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Why Do You Like Living in Thailand?


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I might go back to Europe soon, i am fed up to the back teeth of thais saying hello and not being nasty to me

Maybe it has to do with the way you dress,act ,smell etc and where you lived in your country,i live in europe when getting my newspaper out of the mailbox this morning three of my neighbours smiled and said good morning to me.

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Speaking just for Chiang Mai...

  • It's cheap
  • It's warm
  • People smile at you
  • You can get by speaking just English
  • The food is excellent
  • Thai massage is like $4 for an hour
  • The laws are lax
  • Visas are easy to get
  • The girls are pretty
  • The expat community is large and fairly diverse

If Chiang Mai don't make you happy, probly ain't nowhere gonna make you happy.

Edited by vacatioaire
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why would what other people feel about it affect your decision?

Why does the opinion others have of Thailand wind some people up so much?

Sensitivity on these matters might almost be described as a defining trait of many expats.

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Thailand has it all. It is paradise for me but I do realise it isn't everybody's cup of tea.

It certainly has it 'all'

If not for the mrs I would be on the first plane home, the longer I am here (many years) the worse my opinion gets of Thailand and Thais, even the language annoys me! I don't know where all these pretty women are, most are plain or ugly. The only decent looker in our moobahn of 700 homes is a pure Chinese woman who hardly speaks thai

Every country has its list of "too much, too many, too etc." Personally, I'll take Thailand's list over America's.

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Thailand has it all. It is paradise for me but I do realise it isn't everybody's cup of tea.

It certainly has it 'all'

If not for the mrs I would be on the first plane home, the longer I am here (many years) the worse my opinion gets of Thailand and Thais, even the language annoys me! I don't know where all these pretty women are, most are plain or ugly. The only decent looker in our moobahn of 700 homes is a pure Chinese woman who hardly speaks thai

You are right for every thing, except for the language ( I love it ), and I am sorry for you that you have to stay in a country that you don't like

as for me, I forgive them every thing, it's Thailand and I accept how they are, difficult to explain , but I like to have Thai people around me, they like me and are always very nice to me ( I must say that I smile very easily, and they always respond to my smiles )

mainly for me it is because the hot weather makes the girls wear less clothes.

I must say that to be in a country with so many beautiful and feminine women ( and young girls ) with wonderful legs and brown skin is a real pleasure

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Thailand has it all. It is paradise for me but I do realise it isn't everybody's cup of tea.

It certainly has it 'all'

If not for the mrs I would be on the first plane home, the longer I am here (many years) the worse my opinion gets of Thailand and Thais, even the language annoys me! I don't know where all these pretty women are, most are plain or ugly. The only decent looker in our moobahn of 700 homes is a pure Chinese woman who hardly speaks thai

You are right for every thing, except for the language ( I love it ), and I am sorry for you that you have to stay in a country that you don't like

as for me, I forgive them every thing, it's Thailand and I accept how they are, difficult to explain , but I like to have Thai people around me, they like me and are always very nice to me ( I must say that I smile very easily, and they always respond to my smiles )

mainly for me it is because the hot weather makes the girls wear less clothes.

I must say that to be in a country with so many beautiful and feminine women ( and young girls ) with wonderful legs and brown skin is a real pleasure

so your into young girls then ? blink.png..and you openly admit this...with your easy smile and bag a sweeties....no doubt bah.gif

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cost factors and chicks

Not on ,

Elephant treks, Temples , and of course , not forgetting , Big C , Tesco , Macro.,,etc

Broaden your horizons Man , just search and you will find everything, in this third World Country .

Just be patient ,coffee1.gif

Edited by elliss
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cost factors and chicks

Not on ,

Elephant treks, Temples , and of course , not forgetting , Big C , Tesco , Macro.,,etc

Broaden your horizons Man , just search and you will find everything, in this third World Country .

Just be patient ,coffee1.gif

I guess on reflection if I only wanted those two, Cambodia or Vietnam would suffice.

Certainly there are many more reasons, the culture, the amenities, and so on. So yeah, I'd agree you can find everything here.

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My Wife, Son and I return to the UK to visit family twice a year. I'm currently in the UK for a month on one of our Bi-anual visits.

The Weather has been excellent, the quality of food brilliant, the child actives excellent and of course being near family and friends is also great.

I have many friends in Thailand (Thai and Western) and thoroughly enjoy life there... I am however wondering what Thailand now offers that the UK doesn't.

To answer the question: Why do I like living in Thailand? - To be honest, I'm not entirely sure anymore.

What I do like in Thailand:

- Range of Food.

- Better Weather on average (but often too hot).

- Closer to nice Beach Resorts (although the UK is closer to Ski resorts in Winter).

