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Young tourists performing yoga at sacred temple criticised in Thai media


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Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

First of all, you have no rights whatsoever to be telling me that I should leave or why, I can very well live somewhere and criticize whatever I want. Thailand has already a dictator, don't need another.

Second, criticizing something not equal hating.

Third: what do you think I made up so I can supply evidence?

Fourth: your comparison between 2 kids exercising OUTSIDE temple and the barely understandable rest of your sentence just goes to show how intelligent you are.

Besides we are not talking about just one rule, Thailand have an unending list of DON'Ts.

Regarding you being lucky: I also never had problems with Muslims... gosh I wonder why so many people say they do. Maybe because my own personal experience is not really a "statistic" is it?

Peace and tranquility to All.
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OMG- I can think of a few times when I have innocently offended someone due to my lack of awareness/ education about a culture or religion. My first time in Thailand, I pointed to a painting I was thinking of buying with my foot because the painting was on the floor...or when I started to enter a mosque without removing my shoes... all kinds of mistakes one can make; however, if someone had pointed out to these young adults how doing yoga was considered "rude" in Thai culture, I am sure they would have stopped. When I see Thais sitting cross legged at a restaurant itching their feet then eating their food with the same fingers, am I allowed to instruct them that this is considered rude?

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if these were Chinese tourists we'd be bashing the Chinese for being rude and culturally insensitive.

But they're farang so instead we bash the Thais for being too sensitive.

It was wrong. Please show respect for the country you're living in.

But would we, if it was Tai Chi, say, they were practising?

Does Tai Chi involve hoisting a woman up in the air, upside down, with her legs spread?

My guess is that if these farang knew now about the (minor) controversy, they would be mortified and regret their disrespect.

I would like to think so anyway.

Are you saying there is something sexual in the photo? Maybe I am just innocent or naive because I certainly cannot...

I can't see where I implied anything sexual. I did describe the visual, quite accurately though.

I think you'll find that Thai attitudes towards a female's genitals being above their heads is one of offense. And since this is Thailand, surely Thai attitudes must prevail?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Say you on an Internet forum 555

Lets see: Whose picture did I publish to name and shame…oh, look no one.

If I saw someone doing something that I found offensive I would tell them.

Get me in contact with the knob head who started this campaign and I tell them what I think about their behaviour.

Remember the guy from the BTS who had a hole in his shoe, yet was vilified on the forums for having a camera shoe.

Netziens and their online outrage, make me want to puke.

Not much point if he can't understand you....same for the photographer if she can't speak the tourist's language.

Besides, it's too confrontational for most Thais.

The fact remains that the tourists were being disrespectful.

I speak thai well enough to let them know.

Did these tourists know they were being disrespectful? Was it deliberate?

If not do they deserve this type of cowardly online vilification?

Yes, they do. If they are visiting a country other than their own, they should make at least a nominal effort to familiarize themselves with the customs of that country. I've been here a long time,

but I think even on my first visit years ago I would have had the sense to figure out that this activity was not really appropriate at a temple. It may seem harmless to you, but you are not a Thai buddhist.

After all the berating of Chinese tourists for their ignorant behavior, this just goes to show that Westerners are just as capable of causing offense.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

The thoughts are worthy of merit. Some of the words, not so much.

Telling someone to leave sounds directive in nature. That option is best left to the individual unless the cost is undertaken by the person telling them to leave.

I never TELL anyone to leave, merely advise them to if they hate Thailand so much. I'm British and started to be very negative and cynical towards the place....I left.

Never understood someone who disagrees so much with a particular place yet stays there.

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2 points:

Kudos on the yoga posture. Looks like it was well done.

Not such a good idea to raise poontang to such height and with suggestive posture.

and ...

The other day the wife was going with her sisters and Mom to a famous Temple outside Bangkok on day trip. She was wearing pants but a sort of tank top shirt. The pants were very tight. Her sister had on shorts, but they were almost to the knee. I suggested to the wife she may want to bring a shawl or scarf to wear on her shoulders to enter the Temple. She agreed and got one.

On several occasions I have seen her enter temples dressed inappropriately and nothing was said or done. She was not dressed inappropriately, but it is the tropics and when hot she tends to wear less. At the same temple I have seen foreigners approached with wraps and the like to wear in order to dress appropriately.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

First of all, you have no rights whatsoever to be telling me that I should leave or why, I can very well live somewhere and criticize whatever I want. Thailand has already a dictator, don't need another.

Second, criticizing something not equal hating.

Third: what do you think I made up so I can supply evidence?

Fourth: your comparison between 2 kids exercising OUTSIDE temple and the barely understandable rest of your sentence just goes to show how intelligent you are.

Besides we are not talking about just one rule, Thailand have an unending list of DON'Ts.

