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Sony cancels The Interview release amid threats


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Sony cancels The Interview release amid threats

(BBC) Sony Pictures has cancelled the planned US release on 25 December of the film The Interview, after major cinema chains decided not to screen it.

The film is about a fictional plot to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Hackers have already carried out a cyber attack on Sony and warned the public to stay away from cinemas screening the film.

Earlier, the New York premiere of The Interview was cancelled. Sony says it understands its partners' decision.

However, in a statement it said it was "deeply saddened at this brazen effort to suppress the distribution of a movie".

"In light of the decision by the majority of our exhibitors not to show the film The Interview, we have decided not to move forward with the planned December 25 theatrical release," it said.

"We respect and understand our partners' decision and, of course, completely share their paramount interest in the safety of employees and theatre-goers."

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30526406

-- BBC 2014-12-18

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sony can take over PIRATEBAY, bring it back to life and drop the movie there ...

at least someone will see it without his/her life being in danger ...

except sony's lawsuits that can bankrupt once life in a western country for downloading just one song or movie ...

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Should anything have happened in one of these cinemas had they not capitulated, I guess it would be bad for Sony and their image in this day and age of over the top litigation. Still, what is the world coming to when a toad can dictate whether a company (that brings in several times its nation's revenue) shows a movie or not!

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If America (Global Plutocrats) can't release inane, drivel-laden cinema full of stereotypes, then the Terrorists have won!!!

It is pathetic indeed. So much for superpowers..

But now I have to buy a pirate copy of this total c**p movie, .....just out of principle.

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It's all the same in end, every country has it's own style of oppression, and they all have a way of impressing to themselves that they are free. Besides countries don't really exist anymore, borders are only maintained to give people some pseudo sense of identity, but they are only distractions from the deeper issues concerning large corporations. Who really knows who is rigging what judging by what they are told in media? It may only be a way of steering market trends....

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Total hands up surrender from Sony and the cinema chains . As many people are saying they have now opened the floodgates for every crackpot hacker (or the fat boy in N. Korea) to hold them to ransom . Stand up to these scum bags and don't capitulate at them at the first step .

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Sony can easily win this match if they want to. They just need to write off the 44 million dollars

to make the film, which in essence they already have. Then release the film to every torrent

site in the world. Thus ensuring a massive audience and making North Korea look like a

total fool.....

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Movie studios and cinemas always stand their ground when they make movies angering other groups of people.

Now that they have announced that boycotts and picket lines won't stop them, but threatening to moviegoers with physical harm, I wonder how a studio/cinema chain will know which threats to take seriously? Will an anonymous email campaign making threats be enough to kill a movie? Can it come from any 13-yr old hacker in his parent's basement just trying to have fun?

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Should anything have happened in one of these cinemas had they not capitulated, I guess it would be bad for Sony and their image in this day and age of over the top litigation. Still, what is the world coming to when a toad can dictate whether a company (that brings in several times its nation's revenue) shows a movie or not!

That was my thinking. It's rather distasteful to allow hackers to dictate business decisions. But the fact that America is so litigious, any theater that shows the movie would be setting themselves up for a major lawsuit if something did happen (doubtful it would). Can you imagine..."you were warned that this might happen and you showed the movie anyway?? Pay up buddy!"

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