- In Thailand I'm not subject to the high UK tax (my company pays the tax in the S.E. Asian countries I consult in).

- I get higher rates working in S.E. Asia.

- I have more experience in S.E. Asia and can probably find work more easily.

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  • Weather. I hate the winter, autumn and spring in Sweden. The "summer" lasts about 2.5 days in Sweden and then it's cold again.
  • Ironic as i am myself an "immigrant" (tourist more like it) but i do not want to live in Sweden as there are way way way too many immigrants. Especially immigrants from very different cultural background compared to "european" culture who have absolutely no plan or want to integrate.
  • Cheaper, excluding things i like such as cheese and other dairy products.
  • Thai women are actually women and not feminazis like Sweden. It doesn't hurt that they are for the most part quite attractive.

What i miss from Sweden:

  • Products i buy actually have detailed information of ingrediants. Lots of choices when it comes to buying groceries.
  • Traffic rules and laws that are obeyed.
  • Common sense.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Ability to have an "intellectual" discussion about "whatever" with almost anyone i meet.
  • Rarely happens but when it happens i really have a craving for "swedish" candy/chocolate etc.
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I'm sitting in the ghetto of soi 4....my least favourite place in Bangkok....and still having a good time.

That's why I love it here.

Time to move on though....don't want to test my patience too much.

Its all up from here!

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I don't really like living in Thailand, but the weather anywhere in Europe is not to my liking, Africa is not my cup of tea, I don't want to live in a Muslim country neither (and that includes Europe nowadays) don't like American mentality neither, no India or China for me, what's left then?

Edited by tartempion
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I don't really like living in Thailand, but the weather anywhere in Europe is not to my liking, Africa is not my cup of tea, I don't want to live in a Muslim country neither (and that includes Europe nowadays) don't like American mentality neither, no India or China for me, what's left then?

Death, by the sound of things,

Goldilocks rolleyes.gif

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- I wanted to escape a comfortable but boring life back in the west, Just being here is much more exciting

- Thai people's innocent child like nature

- Can eat out for cheap with loads of options

- Cheap housing options

- (mostly) beautiful women everywhere

- table service in bars

- Warm weather

- Centrally located in Asia with easy and cheap options for travel to other countries

Although saying all that, I think a more interesting question would be, would you choose to live here if money was no object?

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why would what other people feel about it affect your decision?

Why does the opinion others have of Thailand wind some people up so much?

Sensitivity on these matters might almost be described as a defining trait of many expats.

Everyone is different but some are stuck. Stuck with their money tied up in a relationship, stuck due to personal finances or personal addictions.

When one is stuck it's easy to get negative.

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why would what other people feel about it affect your decision?

Why does the opinion others have of Thailand wind some people up so much?

Sensitivity on these matters might almost be described as a defining trait of many expats.

Everyone is different but some are stuck. Stuck with their money tied up in a relationship, stuck due to personal finances or personal addictions.

When one is stuck it's easy to get negative.

Spot on reply NS,

a lot easier to blame others than to blame once self, actually it is a survival strategy, a way for some to maintain mental integrity.

though it is a stop gap solution. a holding pattern, simply wasting time,

a commodity we all have in limited supply off.

before one is capable of starting the process to recovery, one needs to accurately identify the problem, accept his proper portion of responsibility, and make adequate adjustments.

or one can get negative, find others with the same negative attitude, and give each other "Likes" on TVFlaugh.png

and other thing I like to say about this, is that, like dogs can sense fear, people sense negativity. and respond accordingly.

It is a feedback loop, that reinforces its self,

Thai people or for that matter, any people, sense a negative attitude about them, and react accordingly.

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I've been living and working in Asia most of my adult life. Which means I'm used to live my life my way. As a foreigner people accept my differences without much question. If I go back home, I will be expected to follow local rules and custom which are not mine anymore and that I never liked anyway.

Thailand is central in Asia, reasonably modern yet cheap. With a flexible mind it's not difficult to get along. As I'm a bit too young to retire completely I keep a foot in China which is only 3 hours by plane from Bangkok.

I'm not interested to get involved with the local more that I would with a resort staff. Which doesn't mean that you won't from time to time meet exceptional individual with whom you will develop deeper connection.

I've adopted the local motto, sabai sabai or don't sweat the small things. It works for me and as long as it will I will stay smile.png

Edited by JohnnyJazz
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I had a 4 month holiday in Thailand with my Thai wife in 2014 absolutely loved it. Then came back to NZ to all the rules, Hate it. Can't wait to get back to Thailand.coffee1.gif

As a thought don't underestimate the rules, or rather lack of 'rules' enforcement in Thailand on your future quality of life if permanently relocating to Thailand.

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