Regarding you being lucky: I also never had problems with Muslims... gosh I wonder why so many people say they do. Maybe because my own personal experience is not really a "statistic" is it?

I have no right to tell you to leave yet you come out and insult my intelligence and IQ. Seems like I'm not the one who has a problem with intelligence...or bravery for that matter.

Like I say to all who insult me personally on here.....if you're not willing to do it face to face then doing it only shows your cowardice.

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Read line three of my response. Get me in touch with them and I will.

As for appropriate, this whole campaign is inappropriate.

Started by cowards too scared to politely point out to the tourists what they were doing wrong.

You don't need to be confrontational to do this.

Correct me if I'm wrong but no one at the Wat said anything did they? Wasn't it a cowardly INTERNET warrior much like yourself who saw the photos posted in Facebook and got bent out of shape?

Look on Facebook to get in touch with them. Any one can find them in a minute.

I very much doubt this guy is literate. Thai bashers seldom are.

Bit on a high horse, much?!

Get a grip, will ya'?

Two people doing Yoga OUTSIDE a temple!

What is the world coming to, huh?!

It has nothing to do with "bashing", if one asks for the same "tolerance" Thais ask of "us", when they promote Nazi- chic without even thinking about eg. not having a clue!

You inadvertently bring up a very good example;

When a Thai wears "nazi-chic" out of ignorance, he is pilloried here on this forum as being a clueless and offensive fool.

Now, when a farang couple show offensive ignorance, the Thais doing the pillorying are condemned.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Cultural sensitivity should be demonstrated by everyone and I mean everyone not just foreigners but Thai's as well. This is especially true when Thai's have, not many it must be said, demonstrated a total lack of sensitivity to foreign values. The school play with Hitler springs instantly to mind.

I dont personally think a Wat is the right place for them to practice Yoga but they should ave been told at the time instead of blowing it into a big issue. They would have understood.

By all means Thailand should get annoyed when a foreigner basically walks all over their culture but then Thai's cant complain when foreigners get upset when Thai's ignore their culture. This is a two way street contrary to what many Thai's think

It seems to me that they should have thought of asking permission from someone at the temple before using it for their own personal photo shoot. Had they been told OK, then no problem. Had they been told no, then they could have found another backdrop. That would have been the responsible thing to do. Hopefully they've learned something and will be more aware next time around.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

The thoughts are worthy of merit. Some of the words, not so much.

Telling someone to leave sounds directive in nature. That option is best left to the individual unless the cost is undertaken by the person telling them to leave.

I never TELL anyone to leave, merely advise them to if they hate Thailand so much. I'm British and started to be very negative and cynical towards the place....I left.

Never understood someone who disagrees so much with a particular place yet stays there.

Reality it's not digital, not just 0 or 1. One can partially dislike something and act to change it. Don't need to leave.

I personally prefer trying to change society rather than just leave every time I don't like something.

Thailand has lots of good things too, young generations will grow up to change the way it's stuck in the past.

It's just this wave of restoration that is giving voice to the mos conservative factions that are oversensitive to events such as this.

Of all my Facebook friends not one shared this picture or complained about it, but then, most of people that feel offended by this would also feel the same if I hold my boyfriend's hand while straight couples do that all the times.

Unfortunately the present is coming and the past will just fade away carrying with it all the conservatives.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

First of all, you have no rights whatsoever to be telling me that I should leave or why, I can very well live somewhere and criticize whatever I want. Thailand has already a dictator, don't need another.

Second, criticizing something not equal hating.

Third: what do you think I made up so I can supply evidence?

Fourth: your comparison between 2 kids exercising OUTSIDE temple and the barely understandable rest of your sentence just goes to show how intelligent you are.

Besides we are not talking about just one rule, Thailand have an unending list of DON'Ts.

Regarding you being lucky: I also never had problems with Muslims... gosh I wonder why so many people say they do. Maybe because my own personal experience is not really a "statistic" is it?

I have no right to tell you to leave yet you come out and insult my intelligence and IQ. Seems like I'm not the one who has a problem with intelligence...or bravery for that matter.

Like I say to all who insult me personally on here.....if you're not willing to do it face to face then doing it only shows your cowardice.

Feel free to contact me anytime and we can chat and even meet, I am not hiding. I actually just gave my Facebook to another ThaiVisa member, I would even post it here but I am not sure it is allowed.

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At the risk of being roundly abused here, I simply for the life of me cannot see what is wrong in that photo. It isn't like they are smoking crack or doing rudies or anything?

Have you ever been to a Wat? Have you ever seen anyone doing anything like that at all or even close? How many times have you been in an Anglican church and seen people performing yoga and taking pictures?

They are in the grounds of the temple not in it, who has not seen people doing things like this in the grounds of a church? Where I come from the church ground is a popular place to hang out in the summer and is full of young people doing things like yoga, very normal behavior in parts of the UK.

