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Study: Germans have skeptical view of Israel

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Every one who criticizes Israel is not an anti-Semite, but a huge number are and many others do it because it is fashionable on the left. Most of them have no real idea of how the conflict started or who is mostly responsible for it.

Like the Irgun bombing of the King David Hotel in 1948?

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I am not a 'Palestinian'.

I am not an Arab.

I am not a Christian.

I am not a Judaist.

I am not a Muslim.

I am not an Israeli.

I prefer Israel over any ME, NA or any of the regional countries any time of day or night.

And some statements here about Israelis being murderers, terrorists and Nazis make me so angry that at times I wish they were true and wish good luck to Israelis.


Every one who criticizes Israel is not an anti-Semite, but a huge number are and many others do it because it is fashionable on the left. Most of them have no real idea of how the conflict started or who is mostly responsible for it.

It is not importend anymore who started. Both sides done a lot of bad things.

But it's time to STOP this stupid fight/war or whatever you want call it. No one can be the winner!!!

And because the ISRAELIS don't want to talk and find a compromise all other countries must stop supporting them.

This maybe want help!!!

Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University wrote books "The invention of the Jewish People" and "The Invention of the land of Israel"

Basically he brings academic evidence to illustrate that the people claiming to be Jewish to-day are not at all the same people who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.

It is obvious he considers that the modern Jews (Zionists) started to occupy modern Israel and that they are the real aggressors...

Finally Israel Finkelstein, Professor of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University backs up all what Prof Shlomo Sand writes, with his own stunning book : "The Bible Unearthed"

According to Finkelstein the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology

Those who can't import those books can find conferences given by both professors on Youtube.

Don't argue with me : both authors are really not hot headed Arabs writing blogs from a PC in their kitchen : just read their books and the many academic sources they refer to.

In fact if King David, King Solomon, Moses etc...are mythological figures the same way as King Arthur and his Caste of Camelot ..it is not only a problem for the people of Jewish faith but also for those of Christian and Muslim faith.

Sand's views are controversial, and are not by any means considered definitive (the books popularity notwithstanding). Also, many people tend to confuse the arguments he raises (some are quite valid, some are out there), and at the same time disregard Sand's political agenda.

Finkelstein's research is more solid, actually. However, I do not think that the claim made is that "the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology" as such - nothing that simplistic, if not supportive of Jewish folklore and literal interpretations of the bible.


A lot of the threats Israel faces are because of their far right leaders and persecution of the Palestinians.

Not to mention their nuclear weapons

I could believe this if one could then provide an explanation for the past 1400 years of islamic aggression and scriptural mandate to find the jew and slaughter them, enslave them, or make them pay the tax and feel subjugated just to remain alive. If one cannot explain this, then clearly they are limited to such observations that contemporary history alone explains their findings- thus, their faulty premise. One superimposes a current worldview over an entirely vacant history, without context, depth, or any meaningful cause and effect- just convenient observation.

The present is contiguous with the past, regardless of one's knowledge of history and facts. The fact is, mulsims (for the most part) hate jews because... they are jews! Period. It is stated to hate them. It is demanded to hate them. Muslims are authorized to injure, kill or cause harm to jews.

Every single day, throughout the day, all over the world, for 1,400 years, Muslims say "The Seven Oft Repeated Verses" (5x times a day= 35x) that includes the condemnation of jews (also an insult for christians), "the ones who earned your wrath" and "the ones who went astray." If a seeker of truth in understanding such things finds this point not worthy of merit, he defines his character. If one does note this truth but somehow cannot fit it in with their current affairs conclusions, I just dont get it. It is so consistent. Muslims are instructed to hate jews. It is clear as day. I have read the numerous injunctions, it is not suggestive or even interpretative. (I have read the attached link trying to debunk what I say above and I include to you only the rebuttal of my post. It is simply a lie! http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/islamophobes-claim-that-muslims-curse-christians-and-jews/0019172)

This is where I disagree with the poster but this is where I find it relevant to Germany- an undeniable historical symbol of hatred and aggression. What is it that such commentary above has with Germany's past? Supremacy! The islamic ideology is at its core profoundly supremacist. The end result of inculcating over and over and over and over and over every day, every year throughout the world how great you are and how the jews have earned your Master's ire and the Christians rebuffed Al Lah leads to the supremacy pathology and jihad and denial we see everywhere today. Look to Germany's love affair with multiculturalism and their sorry assimilation efforts and one begins to note why, increasingly, Germany again has a skeptical view of [jews.] It is certainly worthy of critique that a past german leader particularly applauded the muslims for the rabid antisemitism and in fact, entered into an alliance with islam to actually help destroy jews (and everyone else too- the christian world).

