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Water Meter taken


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I am currently in the U K, whislt my misses is in Thailand .

The water gets paid by direct debit. However today they came around and took meter away.

I have my account on line, and can see that last month's was paid on the 25th. With the mobile app I can only go back 1 month , so it's possible that a payment was missed previously, but if so surely the DD would have been cancelled by one party?

Any other reason as to why the meter would be taken away ?

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Surprised you can check your water bills and pay on-line. I have never been in a situation anything near like that anywhere I have lived in Thailand.

Straying off topic perhaps, but here I go: Where I live, in my in-laws complex with no indoor plumbing, they think you can "trick" a flowmeter by filling up the ong by trickle, as if the passing water will somehow go unnoticed.

My degree is in hydrology and I don't remember hearing anything about this in all my years of study. Just wondering if this is a commonly held belief or just something in my hood...

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Good scrap metal value in those meters.

David could be right,Thai TV often has a piece on stolen water meaters, I remember one guy had his stolen twice,if you see one in a steel/brick/concrete,box that is the reason,preventin a thief,at about 350 bart each,for some Thai's that is expencive.

First time I have herd of water being paid by direct debit,

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David could be right,Thai TV often has a piece on stolen water meaters, I remember one guy had his stolen twice,if you see one in a steel/brick/concrete,box that is the reason,preventin a thief,at about 350 bart each,for some Thai's that is expencive.

First time I have herd of water being paid by direct debit,

I always thought that the steel/brick/concrete box was to protect the meters from damage by Thai women unlicensed car drivers?

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I didn't know you can DD your Thai water bill.

When setting up the DD....who provided you the water company bank account number? Your GF by any chance?

While we're at it.....what has been your average monthly water bill?

Edited by Seastallion
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We have paid DD from bank account for decades here in Bangkok - just as electric and phone bills - very normal to do so. But monthly bill is also provided to mail box.

The metal water meters are also a prime theft item and they are not encased in anything unless you do so.

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Yeah it's going to cost 300baht, not really an issue, had to replace before when meter was taken away due to unpaid bill. (Tenant from rental property did not pay)

BTW we live on a estate with manned security . Will find out tomorrow exactly what happened.

Yes the bill is paid DD, and yes we get Bill advice in letterbox.

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I was 10 days late (after the bill was due) in coming back to the house I rented . Water meter removed that morning. Sent a m/c taxi to pay the bill. Meter re-installed next day for 300 Baht. It does not take them long to remove one.

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Surprised you can check your water bills and pay on-line. I have never been in a situation anything near like that anywhere I have lived in Thailand.

Straying off topic perhaps, but here I go: Where I live, in my in-laws complex with no indoor plumbing, they think you can "trick" a flowmeter by filling up the ong by trickle, as if the passing water will somehow go unnoticed.

My degree is in hydrology and I don't remember hearing anything about this in all my years of study. Just wondering if this is a commonly held belief or just something in my hood...

Could be the meter needs a minumum flow to register measurement.

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300 baht , is that for re connection of existing contract only ?

We just had a meter put in on a new piece of land, cost 9000 baht !!

That was 4000 for the meter plus installation ( digging down to water main and connection etc ). The other 5000 was a deposit, refundable allegedly :) Not sure why we would ever take the meter back and get refunded though...

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Surprised you can check your water bills and pay on-line. I have never been in a situation anything near like that anywhere I have lived in Thailand.

Straying off topic perhaps, but here I go: Where I live, in my in-laws complex with no indoor plumbing, they think you can "trick" a flowmeter by filling up the ong by trickle, as if the passing water will somehow go unnoticed.

My degree is in hydrology and I don't remember hearing anything about this in all my years of study. Just wondering if this is a commonly held belief or just something in my hood...

I believe this used to be common practice years ago but the authorities got wise and upgraded the meters and I don't think it works anymore. sad.png

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Surprised you can check your water bills and pay on-line. I have never been in a situation anything near like that anywhere I have lived in Thailand.

Straying off topic perhaps, but here I go: Where I live, in my in-laws complex with no indoor plumbing, they think you can "trick" a flowmeter by filling up the ong by trickle, as if the passing water will somehow go unnoticed.

My degree is in hydrology and I don't remember hearing anything about this in all my years of study. Just wondering if this is a commonly held belief or just something in my hood...

MJP and daffy D proposed credible replies...but, what I want to know is....if it works, isn't it stealing?

Not a serious question.

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Good scrap metal value in those meters.

When our meter was stolen the local police said the going rate was one yaabaa tablet.

Where we live first meter is replaced free but if stolen a second time has to be paid for.

A surprise bonus is that the replacement meter turns slower than the stolen one so our water bills have halved :-)

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Mrs spoke to water company, 'they' tried to say meter had been stolen. Our neighbour said she saw the water company 'engineer' take the meter. Their response was oh the engineer went to the wrong house!

Just glad I have good Thai neighbours, married to good fralang.

Mrs has taken picture of the site where meter was. Now on to my compensation claim.

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Surprised you can check your water bills and pay on-line. I have never been in a situation anything near like that anywhere I have lived in Thailand.

Straying off topic perhaps, but here I go: Where I live, in my in-laws complex with no indoor plumbing, they think you can "trick" a flowmeter by filling up the ong by trickle, as if the passing water will somehow go unnoticed.

My degree is in hydrology and I don't remember hearing anything about this in all my years of study. Just wondering if this is a commonly held belief or just something in my hood...

Could be the meter needs a minumum flow to register measurement.

Could be, and in fact that must be true at the tiniest of flow rates, but I tend to think not in this day and age they will be able to meter a trickle, even if it is not discernible to the human eye. For me, the inlaws holding this sort of belief with no empirical evidence whatsoever is a good opportunity to teach my daughter something about science, when she is constantly bombarded by retarded superstition.

This can be tested very easily, and I intend to do so.

The part I hate most about the 'trickle down' theory is that every time I go to one of the taps the ong is full and overflowing; I am sure the waste is a tiny fraction of what is wasted in the municipal supply system, but it irks me that any water is being wasted over a miserly bid to save a few baht based on a belief that has no proven basis in fact.

I was tempted to challenge my mother in law to somehow prove that time had stopped being measured because you can't observe the motion on the minute and second hands on the family clock (the second hand of which is, conveniently, broken)...

I will report back my findings.

btw, thanks for the PMs confirming that this belief is held nationwide

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