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Study: Germans have skeptical view of Israel

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Germans have no right to discuss or comment on any thing to do with Israel

Yes, Germans not have the right. That's true!!!

Why are you accepting this inflammatory slander? Did you have anything to do with what happened? Generations of Germans had nothing to do with crimes committed by the Nazis.

This BS should cease.


Germans have no right to discuss or comment on any thing to do with Israel

Yes, Germans not have the right. That's true!!!

Why are you accepting this inflammatory slander? Did you have anything to do with what happened? Generations of Germans had nothing to do with crimes committed by the Nazis.

This BS should cease.

But interestingly enough, this is a complaint directed at present day Israelis - that the land was "stolen" a few generations ago, and that they are responsible. Most Israelis were not even born at the time. How does it work out, then?

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Germans have no right to discuss or comment on any thing to do with Israel It is not their business,and they should get their own house

in order. First we are all waiting for the downfall of the Euro followed by the EU ( unelected fools all on the gravy train) Good luck to Greece,

The Fourth Reich My arse Dream on

Yes, Germans not have the right. That's true!!! But it's time to change it!!! The Germans learned from their bad history. And don't want something like this again. But the german politicans are like puppies. If Madam Merkel said something, all shut up!!!

No one can speak something against criminal foreigners. If you do it, than: "YOU ARE A NAZI!!!"

And for sure: "No one can speak something against Israel!!!" It can be 100% sure, but ...YOU ARE A NAZI!!!

I have my own Slogan: "Never treat other people more worse than you want to be treated yourself!!!"

If everyone think like this we would have a happy world!!!

I would observe that instead of reaching for silly equivalence arguments between Israel and the Nazis the Germans would be better served looking for totalitarian ideologies within. The bogeyman of AntiSemitism does not come from the far right but rather from Muslim immigrants, and EU study proved it, but was hushed up because it didn't suit the multicultural ideology they cling to.

The far right still has an anti semitic agenda; just politically convenient for the moment to put out a different message and switch focus to Muslims, immigration etc. 24% of French nationals polled hold some form of anti semitic views, when only 10% of the French population has a Muslim heritage. Astoundingly high percenatges in Greece with it's neo Nazi party and so on.

As the topic is in regard to Germany (with the ever increasing rise of the far right) have a read of the following that is "interesting".

"according to a 2013 study by the Technical University of Berlin. In 14,000 hate-mail letters, emails and faxes sent over 10 years to the Israeli embassy in Berlin and the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Professor Monika Schwarz-Friesel found that 60% were written by educated, middle-class Germans, including professors, lawyers, priests and university and secondary school students"


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But interestingly enough, this is a complaint directed at present day Israelis - that the land was "stolen" a few generations ago, and that they are responsible. Most Israelis were not even born at the time. How does it work out, then?

Ask me when the ethnic-cleansing, food rationing, collective punishment and torture stops and the inmates are released from the concentration camp.

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But interestingly enough, this is a complaint directed at present day Israelis - that the land was "stolen" a few generations ago, and that they are responsible. Most Israelis were not even born at the time. How does it work out, then?

Ask me when the ethnic-cleansing, food rationing, collective punishment and torture stops and the inmates are released from the concentration camp.

No need, you'll probably come up with another excuse not to address the question. coffee1.gif

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Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University wrote books "The invention of the Jewish People" and "The Invention of the land of Israel"Basically he brings academic evidence to illustrate that the people claiming to be Jewish to-day are not at all the same people who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.It is obvious he considers that the modern Jews (Zionists) started to occupy modern Israel and that they are the real aggressors...

Finally Israel Finkelstein, Professor of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University backs up all what Prof Shlomo Sand writes, with his own stunning book : "The Bible Unearthed" According to Finkelstein the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology

Those who can't import those books can find conferences given by both professors on Youtube.

Don't argue with me : both authors are really not hot headed Arabs writing blogs from a PC in their kitchen : just read their books and the many academic sources they refer to. In fact if King David, King Solomon, Moses etc...are mythological figures the same way as King Arthur and his Caste of Camelot ..it is not only a problem for the people of Jewish faith but also for those of Christian and Muslim faith.

Sand's views are controversial, and are not by any means considered definitive (the books popularity notwithstanding). Also, many people tend to confuse the arguments he raises (some are quite valid, some are out there), and at the same time disregard Sand's political agenda.

Finkelstein's research is more solid, actually. However, I do not think that the claim made is that "the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology" as such - nothing that simplistic, if not supportive of Jewish folklore and literal interpretations of the bible.

Of course Sand's views are controversial! His views threaten, in particular, Jewish Orthodoxy and also Zionism.

With those two groups disliking what he says, one has to, in all reasonableness, wonder if in fact any controversy is genuine or contrived, and if genuine, based on what facts?

The question is not what are the consequences of his views, but the question is the validity of the supportive information or its interpretation by sands. If his book claim to be an historical research it should be tested and peer viewed by fellow historians, who should decide if this book of his is scientifically valid. Usually scientific research is not published in books the researchers write for their own gain, it should go through a peer review by other historians. This is the way real science works and not quacks and conspiracy theory nuts. If his views are highly questionable or controversial according to other researchers, that raise a doubt over the validity of his views.