Study: "Germans have a skeptical view of Israel." I wonder how many jews in Israel find it ridiculous that a study needed to be conducted to observe the obvious.

You often repeat this same mantra, (which I might say is getting more and more like veiled hate-speech) and, in reading the link you provided, I wonder why you do. I wonder why, with the article absolutely debunking your stance you provided it, and I wonder on what basis you say it is all lies.

Are you competent in Classical Q'uranic Arabic to be able to say this translation is good or that translation is bad? It seems to me that Goldberg has very valid points in stating that the Hilali-Khan translation is an extremist's one and not one that anyone but an extremist takes any notice of.

It appears to me that the numerous scholarly translations do NOT advocate killing of Jews, that the prayer DOES NOT even mention Jews or Christians.


Nobody here certainly has said that all criticism of Israel is antisemitism. Most Jews have something critical to say about Israel. DUH. I have been talking about something specific from the German survey -- the suggestion of EQUIVALENCE between Nazi Germany and modern Israel. That kind of expression is indeed antisemitic in nature.


Every one who criticizes Israel is not an anti-Semite, but a huge number are and many others do it because it is fashionable on the left. Most of them have no real idea of how the conflict started or who is mostly responsible for it.

It isn't importend anymore who started the conflict. But it is importend to stop this conflict.

But the Problem is that the Israelis don't want to stop and talk and give the land what they occupied back. So it's time for all countries who support Israel to stop this support. A lot of Israelis don't like what their leaders do, too .

Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University wrote books "The invention of the Jewish People" and "The Invention of the land of Israel"

Basically he brings academic evidence to illustrate that the people claiming to be Jewish to-day are not at all the same people who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.

It is obvious he considers that the modern Jews (Zionists) started to occupy modern Israel and that they are the real aggressors...

Finally Israel Finkelstein, Professor of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University backs up all what Prof Shlomo Sand writes, with his own stunning book : "The Bible Unearthed"

According to Finkelstein the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology

Those who can't import those books can find conferences given by both professors on Youtube.

Don't argue with me : both authors are really not hot headed Arabs writing blogs from a PC in their kitchen : just read their books and the many academic sources they refer to.

In fact if King David, King Solomon, Moses etc...are mythological figures the same way as King Arthur and his Caste of Camelot ..it is not only a problem for the people of Jewish faith but also for those of Christian and Muslim faith.

Sand's views are controversial, and are not by any means considered definitive (the books popularity notwithstanding). Also, many people tend to confuse the arguments he raises (some are quite valid, some are out there), and at the same time disregard Sand's political agenda.

Finkelstein's research is more solid, actually. However, I do not think that the claim made is that "the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology" as such - nothing that simplistic, if not supportive of Jewish folklore and literal interpretations of the bible.

Of course Sand's views are controversial! His views threaten, in particular, Jewish Orthodoxy and also Zionism.

With those two groups disliking what he says, one has to, in all reasonableness, wonder if in fact any controversy is genuine or contrived, and if genuine, based on what facts?

I never said forget.

I just said Israel and Jews should stop pulling the holocaust out when it's suits their agendas.

Look what they are doing today, it's not that much different what was done to them 70 years ago.

Not wanting to be rude,but,is seems you know very very little about the holocaust and what the Germans did and how they did it!! It is very very different to what is happening today.

Persecution is persecution.

Regardless of the methods.

I think you just demonstrated the claim made in the earlier post.

So, thinking hard here....drawing an offensive cartoon vs. killing the cartoonist....same same?

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What happened in Nazi-germany and Europe some 70-80 years ago, resulted in a lot of sympathy for the jewish people. Yet, what's happening now in Israel en Palestine, rapidly takes away that sympathy. Seems like the israelian authorities did not learn from the atrocities done unto them, and treat the palestinians just as bad. Most europeans feel that way, certainly not only the majority of germans.

Was it not for the "just as bad" bit, your post would have been spot on.

Reality check: There is no mass extermination of Palestinians.

Death by gas chamber or death by bomb...just as bad, really.

And as previously discussed, numbers of casualties don't come into it, it's the thought that counts.

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I should imagine that a significant number of Israelis maintain a healthy scepticism with regard to Germany!

