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Michael Brown killing: State police take over riot-hit US town

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This illustrates the real issue of the entire Michael Brown incident and why it is nothing more than reverse racism at its worst.

2 black youths shot white 13 month old baby in the face and shot mother. Baby died, mother lived to mourn the senseless killing of her baby.

Where is their voice. There is their Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Obama or Holder. Brown was an aggressive street thug, the 13 month old was just an infant.

Guess what, the 13 month old being gunned down in cold blood barely made the local news for even 1 day yet how much do we hear about Michael Brown? Something is wrong here.


BRUNSWICK, Ga. -- A Georgia woman said Friday a teenager trying to rob her at gunpoint asked "Do you want me to kill your baby?" before he fatally shot her 13-month-old son in the head.

Sherry West wept while she told The Associated Press that she pleaded with the gunman and a younger accomplice who approached her Thursday morning while she walked near their home in coastal Brunswick.


You would think such a heinous crime as this would spark nationwide outrage. Lets reverse this incident for a moment, and say two white teenagers shot a black baby in the face, killing the baby in front of the mother. Every news agency in America, would be on this nationwide as a racial hate crime. Al Sharpton along with his side kick Jessie Jackson, would be leading marches in Brunswick, Georgia, demanding justice. Obama would start crying about gun control again, and hysterical liberals would create a firestorm in protests. Of course the blacks would loot and burn down the Brunswick business community.

Why are the liberals silent on this despicable incident? Maybe it's because they are still mourning the death of that dufus black gang member, who was shot by the police in Ferguson or maybe they are still focused on that fairy tale about the Ferguson Police coverup.

The next thing I suspect we will hear, is the liberals crying about the terrible home life these black teenagers must have endured, and how tragic it would be to lock them up. Surely, these black teenagers could be rehabilitated. We won't hear from the liberals on this one boys.

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<BS snip>

You write excellent fiction,

You started it.

Nah nah na nah na nahh......my father could have beaten up your father. laugh.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Liar liar pants on fire!!!


"I restate my respect, admiration and appreciation of the vast and huge majority of police officers and police departments in the United States that each and every day do a very tough and demanding job professionally and well.

I restate that citizens acquire a greater gratitude and societal bond with police when something happens such as 9/11 when the police in the extraordinary performance of their duties conduct themselves with instinctive courage, bravery, fortitude, dedication, sacrifice, selflessness among many additional positive attributes.

I restate that my own rare interactions with police officers have been expressions of mutual respect and benefit."

That is very decent of you Publicus. To honor the majority of police as in your quote, yet without full knowledge of all the relevant facts of the Ferguson incident, throw the officer allegedly involved under the bus.

Would a little point of law which goes something like "innocent until PROVEN guilty" have any bearing on your apparently firmly held beliefs associated with this matter?


I've made numerous statements throughout the thread (and many times in other threads over time) that the rule of law is paramount and that due process of law is vital to the pursuit of justice, that I defend constitutionalism and the faithful execution of the laws fully and without reservation or purpose of evasion..

I've stopped the lawless far out right wing fringe from themselves trying Mike Brown, convicting him, imprisoning him and executing him for robbery and also for the maliciously bogus charge of assaulting a police officer. I've also stopped the discredited radical right from dancing on Mike's grave.

I've pointed out that police officers such as those in Ferguson are not officers of the peace, that they are in fact warriors against the citizenry, supported in this perversion by extreme rightwingnut fanatics who pick and choose the laws and Articles of the Constitution they like while disposing of the rest they don't like.

Now I've been pointing out the cover up going on by the Ferguson PD and also the SLCPD that is illegal and in itself furthers the case against each PD that they are lawless entities that need to be investigated for their having become that which they are sworn to defeat - criminals and units of violent organized crime.

The only thing any citizens can do when the local police and prosecutors have lost all trust, believability, confidence, is to turn to the Constitution which is exactly what is being done.

Technical buggery edited out by Publicus.

Be careful you don't injure your arm patting yourself on the back.

