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dog stopping golf driver minus head


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There is a dog in my soi that on occasion has a go at me when I am walking to the Family Mart. There are no pavements in my soi. Now every time I walk to the end of my soi I carry a brick as the dog is a large male.

I spoke to the owner who has a gas canister business. I speak Thai well. She only responded by smiling over and over and saying, "Sorry," in English. I said she should put a muzzle on the dog. Again, lots of smiling and, "Sorry," in English but no action whatsoever.

I will not stop walking to the end of my soi. (BTW it even chases motorbikes and cars sometimes) I will defend myself if necessary, with a stick or a brick or a golf club shaft or a chain.

Your post seems to suggest I go out seeking trouble with dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Every situation is unique, but many times people go out looking for trouble all kitted up. I am pretty sure there are dogs that are a pest and cause trouble. In the village where I live there was a dog that always barked at me, i just ignored it.

I just think that defending is almost never needed (rare occasions excluded). What happens if you just ignore the animal and walk on ?. I have rarely seen dogs follow someone more then 100 meters or so (and that is far already).

I do know that dogs get angry with you if you confront them all the time they will remember it and possibly act even more aggressive next time (or if your lucky not confront you again).

The dog you are talking about what does he really do besides barking at you and following you ? If a dog wants to bite then yes defend yourself.. but just a bit of barking / following should not be a problem especially if your just walking.

Tell me a bit more please how does a typical standoff go

It launches itself at high speed from either the owner's pick up truck, from inside the shophouse or from in front of the shophouse. It comes right up to me snapping. I never turn my back on it. I kick it in the head if possible. It darts just in and out of foot range trying to get a bite in. Again I never turn my back. Eventually the owner comes out and drags it away. If I ever had an implement to hand I would certainly use it if it came at me. It is a lot more than just barking and it is a large male dog.

Please advise. I am open to advice but I am not prepared to be bitten in order to be nice to the dog.

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There is a dog in my soi that on occasion has a go at me when I am walking to the Family Mart. There are no pavements in my soi. Now every time I walk to the end of my soi I carry a brick as the dog is a large male.

I spoke to the owner who has a gas canister business. I speak Thai well. She only responded by smiling over and over and saying, "Sorry," in English. I said she should put a muzzle on the dog. Again, lots of smiling and, "Sorry," in English but no action whatsoever.

I will not stop walking to the end of my soi. (BTW it even chases motorbikes and cars sometimes) I will defend myself if necessary, with a stick or a brick or a golf club shaft or a chain.

Your post seems to suggest I go out seeking trouble with dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Every situation is unique, but many times people go out looking for trouble all kitted up. I am pretty sure there are dogs that are a pest and cause trouble. In the village where I live there was a dog that always barked at me, i just ignored it.

I just think that defending is almost never needed (rare occasions excluded). What happens if you just ignore the animal and walk on ?. I have rarely seen dogs follow someone more then 100 meters or so (and that is far already).

I do know that dogs get angry with you if you confront them all the time they will remember it and possibly act even more aggressive next time (or if your lucky not confront you again).

The dog you are talking about what does he really do besides barking at you and following you ? If a dog wants to bite then yes defend yourself.. but just a bit of barking / following should not be a problem especially if your just walking.

Tell me a bit more please how does a typical standoff go

It launches itself at high speed from either the owner's pick up truck, from inside the shophouse or from in front of the shophouse. It comes right up to me snapping. I never turn my back on it. I kick it in the head if possible. It darts just in and out of foot range trying to get a bite in. Again I never turn my back. Eventually the owner comes out and drags it away. If I ever had an implement to hand I would certainly use it if it came at me. It is a lot more than just barking and it is a large male dog.

Please advise. I am open to advice but I am not prepared to be bitten in order to be nice to the dog.

No advice seems that dog has it in for you and goes after you. The kicking might only anger it more but I doubt you can change the situation now. A dog like that should be controlled that much is sure.

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Does it ever occur to you two crackpots and your liker that a sharp rap on the snoz from a deterrent source like the golf shaft may well deter these silly dogs from attacking not only cyclists but walkers and anyone else that they decide to have a go at?

This surely can only be a good thing, the dogs learn a lesson!

Do you think that my action s to be cruel or somehow villainous?

