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Koh Tao murder trial rescheduled

Lite Beer

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Balo for once you are correct...... 5 ☆☆☆☆☆top man. ... There is NO Witnesses. No person has come forward from Bangkok and said you know what he was with me. I swear to god he was here the whole weekend. Which is a shame. Being such an upstanding lad. I did notice his bird was messaging she was alone that weekend though. Still he was probably studying he looks like that sort of lad hey.

I agree it would look better for him if teachers , the girlfriend or anyone else in bangkok could step forward or maybe be interviewed by the thai media the days after the murders to give him a better alibi , but you have to remember this is Thailand , this is a big university and not sure if they knew the seriousness of the situation and the accusations against Nomsod until it was too late.

Since he has been cleared by Thai officials , nothing more will happen unless a journalist maybe could try to interview someone close to Nomsod in Bangkok . But I'm not sure if Thai media want to do anything about this now. Nomsod himself can't be too happy about the situation if he try to google his name.

It has been stated repeatedly that the CCTV of Nomsod in Bangkok was doctored. No evidence sufficient to convince the international press has been advanced to support this allegation. If doctoring of the CCTV can be proven, it will be very difficult for the Thai authorities to ignore. On the other hand, if there is something other than the date stamp in the CCTV to prove it genuine, that would be enough for me.

According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.


I don't know why people need it to be fake. Footage of him leaving the building at 1pm and then returning the next day around 9am.

Plenty of time to fly there and back the following morning, not that I'm starting that is fact.

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Balo for once you are correct...... 5 ☆☆☆☆☆top man. ... There is NO Witnesses. No person has come forward from Bangkok and said you know what he was with me. I swear to god he was here the whole weekend. Which is a shame. Being such an upstanding lad. I did notice his bird was messaging she was alone that weekend though. Still he was probably studying he looks like that sort of lad hey.

I agree it would look better for him if teachers , the girlfriend or anyone else in bangkok could step forward or maybe be interviewed by the thai media the days after the murders to give him a better alibi , but you have to remember this is Thailand , this is a big university and not sure if they knew the seriousness of the situation and the accusations against Nomsod until it was too late.

Since he has been cleared by Thai officials , nothing more will happen unless a journalist maybe could try to interview someone close to Nomsod in Bangkok . But I'm not sure if Thai media want to do anything about this now. Nomsod himself can't be too happy about the situation if he try to google his name.

It has been stated repeatedly that the CCTV of Nomsod in Bangkok was doctored. No evidence sufficient to convince the international press has been advanced to support this allegation. If doctoring of the CCTV can be proven, it will be very difficult for the Thai authorities to ignore. On the other hand, if there is something other than the date stamp in the CCTV to prove it genuine, that would be enough for me.

According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.


I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv




Edited by thailandchilli
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It has been stated repeatedly that the CCTV of Nomsod in Bangkok was doctored. No evidence sufficient to convince the international press has been advanced to support this allegation. If doctoring of the CCTV can be proven, it will be very difficult for the Thai authorities to ignore. On the other hand, if there is something other than the date stamp in the CCTV to prove it genuine, that would be enough for me.

According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.

Some models of CCTV keep the date/time and video itself separate in a way that the admin can trivially edit the date and time. I have seen claims that the CCTV at Nomsod's room was such a model. Again, no reliable, verifiable source, but disturbing if this is the only proof he was in Bangkok.

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As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

If this is accurate, Interpol should arrest this guy as an accessory to a double homicide, so please arrest this punk, he holds the key.....


He ran in the direction of to the crime-scene with his guitar in his hand and was welcomed with a stab wound in his right arm by somebody he knew (Mon?) (possible said FO), bled all over his guitar and ran away from the crime-scene to save his own life. It has been pointed out that maybe he was spared because they knew him.

Sean probably was not sure it was David he saw there, but he posted 12.30pm the same day on David FB: “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you." , followed 30 minutes later by “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking."


Sean knows who was involved in the crime and can positively identity at least one of the culprits. Of course he would have been killed if he did while still in Koh Tao. So Sean, do you think they might be looking for you after all, wherever you are in the world? Do you sleep well at night? Do you look over your shoulder every now and then? Maybe you should join Interpol's protective witness program before they get you.