Germans should forget about Israell doubtful they will plant bombs or behead any Germans

But the that is their problem now

Too Bad



Every one who criticizes Israel is not an anti-Semite, but a huge number are and many others do it because it is fashionable on the left. Most of them have no real idea of how the conflict started or who is mostly responsible for it.

Like the Irgun bombing of the King David Hotel in 1948?

That shows how little you know and proves my point. The conflict began shortly after the turn of last century with Arab attacks on Jews and in earnest in about 1919 with more of the same. The Arabs started the violence against Jews LONG before 1948.

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A lot of the threats Israel faces are because of their far right leaders and persecution of the Palestinians.

Not to mention their nuclear weapons

I could believe this if one could then provide an explanation for the past 1400 years of islamic aggression and scriptural mandate to find the jew and slaughter them, enslave them, or make them pay the tax and feel subjugated just to remain alive. If one cannot explain this, then clearly they are limited to such observations that contemporary history alone explains their findings- thus, their faulty premise. One superimposes a current worldview over an entirely vacant history, without context, depth, or any meaningful cause and effect- just convenient observation.

The present is contiguous with the past, regardless of one's knowledge of history and facts. The fact is, mulsims (for the most part) hate jews because... they are jews! Period. It is stated to hate them. It is demanded to hate them. Muslims are authorized to injure, kill or cause harm to jews.

Every single day, throughout the day, all over the world, for 1,400 years, Muslims say "The Seven Oft Repeated Verses" (5x times a day= 35x) that includes the condemnation of jews (also an insult for christians), "the ones who earned your wrath" and "the ones who went astray." If a seeker of truth in understanding such things finds this point not worthy of merit, he defines his character. If one does note this truth but somehow cannot fit it in with their current affairs conclusions, I just dont get it. It is so consistent. Muslims are instructed to hate jews. It is clear as day. I have read the numerous injunctions, it is not suggestive or even interpretative. (I have read the attached link trying to debunk what I say above and I include to you only the rebuttal of my post. It is simply a lie! http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/islamophobes-claim-that-muslims-curse-christians-and-jews/0019172)

This is where I disagree with the poster but this is where I find it relevant to Germany- an undeniable historical symbol of hatred and aggression. What is it that such commentary above has with Germany's past? Supremacy! The islamic ideology is at its core profoundly supremacist. The end result of inculcating over and over and over and over and over every day, every year throughout the world how great you are and how the jews have earned your Master's ire and the Christians rebuffed Al Lah leads to the supremacy pathology and jihad and denial we see everywhere today. Look to Germany's love affair with multiculturalism and their sorry assimilation efforts and one begins to note why, increasingly, Germany again has a skeptical view of [jews.] It is certainly worthy of critique that a past german leader particularly applauded the muslims for the rabid antisemitism and in fact, entered into an alliance with islam to actually help destroy jews (and everyone else too- the christian world).

Study: "Germans have a skeptical view of Israel." I wonder how many jews in Israel find it ridiculous that a study needed to be conducted to observe the obvious.

You often repeat this same mantra, (which I might say is getting more and more like veiled hate-speech) and, in reading the link you provided, I wonder why you do. I wonder why, with the article absolutely debunking your stance you provided it, and I wonder on what basis you say it is all lies.

Are you competent in Classical Q'uranic Arabic to be able to say this translation is good or that translation is bad? It seems to me that Goldberg has very valid points in stating that the Hilali-Khan translation is an extremist's one and not one that anyone but an extremist takes any notice of.

It appears to me that the numerous scholarly translations do NOT advocate killing of Jews, that the prayer DOES NOT even mention Jews or Christians.

How repugnant you imply I proffer hate speech; I would have thought that was beneath you. You and I differ on many things, but I also assign an honorable value to your differing point of view. Should you have chosen to indict me it would have been better had you actually been correct; you are not.

The Surah Faatiha offered before prayer most clearly assigns Jews the outcasts of Al Lah, and christians the ones who went astray. The koranic texts and the hadith make clear who these people are. To assign a value to this meaning contrary to 1400 years of islamic history it not simply apologist, it is ignorant and dangerous. Muslim prayer does inculcate such things every single day, all throughout the world. In essence, with Islam global, this inculcation pretty much continues 24 hours a day nonstop for 1,400 years.

For those who speak such things we ask "What would they say if given an equal voice, an equal standing, in our ecumenical outreach?" Lets explore this to rebut my point.

When muslims, for the first time, were invited to have service at the American National Cathedral it took a bit of time before Americans realized exactly what had been said at this moment of deep fraternity. What was said? “god has no son, that Jesus Christ cannot be his son, and that there is no god like Allah.”