I have a few questions concerning your seemingly narcissistic post.

1. Exactly how have you stopped anything?

I'm still here, the conservatives are still here and we are still responding to your posts. The only thing that has stopped is the sense and sensibilities from the liberal left.

2. How is it possible for conservatives to put Brown on trial, convict him, imprison him and execute him? His own actions have done this with no help provided by any member of this forum.

You go on to state Brown's alleged assault on Officer Wilson is a " maliciously bogus charge", obviously forgetting you said the following in post number 610 when specifically asked about the alleged assault by Brown:

"Some of the eye witnesses say they saw the scuffle at the car only after it was underway but didn't see a shooter to connect to the one shot reported to have occurred there. Other eye witnesses said they didn't see the reported struggle, that they saw the event from the moment Brown started running with Wilson taking off after him."
Did you suddenly have an epiphany that there was no assault or were you wrong when you made the claim you didn't know anything about the assault?
3. You then go on to make the absurd claim you have "stopped the discredited radical right from dancing on Mike's grave." We have had this discussion in a former life and it was pointed out the only ones that have been dancing on Brown's grave were Sharpton, Jackson, Holder and Obama. That has not changed.
4. Finally you go into your usual discourse concerning the "lawless" Ferguson and St. Louis County police forces without one shred of evidence whether your statement is true or not. The only thing you have come up with is the Missouri Sunshine Act has not been adhered to exactly as you and Charlie Grapski seem to believe it should have been. The courts should decide whether or not it is a violation of law, unless you and Charlie are licensed by the State of Missouri to practice law.
You go on to say the various police forces need to be investigated.
What in the world do you think Holder's Civil Rights Division is doing as we speak? If there have been any civil rights violations, charges will be forthcoming. My personal expectation is that charges will be forthcoming from this Justice Department whether the charges are real or imagined.
And that is where the Constitutional Rights of the citizenry will be violated.
PS: To member Hachi. A very good post. well thought out and to the point.

Publicus, my good friend, this is checkmate. You now need to just pack your bags and move on to another thread.

You have been owned.

Great post, Chuck.

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@ Neversure post # 639...

Neversure -- Sore Losers never - ever concede ... Some leftists believe that posting reams of copied text and multiple links (a.k.a - other people's thinking) that it will somehow win the day ... even in the light of the fact that they have out and out lost the debate ... Oh well - this is TVF and the bleat goes on...

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I saw a report yesterday of the shooting of a white police officer in ferguson near the place where the other shooting took place. The shooter was described as black with dreadlocks. I haven't though seen any reports of any rioting or looting by upset white folks blink.png Why is this ? Luckily the officer was only wounded but you get the idea wink.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Off topic posts and replies have been removed, this is not about the incident that transpired in Memphis. Other posts that were mostly off topic have been removed as well as a post containing inflammatory trolling remarks regarding the police.

A post replying to a previously removed off topic post has been removed.

Some more posts containing inflammatory trolling remarks regarding the police have been removed as well as the replies.

Other off topic posts and replies have been removed as well.


A 2012 study by the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the “Uniform Crime Reports.” They determined, “In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery.” By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

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A 2012 study by the Department of Justices Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Uniform Crime Reports. They determined, In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery. By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

And who performed these "studies"?

White people?


A 2012 study by the Department of Justices Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Uniform Crime Reports. They determined, In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery. By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

And who performed these "studies"?

White people?

Probably some of them anyway, but they are trained professionals. Those statistics are pretty accurate.

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A 2012 study by the Department of Justices Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Uniform Crime Reports. They determined, In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery. By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

And who performed these "studies"?

White people?


Those statistics are facts that are released from the Federal Bureau of Investigations Crime Reports. Do you think the FBI makes this up because they don't like blacks? I think not. They are merely reporting facts. The liberals tend to turn a blind eye to these reports, and blame the law enforcement community.

I guess I should have included a sarcasm alert at the bottom.

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I guess I should have included a sarcasm alert at the bottom.