I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

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According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.


I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.


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I don't know why people need it to be fake. Footage of him leaving the building at 1pm and then returning the next day around 9am.

Plenty of time to fly there and back the following morning, not that I'm starting that is fact.

If the CCTV is genuine, Nomsod is almost certainly in the clear (good enough for me). Thai journalists reviewed the whole CCTV from 3:00 am until Nomsod's departure. He was not seen entering, and there is no obvious way he could have reached his room without being caught on CCTV. Still, the date/time might be trivially forged if certain CCTV models were used.

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As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

If this is accurate, Interpol should arrest this guy as an accessory to a double homicide, so please arrest this punk, he holds the key.....


He ran in the direction of to the crime-scene with his guitar in his hand and was welcomed with a stab wound in his right arm by somebody he knew (Mon?) (possible said FO), bled all over his guitar and ran away from the crime-scene to save his own life. It has been pointed out that maybe he was spared because they knew him.

Sean probably was not sure it was David he saw there, but he posted 12.30pm the same day on David FB: Nah man. Please tell me its not you." , followed 30 minutes later by I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy Ive ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like theres no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. Im sorry I didnt come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking."


Sean knows who was involved in the crime and can positively identity at least one of the culprits. Of course he would have been killed if he did while still in Koh Tao. So Sean, do you think they might be looking for you after all, wherever you are in the world? Do you sleep well at night? Do you look over your shoulder every now and then? Maybe you should join Interpol's protective witness program before they get you.

Here Here!!!! totally agree. he also posted these. check the times. and he was out in Koh Tao on the evening of the 15th because he was caught in a picture from the Pub Crawl. He looks like he was wearing headphones around his neck. Was he doing DJ work?


this one shows the date he is also partially seen in the other photo



That arm has had a good wack.

Good to have a date. But what time. It could have been 3 o'clock in the morning of the 15th.? which would prove he lied about being asleep ?

We must investigate further.

Be good if a picture of Chris cooper was in there.

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@ JLCrab. " If they were going to shut you all down for being crackpots they would have already done it"

HaHaHa, ain't that the truth. The hard core of about 10 obsessives on here are providing fabulous entertainment for so many of us though with their ever increasingly bonkers theories, and their self importance. I think they really do believe that they are being taken seriously by anyone outside their own little club of detectives. And their hysterical impotent rage whenever any of the so called "gang of four" have the temerity to inject a little realism into the debate is a wonder to behold! The latest wheeze whereby they will all meet up and have a party where they can discuss the case over some cold drinks is beyond parody. Oh to be a fly on the wall when it happens!

I don't see people laughing here. Are you laughing?

Most of the folks posting here are sincerely trying to cut to the truth of the matter. Exsexyman claims we're completely off base - then he knows what's true? Tell us then, oh sage Exsexyman. Please. Is your version of truth what the RTP dish out? There are two RTP versions. One before the head cop was replaced, and the other version after he was replaced. I assume you like the version of the replacement. The one that claimed the hoe killed David (even though none of David's blood was on the hoe, and his wounds weren't hoe-inflicted).

The concerned folks posting on Thaivisa (and other social media) - the folks who don't follow the RTP frame-up scenario, ARE DOING WHAT THE POLICE SHOULD BE DOING. YES! Thai cops have not done anything since the replacement head cop took over, except put forth some crapola ideas, early on, which frame the Burmese. Since early Oct, nearly 3 months ago, Thai cops have not revealed anything which furthers the investigation. NADA. Is that what's so funny? Concerned folks herein are scrutinizing possible evidence, while Thai cops are counting their bribe money, guzzling caffeine drinks and servicing their mia noi. Ok, maybe that's funny for you. Glad you could have a laugh on N.Y's eve.