If you do then you are bigger fools than I give you credit for

You obviously are keyboard warriors and sit at your keyboards making ill thought out moral and instant misjudgements.

just look at your post counts and this in itself tells me more about you than anything bad you can say about what should happen to me when at the end of the day I am DEFENDING MYSELF

It seem the more you post the more you develop a "holier than thou attitude!"

Please post less and think about what you are going to say before making silly and innocuous statements about something you apparently know little about!

Give us a rest from sanctimonious posts and remember that you too, if you ever get off your fat <deleted>, leave your TV addiction at home to ride a bike or go for a walk that you could be the next victim of the chasing biting dogs!

Your snide and malicious posts have little effect on anyone who has a brain and who has daily knowledge of just how dangerous these Soi dogs are and can be and for your information I am a doggy lover and have two dogs of my own, they dont chase cars, bikes or cyclists but you just try to get into our property and you will soon find out whether they can bite or not!

Oh and merry Christmas and a happy new year

who you calling a fool and a crackpot,,?

ride you bike here and ill grab you off it ill show you whos a fool

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I wonder

You see all these dog training / problem. Dogs series on telly.

All yank or British

There's even a Mexican fella doing the rounds in se Asia

Saving Asia is the theme

He hasn't been to Thailand yet

I'd love to see him turn a soi dog into a household pet.


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Will people stop liking my post in number 3, youll end up a fool and a crack pot,,

pick of one of my dogs,

very well trained, my youngest daughter pulls him all over, never a bad look from him towards her never mind a growl,

these soi dogs, mungrals can be trained,

but you wont train them with a stick,,

like some one else said ive been around dogs all my life too, im from lincolnshire the poaching capital of england, and dogs have been part of our family for generations, they have been used to feed the family when there wasnt money, a good dog could look after the family,

i still think you start waving a stick, (or bike chain as the hells angel said) and your asking for trouble,

but each to there own,


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Not talking about training a dog. I am talking about defending myself from attack from other people's untrained, unrestrained dogs in the street.

You are deliberately conflating separate issues to try and confuse the argument.

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Not talking about training a dog. I am talking about defending myself from attack from other people's untrained, unrestrained dogs in the street.

You are deliberately conflating separate issues to try and confuse the argument.

im not deliberately confusing the arument,,

the thread was about hitting dogs with a golf shaft,

not as your saying a dog is atacking me,,,ok

go and pick on the other poster who talks about training dogs too,

infact have the thread,,, bye

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If it's not the TVF whingers, then it's the w.a.n.k.e.r.s looking to start a fight... TV surly has digressed into a cesspool of hate these days...

Now go slurp some badger milk or some other ludicrous bullsiht...

Merry Christmas and a Bah Humbug to one an all...

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If it's not the TVF whingers, then it's the w.a.n.k.e.r.s looking to start a fight... TV surly has digressed into a cesspool of hate these days...

Now go slurp some badger milk or some other ludicrous bullsiht...

Merry Christmas and a Bah Humbug to one an all...


Could I interest you in an ants cheese sandwich ?

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If not a stick then a chain of some sort can work. e.g. an old motorcycle chain. The advantage of a chain is that it can be folded up. The disadvantage is that if used carelessly you can hit yourself. The middle ground would be nungchakkas.

Anyone who rides a bicycle, jogs or goes for walks will require this sooner or later.

Jogging and such is of course a stupid thing to do near a pack of dogs. There is no better way to stimulate the hunting instinct of dogs as to run from them. Maybe that is why most Thais run in parks and not in neighborhoods with dogs. They probably have found out the same thing you have but instead of going WW3 on them they just avoid them and go to more dog free places like parks (as far as i know dogs are not allowed there)

If you know your actions are driving dogs crazy.. is it not better to adapt and forget about it. Going WW3 on a few dogs does not really sound right to me plus it will make you look like a tosser. Is it worth it everyday to wage war on the dogs ?

I wonder how many have had success in really discouraging all the dogs on their route to stop attacking ?

I know that my dog remembers people who treated him badly last time and goes crazy next time. I can imagine other dogs doing a similar thing.

So what you are saying is that dogs rule and people should keep away from them right.

I have been bitten 4 times so far twice on the bike and twice walking, none of these times I intimidated or threatened the dogs nor have I intruded on any private land, every time I have been on a public road and the dogs have run and attacked me.

There are now places I cant go because of bad dogs that I know will attack me for no reason. This pisses me off to be quite frank for these dogs are nothing but a pest and a danger for they could very well kill someone particularly a child. These dogs are usually in pairs or in packs for being together or in a pack gives them courage a lone dog would not have.

