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Young tourists performing yoga at sacred temple criticised in Thai media

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If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

Typical of Thais. The little two faced jerks.

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All these 'righteous pompous' condemning posts about a couple of backpackers unwinding in the temple GROUNDS. Yoga is a spiritual practice, it was not IN the temple or IN the graveyard. Jeeze give these kids a break.

Think more about the amulet selling, fortune reading, mobile texting and all the other c**p that goes on within temples that is far more disturbing than a couple of farang kids doing some yoga poses in temple grounds.

So two wrongs make a right do they? Here's a piece of advice for you. Just because YOU don't see something wrong with something doesn't mean it's automatically right.....to believe otherwise is arrogance. Oh, and having the Buddha as your avatar doesn't mean you have the right to say what is right and wrong in the eyes of strict Buddhists.

You call us pompous, I think you're obnoxious.

Actually, nobody can say what's right and wrong in the eyes of Theravada Buddhist because the core of the religion is not to judge others not even to guide them.

Yeah, that includes you too.

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What country is Yoga, The Kama Sutra and Lord Gautama Buddha from?

Just sayin'...

Well interesting point. It is now known pretty definitively that Gautama Buddha came from what is now modern day Nepal. However before anyone jumps in and say's Nooo it was India. Neither existed as country's like today 2600 years ago!


Sick and tired of this Thai hypocrisy!!!! They're doing Yoga for Pete's sake! What is that in comparison to child-abusing, money laundering, 1.000s of Rai owning, limousine-riding, karaoke bar-visiting, 1st class air plane travelling, dog-abusing, public tourist slapping, perverted gay monks watching and storing internet porn on their brand new iPads?

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Despite incidents happend in the past (which also occurred at Christian churches like pedofhilia, scams etc.) It happens in all religions. Does this mean we do not need to respect the principles and beliefs of does following their religion? It is widely known that inappropriate dressing like without a shirt etc. Shoes off and so on are cultural principles in Thailand. Performing Yoga and the way they dressed in this matter is disrespectful and has been offensive to Thaise whom witnessed this. This is a Thai cultural matter. If you visit a temple yourself do you keep your shoes on because you think Thaise do not respect Buddhism anyway (in the opinion of those saying this behaviour mentioned is ok) I can say honestly that I believe that most of you would follow the principles of visiting religious grounds)

If you are in Thailand, act accordingly and respect the cultural and religious principles as you would expect from others visiting your home country, regardless of incidents which always will occur which doesn't free you of not respecting others.

Thank you...could not have said it any better.

Fact: they were not inside a temple.

Fact: in Thailand,that's still considered as a holy ground.

fact: I am half Thai and you are full of it! You don't even have to take off shoes out there. Speak of what you know please.

You are half Thai yet your hatred among Thais clearly shows,to the point you cannot think rational anymore.I may not be Thai but I grew up here and took the time learning the culture,language,religion and its people.For almost 19 years I never had a problem w them.

You have personal issues w your Thai side but don't condemn them as if every Thai is doing it.

Where did you graduated in psychology? I wanted to know so I don't accidentally attend there.

I am not condemning anybody, others are condemning to kids for exercising on grass.

I criticize anything or anybody, even my other "side", without having any personal issues or hate. I see wrong and I say, doesn't mean I hate.

It's called critical thinking, you should try it some time but be warned: it will make Thai very unhappy.


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should be pointed out that you are not supposed/allowed to publish pics of other people without their express permission, ie, signed a waiver, have to wonder if the photographer or paper bothered to do so or are they even aware of the law and if so why are they ignoring them, or is is ok for thais to do as they please, break the laws etc but farangs are not allowed to do anything in case it offends anyone else. Maybe we should find the tourists and tell them to take them all to court/demand compensation just to be fair about it, after all, I bet they dont like their pics being bandied around without their permission.

If you don't know about the law then I suggest you don't comment. If you could sue someone everytime your pic was published without your permission we'd all be billionaires.


A group of farang was found doing a workout [at a temple], supposedly yoga. They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos. This was done in public view of both locals and tourists," the caption said. Common temple etiquette requires visitors to remain calm, and act in a composed manner"

Boo hoo hoo

If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

Say you on an Internet forum 555

Who ,what you say,he can say,He could not say in the Thai complainers face because he was not there. wai2.gif


Must show respect to local culture and tradition. Maybe they didn't mean no harm or no intention to hurt religious feeling and was simply doing yoga but if it offends people then they shouldn't have.


When in Rome you do as the Romans do.