What a load of self serving nonsense you spout. You are "DOING WHAT THE POLICE SHOULD BE DOING". No you are not. You and your mates are obsessively posting your ever more wild theories hour after hour, day after day, week after week. You have no more expertise on the case than any other layman. Unlike you and your little gang of internet detectives i don't have a "version of the truth", like, i'm sure, the overwhelmingly silent majority, i will wait until evidence is presented at the trial before making a judgement. You can all keep obsessively posting your "version of the truth" until the cows come home, but that is all it will ever be, ie, your version of the truth, ie, mostly conspiratorial nonsense. Your hysterical reaction to any of the so called gang of four when they dare to disagree with your nonsense speaks volumes. Ranging from the, frankly infantile,"lets all send them to Coventry", thinly veiled homophobic attacks, trying to organize a campaign for everyone to put them on ignore, even suggesting ways of trying to get them banned. These childish tactics have all been used over the past few weeks by various members of the hardcore "Gang of ten". (Did you see what i did there?) By the way i was laughing at JLCrab's 'crackpots' comment, which was both funny and accurate, I suspect i am not the only one either! I also reserve the right to have a laugh at you and your little gang when you post your latest bonkers theories. Again, i suspect i am not the only one either!

"Your hysterical reaction to any of the so called gang of four when they dare to disagree with your nonsense speaks volumes. Ranging from the, frankly infantile,"lets all send them to Coventry", thinly veiled homophobic attacks, trying to organize a campaign for everyone to put them on ignore, even suggesting ways of trying to get them banned."

Keep in mind that this, trying to suppress anything that threatens their fictional narrative, comes from the same people that claim there is a conspiracy to suppress "The(ir) Truth".

Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe it.

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As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

If this is accurate, Interpol should arrest this guy as an accessory to a double homicide, so please arrest this punk, he holds the key.....


He ran in the direction of to the crime-scene with his guitar in his hand and was welcomed with a stab wound in his right arm by somebody he knew (Mon?) (possible said FO), bled all over his guitar and ran away from the crime-scene to save his own life. It has been pointed out that maybe he was spared because they knew him.

Sean probably was not sure it was David he saw there, but he posted 12.30pm the same day on David FB: “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you." , followed 30 minutes later by “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking."


Sean knows who was involved in the crime and can positively identity at least one of the culprits. Of course he would have been killed if he did while still in Koh Tao. So Sean, do you think they might be looking for you after all, wherever you are in the world? Do you sleep well at night? Do you look over your shoulder every now and then? Maybe you should join Interpol's protective witness program before they get you.

I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

Here, feel free https://www.facebook.com/seanhmcanna?fref=nf

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According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.


I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.

Not sure what you mean here, this is a print out of the cctv image , and the paper is curved , I dont think there's much suspicious about this print. Of course if they would release the whole CCTV recording it would have been a lot easier for thaivisa experts to comment about the quality of the video.

But we know that RTP and security staff in the building already verified it to be original and not tampered with, unless this is a cover up and the Bangkok police was bribed by the headman , right ? .

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As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

If this is accurate, Interpol should arrest this guy as an accessory to a double homicide, so please arrest this punk, he holds the key.....


He ran in the direction of to the crime-scene with his guitar in his hand and was welcomed with a stab wound in his right arm by somebody he knew (Mon?) (possible said FO), bled all over his guitar and ran away from the crime-scene to save his own life. It has been pointed out that maybe he was spared because they knew him.

Sean probably was not sure it was David he saw there, but he posted 12.30pm the same day on David FB: “Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you." , followed 30 minutes later by “I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking."


Sean knows who was involved in the crime and can positively identity at least one of the culprits. Of course he would have been killed if he did while still in Koh Tao. So Sean, do you think they might be looking for you after all, wherever you are in the world? Do you sleep well at night? Do you look over your shoulder every now and then? Maybe you should join Interpol's protective witness program before they get you.

I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

Hardly think Sean is going back to Thailand. The laws only apply if you are in Thailand. They cannot extradite you for it.

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According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.


I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.

Not sure what you mean here, this is a print out of the cctv image , and the paper is curved , I dont think there's much suspicious about this print. Of course if they would release the whole CCTV recording it would have been a lot easier for thaivisa experts to comment about the quality of the video.

But we know that RTP and security staff in the building already verified it to be original and not tampered with, unless this is a cover up and the Bangkok police was bribed by the headman , right ? .


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According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.

I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.

Not sure what you mean here, this is a print out of the cctv image , and the paper is curved , I dont think there's much suspicious about this print. Of course if they would release the whole CCTV recording it would have been a lot easier for thaivisa experts to comment about the quality of the video.

But we know that RTP and security staff in the building already verified it to be original and not tampered with, unless this is a cover up and the Bangkok police was bribed by the headman , right ? .