I carry a stick on my bike as do many Thai's both on bikes and walking but there is a risk in using it for it means I have to ride with one hand and look at an attacking dog rather than where I am going, particularly if dogs are on my left hand side or on both sides.

I am not scared of or cowed by dogs but neither do I want to put myself in a dangerous situation. I have had dogs most of my life before coming here, not just pets but hunting dogs and if ever any of my dogs had bitten a person for no reason at all it would have been dead immediately, people are more important than dogs.

Dog lovers who have never been attacked by dogs have no idea, when it happens to you then perhaps you will have a better understanding of the real nature of dogs.

Oh and possibly you could give me some clues on how to discourage dogs from attacking.

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If not a stick then a chain of some sort can work. e.g. an old motorcycle chain. The advantage of a chain is that it can be folded up. The disadvantage is that if used carelessly you can hit yourself. The middle ground would be nungchakkas.

Anyone who rides a bicycle, jogs or goes for walks will require this sooner or later.

Jogging and such is of course a stupid thing to do near a pack of dogs. There is no better way to stimulate the hunting instinct of dogs as to run from them. Maybe that is why most Thais run in parks and not in neighborhoods with dogs. They probably have found out the same thing you have but instead of going WW3 on them they just avoid them and go to more dog free places like parks (as far as i know dogs are not allowed there)

If you know your actions are driving dogs crazy.. is it not better to adapt and forget about it. Going WW3 on a few dogs does not really sound right to me plus it will make you look like a tosser. Is it worth it everyday to wage war on the dogs ?

I wonder how many have had success in really discouraging all the dogs on their route to stop attacking ?

I know that my dog remembers people who treated him badly last time and goes crazy next time. I can imagine other dogs doing a similar thing.

So what you are saying is that dogs rule and people should keep away from them right.

I have been bitten 4 times so far twice on the bike and twice walking, none of these times I intimidated or threatened the dogs nor have I intruded on any private land, every time I have been on a public road and the dogs have run and attacked me.

There are now places I cant go because of bad dogs that I know will attack me for no reason. This pisses me off to be quite frank for these dogs are nothing but a pest and a danger for they could very well kill someone particularly a child. These dogs are usually in pairs or in packs for being together or in a pack gives them courage a lone dog would not have.

I carry a stick on my bike as do many Thai's both on bikes and walking but there is a risk in using it for it means I have to ride with one hand and look at an attacking dog rather than where I am going, particularly if dogs are on my left hand side or on both sides.

I am not scared of or cowed by dogs but neither do I want to put myself in a dangerous situation. I have had dogs most of my life before coming here, not just pets but hunting dogs and if ever any of my dogs had bitten a person for no reason at all it would have been dead immediately, people are more important than dogs.

Dog lovers who have never been attacked by dogs have no idea, when it happens to you then perhaps you will have a better understanding of the real nature of dogs.

Oh and possibly you could give me some clues on how to discourage dogs from attacking.

4 times

You have got to be the unluckiest guy in the world.

Or smell like steak.

Sorry for being so blaze' about this but in 14 years this has never happened to me

Soi dogs are cowards . Turn on them ' yell and they run.

Where do you live

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If not a stick then a chain of some sort can work. e.g. an old motorcycle chain. The advantage of a chain is that it can be folded up. The disadvantage is that if used carelessly you can hit yourself. The middle ground would be nungchakkas.

Anyone who rides a bicycle, jogs or goes for walks will require this sooner or later.

Jogging and such is of course a stupid thing to do near a pack of dogs. There is no better way to stimulate the hunting instinct of dogs as to run from them. Maybe that is why most Thais run in parks and not in neighborhoods with dogs. They probably have found out the same thing you have but instead of going WW3 on them they just avoid them and go to more dog free places like parks (as far as i know dogs are not allowed there)

If you know your actions are driving dogs crazy.. is it not better to adapt and forget about it. Going WW3 on a few dogs does not really sound right to me plus it will make you look like a tosser. Is it worth it everyday to wage war on the dogs ?

I wonder how many have had success in really discouraging all the dogs on their route to stop attacking ?

I know that my dog remembers people who treated him badly last time and goes crazy next time. I can imagine other dogs doing a similar thing.

So what you are saying is that dogs rule and people should keep away from them right.