I once stumbled upon a young thai couple having sexual intercourse in a meditation cave at the Tiger Temple Krabi. I politely apologised, turned off the light and waited outside...Slightly embarrassed they exited the cave fully dressed so I could continue my tour. Maybe I should have posted the pics of the couple on social media?


So when comparing a couple of farang yoga practitioners and a Thai selling those dehydrated caged/bundled poor birds in the temple grounds. Who karmically comes out "tops". Just wondered . whistling.gif


Another example of an overreaction by a Thai. coffee1.gif

At least a monk isn't slapping them, they are not drunk and are not in a bikini. blink.png

Forgive you for you know not what you said....facepalm.gif


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Another example of an overreaction by a Thai. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

At least a monk isn't slapping them, they are not drunk and are not in a bikini. alt=blink.png>

They're showing disrespect for the customs of that particular place. If they were to try that in a Church they'd be shown the door.

This is Thailand incase you conveniently forgot, don't like their reactions then go back to your nation of birth.

"If they were to try that in a Church they'd be shown the door."

No, I see it all the time, a priest would kindly come to warn the wrong doers. No real man of faith would ever show the door to anybody just because they are making a mistake.

You see people doing yoga in churches all the time??? now why do I find that difficult to believe??


Must show respect to local culture and tradition. Maybe they didn't mean no harm or no intention to hurt religious feeling and was simply doing yoga but if it offends people then they shouldn't have.

I believe if anyone told them they were doing something offensive they would have stopped and apologized, if not, then people would have had the right to make an issue out of it.

No country should behave like every visitor is supposed to know every local custom.


I can see the way they dress can be a problem at temple, especially a lady. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with local's complaints. We all come from different backgrounds, and have different beliefs and world views. I am sure those 2 didn't mean to offend anyone at all. It was just part of their daily exercises. Howerver, these farangs tourists are in Thailand as guests. It is a common sense that once you are in foreign country, you must respect their rules and culture. If you accidently did something inappropriate, you should stop doing it again and apologize.

agreed, if someone warn you, but Thai rather took pic and cowardly complained on social media.

And what do you think happening here at ThaiVisa on daily basis. All those posts with pics and complaints (often bashing)...

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Another example of an overreaction by a Thai. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

At least a monk isn't slapping them, they are not drunk and are not in a bikini. alt=blink.png>

They're showing disrespect for the customs of that particular place. If they were to try that in a Church they'd be shown the door.

This is Thailand incase you conveniently forgot, don't like their reactions then go back to your nation of birth.

"If they were to try that in a Church they'd be shown the door."

No, I see it all the time, a priest would kindly come to warn the wrong doers. No real man of faith would ever show the door to anybody just because they are making a mistake.

You see people doing yoga in churches all the time??? now why do I find that difficult to believe??

I was answering your post when you mentioned "showing disrespect". Let's wait for hotter days so your room temperature IQ will be slightly higher.


I guess I could see how you might be offended if you're the type of person that imagiens a scrap of land has magic in it just because someone else told you it did.


I can see the way they dress can be a problem at temple, especially a lady. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with local's complaints. We all come from different backgrounds, and have different beliefs and world views. I am sure those 2 didn't mean to offend anyone at all. It was just part of their daily exercises. Howerver, these farangs tourists are in Thailand as guests. It is a common sense that once you are in foreign country, you must respect their rules and culture. If you accidently did something inappropriate, you should stop doing it again and apologize.

agreed, if someone warn you, but Thai rather took pic and cowardly complained on social media.

And what do you think happening here at ThaiVisa on daily basis. All those posts with pics and complaints (often bashing)...

I am afraid I did not get you.

I am a ThaiVisa poster, 2 days ago I saw a man chasing a dog with a stick in the park because he did not like to be barked at, I know the dog I feed him daily and he has never attacked anyone, everybody loves him.

I stood up to the man and when he became confrontational I started to approach him very closely. He walked away.

I did not take pictures and complained online.

I also once warned some teenager fishing in the park pool with a big "NO FISHING" sign, when they refused to leave, I called the park attendant who called the police.

No online bashing that time too.

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Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

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A group of farang was found doing a workout [at a temple], supposedly yoga. They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos. This was done in public view of both locals and tourists," the caption said. Common temple etiquette requires visitors to remain calm, and act in a composed manner"

Boo hoo hoo

If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

That would be confrontation and showing courage, not a Thai strong point.


Cultural sensitivity should be demonstrated by everyone and I mean everyone not just foreigners but Thai's as well. This is especially true when Thai's have, not many it must be said, demonstrated a total lack of sensitivity to foreign values. The school play with Hitler springs instantly to mind.

I dont personally think a Wat is the right place for them to practice Yoga but they should ave been told at the time instead of blowing it into a big issue. They would have understood.

