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A complete tale of woe


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When are these old men going to realise that they haven't found love. They are used to fund a better life.

She is right in the majority of cases you might bel an exception.

Its just a rent thing..guys give money the girl pretends loven and often has some lovers.

Some exceptions of course but like the lottery not many win.

I have no problems with smart guys who make sure the girl cant fleece them and gives them a salary.

For those who think its love and not a financial agreement stop giving money for a few months and see how it ends.

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I am 76 with a 25 year old. Been together for 3 years now. Lay it on the table when you first meet them. I told her that she gets hers after I am gone. This is in my will. She gets so much a month now part of which goes to the parents. Despite our age we get along great. She is a good person no smoking drinking or partying. Movie lover like me.

You are a paedofile and a disgusting man. I have daughters. I hope you don't.

We wish you didn't procreate at all because we can only assume your off spring will be brought up with your prejudices
No he has a right to say that . It's not prejuidice it is a very emotional point of view. My daughter is close to your wife's age, and would never contemplate marrying someone who is as old as her grandparents..she has no economic need to..that is always the driving force..I personally as will many many others find it uncomfortable, but it's a live and live world out there..you must recognize that this point of view is thrown at you everyday if only silently..and impacts your wife..you don't live in a bubble..your wife will have many thai comments directed at her..you will be oblivious.
Not exactly right... pedophile is not the term. That is far too insulting and not true. Pedophiles like them far younger. I think most guys would love to have sex with a younger girl not many are fool enough to believe its love (with a few exceptions its just financial)
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And the purpose of this thread is what now? The usual suspects will be along to denigrate 'spring & autumn' relationships, old and fat farangs, hookers, the perpetual fools and their money, bar stools, the sage advice not to invest any more than you can afford to lose (replete with "it's not rocket science"), the perpetual admonition that you can take the girl out of the bar but... etc., etc., etc..

Did I miss anything?

No, not at all....

You hit it right on the dime..... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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I am 76 with a 25 year old. Been together for 3 years now. Lay it on the table when you first meet them. I told her that she gets hers after I am gone. This is in my will. She gets so much a month now part of which goes to the parents. Despite our age we get along great. She is a good person no smoking drinking or partying. Movie lover like me.

You are a paedofile and a disgusting man. I have daughters. I hope you don't.

We wish you didn't procreate at all because we can only assume your off spring will be brought up with your prejudices

No he has a right to say that . It's not prejuidice it is a very emotional point of view. My daughter is close to your wife's age, and would never contemplate marrying someone who is as old as her grandparents..she has no economic need to..that is always the driving force..I personally as will many many others find it uncomfortable, but it's a live and live world out there..you must recognize that this point of view is thrown at you everyday if only silently..and impacts your wife..you don't live in a bubble..your wife will have many thai comments directed at her..you will be oblivious.

I'd rather my 18 year old daughter was knocked up by a rich American 70 year old than a poor Thai 20 year old.

(given the choice I'd prefer she was never touched at all, but that isn't reality)

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I say Each to his own I not here to live to your likes nor are you here to live up to mine. In plain English Mind your own business. You might be happy hitting those 17 year old hookers with Aid's and he's more in to vintage model, The 2x4 type or the Maid is wife's sister and a hottie who know's who care's?

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Try the same with your beloved wife or family at home, they will expropriate you and hand you over to their beloved welfare system where they give you the rest.

Expats may dream of a better life, so you don't call them nuts when they are consequent.

I am an orphan in my Farang country, without my social network in Thailand I would probably be dead. Who are you to judge?

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Try the same with your beloved wife or family at home, they will expropriate you and hand you over to their beloved welfare system where they give you the rest.

Expats may dream of a better life, so you don't call them nuts when they are consequent.

I am an orphan in my Farang country, without my social network in Thailand I would probably be dead. Who are you to judge?

My family at home I never give money same for girls back home we always shared cost even in Thailand I only had girls that paid their way. Of course if i wanted a 19yo coyote dancer I would have to pay. But I am smart enough to understand it would not be love.. it would be an financial agreement she might pretend love and fake I am the best in bed but meanwhile she was would probably be thinking of some guy her own age and wondering when the next paycheck was coming.