Of all the neutral to supportive things that could have been said at this auspicious moment this is among that which was spoken from the Pulpit of America. How utterly hateful. You impugn me as a hater for opposing hate? At least make your point with facts, not personal innuendo. Also, as a tip, a man that includes an opposing rebuttal in his position essay usually qualifies as objective. I did so because it is simply self evident what muslims preach to the world, every day, every where. Hate? How utterly vacant.

It is to this simpatico that Germans, in the past, have skewed toward and found expression in joint disdain with the muslims of jews.

Note: try to avoid the vernacular surah faatiha; they are much scrubbed.


yep, 11 million people died in the holocaust, yet for some reason we only hear about the 6 million jews, what about the other 5 million are they chopped liver?

Maybe you hear what you want to hear, and therefore make crude remarks which are based on nothing and less.

Even taking a clip linked earlier on this topic as an example, other groups of victims are clearly mentioned:


It is sort of obvious that in the context of German-Israeli relationship and views, the onus will be placed on Jewish victims.

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See what I mean about the linkage of the Israel - Nazi equivalence belief and antisemitism? Only rabid anti Semites use the misunderstood chosen people thing to demonize Jews. More like chosen by haters for irrational demonization.

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When a person willing or unwittingly dribbles facts that either cant be supported or they lack the fortitude to actually investigate, they are Gaslighting. Gaslighting this ridiculous Jew/Nazi "mantra" is simply a page from the radical left handbook of coopting the language of adversary. Steal from those you oppose meaning, association and relabel through repetition. It is highly likely few mouths that spittle on these forums know a damn thing about national socialism. If said often enough, words and symbols enter the mental lexicon of human thought and are thus accepted as self evident truth.

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Anyway, there is no objective equivalence between the Nazi Third Reich and the government policies of Israel and it is a shame that so many modern Germans (and others) can't grasp that obvious fact. Of course Israel isn't perfect either (now list all the other modern countries that aren't perfect ... if you have a lot of time).

Most not perfect modern countries don't steal peoples homes and property. Also most not perfect modern countries don't arrest and torture children.

Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Caucuses, China, North Korea, Yemen, large swaths of Africa, etc., ad naseum. Yes, you are correct, this does not make a majority of countries on earth and therefore "most not perfect modern countries don't steal people homes and property" nor "arrest and torture children." But the ones noted above do!

Fortunately, most not perfect modern countries do not have children raised from birth and trained to hate, attack, and insinuate into attacks and sabotage.

(Having said that, the issue with children makes me sick wherever it is happening. It is truly an utter horror how the weakest among us are used as fodder. Still, it is a useful exercise to muse which countries this happens in; very suggestive).

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Most not perfect modern countries don't steal peoples homes and property.

Maybe you better look up the concept of eminent domain. It is common all over the world.

let's use eminent domain as justification for settlements in the West bank why don't we?

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Baiting, inflammatory and off-topic posts have been removed. Stay on topic and please address the topic, not the poster.


It seems like Israel has a PR problem with Germany. Since Germany is a very powerful country in the EU, they might want to start addressing this problem.


It seems like Israel has a PR problem with Germany. Since Germany is a very powerful country in the EU, they might want to start addressing this problem.

That would be the last straw for Israel,, the Germans trying to push them around 555 The fourth Reich is on the way out anyway. The reich Euro will soon be at

28 to the Baht


It seems like Israel has a PR problem with Germany. Since Germany is a very powerful country in the EU, they might want to start addressing this problem.

Are you saying if their was no Israel than the Great German will have not killed 6 million Jews

I am saying German is going to get theirs from their freinds the Muslims

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A lot of the threats Israel faces are because of their far right leaders and persecution of the Palestinians.

Not to mention their nuclear weapons

I could believe this if one could then provide an explanation for the past 1400 years of islamic aggression and scriptural mandate to find the jew and slaughter them, enslave them, or make them pay the tax and feel subjugated just to remain alive. If one cannot explain this, then clearly they are limited to such observations that contemporary history alone explains their findings- thus, their faulty premise. One superimposes a current worldview over an entirely vacant history, without context, depth, or any meaningful cause and effect- just convenient observation.

The present is contiguous with the past, regardless of one's knowledge of history and facts. The fact is, mulsims (for the most part) hate jews because... they are jews! Period. It is stated to hate them. It is demanded to hate them. Muslims are authorized to injure, kill or cause harm to jews.

