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A complete tale of woe


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I learned a long time ago never come between a husband and wife. Just mind your own biz.

Many years ago, I came between a husband and wife. They were both 'female' if you get my drift. :P

I came between them once or twice, then I headed for the hills.


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People are responsible for their own actions.

Doesn't matter how good your advice is, it can be disregarded.

The man at 78 is happy with the situation he is in.

He is not stupid, he knows what you are telling him is right, but he is content in the world he lives in.

No point disturbing him you will be rejected.

Everybody has different values in life and yours do not match his.

Let him live and enjoy the rest of his life in his own dream.

That's what Jesus said.
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Where do you know all these women that kill their old falang husbands, what you read in the paper or what you see on TV, or do you know them personally? I see plenty of spouses killing their husbands and husbands killing wives, but usually Thai, can't say I've seen a spate of falang murders by Thai wives. Proportionately there are probably more huge age gap marriages in America than Thailand, rich old guys marrying strippers etc, but you stick with your preconceived notions that all the old falangs that come to Thailand are just sheep to the slaughter, and young guys are just too smart for it to happen to them. All the statistics in the world aren't going to change your mind.

I have read about it here and can google them for you. You cant do the same for same age relations here in Thailand. Thailand is the topic not usa.

So you can find maybe a half a dozen instances of a Thai wife killing an elderly husband, so does that make it an epidemic? You can probably find more instances of Thai women killing falang husbands in their 40's and 50's, but that doesn't sit with your agenda, I can probably find 10 times that number of big age gaps marriages in posts here that are successful (at least 10 that I know personally), but as usual you only want to quote the gloom and doom so you can have a dig at the silly old farts who get fleeced. Your animosity towards the elderly has been well documented on this forum and you never pass up an opportunity to put the boot in. Very, very sad. BTW, didn't you say you previously had a very bitter divorce yourself? Maybe that's soured your outlook somewhat.

Edited by giddyup
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Where do you know all these women that kill their old falang husbands, what you read in the paper or what you see on TV, or do you know them personally? I see plenty of spouses killing their husbands and husbands killing wives, but usually Thai, can't say I've seen a spate of falang murders by Thai wives. Proportionately there are probably more huge age gap marriages in America than Thailand, rich old guys marrying strippers etc, but you stick with your preconceived notions that all the old falangs that come to Thailand are just sheep to the slaughter, and young guys are just too smart for it to happen to them. All the statistics in the world aren't going to change your mind.

I have read about it here and can google them for you. You cant do the same for same age relations here in Thailand. Thailand is the topic not usa.

So you can find maybe a half a dozen instances of a Thai wife killing an elderly husband, so does that make it an epidemic? You can probably find more instances of Thai women killing falang husbands in their 40's and 50's, but that doesn't sit with your agenda, I can probably find 10 times that number of big age gaps marriages in posts here that are successful (at least 10 that I know personally), but as usual you only want to quote the gloom and doom so you can have a dig at the silly old farts who get fleeced. Your animosity towards the elderly has been well documented on this forum and you never pass up an opportunity to put the boot in. Very, very sad.
Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

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There is a disproportionate number of couples where the age is significant in thailand.It's delusional to think otherwise..

Just walk thru any tesco lotus, home pro, beaches of Jomtien pattaya...sometimes I think it's " bring the kids to work day"..

Not moralizing but it is a fact. I think it's getting worse..

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Where do you know all these women that kill their old falang husbands, what you read in the paper or what you see on TV, or do you know them personally? I see plenty of spouses killing their husbands and husbands killing wives, but usually Thai, can't say I've seen a spate of falang murders by Thai wives. Proportionately there are probably more huge age gap marriages in America than Thailand, rich old guys marrying strippers etc, but you stick with your preconceived notions that all the old falangs that come to Thailand are just sheep to the slaughter, and young guys are just too smart for it to happen to them. All the statistics in the world aren't going to change your mind.

I have read about it here and can google them for you. You cant do the same for same age relations here in Thailand. Thailand is the topic not usa.

So you can find maybe a half a dozen instances of a Thai wife killing an elderly husband, so does that make it an epidemic? You can probably find more instances of Thai women killing falang husbands in their 40's and 50's, but that doesn't sit with your agenda, I can probably find 10 times that number of big age gaps marriages in posts here that are successful (at least 10 that I know personally), but as usual you only want to quote the gloom and doom so you can have a dig at the silly old farts who get fleeced. Your animosity towards the elderly has been well documented on this forum and you never pass up an opportunity to put the boot in. Very, very sad.
Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Edited by giddyup
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People are responsible for their own actions.

Doesn't matter how good your advice is, it can be disregarded.

The man at 78 is happy with the situation he is in.

He is not stupid, he knows what you are telling him is right, but he is content in the world he lives in.

No point disturbing him you will be rejected.

Everybody has different values in life and yours do not match his.

Let him live and enjoy the rest of his life in his own dream.

That's what Jesus said.

Are you sure?

How do you know?

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80 year old with a 40 year old girl.