By all means Thailand should get annoyed when a foreigner basically walks all over their culture but then Thai's cant complain when foreigners get upset when Thai's ignore their culture. This is a two way street contrary to what many Thai's think


I can see the way they dress can be a problem at temple, especially a lady. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with local's complaints. We all come from different backgrounds, and have different beliefs and world views. I am sure those 2 didn't mean to offend anyone at all. It was just part of their daily exercises. Howerver, these farangs tourists are in Thailand as guests. It is a common sense that once you are in foreign country, you must respect their rules and culture. If you accidently did something inappropriate, you should stop doing it again and apologize.

agreed, if someone warn you, but Thai rather took pic and cowardly complained on social media.

And what do you think happening here at ThaiVisa on daily basis. All those posts with pics and complaints (often bashing)...

I am afraid I did not get you.

I am a ThaiVisa poster, 2 days ago I saw a man chasing a dog with a stick in the park because he did not like to be barked at, I know the dog I feed him daily and he has never attacked anyone, everybody loves him.

I stood up to the man and when he became confrontational I started to approach him very closely. He walked away.

I did not take pictures and complained online.

I also once warned some teenager fishing in the park pool with a big "NO FISHING" sign, when they refused to leave, I called the park attendant who called the police.

No online bashing that time too.

Very good. You don't but many others here do. That is what I was talking about.


I went to a Thai temple ground. It was late at night, about 1:20 am. The temple makes a lot of noise - often. This night was particularly loud. I went to see why it was so loud. There was a stage there, on the grounds, with young teen girls dancing on the edge of a stage, with drunk Thai men oggling out in front. The girls were dressed in hot pants with their shirts tied in front, revealing parts of their bra. Oh, all that's ok, because it's a Thai thing, and didn't involve farang. There are so many double standards here in Thailand, it would be funny if it weren't as annoying as hearing the same song played throughout a village on LOUD loudspeackers, 25 times a day for 3 years, ....all being broadcast from the temple - and run through wires which the temple ran throughout the village with loud hornblower speakers at each end. Thai Buddhism is as far from real Buddhist roots, as a cement block is from an airplane.

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Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

The thoughts are worthy of merit. Some of the words, not so much.

Telling someone to leave sounds directive in nature. That option is best left to the individual unless the cost is undertaken by the person telling them to leave.


Another example of an overreaction by a Thai.

Not at all. I rather suspect the tourists wouldn't act the same way in a church, mosque or synagogue in their home country. Why should they even think it's remotely acceptable in a Buddhist temple?

They are also both dressed inappropriately to visit a temple. They have obviously spent no time learning about local ways and are completely devoid of any cultural sensitivity.


If they were inside a church mosque or synagogue, it would be ridiculously inappropriate. But what if they were outside, say in front of the building?

Looks like they might be just outside the temple grounds. Without the benefit of a good picture to see the context, this is a weak distinction, I realize. But it does look like they are outside but near enough to be seen easily.

Yes, it is inappropriate, but it could be a lot worse.


Read line three of my response. Get me in touch with them and I will.

As for appropriate, this whole campaign is inappropriate.

Started by cowards too scared to politely point out to the tourists what they were doing wrong.

You don't need to be confrontational to do this.

Correct me if I'm wrong but no one at the Wat said anything did they? Wasn't it a cowardly INTERNET warrior much like yourself who saw the photos posted in Facebook and got bent out of shape?

Look on Facebook to get in touch with them. Any one can find them in a minute.

I very much doubt this guy is literate. Thai bashers seldom are.

Bit on a high horse, much?!

Get a grip, will ya'?

Two people doing Yoga OUTSIDE a temple!

What is the world coming to, huh?!

It has nothing to do with "bashing", if one asks for the same "tolerance" Thais ask of "us", when they promote Nazi- chic without even thinking about eg. not having a clue!

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Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

First of all, you have no rights whatsoever to be telling me that I should leave or why, I can very well live somewhere and criticize whatever I want. Thailand has already a dictator, don't need another.

Second, criticizing something not equal hating.

Third: what do you think I made up so I can supply evidence?

Fourth: your comparison between 2 kids exercising OUTSIDE temple and the barely understandable rest of your sentence just goes to show how intelligent you are.

Besides we are not talking about just one rule, Thailand have an unending list of DON'Ts.

Regarding you being lucky: I also never had problems with Muslims... gosh I wonder why so many people say they do. Maybe because my own personal experience is not really a "statistic" is it?

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Those who are free from resentful thoughts surely are free.


and a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
A bird in the hand can be a messy affair at times. :)

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