Every single day, throughout the day, all over the world, for 1,400 years, Muslims say "The Seven Oft Repeated Verses" (5x times a day= 35x) that includes the condemnation of jews (also an insult for christians), "the ones who earned your wrath" and "the ones who went astray." If a seeker of truth in understanding such things finds this point not worthy of merit, he defines his character. If one does note this truth but somehow cannot fit it in with their current affairs conclusions, I just dont get it. It is so consistent. Muslims are instructed to hate jews. It is clear as day. I have read the numerous injunctions, it is not suggestive or even interpretative. (I have read the attached link trying to debunk what I say above and I include to you only the rebuttal of my post. It is simply a lie! http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/islamophobes-claim-that-muslims-curse-christians-and-jews/0019172)

This is where I disagree with the poster but this is where I find it relevant to Germany- an undeniable historical symbol of hatred and aggression. What is it that such commentary above has with Germany's past? Supremacy! The islamic ideology is at its core profoundly supremacist. The end result of inculcating over and over and over and over and over every day, every year throughout the world how great you are and how the jews have earned your Master's ire and the Christians rebuffed Al Lah leads to the supremacy pathology and jihad and denial we see everywhere today. Look to Germany's love affair with multiculturalism and their sorry assimilation efforts and one begins to note why, increasingly, Germany again has a skeptical view of [jews.] It is certainly worthy of critique that a past german leader particularly applauded the muslims for the rabid antisemitism and in fact, entered into an alliance with islam to actually help destroy jews (and everyone else too- the christian world).

Study: "Germans have a skeptical view of Israel." I wonder how many jews in Israel find it ridiculous that a study needed to be conducted to observe the obvious.

You often repeat this same mantra, (which I might say is getting more and more like veiled hate-speech) and, in reading the link you provided, I wonder why you do. I wonder why, with the article absolutely debunking your stance you provided it, and I wonder on what basis you say it is all lies.

Are you competent in Classical Q'uranic Arabic to be able to say this translation is good or that translation is bad? It seems to me that Goldberg has very valid points in stating that the Hilali-Khan translation is an extremist's one and not one that anyone but an extremist takes any notice of.

It appears to me that the numerous scholarly translations do NOT advocate killing of Jews, that the prayer DOES NOT even mention Jews or Christians.

How repugnant you imply I proffer hate speech; I would have thought that was beneath you. You and I differ on many things, but I also assign an honorable value to your differing point of view. Should you have chosen to indict me it would have been better had you actually been correct; you are not.

The Surah Faatiha offered before prayer most clearly assigns Jews the outcasts of Al Lah, and christians the ones who went astray. The koranic texts and the hadith make clear who these people are. To assign a value to this meaning contrary to 1400 years of islamic history it not simply apologist, it is ignorant and dangerous. Muslim prayer does inculcate such things every single day, all throughout the world. In essence, with Islam global, this inculcation pretty much continues 24 hours a day nonstop for 1,400 years.

For those who speak such things we ask "What would they say if given an equal voice, an equal standing, in our ecumenical outreach?" Lets explore this to rebut my point.

When muslims, for the first time, were invited to have service at the American National Cathedral it took a bit of time before Americans realized exactly what had been said at this moment of deep fraternity. What was said? “god has no son, that Jesus Christ cannot be his son, and that there is no god like Allah.”

Of all the neutral to supportive things that could have been said at this auspicious moment this is among that which was spoken from the Pulpit of America. How utterly hateful. You impugn me as a hater for opposing hate? At least make your point with facts, not personal innuendo. Also, as a tip, a man that includes an opposing rebuttal in his position essay usually qualifies as objective. I did so because it is simply self evident what muslims preach to the world, every day, every where. Hate? How utterly vacant.

It is to this simpatico that Germans, in the past, have skewed toward and found expression in joint disdain with the muslims of jews.

Note: try to avoid the vernacular surah faatiha; they are much scrubbed.

I'm sorry you're offended. I wrote "is getting more like veiled hate speech", and I stand by that. That you are repulsed by what you perceive as an implication may have more to do with your subconscious than my actual words and their import.

Lets look at some of your sermons, shall we, and observe your almost desperate sincerity that the Muslims are out to convert or kill us all and your desire to convey that message?

That aside, you have not responded to where you get your interpretation of the Q'uran, or why Goldberg's assertions are wrong.

The anecdote you relay is indeed disturbing, and I join with others in condemning whichever Muslim it was that made such an uncouth, undiplomatic, and outright rude statement in the situation. That story does not make for any sort of generalisation, though.