Now, if you have been to India, have you ever seen people doing yoga at a Wat? I certainly have, not women though, and I fear that is the only issue here.

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Throw these idiots out of here ASAP. Can guess without any hesitation what nationality this is, no doubt...

So get them out. If no respect for the culture here, just go home, and spread your legs in Washington instead.

Where people are used to it.....


Edited by glegolo
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story went around about a person being arrested for spitting on a Buddha statue

when asked why,

he replied

"show me where buddha is not and there i will spit"

How very Zen ... :-)

A Thai friend was once perusing the books in my house when she came across one entitled "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." She was very shocked and disturbed by this. It took me quite a while to explain to her (my understanding of) the Zen approach to Buddhism and what the phrase really meant. Awkward...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah the Thai's don't want any of them, that's why they allow us all to live here and allow 30 days without a visa (sarcasm). That's why they have relaxed visa agreements for Russians and certain other nationalities as well.

I guess I must be the lucky single farang who's never ever had trouble with a Thai person...or, maybe people like you just love to Thai bash and make things up to back your hypocritical viewpoint.

A piece of advise I'll give you for free- if you don't like living in Thailand.....then leave. I doubt your absence will have a negative affect on the tourist trade either.

And lastly, to your comment

"no people that comes without studying Thai culture for months so they won't accidentally disrespect anything"

I haven't studied Islam for months yet I wouldn't think of walking into a Dubai mosque wearing a wife beater t shirt holding hands with my lycra clad wife....If I did I get the feeling I'd be in for a little more than criticism on FB and TVF.

The thoughts are worthy of merit. Some of the words, not so much.

Telling someone to leave sounds directive in nature. That option is best left to the individual unless the cost is undertaken by the person telling them to leave.

I never TELL anyone to leave, merely advise them to if they hate Thailand so much. I'm British and started to be very negative and cynical towards the place....I left.

Never understood someone who disagrees so much with a particular place yet stays there.

Reality it's not digital, not just 0 or 1. One can partially dislike something and act to change it. Don't need to leave.

I personally prefer trying to change society rather than just leave every time I don't like something.

Thailand has lots of good things too, young generations will grow up to change the way it's stuck in the past.

It's just this wave of restoration that is giving voice to the mos conservative factions that are oversensitive to events such as this.

Of all my Facebook friends not one shared this picture or complained about it, but then, most of people that feel offended by this would also feel the same if I hold my boyfriend's hand while straight couples do that all the times.

Unfortunately the present is coming and the past will just fade away carrying with it all the conservatives.

While I'm not conservative some cultures and social norms should remain. I'm not Buddhist while my wife is strict Buddhist, we get along just fine as we both have an understanding of our diverse unbringings in different cultures- I still wouldn't dream of doing yoga dressed like that in a temple, just as she wouldn't try to stop me from having a Saturday night out with friends.

I find the only difference between a liberal and a conservative is that if you disagree with a conservative they'll shout and call you an idiot, whereas if you disagree with a liberal they'll call you an idiot with a quiet smugness (you insulting my intelligence for disagreeing with you backs my belief up).

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2 points:

Kudos on the yoga posture. Looks like it was well done.

Not such a good idea to raise poontang to such height and with suggestive posture.

and ...

The other day the wife was going with her sisters and Mom to a famous Temple outside Bangkok on day trip. She was wearing pants but a sort of tank top shirt. The pants were very tight. Her sister had on shorts, but they were almost to the knee. I suggested to the wife she may want to bring a shawl or scarf to wear on her shoulders to enter the Temple. She agreed and got one.

On several occasions I have seen her enter temples dressed inappropriately and nothing was said or done. She was not dressed inappropriately, but it is the tropics and when hot she tends to wear less. At the same temple I have seen foreigners approached with wraps and the like to wear in order to dress appropriately.

when I was 14 I came toThailand to visit my father's family. There was this big party in town for 3 days, you know, 10,000 W speakers, drinking etc... and everybody was having fun.

So I went to the local "tessaban" to ask the permit to have a birthday party, I did not use such big speakers and not even close to the noise they did, but I played Western music.

They even sent me the police!

Unfortunately for them I had the permit.

The next day everybody was complaining.

Was it the noise? No. Was because the music was not Thai.

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I can see the way they dress can be a problem at temple, especially a lady. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with local's complaints. We all come from different backgrounds, and have different beliefs and world views. I am sure those 2 didn't mean to offend anyone at all. It was just part of their daily exercises. Howerver, these farangs tourists are in Thailand as guests. It is a common sense that once you are in foreign country, you must respect their rules and culture. If you accidently did something inappropriate, you should stop doing it again and apologize.

agreed, if someone warn you, but Thai rather took pic and cowardly complained on social media.

And what do you think happening here at ThaiVisa on daily basis. All those posts with pics and complaints (often bashing)...

