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Does Britain have a jihadi problem?


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Google 'Alton Nolan'.

Heard about this horrific murder on the radio news. This guy will qualify for the death sentence, better to put him in prison for whole of life rather than granting him the usual extremist wish for martyrdom.

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Google 'Alton Nolan'.

Heard about this horrific murder on the radio news. This guy will qualify for the death sentence, better to put him in prison for whole of life rather than granting him the usual extremist wish for martyrdom.

It just smacks of a recent similar murder in London.

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Google 'Alton Nolan'.

Heard about this horrific murder on the radio news. This guy will qualify for the death sentence, better to put him in prison for whole of life rather than granting him the usual extremist wish for martyrdom.

Plus solitary for that time, so he can't spread the poison.

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7x7 - do you agree that free speech - as per the hate speech on the streets of UK is a good thing?

You ask if I agree; does that you mean you hold that view and are asking if I agree with you?

If so; no, I don't.

If you have poorly worded your question and are asking if I think hate speech, on the streets of the UK or anywhere else, is a good thing; no, I don't.

In an ideal world the right of freedom of speech would be absolute.

But we do not live in an ideal world; therefore this right, like many others, needs to be a qualified one.

Incitement of prejudice toward, hate of or violence toward anyone is wrong. In the UK we have laws against such incitement; whether those doing the inciting are Muslim clerics, white supremacists or anyone else.

Such laws will be necessary for as long as people exist who hate and preach violence against others because they have a different skin colour, different religious beliefs, different sexuality, different anything or for any other reason.

As my question to you was a direct reply to your earlier post in which you were discussing the rights of free speech, then the context of my question was already clear. On this very subject, if you dare to tune in and face the facts, there is a program being shown now on BBC World with Muslims exploiting their right to " free speech " - but their speeches are hate filled speeches on the streets of UK.

As you seem to understand the language, why don't you tune in now. You cannot even try to discredit the source of this program !

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Well I watched it and I'm wondering what the heck is going on. Standing there screaming at British soldiers and calling them murderers, and our wonderful police do now't. Next week he visits his brother in prison. He was born Richard Darl.


Edited by Mosha
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I would like to share with you something regarding the few "muslim moderates" who have spoken condemning IS. In the UK there are now a number who have written some meaningless letter/fatwa condemning IS. Looks promising, doesn't it? It is not.

In the USA the council on american islamic relations CAIR has posted some meaningless letter as well and filling their protest to IS with what appears to be facts refuting IS' authority to begin the caliphate. Looks promising, doesn't it? It is not.

What do these "moderate muslims" in the US and UK have in common? The muslim brotherhood. The reason they protest IS is not because they have no authority its because they believe the muslim brotherhood does. The MB is incredibly entrenched in many quasi government positions and NGOs around the world. They are quite rich and they have been working toward restoring the caliphate for nearly 100 years. These "moderate muslims" protest that it is not MB.




Just proves no matter what a Islamic organisation says you and others dismiss out of hand.

From some of your posts you claim your previous employer was / is contributing to the problems of Jihadism. With all your years of hands on experience with Islamic extremism, right now are you actually making any contribution that makes a positive difference?

The organizations in reference are Muslim brotherhood affiliated. They don't oppose the caliphate they oppose this claim to the caliphate. MB seeks a caliphate for nearly 100 years.

My previous employer is contributing to the problem

I've spent many years trying to make a positive difference, on the ground, against such people. Your suggestion that, I pressume, I should have a present perspective that is more familiar to you is odd. My perceptions are based on direct experience with many of the problems we face. Your notion that I should continue indefinitely making a "positive difference" is of course arbitrated by you, the reader. I say what is disagreeable to you and you conclude I'm not positive? I've done my best this life and these are my findings.

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Since last week, England needs to be concerned not only with terrorists wearing keffiyehs, but also those wearing kilts. There are, I have been reliably informed, plans to disrupt daily life in London by leaving unattended haggis on public transport.

