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How to help those not adapting to Thailand ?


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"-always have a Thai citizen "front" for you for everything from ordering food to dealing with Thai government".

How about feeding you too and wiping bum?

I feel there are many who would take that option, if it were available.

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"-always have a Thai citizen "front" for you for everything from ordering food to dealing with Thai government".

How about feeding you too and wiping bum?

I feel there are many who would take that option, if it were available.

That option is available,

All my Thai gfs have offered to shower me and wipe my bum.

Usually they attempt to feed me too.

Not to mention plucking excess nasal and ear hair and popping zits.

Quite sweet really.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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If you have to try and adapt, forget it, It should be a natural progression , not forced,

Like Alzheimers? coffee1.gif

Thanks just learned to day from a gifted educated Thai member that Alzheimer's is forced maybe phone the local Hospital and tell them to stop forcing Alzheimer's on people,

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OP sounds utterly spineless as he laughs along with and compliments those who are attempting to rip him off. OP clearly has no self-sufficiency in Thailand since he "always" has a Thai fronting for him, even when buying food.

It's quite simple: OP stop being so damn lazy and learn the correct prices for things, learn some of the language of your adopted country and stand up for yourself. Then, try actually being outside tourist areas and get out of your English speaking, second babyhood bubble and find out that most Thais are not going to over-charge you at all.

You might actually have some quality interactions with the natives along the way, beyond that one that married you and wipes your chin for you. Try not being so paranoid and being so concerned about others, life's too short.

How ironic this guy thinks he's got something to say about people not adapting well here. This topic is the yin to the yang of the one by the kid who thinks he's got advice for newbies.

the advices for newbies gives Rangsritreppin....more experienced..

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Not worth replying to.

P.S. I am an American to.

P.P.S. I am an American too!

You want a medal? whistling.gif

Being able to spell "too" doesn't justify a medal.

Except maybe on this forum, if you can also spell "lose" with only one 'o'


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ranter is saddest poster ever. Clearly nothing to do!

No, actually that award goes to, the guy in the Bangkok Forum, whining that the BTS ripped off. Even though they showed him the card was expired, and apparently followed published policy. I think he lost 55 Baht after all was said and done.

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-always have a Thai citizen "front" for you for everything from ordering food to dealing with Thai government.


Because I've been ordering food for myself this whole time, and it seems to have gone ok so far. What have I been doing wrong?

we've been over this a dozen times. by ordering your own food, you keep losing your seat at the food court. slow learner??

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"-always have a Thai citizen "front" for you for everything from ordering food to dealing with Thai government".

How about feeding you too and wiping bum?

I feel there are many who would take that option, if it were available.

That option is available,

All my Thai gfs have offered to shower me and wipe my bum.

Usually they attempt to feed me too.

Not to mention plucking excess nasal and ear hair and popping zits.

Quite sweet really.

boy you sure need cleaning up. most guys do these things for themselves BEFORE the gf notices they need it.

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-never expect a Thai to follow your orders to the letter and do not give more than one request at a time.

Yep...can't have that old "don't follow the farang orders to the letter thing cropping up again." Certainly "not more than one at a time".End of the world as we know it old chap

Didn't they learn anything from Yul Brynner and "The King and I" Education that's the spirit old Chap What!

Damn Colonials.

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-always have a Thai citizen "front" for you for everything from ordering food to dealing with Thai government.

If you are able to speak Thai you can do anything yourself.

-kindly laugh WITH a Thai asking for too much money, like tuk tuks, and compliment him on his sound capitalist ways.

No need to laugh, I just walk away and tell him in Thai I am not banock.

-at least read about Buddhism so you can see it is a rational life philosophy with many good aspects and not superstitions.

Thai Buddhism is full of superstitions otherwise the Amulet market would be dead.

To the OP stay on your Cloud 7 as long as it last.

Buddha never taught to collect amulets.

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So keep your mouth shut and bend over and take it like a man or go home ...... Is this what you are trying to say ?

I do not know about that. I will admit that he is somewhat annoyingly know it all and self-righteous. My take on Thai bashers is not quite the same. They are for the most part wretched creatures who indulge in absurd and malicious speculation as though it were the truth. Or mischaracterize for denigrating purposes. They are not bending over and taking anything. I believe that they were the same losers in their own countries an now they have come full circle after the novelty of "the good life" has worn off. They take it out on the Thais.
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KhnomKhnom, thanks for the lecture. I'm sure the Dalai Lama could learn a lot from your wisdom. But don't keep your knowledge secret. Tell the world, everyone will be eternally grateful when you tell them everything that's wrong with them. But I pity you being so perfect in an inperfect world. It must really suck.

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