The full CCTV was shown to Thai PBS journalists around October 12 (a video showing their investigation is available online). If, repeat if, the CCTV has not been tampered with, Nomsod is almost certainly in the clear.

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Yes you are wrong, I want justice and if Nomsod did it, let him rot in a prison.

But so far theres no real evidence and I hate to see a bunch of conspiracy theorists on a forum dig up all kind of material from internet and social media sites. If you believe B2 are innocent, theres plenty of suspects out there. Bring them to the limelight if you have any leads that will help the case.

As an expat living in Thailand I use Thaivisa to read about daily life and activities and we all have opinions about whats going on in this beautiful kingdom. This murder case is serious , nothing to joke about but this focus just on one person , Nomsod is not helping the case forward.

My position is clear. I believe the Burmese are innocent for the many reasons I have stated in several posts previously, one of which is that they would have been grassed up by the locals on the following day together with the withheld CCTV from AC bar had they been involved.

That leads me to one possible conclusion. The withheld CCTV could have implicated other suspects - suspects that have been protected by the RTP, or more seriously, ignored, while a case was made to implicate the two scapegoats chosen to stand trial.

It doesn't need much consideration to reason that maybe family members of the AC bar could have been implicated, and that was the rationale for the initial RTP General to consider Nomsod and Mon as suspects, stating there was enough evidence to place them at the scene of the crime. When he was replaced on 23rd September, the emphasis shifted to arresting suspects PDQ, possibly with political pressure from above not to pursue one or more of the powerful family members. Eventually, both of them were cleared by the RTP - whether the 'clearance' has any validity, is unknown here.

I don't know if Nomsod is a brutal killer, but I do think he was at least involved as a witness to what occurred (because he ran away, or did not give himself up from BKK once the RTP labelled him as wanted for questioning). This is the latest situation that has remained static, and will continue unless by some miracle the Burmese are found to be not guilty. Without new revelations form defence witnesses, the case will rest on the defence dismantling the DNA evidence - that could be tough.

On another point, the person (forget who,) who is seeking justice on behalf of the Burmese along with Andrew Hall welcome TV posters support, and states that several points raised have been useful to the defence.

I hope the above provides more clarity and rationality than 'conspiracy'.

Again you assume he was on the island and not in Bangkok the whole time.

Which is just speculation since there are no witnesses , except a running man video which could be anyone. I am not saying it's impossible but I would be very surprised if he really was on the island that night. Very surprised.

All this is speculation, the focus on nomsod has been like a witch hunt in the social media.

The boy has been cleared , his mistake was that he had an overprotective father and he should have done the DNA test earlier, although that would not been accepted as evidence by you guys anyway.

See what I mean Balo?

You are fixated on Nomsod........ all your posts rush to his defence.

I don't know for sure either where he was ... but I do know that the evidence presented is very flimsy and needs substantiating in a meaningful way.

So many loose ends and serious questions about this crime .........

your interest seems entirely devoted to Nomsod.

What is with this passion for the boy?

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I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

What is that alluding to? Is it a threat to Sean - to not speak up if given the chance? It wouldn't have anything to do with trying to shield the Headman's people from trouble, would it?

NO what it means is Ali G is hoping the Sean will read what he wrote and crap his pants. The fact Sean it in France now has not register with Borat.

Ali G seems to be the last of the gang of 4 who still believes what he is posting.

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I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

What is that alluding to? Is it a threat to Sean - to not speak up if given the chance? It wouldn't have anything to do with trying to shield the Headman's people from trouble, would it?

NO what it means is Ali G is hoping the Sean will read what he wrote and crap his pants. The fact Sean it in France now has not register with Borat.

Ali G seems to be the last of the gang of 4 who still believes what he is posting.

Don't presume to know what I mean, you are wrong every time you try.

The gist of my post is that Sean McAnna would be in his right to take people defaming him to court, for example, people accusing him of being part of a double murder.

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According to some posters here the cctv already been proven as fake. But only by CSI LA and other social media sites, we do not have any serious news source that claims that the footage has been tampered with . I read in the news that you'll find black and white date stamps on some cameras . Someone actually claimed it was good enough evidence of it being fake, if that was true it would be hard to ignore and it would have been world wide news.