Round up as many as you can and mail them over to me pleeeeeeease biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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Would these be the same clerics and academics that have been condemning IS and other extremists for years?

well we don't know. What we do know is despite promising to post links to your ideas posted on this thread to combat Jihad, you have still not yet done so, but have time to post meaningless questions

I told you I would do so when you have answered the question I put directly to you.

So stop repeating yourself and answer it.

I have no intention of being blackmailed, either post the claimed links or admit they never existed, you have had more than enough time and the no show is starting to look rather suspicious.

The ball is in your court, sunshine; the ball is in your court.

Answer the question, then I will provide the links.

I should add that when you and your mates have been asked to provide links to posts by me and other posters which you claim are excusing or apologising for terrorists or paedophiles, you have never done so!

That you wont answer the question and that you and your mates never provide such links is not suspicious; it's proof.

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Google 'Alton Nolan'.

Heard about this horrific murder on the radio news. This guy will qualify for the death sentence, better to put him in prison for whole of life rather than granting him the usual extremist wish for martyrdom.

It just smacks of a recent similar murder in London.

Some similarities, indeed.

Including the fact that at present there is no discernible link to terrorism or jihadism!

But that both men are Muslims is enough for some.

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7x7 - do you agree that free speech - as per the hate speech on the streets of UK is a good thing?

You ask if I agree; does that you mean you hold that view and are asking if I agree with you?

If so; no, I don't.

If you have poorly worded your question and are asking if I think hate speech, on the streets of the UK or anywhere else, is a good thing; no, I don't.

In an ideal world the right of freedom of speech would be absolute.

But we do not live in an ideal world; therefore this right, like many others, needs to be a qualified one.

Incitement of prejudice toward, hate of or violence toward anyone is wrong. In the UK we have laws against such incitement; whether those doing the inciting are Muslim clerics, white supremacists or anyone else.

Such laws will be necessary for as long as people exist who hate and preach violence against others because they have a different skin colour, different religious beliefs, different sexuality, different anything or for any other reason.

As my question to you was a direct reply to your earlier post in which you were discussing the rights of free speech, then the context of my question was already clear. On this very subject, if you dare to tune in and face the facts, there is a program being shown now on BBC World with Muslims exploiting their right to " free speech " - but their speeches are hate filled speeches on the streets of UK.

As you seem to understand the language, why don't you tune in now. You cannot even try to discredit the source of this program !

The context of your question was clear, but the way you worded it was not. Maybe you were trying to trap me into saying "Yes, I agree." If so; didn't work.

We do not get BBC World here in the UK; but the programme you refer to may have been shown at some time on one of the BBC channels here; if you tell me the name of it I will try and find it on BBC I player.

So I cannot yet comment on who said what in that programme.

(Edit: Now seen the link in Mosha's post, so will watch it over the week end. Obviously, until I do I cannot comment on the contents.)

But I stand by my reply above.

If the police and other authorities are not taking the appropriate action, this is wrong.

But, like in similar EDL and other demonstrations, to avoid the possibility of violent confrontation at the time, the police gather intelligence during the demonstration to act upon later.

Such intelligence gathering may very well have contributed to the recent arrests of Islamist activists.

Edited by 7by7
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Google 'Alton Nolan'.

Heard about this horrific murder on the radio news. This guy will qualify for the death sentence, better to put him in prison for whole of life rather than granting him the usual extremist wish for martyrdom.

It just smacks of a recent similar murder in London.

Some similarities, indeed.

Including the fact that at present there is no discernible link to terrorism or jihadism!

But that both men are Muslims is enough for some.

Muslims running around chopping people's heads off. Nothing to do with jihad. Just another coincidence. whistling.gif

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Two Muslims on a rampage behead people.

In both cases the police say there is no link to terrorism.

But to the prejudiced here; Muslim equals jihadist terrorist.

