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GF's sister never speaks to me. Ever. Not a sodding word.


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to the Op..i got a sister in law exactly the same. Never says a peep. even my parents remarked that she was lacking socially when we all get together for dinner once or twice a year.

It used to annoy me, but now i just make the effort to say hello and good bye and try to make the odd chit chat. I try not to let it bother me.

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A girlfriend is good for only one thing and most of them aren't even good at that. tongue.png

Three years is waaaay too long to keep any girlfriend when there are so many fish in the sea.

Having just one girlfriend at a time is really boring.

Are you sure you aren't married and completely P-whipped?

DISCLAIMER: I an totally being a smart a and don't mean any of that. I don't know what I would do if I were the OP because I haven't witnessed the situation.

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Well maybe the sister don't need you to be around her , maybe she get her share of the money that you kindly give to your GF every week , or daily. So she stays around to collect the money so she can have a better life in Bangkok. Maybe she actually hate farang and want to stay with her own kind.

Maybe you even "forgot" to send money to the extended family .

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1) Treat as a woman can sence treat that this man might thinking somethings that man wants.

2) Shy could be answer

3) Sister husband if anything goes wrong their relationship might apart, se is a very careful person for not let it happen.

4)She is no friendly at all.

Solution that smile is not enough you need to learn Thai to start communicate with her and some ice breaking games for family it wil help.

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I'll give her a grade A for being honest. She doesn't like you.

You have to worry about the ones that pretend to like you....like your girlfriend.

^ I am with you, its quite possible she just doesn't like the OP. A few other options exist one being maybe the GF told the sister to stay away from the OP, thats not the first time I have seen that. Lots of competition. Is the sister prettier than the GF?

I would like to see the answer from the GF why she is behaving like that.

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I wouldn't get too upset about it if I were you, your relationship is with your girlfriend not her sister. I try to avoid my wife's family, I only see them maybe once a year for about 24 hours and that's enough. When I do see them there are lots of smiles and everyone is pleasant enough but I do understand the relationship is between my wife and them and not with me, it's not the same as the western family model. And actually, over the ten years we've known each other, each of them has done at least a couple of really stupid things that has impacted me so I'm really quite happy the relationship is what it is, Mrs CM understands all this only too well and keeps us apart for everyone's sake.

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My sister in laws don't say much to me beyond hello, how are you, good bye etc and I had always assumed they are a bit shy because I never get any unfriendly vibe from them. In fact one quite often brings over things she has cooked.

However I don't take them on holidays with me, nor send them off on holidays with my wife., so maybe I have less invested so feel less taken aback by the limited discourse.

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I had a similar situation with my wife's younger sister, 20 years old, cannot speak a word of English but knows I can speak enough Thai to get by. Never, ever spoke a word to me and even if I spoke to her was hard to get a reaction. And then one day I was left sitting in the car with her eating snacks and she actually commented on the food. Could not believe it, she actually spoke to me first.

Not really worth worrying about but I can see where the author of the op is coming from.

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It may be a bit of a cultural thing about speaking to men.

I have been a little upset lately, my younger niece always gave me a hug when she got home from school and replied to the ritual question "What did you do at school today? " With either the answer "Nothing" or "Lots" or occasionally if something unusual had happened told me.

Since starting M1 this stopped. I was a bit worried and told my wife this and she talked to her and asked her if she loved me and she said,"Yes, like Grandma and You and Buddie and PooChang" (our dogs) part of the family.

My wife told me that this is normal here that at puberty girls stop speaking with males. I find it sad but it explains the limited communication I have with the older sister who I also know loves me too but is shy to speak.

Incidentally I have found that with both of these it is easiest to talk by phone when they seem to open up.

I think it is an extension of that.

getting upset harry doesnt help,but there comes a times when YOU have to stop those little taps on her bum.wink.png

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As said, likely cultural or shyness and also the potential for loss of face on account of not understanding/being able to answer questions. Oftentimes, it is easier for them to be quiet because of this. On the other hand, it could be lack of respect and that she just doesn't like you. giggle.gif

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