I have been bitten 4 times so far twice on the bike and twice walking, none of these times I intimidated or threatened the dogs nor have I intruded on any private land, every time I have been on a public road and the dogs have run and attacked me.

There are now places I cant go because of bad dogs that I know will attack me for no reason. This pisses me off to be quite frank for these dogs are nothing but a pest and a danger for they could very well kill someone particularly a child. These dogs are usually in pairs or in packs for being together or in a pack gives them courage a lone dog would not have.

I carry a stick on my bike as do many Thai's both on bikes and walking but there is a risk in using it for it means I have to ride with one hand and look at an attacking dog rather than where I am going, particularly if dogs are on my left hand side or on both sides.

I am not scared of or cowed by dogs but neither do I want to put myself in a dangerous situation. I have had dogs most of my life before coming here, not just pets but hunting dogs and if ever any of my dogs had bitten a person for no reason at all it would have been dead immediately, people are more important than dogs.

Dog lovers who have never been attacked by dogs have no idea, when it happens to you then perhaps you will have a better understanding of the real nature of dogs.

Oh and possibly you could give me some clues on how to discourage dogs from attacking.

Been bitten and attacked (part time mailman when i was a student) but that was before i raised a dog myself. Now I dont fear them.

You have had dogs yourself then you know that violence against them only makes them mad most will only act more aggressive next time. (unless you kill them of course that is why i don't think violence works).

I don't think that dogs come over people, just don't like cruelty against animals and think violence wont help. The only thing that would help (not so macho as violence) is sterilization programs throughout Thailand.

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dogs will attack people from behind, especially if they are in a pack. We have local dogs that are very savage and will have a go at people, motorbikes & even cars, I actually ran over one recently(yes it was killed) as it just went straight for the wheels, I actually tried to swerve away from it but it went with me, you cant help stupid even in a dog. When they have no fear and in a pack they can become dangerous, then you have to be able to protect yourself, dog owners need to accept responsibility but here that would be like trying to get them to pay for a dog licence or train them, never happen. Some dogs simply attack no matter what, when they do, you have to deter them in any way possible, sweet talking to them does not work. If a dog is dangerous it needs to be put down end of story, sometimes there is simply nothing else you can do.

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@highwayrida (cool name for a kid)

Yep. Young at heart.

But you still have to get personal, don't you? You of all people should know that's a huge red flag for a weak argument. But carry on.

I have yet to see Thais going out riding with catapults / bbguns clubs just to get a go at dogs, they will however grab a rock or a stick with its available.

I've yet to see ANYONE doing that.

You're talking &lt;deleted&gt; and you know it.

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@highwayrida (cool name for a kid)

I never said Thais don't hurt dog's I said Thais don't go out of their ways buying all kind of equipment to start war on dogs like some foreigners over here. Most people I read about (can find 100 other topics if i really wanted) are foreigners that go out and kit themselves out to fight dogs. For me that is a bit silly.

I have yet to see Thais going out riding with catapults / bbguns clubs just to get a go at dogs, they will however grab a rock or a stick with its available.


Let it go, some of these losers take joy in causing animals pain. It makes them feel like big men.

Just take a look at the OP and his unnecessary attack on me after I simply posted one word.

The guy has anger issues. Leave it at that.

Hopefully 2015 brings him a lot of misery and pain....similar to what a dog would feel if hit on the nose by a gold club.

What a champion in the game of life......hopefully he acts in this cruel fashion in front of the wrong person and he is brought to his knees in agony just before something hard penetrates his forehead. Hopefully he thinks of me as it happens.

Good riddance.

There's no excuse for cruelty to animals.

Have a good Xmas Rob.

Like I said before you are just a Crackpot and your stupidity and childish logic demands that from now on I block your posts!

You advocated violence on me just because I had found a way of harmlessly defending myself you silly silly man, when did I ever say I wanted to Kill, maim or cause injury to any raging and dangerous Thai ridgeback that was on a project to seriously hurt me?

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Y'know a squirt gun or dog whistle works.

Never needed anything until the other day when I encountered a really mean Thai ridgeback who was not listening at the time He was attacking me but thanks for the input which is helpful.

After about 2 years plus of riding around the lake I have made friends with most of the roaming dogs and occasionally take leftover food for them, its great when they recognize you and mostly to be honest I dont take them food and then feel guilty that I havnt.

