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Noise pollution soi 5 Jomtien


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Tell you what,Ill put my nearest karaoke singer up against yours,and I will win every time

If there is a Hell, it no doubt involves a person strapped to a chair, unable to move, and forced to listed 24/7 to the crap noise pollution/music coming from a karaoke machine and a Thai singer w/ a guitar in the courtyard of the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel, Soi 5, Jomtien. Or, perhaps it involves the karaoke singer you apparently have grown to love smile.png

No, hell is being forced to listen to rap or hip hop, compared to which your noise is pleasantsad.png . But I certainly understand where you are coming from. If it was at a reasonable volume, would it be OK?

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Tell you what,Ill put my nearest karaoke singer up against yours,and I will win every time

If there is a Hell, it no doubt involves a person strapped to a chair, unable to move, and forced to listed 24/7 to the crap noise pollution/music coming from a karaoke machine and a Thai singer w/ a guitar in the courtyard of the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel, Soi 5, Jomtien. Or, perhaps it involves the karaoke singer you apparently have grown to love smile.png

No, hell is being forced to listen to rap or hip hop, compared to which your noise is pleasantsad.png . But I certainly understand where you are coming from. If it was at a reasonable volume, would it be OK?

Is there a “reasonable volume” that would be acceptable? Apparently, the purpose of the noise pollution/music at the hotel is to make money. The target audience is probably Thais (30s-50s). The location is near the front entrance, by the pool, overlooking a few outdoor tables where they want "suckers" to sit, listen to the noise pollution/music, and spend money on overpriced food and drinks. The distance between the "musicians" and the outdoor tables can't be more than 10-15 meters. The problem is they are "blasting" the music so loud that is can be heard 500 meters away. The horrible sound not only permeates the hotel, it also impacts nearby high-rise buildings in Jomtien.

The noise pollution/music is without question pissing off both hotel guests and other people who live in the area. One solution would be to stop the outdoor concerts entirely. Another solution would be to turn the volume down so low that only the intended target is impacted by the horrible noise. Another solution would be to unplug the idiot who plays terrible guitar and sings in an awful voice, give him an acoustic guitar and have him walk around and sing/play to the victims (perhaps his act would not reach others outside of the hotel area). Another possible solution would be to hold the outdoor concert from Hell once per week, maximum! Now, the hotel manager has told the musicians to play every evening, starting at 7:00 and ending at 10:00 (often later). This idiotic policy has been going on for over two months now!

One problem is that some mentally challenged people probably enjoy the noise pollution/music. Here a picture of some people who are responding favorably to the idiots version of "Thai A Yellow Ribbon Around The Old Oak Tree":


But beware, this is what happens to you if you stay at the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel, Soi 5, Jomtien and are forced by the management to listen to the noise/pollution music coming from an idiot with a Karaoke box, microphone and guitar:


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I have uncovered proof that reveals the paternal origins of their business plan!

It also suggests that they are all related to their customersbiggrin.png

coffee1.gif Thank you! I learn something new each day. I had no idea that there were so many different types of idiots. I do not think the idiots that are supporting and engaged in the noise pollution/music torture fiasco at the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel are "fake idiots" or even "blithering idiots." Rather, IMHO, I think they come from a long line of "first class idiots." Perhaps congratulations are in order and we should give them a hand for being such distinguished idiots clap2.gif

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For a change, go and listen to the awful din coming from that terrible karaoke establishment with a big tree on the second floor of Jomtien complex, more or less opposite Linda's and in an area surrounded by about 3000 condo units.

Rarely have I heard a more evil noise.

And Thais wonder why tourists dont want to come here. It's hard to imagine what they could possibly do to put people off more, short of actually knifing them at the airport.

I now know where that "big tree" is--up one level from ground level. I have yet to hear that "music." But if it is loud, and no doubt it is given what you said, then the noise pollution would drift upward right into those tall condos near the beach and probably bother everyone living in them, especially those living on the upper floors. With regard to the other noise pollution problem in Jomtien, it has gotten much worse. After the manager of the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel became aware that he was creating a noise nuisance by holding an outdoor concert near the hotel's pool for 3-4 hours each evening, he must have told the horrible singer/guitar player to turn up the volume and play longer (typical Thai response....make the problem worse). Last night was the worst--horrible music beyond imagination and it got louder as the night went on! The manager must be a bit insane to keep blasting loud music (horrible or not) at his guests, especially given that the hotel advertises itself as a place to relax cheesy.gif No doubt guests will start complaining on TripAdviser and other similar places. In fact, there are complaints online now about the noise at the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel, and not just from this thread. After looking at many reviews, I was not surprised to see several complaints about the manager and management of the hotel. If the manager really does think that his guests like being blasting by loud and annoying music each evening, he should instruct the horrible singer/guitar player to place the speakers/amps so that they point back at the "stage" and not away from it, which would be more directly aimed at the guests as opposed to the victims sitting at tables near the pool. Now the speakers/amps are pointing directly at the Jomtien Thani hotel. I wonder how long the manager of that hotel will put up with the noise pollution coming from the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. What is really surprising to me is that the area seems fairly quiet this year with one exception: The noise pollution coming from the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. I am not joking. The bar noise is almost non-existent. When the concert from Hell starts up each night at the hotel, that is the only noise you can hear for several hours. That is how bad it is for people who are being subjected to it. The mindset of the manager at the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel is no different that the Thai idiots who drive around town in those "boom trucks" blasting loud music from large speakers without any regard to other people. It is only a matter of time before the hotel receives a flood of complaints about the noise pollution it is causing and its reputation goes way down. I have no idea what to do about this problem. facepalm.gif

