn't Hua Hin just place a bill board on the town line stating "We do not want you here, go away"
Ummm, i am not expert on this area...but they do make a fair sum on Foreign Tourists ... yes?


Let's see how long this lasts when of all the wonderful surrounding places to visit ... are filled while Hua Hin is empty.

(I do hope it does not include Cha Am, which I MUCH prefer anyway!)


PS ... No, no and NO ... I am not carrying my Passport 24 / 7

Passport please.

Ummm... I lost it.


You lost it?


Yes, I was standing next to one of your "Beware of Pickpocket signs" ... and now it is gone.


You have 24 hours to produce it.

On what planet can you replace both a lost passport and your valid visa in 24 hours?


In other words, if your photo copy (and perhaps an on the spot 500 THB "processing charge") can not solve it ... the fine is STILL much better than loss of documents.


Well the place wasn't exactly heaving the other week when I rocked up for the weekend anyway...and the local  police commander is apparently having a big dummy spit power struggle with the local army chief and has been raiding and closing the night clubs early.Been down there when they have handed out letters(like above)closing the bars on weekends for a while...suppose being a place where the King used to stay they are just setting an example first and foremost here.Certainly wouldn't be that hard to round up a few ex-pats and holiday makers if they are really serious and parade them in a nice publicity photo(as above)point fingers at the accused (as they do)then fine them 2000 baht each.Sure makes a change hanging out across from Hua Hin police station and targeting tourists wearing no bike helmets!


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bkkjames, Jasun, the way I read TM 28 is "out of province for more than 24 hrs." I would not take this to mean everytime you moved within that province, unless permanent change of address you had to report. TM is NOT in effect Kingdom wide, yet.


Theoretically, how do you think this will work for people employed here for companies that provide support in the form of inspection/maintenance/commissioning and a whole range of other services?


Where said company are sending out crews every week to locations all over Thailand? Do you honestly believe the employees will fill out TM28's every time they travel? What possible advantage would this give immigration? I myself am probably away from home more times than I am there during certain prolonged periods of the year. You might be surprised at the number of people in the same position.


BTW, I always carry passport & WP when out of province and trust that the hotel I am staying at is reporting me as being there. 


The passport & WP are left in the hotel for the duration and a business card size copy of passport details carried with me when I'm out. I still believe there is a 24 hour period for you to present further proof if required by the authorities. Or has this changed as well?


I don't think anything has changed.  From what I read it is a he said she said about one immigration office.  If anyone has any informatory from the Ministry of the Interior about different Immigration laws I think they should post it.   I've seen the posts about the same immigration laws but I have seen no new ones.  Did I miss something.  I'm an old news guy.  Most people have heard of the 5 W’s, even if they’ve never taken a journalism class. The W’s in question, refer to the Who, What, When, Where and Why that every story should address. These need to be addressed at some point in time. 

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is it just me or do others detect a "trend" here?

The trend I detect is many expats and tourist taking their dollars and baht to other countries to spend.
I understand making it difficult for the irresponsible, low life "overstayers" ans other schemers  to remain in Thailand.
Everyone will benefit from that. 
Making it difficult for responsible, expats and tourists who are very good for the Thai economy is just plain foolish! 
Nobody will benefit from that...except other countries.

What trend are you talking about... I can't see any trend here.

Thailand has decided they will not allow people to abuse the law. What wrong with that. It's only people there WAS abusing the law there has problems and this people want Thailand to get rid off.

Again people is crying and screaming like spoiled child's about this.

You are allowed to stay here if you follow the laws.

Get you a correct visa to stay here.
Have you income or money in the bank
Carry you ID

Then you won't have any problem and absolute not a trend

Enjoy you stay or lives here smile.png


I wish you were right but I suspect not.


Foreginers are certainly becoming less welcome.. Although I have not seen the actual speech i have read about the generals speech and how much of a problem foreigners are in Thailand.


Still, if you can turn a blind eye knock yourself out,,


chrisinth, I think it will be a nightmare for both the farang, immigration and local cop shop. I am most definitely not advocating this law. No I would not be surprised, while I don't travel for business, retired oh thank you Buddha, I do travel and I know plenty of people that do travel for various reasons. Yes, my passport is locked in safe during my visits out of province. I think it is stupid and reeks of police state or "get out farang". TM 30 is not our responsibility, it is the "host's" and I don't have a problem with that. TM 28 could become our responsibility. I always carried passport when truly traveling and now I have in truck when I leave my house. I too have DL size copy, need to get visa page copied the same, have with Thai DL. ID problem is minor. A bit on ID etc. in America from a old law enforcement officer and USMC Vietnam Vet. Times have changed, you have no Constitutional rights left. If a cop wants to stop you he will, screw the probably cause, reasonable suspicion etc. He'll lie about it. If he wants you arrested you will be, if he wants you dead, you will be. Of course none of this applies to war criminals, banksters, Wall Street criminals, plutocrats or corporations, corporations are people now you know. Ok, rant over for now. Let us all hope this current fervor for "reform" and strict enforcement of laws that shouldn't exist blows over while there are still some ATMs left for the Issan women.


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I think the Junta is going to start clamping down harder on foreigners.  I get the feeling we are not welcome in the new Thailand.




Did you ever go to Burma in the late 80s or 90s?  It wasn't uncommon to have an armed solider follow you EVERYWHERE you went and wait outside of wherever you were, even your hotel. It was creepy.


No doubt the Thai junta has been reading the Burmese playbook. While these rules have been on the books for a while, you can bet your bottom things are going to get much, much worse for foreigners here. No where has military rule ever worked out for the better of the people.



And the country will fall further into the pits!!    They need the foreign income.