It is hard to tell sarcasm sometimes on an Internet forum. This guy beside it, is a pretty solid clue. tongue.png


I guess I should have included a sarcasm alert at the bottom.

It is hard to tell sarcasm sometimes on an Internet forum. This guy beside it, is a pretty solid clue. tongue.png


I hate those emoticons...especially that guy reading the paper and drinking coffee. I want to wring his <delete> neck when I see him.

But I should have included this atleast ;-)

So why wasn't a fresh thread started with the more recent Ferguson shooting where the guy had a sandwich?

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A 2012 study by the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the “Uniform Crime Reports.” They determined, “In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery.” By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

And the solution is.....



A 2012 study by the Department of Justices Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Uniform Crime Reports. They determined, In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery. By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

And who performed these "studies"?

White people?


Those statistics are facts that are released from the Federal Bureau of Investigations Crime Reports. Do you think the FBI makes this up because they don't like blacks? I think not. They are merely reporting facts. The liberals tend to turn a blind eye to these reports, and blame the law enforcement community.

Americans across the political spectrum pay acute attention to these kind of data and they do it consistently, over the long term.

And your solution is.....


A 2012 study by the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the “Uniform Crime Reports.” They determined, “In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery.” By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

And the solution is.....

For blacks to stop committing violent crime ala Michael Brown.
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A 2012 study by the Department of Justices Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention revealed that in 2010 black youths committed six times more murders, three times more rapes, 10 times more robberies and three times more assaults than did their white counterparts.

Similar statistics were released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Uniform Crime Reports. They determined, In the year 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58% for homicide and 67% for robbery. By contrast, the only categories where white youths surpassed blacks were in liquor law violations and driving under the influence.

And who performed these "studies"?

White people?


Those statistics are facts that are released from the Federal Bureau of Investigations Crime Reports. Do you think the FBI makes this up because they don't like blacks? I think not. They are merely reporting facts. The liberals tend to turn a blind eye to these reports, and blame the law enforcement community.

Americans across the political spectrum pay acute attention to these kind of data and they do it consistently, over the long term.

And your solution is.....

My solution??? Why on earth would you think I would have a solution for blacks committing more felonies per capita vs other races or how to stop blacks from looting and burning down their own neighborhoods when they get angry?


The long train of real life horrors from one exclusive and excluding perspective is a recitation of realities Americans know all to well. Reality is a familiar personal pain to too many and is a societal cancer some eagerly campaign to spread.

Some Americans are however seeking to create viable approaches toward constructive outcomes to improve the quality of life in the United States and to save individual lives that otherwise will surely continue to be lost as the negative nabobs nag and natter on .

Prez Clinton and Attorney General Holder spoke to a special two-day conference of mayors and chiefs of police from throughout the United States exclusive gathered to discuss the Michael Brown homicide. These are or represent the vast majority of public servants who constitute the responsible mayors and police chiefs and police departments in the United States.

The setting was Little Rock Arkansas which is where Bill Clinton graduated high school after experiencing first hand the personal effects of the Supreme Court's ordered desegregation of schools in the country. AG Holder has his own point of view which responsible and constructive Americans respect or at the least consider. In contrast, destructive forces will march on slashing and burning as they go.

Holder, Bill Clinton speak to mayors and police chiefs about lessons from Ferguson

October 8

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Wednesday said the unrest after a Missouri police officer fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old in August shows law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities.

Holder also called for an expanded review of police techniques and tactics in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting to provide national direction to law enforcement.

Holder and former President Bill Clinton spoke at the start of a two-day meeting of mayors and police chiefs gathered to talk about lessons from the shooting of Brown by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson and the protests that followed.

Holder told the group that what happened in the St. Louis suburb put a national spotlight on the rift between police and citizens in many cities.


Publicus says to TVF posters that what happened in the St. Louis suburb put a spotlight on the Gordian Knot between those who curse the darkness and those who try to light some candles.


Removed an off-topic post.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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