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I guess the best thing is to email the hotel manager in Thai and let him know Of the noise and make sure its a firm letter.

But you have to realize i guess they would be defending their actions by saying its a tourist and entertainment area and they are running a business in such an area where its "considered" acceptable by most people.

The question is when does it become unacceptable?

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If anyone affected by noise in jomtien wants to find a peaceful place to live then move across to wong amat beach. I know 2 rooms on the 20th floor in a new tower that are available at a good rate with fine sea views and a constant breeze.

There is a band that plays at the hotel on the beach but its not too obtrusive and it has an 23:30 curfew EVERY NIGHT.

theres very few tourist this end and plenty of good restaurants.

Im going up north to listen to the headman every morning instead.

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The last 2 posts (76 & 77) are extremely hard Thai bashing, if you fell that way why are you in a Thai based forum?

You should go somewhere else if you don't like Thailand and its people.

But back to topic, yes it's a noisy country in many ways so pick your living place with extreme care and even then it might get noisy 1 or years later, who knows.

In the village I live in in North Pattaya don't have noise problems but the Thais living here are quiet people, sure a party now and again and some noise from outside the village sometimes but not enough to disturb my sleep.

I am baffled when I see the colorful buses coming to Jomtien in the weekends, windows open and extremely noisy music played but mostly young people in them, it looks like they are having fun, expect the driver perhaps?

I hope that OP get his noise problem sorted out, if enough people complain sure something can/will be done about it. Looks like the manager is a clown and will hopefully soon be booted out.

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The last 2 posts (76 & 77) are extremely hard Thai bashing, if you fell that way why are you in a Thai based forum?

You should go somewhere else if you don't like Thailand and its people.

But back to topic, yes it's a noisy country in many ways so pick your living place with extreme care and even then it might get noisy 1 or years later, who knows.

In the village I live in in North Pattaya don't have noise problems but the Thais living here are quiet people, sure a party now and again and some noise from outside the village sometimes but not enough to disturb my sleep.

I am baffled when I see the colorful buses coming to Jomtien in the weekends, windows open and extremely noisy music played but mostly young people in them, it looks like they are having fun, expect the driver perhaps?

I hope that OP get his noise problem sorted out, if enough people complain sure something can/will be done about it. Looks like the manager is a clown and will hopefully soon be booted out.

Yes, some of the posts, including a few of mine I am sorry to say, are equivalent to "Thai bashing." It is probably better to stick with the facts without wide generalizations. Fact #1: The Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel is causing a noise disturbance each evening for several hours. Fact #2: The noise disturbance is coming from two, not one, Thais with electric guitars, two large amps, microphones for singing, and a Karaoke box. They are playing horrible music in an outdoor courtyard adjacent to the hotel. The probable target are guests and other customers who want to sit outside in the evening and listen to music. Those guests are sitting at tables very close to the two Thai musicians (in reality, every time I have walked by they are playing to nobody...empty tables). But, the music is extremely loud (main problem) and is drifting over a very large area in Jomtien. If you are a guests at the hotel or if you live/stay in one of the high-rise hotels/condos in the area, you can hear the music even with your windows shut. Fact #3: The manager is well aware of the "problem." Apparently, in response to complaints, he told the musicians to turn the volume way up and play for a much longer period of time, so it went from 2 hours to 3 hours to 4 hours (and this has been going on for 2.5 months and counting, each evening, non-stop). Fact #4: There is a very simple solution to the problem, which is for the manager to tell the musicians to reposition the speakers/amps on the other side of the tables and orient them so that they face the musicians and not the Jomtien Thani hotel next door. Related to this, the manager should make them turn the volume way down. The ideal solution would be to stop the noise pollution entirely. Fact #5: The country would benefit from a law that makes it illegal to give two Thai idiots who cannot sing or play electric guitars, amps/speakers, microphones and a Karaoke box as the combination is lethal if not evil in some way smile.png Seriously, there needs to be a new focus on laws related to holding outdoor concerts in public areas as well as noise pollution laws, and those laws need to be enforced. Noise pollution is a serious problem in Thailand now, and not just here, it has spread like a cancer all over the country. I wonder if future generations will put up with it. Maybe the current generation that is accepting and magnifying the noise problem now will turn against it as they grow older. Maybe pigs will learn to fly smile.png