Legend in my opinion.

If he's lonely out there, and you know the guy, drop round once a week make sure he and especially bubs are ok, support him, be a friend.

Long as they are safe, fed, and happy, its all good and its his life mate after all.

Rubbish. Legend status would be if the same age applied but she was payin for everything.

This is just sleazy LOS typical.

Dumb and dumber stuff.

You get from things in life what you put into them. Put in crap, get crap back out.

Having a few baht to spend on a hooker makes you far from a legend IMO.

Each to their own.

I feel sorry for the kid. ;)

I feel sorry for the guy and the kid.

The misses is a drop kick


He made it to 80, lives in Thailand, and has a women half his age in bed with him. Thats not to bad.

Paid for her house...big deal, couple lousy million baht.

She roots around...blame her?

Beats shitting the bed in an Aussie nursing home aka heavens waiting room

I also feel sorry for the kid, but seen worse off in the sticks. I bet the house at least has ceilings and air con.

Could think of worse places to be at age 80 thats for sure.

Anyway, u don't have to race up into the sticks to see WOE.....it floods into the forum on a daily basis, it's EVERWHERE. It's a classic. It's always being spoken about, in Thai, sadly most the victims seem completely oblivious to it. Woe is them. Sad sacks. You get out of things what you put into them.....money doesn't count.

There's no shortages of woe mate, it's in abundance. ;)

Sad but true.

Paradise lost.

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Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Yeah Rob you might have a new Mum soon! 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

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I'm one to talk but why are we men so much in need to marry a girl (woman)?

I understand that women look for a commitment but as those of us who are on a VISA retirement extension, does it make sense?

Guys --- ask yourself the question if you are 75 and she is 40 years old, does she "really" love you or is she looking for a quick cash-in once you kick the bucket?

We men are our own worst enemy as we don't think with our brains.

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Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Yeah Rob you might have a new Mum soon! 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

I hope she slaps him when she arrives.

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80 year old with a 40 year old girl.

Legend in my opinion.

If he's lonely out there, and you know the guy, drop round once a week make sure he and especially bubs are ok, support him, be a friend.

Long as they are safe, fed, and happy, its all good and its his life mate after all.

Only an old man looking for some happiness, or something that he missed in his life.

So often such unfortunately sad outcomes.

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80 year old with a 40 year old girl.

Legend in my opinion.

If he's lonely out there, and you know the guy, drop round once a week make sure he and especially bubs are ok, support him, be a friend.

Long as they are safe, fed, and happy, its all good and its his life mate after all.

Only an old man looking for some happiness, or something that he missed in his life.

So often such unfortunately sad outcomes.

Not likely. More like am old sleazebag looking for some snatch.

Sad outcome. What a fool. He should of left her on the short time rate and changed her regularly.

He got what he asked for, even if he didn't realise it.....now it's him being played.

He should of taken up nitting or tiddlywinks.

Edited by neverdie
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Where do you know all these women that kill their old falang husbands, what you read in the paper or what you see on TV, or do you know them personally? I see plenty of spouses killing their husbands and husbands killing wives, but usually Thai, can't say I've seen a spate of falang murders by Thai wives. Proportionately there are probably more huge age gap marriages in America than Thailand, rich old guys marrying strippers etc, but you stick with your preconceived notions that all the old falangs that come to Thailand are just sheep to the slaughter, and young guys are just too smart for it to happen to them. All the statistics in the world aren't going to change your mind.

I have read about it here and can google them for you. You cant do the same for same age relations here in Thailand. Thailand is the topic not usa.

So you can find maybe a half a dozen instances of a Thai wife killing an elderly husband, so does that make it an epidemic? You can probably find more instances of Thai women killing falang husbands in their 40's and 50's, but that doesn't sit with your agenda, I can probably find 10 times that number of big age gaps marriages in posts here that are successful (at least 10 that I know personally), but as usual you only want to quote the gloom and doom so you can have a dig at the silly old farts who get fleeced. Your animosity towards the elderly has been well documented on this forum and you never pass up an opportunity to put the boot in. Very, very sad.
Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Good to see that some on here still have good relationships with their families..parents, children..

His father won't be an abandoned 76 year old with no support, says a lot..

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People are responsible for their own actions.

Doesn't matter how good your advice is, it can be disregarded.

The man at 78 is happy with the situation he is in.

He is not stupid, he knows what you are telling him is right, but he is content in the world he lives in.

No point disturbing him you will be rejected.

Everybody has different values in life and yours do not match his.

Let him live and enjoy the rest of his life in his own dream.

Agree. Can't see why some people feel the need to interfere in the lives of others and maintain surveillance on them like some stalker. Once someone has given some (unsolicited) advice, there's no need to keep harping on & on about it and turn it into some Thai Visa soap opera. Unless he's deaf or mentally incompetent, he heard & understands what the O/P had to say, now leave him in peace.

The O/P is obviously enjoying all this a little too much and taking the opportunity to trumpet "I told you so" down every lane & alley. Give it a rest.