I am afraid I did not get you.

I am a ThaiVisa poster, 2 days ago I saw a man chasing a dog with a stick in the park because he did not like to be barked at, I know the dog I feed him daily and he has never attacked anyone, everybody loves him.

I stood up to the man and when he became confrontational I started to approach him very closely. He walked away.

I did not take pictures and complained online.

I also once warned some teenager fishing in the park pool with a big "NO FISHING" sign, when they refused to leave, I called the park attendant who called the police.

No online bashing that time too.

It is you who should be complained about for encouraging stray dogs into the park.

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Remove religion, 80% of world problems already gone.

Can we get back to traffic critisism and stuff now? There is more important stuff that needs attention than trivial stuff like this.

The Khmer Rouge tried to remove religion... look how well that worked out.

And before you have a go at me, I'm agnostic -- my point is only that without religion, people will find something else to kill each other over. Religion just provides one of many alternative ways for us to tribalise ourselves.

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It is you who should be complained about for encouraging stray dogs into the park.

I see you know Thailand very well. Dogs are welcome in the park, Thai community love them and feed them, infact the man wasn't Thai.

Temples keep dogs too.

What you just said would make Thai hate you very much, you know?

I guess your time in Thailand was not enough after all to get the culture.

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What country is Yoga, The Kama Sutra and Lord Gautama Buddha from?

Just sayin'...

India. Not sure I follow.

Tha's where Theravada Buddhism (as practised by Thais, allegedly) originated.

And still the point is not clear. Judaism, Christianity, and (arguably) Islam all originated in the same part of the world, but that doesn't mean the practices in one are acceptable to the others.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A group of farang was found doing a workout [at a temple], supposedly yoga. They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos. This was done in public view of both locals and tourists," the caption said. Common temple etiquette requires visitors to remain calm, and act in a composed manner"

Boo hoo hoo

If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

With all due respect I believe you are missing the point, no matter what their intentions were, no matter whether the locals present wanted to directly approach these people or not, the important point is that this is a place of worship.

It is NOT a tourist attraction, it is not intended as a place for impromptu work outs or photo opportunities.

Like most of us here on this forum they are guests in this country, they knew where they were and showed a blatant disregard for both their surroundings and the local worshipers.

In my honest opinion this is just another example of the small percentage of inconsiderate and ignorant foreign visitor to this country, every week at Temple's, government offices and in shopping malls we see scantily clad women and guy's in shirtless vests. Like most guy's I am thoroughly sexist and enjoy the occasional perve at a well presented female (to balance the book I wouldn't deny my female friends the same pleasure with the many younger males) But it has to be said there is a time and place for all of this, and they got it wrong!!!

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Throw these idiots out of here ASAP. Can guess without any hesitation what nationality this is, no doubt...

So get them out. If no respect for the culture here, just go home, and spread your legs in Washington instead.

Where people are used to it.....


Blimey! Just as well they didn't light a fag or you would be calling for their execution...

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Information and communication is all that is required...............Signs in English (and pref. other languages)...............Leaflets handed out in English..............English speaking (TAT?) employees to patrol/monitor the temples, or on call to diplomatically deal with problems like this.

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Another example of an overreaction by a Thai.

Not at all. I rather suspect the tourists wouldn't act the same way in a church, mosque or synagogue in their home country. Why should they even think it's remotely acceptable in a Buddhist temple?

They are also both dressed inappropriately to visit a temple. They have obviously spent no time learning about local ways and are completely devoid of any cultural sensitivity.

It appears to be on the grass outside the temple.

You'd be amazed what some youngsters in the west get up to on the grass outside (otherwise known as the graveyard).

how long you been in thailand and you still dont know what comprises a temple?

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This is a sign outside a Thai temple in Petchabun. Makes it pretty clear what is considered unacceptable. If one is not supposed to hug others or wear tight-fitting clothes, then it's understandable that Thais would consider this (exhibitionist?) display inappropriate. [Yes - it's not 'hugging' per se, but there's clearly extended physical contact going on ... or do temples now have to post 'no cooperative-yoga' signs?]


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Come come Blue...,...It's hardly vilification as they are unidentified and will probably remain so.

Your Thai may well be better than the photographer's Hebrew/French/Dutch/French/English. What was she supposed to do as obviously she was outraged or offended.

Did they know? Probably not, and that's the point of the article; ignorant farang.

When in Rome......

That's blues.

And publishing their picture is appalling behavior in this context.

They are being vilified on forums carrying their picture.

O please you are getting a bit over the top here, vilified what are they suppose to get, please come back and do your workout at my Wat again, I loved it so much.

No not over the top at all but an accurate reflection on what is being done.

I never said that what they were doing was ok, I have repeatedly said that those offended should have said this behaviour was insensitive rather than snap a picture and slag them off online.

Though as you've read every post you know that already don't you.

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