I repeat, such a link may come to light later; but unlike many here I judge on the evidence, not on my prejudices.

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7x7 - do you agree that free speech - as per the hate speech on the streets of UK is a good thing?

You ask if I agree; does that you mean you hold that view and are asking if I agree with you?

If so; no, I don't.

If you have poorly worded your question and are asking if I think hate speech, on the streets of the UK or anywhere else, is a good thing; no, I don't.

In an ideal world the right of freedom of speech would be absolute.

But we do not live in an ideal world; therefore this right, like many others, needs to be a qualified one.

Incitement of prejudice toward, hate of or violence toward anyone is wrong. In the UK we have laws against such incitement; whether those doing the inciting are Muslim clerics, white supremacists or anyone else.

Such laws will be necessary for as long as people exist who hate and preach violence against others because they have a different skin colour, different religious beliefs, different sexuality, different anything or for any other reason.

As my question to you was a direct reply to your earlier post in which you were discussing the rights of free speech, then the context of my question was already clear. On this very subject, if you dare to tune in and face the facts, there is a program being shown now on BBC World with Muslims exploiting their right to " free speech " - but their speeches are hate filled speeches on the streets of UK.

As you seem to understand the language, why don't you tune in now. You cannot even try to discredit the source of this program !

The context of your question was clear, but the way you worded it was not. Maybe you were trying to trap me into saying "Yes, I agree." If so; didn't work.

We do not get BBC World here in the UK; but the programme you refer to may have been shown at some time on one of the BBC channels here; if you tell me the name of it I will try and find it on BBC I player.

So I cannot yet comment on who said what in that programme.

(Edit: Now seen the link in Mosha's post, so will watch it over the week end. Obviously, until I do I cannot comment on the contents.)

But I stand by my reply above.

If the police and other authorities are not taking the appropriate action, this is wrong.

But, like in similar EDL and other demonstrations, to avoid the possibility of violent confrontation at the time, the police gather intelligence during the demonstration to act upon later.

Such intelligence gathering may very well have contributed to the recent arrests of Islamist activists.

There is a part 2 where he visits him in prison. On here next w/end (If it doesn't interfere with Suzuka qualifying lol.)

Edited by Mosha
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It just smacks of a recent similar murder in London.

Some similarities, indeed.

Including the fact that at present there is no discernible link to terrorism or jihadism!

But that both men are Muslims is enough for some.

Well let's see, he previously had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam, and he recently posted a picture of the burning world trade center saying Amerika is going down for its sins. But the beheading - pure coincidence, nothing whatsoever to do with the religion of peace.

It was probably one of those accidental beheading like the lady in Britain, right 7?

It is lucky that another employee had a gun and stopped him in his tracks or "Jah'Keem Yisrael" might have accidentally beheaded a bunch of other innocent people.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It just smacks of a recent similar murder in London.

Some similarities, indeed.

Including the fact that at present there is no discernible link to terrorism or jihadism!

But that both men are Muslims is enough for some.

Well let's see, he previously had been trying to convert co-workers to Islam, and he recently posted a picture of the burning world trade center saying Amerika is going down for its sins. But the beheading - pure coincidence, nothing whatsoever to do with the religion of peace.

It was probably one of those accidental beheading like the lady in Britain, right 7?

It is lucky that another employee had a gun and stopped him in his tracks or "Jah'Keem Yisrael" might have accidentally beheaded a bunch of other innocent people.

An officer did say it was the only way to stop it. I thought he was the ex owner, and now a police man who was off duty.

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Two Muslims on a rampage behead people.

In both cases the police say there is no link to terrorism.

But to the prejudiced here; Muslim equals jihadist terrorist.

I repeat, such a link may come to light later; but unlike many here I judge on the evidence, not on my prejudices.

The Police have to say that though, we can't have Muslims being offended now can we. Two Muslims go on the rampage beheading people, now where on earth would they have got that motivation from using that method of killing, readers digest perhaps?

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