Edited by Suradit69
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If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

Exactly what will be happening,already stating his loneliness and isolation and wants to return to Pattaya. Apparently she dumps the kid on him for days at a time while she disappears. He was seriously considering returning to the UK before all this

One of his friends contacts from UK regarding his welfare, his family there disowned him through his antics. I'm not physically involved nor wish to be

And now is antics have come back and kicked him in the teeth by th e sound of it. When he took up with this girl, probably in Pattaya form what you say about him wanting to return there now, he probably thought he was on cloud 9 with her , but the reality is hitting now. Should have had more sense, now is stuck in pertitude. Tough Love, which at first may have seemed short time has now become long time.

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80 year old with a 40 year old girl.

Legend in my opinion.

If he's lonely out there, and you know the guy, drop round once a week make sure he and especially bubs are ok, support him, be a friend.

Long as they are safe, fed, and happy, its all good and its his life mate after all.

Only an old man looking for some happiness, or something that he missed in his life.

So often such unfortunately sad outcomes.

Not likely. More like am old sleazebag looking for some snatch.

Sad outcome. What a fool. He should of left her on the short time rate and changed her regularly.

He got what he asked for, even if he didn't realise it.....now it's him being played.

He should of taken up nitting or tiddlywinks.

Is knitting or tiddlywinks what you'll be doing if you manage to make it to 80, or will you just be drooling into your metamucil and filling your diapers?

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80 year old with a 40 year old girl.

Legend in my opinion.

If he's lonely out there, and you know the guy, drop round once a week make sure he and especially bubs are ok, support him, be a friend.

Long as they are safe, fed, and happy, its all good and its his life mate after all.

Only an old man looking for some happiness, or something that he missed in his life.

So often such unfortunately sad outcomes.

Not likely. More like am old sleazebag looking for some snatch.

Sad outcome. What a fool. He should of left her on the short time rate and changed her regularly.

He got what he asked for, even if he didn't realise it.....now it's him being played.

He should of taken up nitting or tiddlywinks.

Is knitting or tiddlywinks what you'll be doing if you manage to make it to 80, or will you just be drooling into your metamucil and filling your diapers?
Do some research on me. Adjust the age and ask the question again. If you gonna step up lad, make sure your application is up to standard.


Ps: you certainly won't find me shacked up with some tired burnt out hooka in Mexico when I get older.

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Neverdie I seriously doubt you're 99, but my question still stands. Why should he be taking up knitting or tiddlywinks at 80 if you don't do it yourself. Or maybe you do. For crissake, let people make their own choices and mistakes, whatever their age. This forum is full of half-wits handing down judgements like they have the answer to the meaning of life, when in reality they are at home every day for hours on their computer handing out advice.

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Good friend you are; posting his name and disclosing his private affairs on an internet forum without his permission. If a friend of mine did the same to me, they'd be an ex-friend in double quick time.

As if identifying a farang named Fred that lives in Isaan is some kind of personal affront... Hardly a breach of personal etiquette...

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Good friend you are; posting his name and disclosing his private affairs on an internet forum without his permission. If a friend of mine did the same to me, they'd be an ex-friend in double quick time.

As if identifying a farang named Fred that lives in Isaan is some kind of personal affront... Hardly a breach of personal etiquette...

Fred is probably not his real name anyway.

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Neverdie I seriously doubt you're 99, but my question still stands. Why should he be taking up knitting or tiddlywinks at 80 if you don't do it yourself. Or maybe you do. For crissake, let people make their own choices and mistakes, whatever their age. This forum is full of half-wits handing down judgements like they have the answer to the meaning of life, when in reality they are at home every day for hours on their computer handing out advice.


Mate, the forum is for people to discuss stuff. Take it or leave it.

Don't get hooked up on it, or slash ur wrists over it.

Up to him indeed. Some people choose to eat shitt. Bon appetite as far as I'm concerned.

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Neverdie I seriously doubt you're 99, but my question still stands. Why should he be taking up knitting or tiddlywinks at 80 if you don't do it yourself. Or maybe you do. For crissake, let people make their own choices and mistakes, whatever their age. This forum is full of half-wits handing down judgements like they have the answer to the meaning of life, when in reality they are at home every day for hours on their computer handing out advice.


Mate, the forum is for people to discuss stuff. Take it or leave it.

Don't get hooked up on it, or slash ur wrists over it.

Up to him indeed. Some people choose to eat shitt. Bon appetite as far as I'm concerned.

You still never answered the question, but never mind. Some people choose to eat shit and others are already full of it.

Edited by giddyup
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Good friend you are; posting his name and disclosing his private affairs on an internet forum without his permission. If a friend of mine did the same to me, they'd be an ex-friend in double quick time.

As if identifying a farang named Fred that lives in Isaan is some kind of personal affront... Hardly a breach of personal etiquette...

Fred is probably not his real name anyway.


Were you a detective in your previous life? His name was Frederick, Fred for short.......apparently.

Please stay off my profile page fella. Your making it look untidy :P

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