The Chinese will provide it. Chinese tourists don't ask questions (they're trained from birth) don't do unpredictable things and don't move around outside tour groups.


Thailand will do just fine without Europe.


Erm, no it won't. Chinese tourists are down 46% on last year. It will take time for them to decide to flock back.


Also, it is not just European countries, it is all Western countries.



 Now a practical question: How much does it cost to have an immigration office certify a copy of your passport and is there a form for that too ?


 Now a practical question: How much does it cost to have an immigration office certify a copy of your passport and is there a form for that too ?

I think if you go to most immigration offices they will tell you they don't do it and will tell you that you need to carry your passport with you.

No known fee and certainly no form for something that may of not been done yet.

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If I travel to another province and stay there more than 48  hours, i have to go to immigration and fill out a form ....?!!  Thai Immigration have totally gone OTT.... lost the plot


If I travel to another province and stay there more than 48  hours, i have to go to immigration and fill out a form ....?!!  Thai Immigration have totally gone OTT.... lost the plot......  starting to feel like I'm in Burma.


Interesting news release in a new thread just posted whereby Hua Hin now confirms that only the passport is suitable for ID purposes, it must be carried by everyone, all the time.



 Now a practical question: How much does it cost to have an immigration office certify a copy of your passport and is there a form for that too ?

I think if you go to most immigration offices they will tell you they don't do it and will tell you that you need to carry your passport with you.

No known fee and certainly no form for something that may of not been done yet.

Ok and this just became a moot point anyway: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/747424-hua-hin-immigration-clarifies-rules-on-foreigners-carrying-id/


And what about car and motorbike rentals who ask for passport deposit? Is this now illegal?

I'll say what I always on a travel forum I post on- if you give your passport as security, you are a MUG.


If enforced, this new regulation is going to make criminals of everyone. Tourists are not going to go to immigration everytime they stop in a new place, and how many expats are going to notify immigration/ police station when they go to the village or a weekend break somewhere.


Once again, the bureaucracy post a regulation without engaging brain.


If I travel to another province and stay there more than 48  hours, i have to go to immigration and fill out a form ....?!!  Thai Immigration have totally gone OTT.... lost the plot......  starting to feel like I'm in Burma.

It's in the 1979 Immigration Act. It was passed during another military rule when Thailand was dealing with communist insurgency: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriangsak_Chomanand . I don't know if Sections 37&38 are from an earlier time and I suspect there is no English translation of earlier Immigration Acts.


Not new, just not enforced.


EDIT: well I'll be. The earlier 1950 Act actually has been at least partly translated. It seems it was quite different: http://www.refworld.org/docid/3ae6b4d40.html . There even used to be an ID card for Aliens. They ought to re-instate that, I want one.

EDIT 2: Now this is starting to get interesting.. before 1979 the rule for reporting in another province was after 15 days, not 48 hours. It looks like things got draconian in 1979.


Well folks after some deliberation I decided to go to Immigration in Hus Hin to check out what all this fuss is about. Just back from Immigration office and true to form this announcement on Thai Visa is NOT correct! I spoke to the head of Immigration, who is actually in the photograph attached to this announcement and he has confirmed that ONLY your original passport or THAI driving license will suffice….NO COPIES allowed! But then again that could all change in a day or two…..knowing Thailand it probably will…….so make of it what you will…….the mind boggles…….

BTW the Immigration office was full of farrangs querying the same thing! The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing…….I asked the immigration officer to verify and stamp my passport and he looked at me like I was insane!! Like I was a REAL alien……..

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand



And now they just told ThaiVisa clearly even the Thai DL isnt good enough.. 



Well folks after some deliberation I decided to go to Immigration in Hus Hin to check out what all this fuss is about. Just back from Immigration office and true to form this announcement on Thai Visa is NOT correct! I spoke to the head of Immigration, who is actually in the photograph attached to this announcement and he has confirmed that ONLY your original passport or THAI driving license will suffice….NO COPIES allowed! But then again that could all change in a day or two…..knowing Thailand it probably will…….so make of it what you will…….the mind boggles…….

BTW the Immigration office was full of farrangs querying the same thing! The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing…….I asked the immigration officer to verify and stamp my passport and he looked at me like I was insane!! Like I was a REAL alien……..

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand



And now they just told ThaiVisa clearly even the Thai DL isnt good enough.. 






If I travel to another province and stay there more than 48  hours, i have to go to immigration and fill out a form ....?!!  Thai Immigration have totally gone OTT.... lost the plot......  starting to feel like I'm in Burma.

So if I leave home for month and stay in 15 different places ( no more than 2 days in one place, what is the rule?



If I travel to another province and stay there more than 48  hours, i have to go to immigration and fill out a form ....?!!  Thai Immigration have totally gone OTT.... lost the plot......  starting to feel like I'm in Burma.

So if I leave home for month and stay in 15 different places ( no more than 2 days in one place, what is the rule?

According to immigration act you only need to report your initial residence then, as you won't be staying for more than 48 hours. Yes it's <deleted>. I assume this is what you do when you hand over the TM.6 when entering Thailand, reporting initial residence.


Hi Folks,


This Law about carrying an ID of yourself and the Law about which place you are staying, reporting you by the owner of the abode that you are in, has been here for many a year.


I carry all of my ID's with me, at all times, nobody ever asked me for my Passport ID at check points only for my  Driving License,


As for the abode address, for sure, in the hotel that I visit and stay one or two nights, I show them my Driving License old and new, as the old one has my PR address and my new one my ID number.


There is however a report that I have to make, that if I am not living in my abode address within 15 days, under my PR status, I must report to the nearest Provincial Main Police Station of my new address (most of them do not know what a PR is btw outside of the touristic spots).


One hopes, that this post will help you all.


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