In all fairness I think that they are having a good life because they are well padded with flesh and fit neither are they aggressive, its just occasionally I think that like people on here they get out of the wrong side of the bed or indeed may even be "Crackpot " dogs just out to make someones day miserable.

Who Knows what makes mice & men and dogs do what they do?

Maybe its lifes experiences, they read what they want to read and ignore anything else, even the facts but Hey let not the facts get in the way of a good rant or story eh, especially true of the Media?

Sometimes the "bully" comes out in these people and like the dangerous Soi dogs some men (and yes even this old fart) have to make a stand against them and remind them, that like confronting a dangerous cur without a stick, snide remarks and fatuous comments can cost you!

Pigeon Jake who rather sadly made a rather unjust to say the least remark with regard to my OP and took my informative thread to another level and now knowing the full SP on why I am carrying my lethal golf shaft, understand, completely my need to carry some form of self defence

It would be nice if those, like Jake who read what they to wanted to read and not what was written had the same balls as Jake and recanted their wish for me to have, shall we say a bad accident in 2015

For those who still think that I am the Hannibal lecter of the soi dog brigade I have nothing further to add except;


In other words it is dangerous to invoke Kharma

For those who still dont get the point or a member of the TV Literacy police wants to divert my OP again because I posted the last para in CAPS may I say I am not shouting I am emphasising the point OK!

Finally and hopefully it will be my last post on this thread I would like to thanks those with the kindness and courtesy of being positive and helpful in the thread and even more thanks to PigeonJake and Neversaydie for taking my slightly depressed mind away from moaping around the house on Christmas day which is what would have been the case if Jake Bless him had not responded in the manner He did.

To all on the forum My best wishes for a great new year and I am sorry for calling anyone a "Crackpot" I know that they are not really but my unfair remark did grab their attention didn't it!

Edited by n210mp
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Lot of guys talking BS here for whatever reason. Simple fact: dogs coming up wanting to attack need to be whacked/deterred, there is no sweet-talking them with candy or kind words (stroll on! blink.png). That's not being cruel or manly, that's how it is in the animal world and folks who can't see it either have their own agenda (possibly through being bitch-slapped on here) or are not clued up. They are misbehaving because they were probably never brought to heel and/or are showing off in front of the pack.

Thai dog owners, in general, are irresponsible and typically have dogs only to act as a deterrent from robbers. Have cycled thousands upon thousands of miles here and while I do not carry a stick, preferring to lock up and chase them, I, for one, applaud the op.

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Buy a bag of tasty dog treats....works wonders - even on the most aggressive dogs. Hardly any Thais ever buy their dogs treats, so for the soi dogs it's really special. Trust me - I use this method all the time. Works well in 95 p/cent of cases.

I hope you clean up all the dog poo created from the treats you feed!
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I have lived in Thailand for almost 10 years & like everyone have met more than my fair share of soi dogs. But since I assume that most soi dogs are fear aggressive & since I have no fear of dogs I have almost never, ever have a problem. I am a small woman & an easy target - but as I previously posted I always carry tasty treats & I have had excellent results even with very aggressive dogs. But the minute you show fear and:or aggression the situation escalates. I have worked with dogs all my life & can read their energy

/ which is how they operate. And of course there are always those dogs we need to avoid- but it really is the minority. I walk in my Moobaan daily & have to deal with seemingly aggressive dogs - but as I said they rarely ever bother me. They are too busy wondering what treats I have with me today. I know already so many people think "why the f&$@k should I buy those bleeping dogs treats, but since soi dogs are a fact of life here.... might as well try the path of least resistance! You'd be surprised how well it works. The real secret if you can manage it is to not be afraid. Those guys can smell fear a mile away & it gives them power...

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Lot of guys talking BS here for whatever reason. Simple fact: dogs coming up wanting to attack need to be whacked/deterred, there is no sweet-talking them with candy or kind words (stroll on! blink.png). That's not being cruel or manly, that's how it is in the animal world and folks who can't see it either have their own agenda (possibly through being bitch-slapped on here) or are not clued up. They are misbehaving because they were probably never brought to heel and/or are showing off in front of the pack.

Thai dog owners, in general, are irresponsible and typically have dogs only to act as a deterrent from robbers. Have cycled thousands upon thousands of miles here and while I do not carry a stick, preferring to lock up and chase them, I, for one, applaud the op.

You know dave I am warming to you already

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