I don't know anyone here who has said for sure it is fake, but I do know people question it as it is extremely easy to change the date and time stamp on a cctv hard drive and have any video at whatever time or date you want. Its also clear that without a full and comprehensive investigation as to the source of any cctv and the hard drive it was taken from then it would not be permissible in any court in the west. But this is Thailand so anything here can apparently be fixed and made into evidence.

This is the same model hard drive as in the Bangkok apartments next to the Uni. Once you change the date in the web browser then its just a case of recording it again with the new date and time for any video that is stored. This works as I have tried at home on my house cctv

There's a strange mask or face on the top corner of the pics as well did u notice.???

Anyway like we said earlier. No one has come forward in support of him.

Sean should be the focus of attention. He is holding back information is it because he has some involvement. That's needs to be explored by the Police and Coroner Jacqueline Lake.

Not sure what you mean here, this is a print out of the cctv image , and the paper is curved , I dont think there's much suspicious about this print. Of course if they would release the whole CCTV recording it would have been a lot easier for thaivisa experts to comment about the quality of the video.

But we know that RTP and security staff in the building already verified it to be original and not tampered with, unless this is a cover up and the Bangkok police was bribed by the headman , right ? .

The full CCTV was shown to Thai PBS journalists around October 12 (a video showing their investigation is available online). If, repeat if, the CCTV has not been tampered with, Nomsod is almost certainly in the clear.

Actually he isn't in the clear at all. He had enough time. He has not a single student standing up for him. Not a teacher nobody. And they probably wont. Not straight out. It will come in snippets. Like the piece about Chris Copper drinking with Sean on the night of the 14th. Or the fact that Sean witnessed a confrontation in the AC bar that night and was given police protection when it all kicked off. Just dribs and drabs to the puzzle. Sean's downfall will be when he is off his face one night and he cant help let it out. He is a weak character. A loner and wanderer. No father to look upto. He is a sad excuse for a man. If he wanted to do his Father proud he would stand up like a man go to the police and tell them how it was. He doesn't have to go back to Thailand if he wasn't an accomplice, but he would save 2 lads lives. If he doesn't he will have to carry that for the rest of his days.

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I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

What is that alluding to? Is it a threat to Sean - to not speak up if given the chance? It wouldn't have anything to do with trying to shield the Headman's people from trouble, would it?

NO what it means is Ali G is hoping the Sean will read what he wrote and crap his pants. The fact Sean it in France now has not register with Borat.

Ali G seems to be the last of the gang of 4 who still believes what he is posting.

Don't presume to know what I mean, you are wrong every time you try.

The gist of my post is that Sean McAnna would be in his right to take people defaming him to court, for example, people accusing him of being part of a double murder.

What like yesterday when you said you didn't say something and I put want you did say next to what you didn't say and proved you wrong ?

Come on .. I was going to say man but I'm not sure that suites you.

P.S. Ali G you must be the worst so called defender the world has ever known. You really are suited to a 3rd world country.

Edited by berybert
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I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.

What is that alluding to? Is it a threat to Sean - to not speak up if given the chance? It wouldn't have anything to do with trying to shield the Headman's people from trouble, would it?

NO what it means is Ali G is hoping the Sean will read what he wrote and crap his pants. The fact Sean it in France now has not register with Borat.

Ali G seems to be the last of the gang of 4 who still believes what he is posting.

Don't presume to know what I mean, you are wrong every time you try.

The gist of my post is that Sean McAnna would be in his right to take people defaming him to court, for example, people accusing him of being part of a double murder.

Court Where??? LOL....

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NO what it means is Ali G is hoping the Sean will read what he wrote and crap his pants. The fact Sean it in France now has not register with Borat.

Ali G seems to be the last of the gang of 4 who still believes what he is posting.

Don't presume to know what I mean, you are wrong every time you try.

The gist of my post is that Sean McAnna would be in his right to take people defaming him to court, for example, people accusing him of being part of a double murder.

What like yesterday when you said you didn't say something and I put want you did say next to what you didn't say and proved you wrong ?

Come on .. I was going to say man but I'm not sure that suites you.

You mean this?