Edited by Awohalitsiktoli
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A couple of off topic rants about Thai people have been removed:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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A couple of off topic rants about Thai people have been removed:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Feel free to close the thread, which of course you can at any time. I have nothing else to say about this rather "dismal" situation. I just wanted to rant a bit about the noise pollution coming from a specific hotel in Jomtien and noise pollution in general, which I consider to be a growing problem.

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"Noise pollution" yes ,everywhere. Thais love it,as for singing forget it, decent meaningful singing that is. I put the fault at the so called "talent" contests The Voice on channel 3 and suchlike,,utter garbage. Watched an episode last week,no kidding the girl was shouting down the mike,and surprise surprise,critical acclaim in abundance at the finish ,the girl was shedding more tears than a crocodile In essence a load of putrefied pig swill should have been emptied on her,give her a clue of how well she actually performed,all the Thai karaoke singers should be entertained as this,but nobody there to tell 'em how awful they are,,they exist in their own tiny planet

Things are getting worse generally for me and mine,got to stick it out for a while yet

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This topic serves as a valuable warning to newbs and the uninformed.

And the "warning" is?

Check out the area at night before you make a long term commitment. Do research on the Thai forums.


Well i use to livd in a condo above jomtien complex AND was going to buy...luckily i didnt because since then a Karaoke Bar opened up on top right near the windows of my Condo...this is the one with the big tree on top.

Now can you imagine having your balcony just metres away from his bar ?

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This topic serves as a valuable warning to newbs and the uninformed.

And the "warning" is?

Check out the area at night before you make a long term commitment. Do research on the Thai forums.


Well i use to livd in a condo above jomtien complex AND was going to buy...luckily i didnt because since then a Karaoke Bar opened up on top right near the windows of my Condo...this is the one with the big tree on top.

Now can you imagine having your balcony just metres away from his bar ?

That is good advice, Hyku1147. I wonder how many people make the grave mistake of not doing that. The "Big Tree" noise pollution in Jomtien was mentioned earlier. What bad luck for people who bought condo units in the Jomtien Complex.......isn't that the same condo that had a condo built right in front of it? I see them every day but am not sure about the names. I think the past year has seen an explosion of noise pollution in Thailand, coupled with an "I do not care if what I am doing is bothering others" attitude. It is almost impossible, if not impossible, to escape the noise pollution. It seems like every bar is playing music, and every restaurant (including places like Starbucks, which I think raised the volume of its music over the past year). Of course, at present, I am most upset with the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel and its persistence in holding an outdoor "concert" each evening (now going on three months without pause). The music is loud and annoying and floats all over the surrounding area, causing a major noise problem. I wonder how long it will take before hotel guests start complaining in large numbers and the manager is fired. It seems logical that the louder and longer the two Thai idiots play, the greater the probability that complaints will surface. I am now seeing for sale signs going up (hanging from balconies) near the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. Those owners have to be furious! And the speakers/amps are pointing right at the Jomtien Thani hotel, which is next to the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel. The manager of that hotel has to be upset with the manager of the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel for blasting music at his mostly Chinese/Russian guests who probably want to relax rather than be accosted by two Thai idiots with electric guitars, horrible voices, and a karaoke box. Back to the "advice," yes, check out the place both day and night before you purchase a condo here, unless you love noise pollution.

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The "Big Tree" noise pollution in Jomtien was mentioned earlier. What bad luck for people who bought condo units in the Jomtien Complex.......isn't that the same condo that had a condo built right in front of it? I see them every day but am not sure about the names.

I suspect that the noise from the "big tree" seems louder in units near the front of View Talay 2A than in those in Jomtien Complex, most of which face in the other direction.

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  • 6 months later...

What, if anything, happened to the noisy "concerts" at The Fifth Jomtien (the Residence) hotel on Soi 5 (next to Immigration)? Do they continue unabated to this day? Or, did they either lower the volume to a tolerable level or even stop completely?

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What, if anything, happened to the noisy "concerts" at The Fifth Jomtien (the Residence) hotel on Soi 5 (next to Immigration)? Do they continue unabated to this day? Or, did they either lower the volume to a tolerable level or even stop completely?

