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'Third gender' will be acknowledged in the new Thai constitution


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Pointless exercise, there are only two genders male and female. A man who dresses as a chicken doesn't magically become a chicken does he, he's still just a man dressed as a chicken.

How wrong you are, you relic of middle age thinking. There is people that is both sexes at birth, they are called hermaphrodites. And there is people that decides which sex they want to be, it's part of human nature. But, it's useless to explain that to people with a shallow brain, of which of course there is no scarcity.

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This topic has brilliantly demonstrated how governments leverage so-called "special interests" to divide the people and conquer them. Never fails.

Instead of simply accepting the simple and obvious concept that we are all human beings, and we all deserve to be free to pursue our life in the way that maximizes our happiness without hindering the ability of our fellow citizens to likewise pursue their happiness, we devolve into arguments over "junk" and "packages" and "genders" and "toilets".

Some time ago, some rather brilliant guys said it best, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (read human beings) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (be it God or Nature) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

That succinct statement still stands as one of the most well conceived concepts of human rights and the origin and purpose of government.

Easy for you to say.

Under the rule of that wording. black people were slaves, etc., etc.

When you can say it better, please feel free to share.

Ultimately, that concept eliminated the abomination of slavery. Despite the deeply ingrained injustices perpetuated by men with small minds and/or vested interests. Reality and idealism are often at odds. But the concept of all people being equal, and being endowed with unalienable rights that are not granted to them by their government, has proven time and time again to offer hope for positive change and the path to make it a reality. Hence the reason many attempt to model it, but few get it right. Because in most cases, the government itself is drafting the constitution and cannot conceive of relinquishing it's absolute authority.

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