When you said: "As he says if they are proven to be not quilty he would ask the judge to go over the evidence again to find them guilty."

When what I actually said answering what I would feel about the Burmese men being found not guilty was: "What would I feel? That they need to take a better look at the available evidence to see were they went wrong."

What exactly do you think you proved? That you are completely unable to read something without injecting your own fantasies into it? rolleyes.gif

P.S. It's AleG, learn to read properly.

Edited by AleG
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The full CCTV was shown to Thai PBS journalists around October 12 (a video showing their investigation is available online). If, repeat if, the CCTV has not been tampered with, Nomsod is almost certainly in the clear.

Actually he isn't in the clear at all. He had enough time. He has not a single student standing up for him. Not a teacher nobody. And they probably wont. Not straight out. It will come in snippets. Like the piece about Chris Copper drinking with Sean on the night of the 14th. Or the fact that Sean witnessed a confrontation in the AC bar that night and was given police protection when it all kicked off. Just dribs and drabs to the puzzle. Sean's downfall will be when he is off his face one night and he cant help let it out. He is a weak character. A loner and wanderer. No father to look upto. He is a sad excuse for a man. If he wanted to do his Father proud he would stand up like a man go to the police and tell them how it was. He doesn't have to go back to Thailand if he wasn't an accomplice, but he would save 2 lads lives. If he doesn't he will have to carry that for the rest of his days.

Oh dear, like you, I am convinced the B2 are innocent, and unsure if Nomsod was involved, but here I am disputing facts with you. Sigh!

If the CCTV footage reviewed by Thai PBS is genuine, he did not enter his room between 3:00 am and 9:00 am September 15, and was seen leaving a little after 9:00 am. (I am assuming here that he did not enter his room by scaling the outside of the building.) If the CCTV was not tampered with, and we trust the account of the Thai PBS journalists, Nomsod was not on Koh Tao at the time of the crimes.

Not a single teacher or student (that I am aware of) has gone or record (except anonymously and unverifiably) to state he was there or was not there. The consensus of anonymous reports was that he was not at the university on the 15th (which would raise a major question of where he was going at 9:00 am that morning) but was there on the 16th. There is nothing trustworthy here to prove things one way or the other.

The report on Sean and Chris Cooper together September 14 is interesting but unsubstantiated.

Edited by BritTim
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As a side note it has been pointed out on FB tonight that Sean McAnna was out that night with a Chris Cooper from Planet Scuba. Who then asked CSI to remove it from his page as Chris had been threatened. So that blows Sean's Alibi out of the water.

If this is accurate, Interpol should arrest this guy as an accessory to a double homicide, so please arrest this punk, he holds the key.....


He ran in the direction of to the crime-scene with his guitar in his hand and was welcomed with a stab wound in his right arm by somebody he knew (Mon?) (possible said FO), bled all over his guitar and ran away from the crime-scene to save his own life. It has been pointed out that maybe he was spared because they knew him.

Sean probably was not sure it was David he saw there, but he posted 12.30pm the same day on David FB: Nah man. Please tell me its not you." , followed 30 minutes later by I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy Ive ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like theres no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. Im sorry I didnt come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking."


Sean knows who was involved in the crime and can positively identity at least one of the culprits. Of course he would have been killed if he did while still in Koh Tao. So Sean, do you think they might be looking for you after all, wherever you are in the world? Do you sleep well at night? Do you look over your shoulder every now and then? Maybe you should join Interpol's protective witness program before they get you.

I hope someone acquaints Sean McAnna with both Thailand's heavy defamation criminal laws and the computer crimes act.


What's it to you what other people say or think?

What other people say and do is down to them, not you, since when have you become the judge and jury over other peoples actions ?

People like you who throw their weight behind another countries laws when relating to others reminds me of the school tell tales and clipes.

If MacAnna wants to gob off and slag off all on sundry that's his prerogative I'd be more inclined to let the authorities and the law deal with him, not some random Thai visa member !!

Unless he's defamed you, then it's quite frankly none of your business what he says.

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Sean has already spoken out on YouTube & Soundcloud forcefully denying he knows or saw anything. He claims he was a sleep and he claims he had that cut from a motorbike accident. He also claims there are numerous witnesses that can confirm he had that cut several days pre Sep 14th and that many people saw him with that cut.