Now there might be some girls where it becomes true love.. same like sometimes you win the lottery but we all know how big those chances are.

I know for sure that if I am old I would still like younger girls and would not mind paying. I would make sure that they would get a "salary" like so many members give to their girl and not give her access to all my wealth or ways to seperate me from my money.

So I am not judging at all I would probably do the same as the smart guys do. I only find it foolish to think that a relation based on finance is anything else as that (in the majority of the cases, there will always be some exceptions)

If you read here on Thaivisa you will see how often it happens that a guy gets killed for money or run out of the house he paid for. To compare that with paying your ex back in your former country is totally different. There they have rights and you know what your getting into (here you can do the same by just paying a salary)

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Troll posts removed, for those who are unsure what that is.......

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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After my experience, a relationship between an elderly Farang and a Thai lady younger than him is a taboo in Europe.

You better run for your life if you break a taboo.

What happens, they get burned at the stake? Don't be ridiculous.

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I'm really getting upset about this, and I feel like coming out.

That would really hurt, but someone posted about Farang ancestors. Here are mine:

A German SS General who was part of Operation Tannenberg, ie the beginning of World War II, my uncle.

A German refugee with Asian roots, stuck between the Nazis and the Red Army in World War II Germany, my mother.

And right now, my GF managed to get money for gas somehow - not my money, btw.

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When are these old men going to realise that they haven't found love. They are used to fund a better life.

The same time when younger men realise they also may not have found real love.

Yes but they have time to recover and learn and are not all in in terms of wealth, dependency, out in the sticks, other issues such as health to encumber them.

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We went to my lady's friends house for a little party. She's about 33 or so married to a thai who's 65, they have a 18 mo. old baby together. She's not his lady on the side but his wife. So, it's not just farang who have younger ladies here in Thailand. She seems genuinely happy. The guy has his own blue collar business and is a good provider.

If the OP is worried then do something or mind his own business. posting on here is only good for the readers entertainment.

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This whole thing looks like a clash of generations to me. Those old enough to face Alzheimer's disease or dementia, and those young enough to think they can go on living like before.

If you face Alzheimer or dementia, why should you care about your past?

Fact is:

In Thailand they respect you when you are old, in Farang countries they regard you as trash.

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78 years old & still breathing and living in Thailand.

These things alone are enough reason to be happy.

New house,

new vehicle,

new baby,

and a Thai woman almost 40 years younger than him!

These are icing on the cake!

The man should be very happy.

It's not his house

It's not his car

It's not his baby

The woman leaves him alone with another man's baby for days at a time while she goes out and screws her boyfriends

He will be kicked out on his ass if not murdered when thinks she has gotten all she can from him

WOW your comment is a stretch.


Harsh, but not a stretch by any means.

Just ask Weegee.

HEY! i am ok !.....

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Harsh, but not a stretch by any means.

Just ask Weegee.

Who"s Weegee? This is not his posting.

He got shafted big time just recently. The whole clan ran him out of town and tried to steal everything.

Bloody hell...that wasnt me. It was the guy we helped.....I AM FINE (so farcheesy.gif )

Edited by weegee
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Harsh, but not a stretch by any means.

Just ask Weegee.

Who"s Weegee? This is not his posting.

He got shafted big time just recently. The whole clan ran him out of town and tried to steal everything.

Bloody hell...that wasnt me. It was the guy we helped.....I AM FINE (so farcheesy.gif )

Yes...updates please.

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I would really like to learn more about Farang women's attitudes in this matter. Are there any around?

I say, each to their own. But if Fred is in any way in danger - then his friends and family should step in. Perhaps the OP should take the time to visit Fred and then report back to Fred's family of his concerns. He should also try and get Fred to do a DNA test.

This could very easily turn into the same scenario as WeeGee's mate. I hope not.

As far as men in general are concerned - they never cease to amuse me with some of their antics. But, on the whole, i enjoy their company.

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