They finally stopped after the high season ended (and after receiving numerous complaints on the internet). But it remains to be seen if they will start up again, probably in October. In the meantime, the area (Soi 5-7) is very noisy even without the music from The Fifth Jomtien. The bars have been loud this year w/ bar owners not closing at the legal time and playing loud karaoke crap music for hours and hours, and girls screaming in unison, making some animal-like sound (think cats scratching a blackboard). Now a restaurant/hotel/massage place towards the end of Soi 7 (the one with the bungalows out back) is playing karaoke crap all afternoon and into the night, annoying a lot of people. Interestingly, that restaurant never has customers. I told the manager twice that as long as she allows the worst Thai music imaginable to be played, she would not get farangs to eat there. Response: Turn up the music! Noise pollution continues to be the worst thing about living in Jomtien.

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Thanks for the update, Awohalitsiktoli. I've been looking at condos in the area and wanted to see what the current situation was. I need to make a few night-time visits to the area, I guess, to see how bad it is to my ears.

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Thanks for the update, Awohalitsiktoli. I've been looking at condos in the area and wanted to see what the current situation was. I need to make a few night-time visits to the area, I guess, to see how bad it is to my ears.

One thing to remember is sound tends to rise, following a path of least resistance. I live on a high floor in the area, so virtually every sound at ground level (karaoke, boom trucks, etc) makes its way to my ears, even if coming from a kilometre away. If you are serious about buying a condo (can't imagine why you would do that given the market conditions and deteriorating social conditions), you probably should wait until high season to really judge the noise level. For me, and for many others, noise pollution in the area is a huge negative that outweighs the positives (yes, there still are a few positives). You might be able to escape most of the noise pollution by living in one of those condo units on the beach north of the Waterpark.........or way down south the other direction, way past Chaiyapruk Road. If "in between," the noise pollution will find you. Unfortunately, the police have chosen to do nothing about the noise pollution problem.

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I seem to recall that just after the Bangkok bombing the police and local businesses had some sort of meeting with perhaps a 5 point plan (we know how those go....). However last item listed was about limiting noise In Pattaya. I wonder what the phone number of the army is, as police tend to do nothing? If they got 20-30 calls a night they might get irritated enough to do something (hope springs eternal). Maybe someone could organize some picketing? A flash mob type thing?

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I have lived/ worked here in Thailand to know that Thais will never complain. It is not polite to have someone lose face by complaining...so things will continue as is. We farangs are looked upon as complainers by the Thais and we are also known to show anger which is a big no-no in Thailand. One can vent all they want on this forum but nothing will be done. (and this is another example to never buy a condo in Pattaya since building and ordinances are not enforced--if there are any.

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  • 1 month later...

I just walked past Jomtien complex and there is an indescribable din coming from at least 3 different places down that gay street area.

I cant imagine why the 1000s of nearby residents aren't all on the phone complaining about it.

I have never heard anything as unpleasant anywhere in the world.

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Not just in Jomtien...its an Oriental thing.

Walk into any Plaza that has a promotion and some over made up stupid brain dead tart is screaming at the top of her lungs to buy some cream to make your armpits whiter.

All the Villages in Thailand have tannoy systems so the head man of the village can tell everyone ...I have no idea what he tells them...I am sure its very important to Thais to hear his news at 0800 on a sunday morning..

I was passing the end of Soi WatBoon at the Sukh end the other week and the head man of that area was babbling at 110 decibels about something very important.

Do you really need a tannoy system on your truck to tell the guys on the International Space Station you are selling limes at 50 baht a Kilo. "MANAO, MANAO.....!!!

My very first morning in Thailand and I was woken by that stupid plonky noise / tune that the Walls Ice Cream scooter seller has...Who the F eats ice cream at 0700 ???

Karaoke bars. Set up by the Japs as revenge for losing out on the railway to Burma ....

Thai concerts. Starring women who can scream like a cat being forced through a meat mincer above the noise of a band playing at 32 beats to the bar.

The list goes on and on....simple things now have noise related to it. Why do so many people have to scream as if they are being raped because they are simply splashing in the water at the beach. It gets worse when they ride on a Banana boat. I for one think it is serious attention seeking.

They get my attention OK. Sadly I cannot carry out the very quick and painless death that these morons deserve. Oh how I wish I had a sniper rifle to use of my balcony.

and by the way I am currently in South China and I can hear those screaching idiots in the Jomtien Complex from here.

Thai concerts. Starring women who can scream like a cat being forced through a meat mincer above the noise of a band playing at 32 beats to the bar. ....... cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif Nooo....

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The neighbours and I have phoned the 1337 Pattaya City complaint line over a hundred times about a nusiance!

My well connected Thai landlord won't complain about the nearby karaoke (owned by police) that disturbs us all night till 6AM.

Usually, just 2 or 3 drunks screaming into a thousand watt speaker. No walls!! The karaoke is open air!!

50% of his renters have moved out.

The landlord fears his family could be in danger if he complains.

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