He deleted/deactivated his account but I am sure Google still holds the information somewhere. Another strange details is the fact that one of his "friends" claimed he got the cut because of a fight with a Thai person over an apartment. Whatever the truth may be with Mr. Mcanna, nobody (except a few) believe that cut is from a motorbike accident. Like somebody else said recently, only idiots would believe that. I guess we will just never know.


Edited by Krenjai
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Sven Hutchinson claimed that he was having breakfast in a bar with Sean round noon on the 15th and they were chatting about what had happened. CCTV of that bar apparently should be able to confirm this. This Sven also says the leg wound was from a bike accident, but that the arm injury was a cut he got from a fight over a vacant room with a Thai and that is was an old wound.

OK, so why in the hell does Sean Mcanna says this wound also came from the bike accident, which nobody believes. Why he doesn't simply say, ask my pal Sven, I was with him on the 15th around noon and he can confirm the wound was old. Why would he lie about this? Anybody? (Not AleG please)

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Yes, some of us have known that for months, and the Brit inquest will confirm it, if they're not sheepish about publishing their findings. The RTP almost certainly knows it also, which is proof they're lying about it - by claiming to the public that David's stab wounds were caused by a blunt cement-caked garden hoe. If Thai cops are blatantly lying about that, then how many other things are they lying about?
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Sven Hutchinson claimed that he was having breakfast in a bar with Sean round noon on the 15th and they were chatting about what had happened. CCTV of that bar apparently should be able to confirm this. This Sven also says the leg wound was from a bike accident, but that the arm injury was a cut he got from a fight over a vacant room with a Thai and that is was an old wound.

OK, so why in the hell does Sean Mcanna says this wound also came from the bike accident, which nobody believes. Why he doesn't simply say, ask my pal Sven, I was with him on the 15th around noon and he can confirm the wound was old. Why would he lie about this? Anybody? (Not AleG please)

Some of the convoluted developments in this case annoy me, and here's why: these twisted stories will be added fuel for letting the real perps off the hook, if they ever come to trial, which is highly unlikely

Even so, here are just 3 examples:

>>> If it's shown the DNA trail is screwed up, then even if the Brits testing independently shows a match between DNA found on Hannah, with DNA from Nomsod or Mon - their defense can be: DNA trail is unreliable.

>>> Similarly, if Sean is ever put on trial as a witness, his testimony can be shot to shreds due to him earlier being shown to be a liar (about his wounds, or whatever). He has other ghosts in his closet, also.

>>> witness testimony from the B2 (against the real perps) would be a non-starter, because the boys already said they didn't know who did the crimes, when asked by the judge on the 26th.

But all's essentially moot, because it's near-impossible that the real perps will ever get hauled in to court as suspects.

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Sven Hutchinson claimed that he was having breakfast in a bar with Sean round noon on the 15th and they were chatting about what had happened. CCTV of that bar apparently should be able to confirm this. This Sven also says the leg wound was from a bike accident, but that the arm injury was a cut he got from a fight over a vacant room with a Thai and that is was an old wound.

OK, so why in the hell does Sean Mcanna says this wound also came from the bike accident, which nobody believes. Why he doesn't simply say, ask my pal Sven, I was with him on the 15th around noon and he can confirm the wound was old. Why would he lie about this? Anybody? (Not AleG please)

Some of the convoluted developments in this case annoy me, and here's why: these twisted stories will be added fuel for letting the real perps off the hook, if they ever come to trial, which is highly unlikely

Even so, here are just 3 examples:

>>> If it's shown the DNA trail is screwed up, then even if the Brits testing independently shows a match between DNA found on Hannah, with DNA from Nomsod or Mon - their defense can be: DNA trail is unreliable.

>>> Similarly, if Sean is ever put on trial as a witness, his testimony can be shot to shreds due to him earlier being shown to be a liar (about his wounds, or whatever). He has other ghosts in his closet, also.

>>> witness testimony from the B2 (against the real perps) would be a non-starter, because the boys already said they didn't know who did the crimes, when asked by the judge on the 26th.

But all's essentially moot, because it's near-impossible that the real perps will ever get hauled in to court as suspects.

Point number 3. Why would the Burmese know who committee the crime ?

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