The Jews always cry anti-Semitism, the Palestinians are just as Semitic if not more so, as they are native to the area, unlike the Khazar's.

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What happened in Nazi-germany and Europe some 70-80 years ago, resulted in a lot of sympathy for the jewish people. Yet, what's happening now in Israel en Palestine, rapidly takes away that sympathy. Seems like the israelian authorities did not learn from the atrocities done unto them, and treat the palestinians just as bad. Most europeans feel that way, certainly not only the majority of germans.

Was it not for the "just as bad" bit, your post would have been spot on.

Reality check: There is no mass extermination of Palestinians.

Death by gas chamber or death by bomb...just as bad, really.

And as previously discussed, numbers of casualties don't come into it, it's the thought that counts.

To speak as an expert you should try firsthand. Than you can compare.

As to the numbers being irrelevant - I have seen a much more exquisite thought:

Killing one is a murder. Killing one million is statistics.


This speech, perhaps somewhat indirectly, perhaps not, addresses how wrong it is to equate Nazi Germany to modern Israel:

Again , victim victim victim.Not just jews died 1939-1945. I lost several family members. We don't dwell on it.

We weren't the aggressor.

The video is fantastic. Good to know Israel's the beacon of democracy in the ME. Only country where people are equal and happy.

There is antisemitism in the world and if the number is raising, are You surprised ?

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I'm sorry you're offended. I wrote "is getting more like veiled hate speech", and I stand by that. That you are repulsed by what you perceive as an implication may have more to do with your subconscious than my actual words and their import.

Lets look at some of your sermons, shall we, and observe your almost desperate sincerity that the Muslims are out to convert or kill us all and your desire to convey that message?

That aside, you have not responded to where you get your interpretation of the Q'uran, or why Goldberg's assertions are wrong.

The anecdote you relay is indeed disturbing, and I join with others in condemning whichever Muslim it was that made such an uncouth, undiplomatic, and outright rude statement in the situation. That story does not make for any sort of generalisation, though.

I am not actually offended; I am pretty thick skinned. As you and I go back and forth often, I regret you see this in me. It can fairly be said, "sermo;" ok. I try to distill my convictions through my posts, yes. I am decidedly open to alternative explanations for my convictions. Though, on this issue, no one refutes the obvious- indeed, its a high bar.

I get my interpretation of the koran and hadith from 1), the koran and hadith 2), Bukahri, 3), Sayyid Qutb 4), The Reliance of the Traveler and 5), various and constant streams of news and such that reinforce the peculiar unease I have. My threshold for conviction remains fairly high; I dont easy embrace absolutes as we live in a very relative world. Indeed, even within the "islamic issue" there are many shades of grey, with a considerable portion, perhaps that silent majority, that dont ascribe to the core tenets- but they are not orthodox. Were I muslim would my bona fides be in question? I dare say not. Had I entered the forums touting my islamic credentials few would argue with my take and presume "he must know." Why would the bar be any higher for someone who considered the same information, but declined and rebutted its tenets?

Yes, perhaps in some corner of the rational mind American Muslims being granted a first of its kind service in the Christian National Cathedral and the totally maligning the host, its faith, and its god, is not a generalization. How one reaches the conclusion that this is isolated escapes me, however.

When a person, any person, reads and ponders the words, meaning, commentary, and then related histories of the words and life of the prophet, and then listen to the disassembling of current spokesmen regarding meaning and intent, the disconnect is astounding. Throughout much of the islamic world, if you offered that the surah faatiah had nothing to do with jews and christians they would beat your a__. Only in the ignorant west do we consume that which we want to believe is true.

I hold the relationship of muslims to jews is reflected in the fraternity of Germany's fascist past. The marriage is historic and not contrived. The further Germany slides into multicultural Balkanization increasingly it will become rabidly antisemitic.




Multiculturalism in Germany is, as Merkel herself noted, an utter failure. http://islamversuseurope.blogspot.com/2012/08/almost-70-of-criminals-in-berlin-are-of.html

As more non Germans enter the country it will slide further to the right.

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The Jews always cry anti-Semitism, the Palestinians are just as Semitic if not more so, as they are native to the area, unlike the Khazar's.

The dictionary definition of anti-Semitic is hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group - nothing to do with the Palestinians. That is semitic as in semitic languages by the way. Being semitic does not imply that they are of the same racial group.

Jews have been living in Israel continuously for over 3,000 years. Most of the Palestinians arrived around the turn of last century from surrounding Arab countries and are not any more "native" than European Jews who arrived at about the same time.

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