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Just a small example, i never heard of any army in the world sending sms messages to the civilians in the area that they going to bomb the area, or dropping leaflets with warnings before bombing!

Another way to terrorize. Drop warning leaflets on those who have no place to hide.


Just a small example, i never heard of any army in the world sending sms messages to the civilians in the area that they going to bomb the area, or dropping leaflets with warnings before bombing!

Another way to terrorize. Drop warning leaflets on those who have no place to hide.

Hamas seeks the end of Israel. That is their clearly stated goal. Hamas shoots rockets into Israel, builds invasion tunnels into Israel, You think Israel should turn the other cheek, is that it?

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But interestingly enough, this is a complaint directed at present day Israelis - that the land was "stolen" a few generations ago, and that they are responsible. Most Israelis were not even born at the time. How does it work out, then?

Ask me when the ethnic-cleansing, food rationing, collective punishment and torture stops and the inmates are released from the concentration camp.

No need, you'll probably come up with another excuse not to address the question. coffee1.gif


I thought you would get it but never mind. I would have no problem applying the same principal to Israelis, in a few decades time. Now, though, if you apply the same standard to 'Good Israelis' as you have done to 'Good Germans', they can't wriggle out of responsibility. They can hardly pretend they don't know what is going on. Can they?


Hamas seeks the end of Israel. That is their clearly stated goal. Hamas shoots rockets into Israel, builds invasion tunnels into Israel, You think Israel should turn the other cheek, is that it?

'Invasion tunnels' cheesy.gif I thought I'd heard it all.

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Hamas seeks the end of Israel. That is their clearly stated goal. Hamas shoots rockets into Israel, builds invasion tunnels into Israel, You think Israel should turn the other cheek, is that it?

'Invasion tunnels' cheesy.gif I thought I'd heard it all.

You wouldn't be laughing if you lived in southern Israel.

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But interestingly enough, this is a complaint directed at present day Israelis - that the land was "stolen" a few generations ago, and that they are responsible. Most Israelis were not even born at the time. How does it work out, then?

Ask me when the ethnic-cleansing, food rationing, collective punishment and torture stops and the inmates are released from the concentration camp.

No need, you'll probably come up with another excuse not to address the question. coffee1.gif


I thought you would get it but never mind. I would have no problem applying the same principal to Israelis, in a few decades time. Now, though, if you apply the same standard to 'Good Israelis' as you have done to 'Good Germans', they can't wriggle out of responsibility. They can hardly pretend they don't know what is going on. Can they?

Do Israelis pretend that they do not know what is happening? Interesting concept, considering that there are two running topics dealing with a critical report on IDF actions in the Gaza Strip, which was published by an Israeli NGO. Israelis may not all be on the same page on your personal hymn book, but can hardly said to be unaware of things. The comparison fails once again.

So to get your reasoning right - Germans slaughter millions of Jews but are off the hook after 70 years. Israel does some bad stuff, but nothing on par with that - Israelis might be absolved (by you) at an undetermined time in the future. That is because of...reasons, I guess.

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Just a small example, i never heard of any army in the world sending sms messages to the civilians in the area that they going to bomb the area, or dropping leaflets with warnings before bombing!

Another way to terrorize. Drop warning leaflets on those who have no place to hide.

And if they wouldn't have dropped the leaflets, you'd whine about not giving warning.

Leaving out that Hamas dissuaded the population from clearing out of zones under attack (even when a few days were given as respite), and in fact encouraging them to stay and face the attacks. Leaving aside that Hamas personnel had where to hide, and that this was not afforded to the general populace. Nor did Hamas ever take effort to build shelters for the general population.

Claiming that the Gazans did not have a place to hide is a bit rich under these circumstances.

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The 35% number is inflated because of the presence of a large number of immigrants from countries where anti Israel views are the norm.

5%+ of the German population are muslim, and of German citizens, it is about 2.5%. This is enough to skew the results. Also, Germany has been dealing with a number of anti muslim protests lately, and a weariness with all things middle eastern is beginning to set in. This combined with the economy, makes for some unpleasant opinions. Honestly, I don't think most of the negative respondents have ill will to Israel or to jews. It's just a sign of the times where economic worries and fear of foreigners changing the local culture reign supreme.

Old Madame Merkel, will keep a firm hand on the issues and as much as the leftist elements of Germany will foam at the mouth, the fact remains that the influx of Syrians, the threat of terrorism from jihadists and the like, all make Israel less of a concern.

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The 35% number is inflated because of the presence of a large number of immigrants from countries where anti Israel views are the norm.

5%+ of the German population are muslim, and of German citizens, it is about 2.5%. This is enough to skew the results. Also, Germany has been dealing with a number of anti muslim protests lately, and a weariness with all things middle eastern is beginning to set in. This combined with the economy, makes for some unpleasant opinions. Honestly, I don't think most of the negative respondents have ill will to Israel or to jews. It's just a sign of the times where economic worries and fear of foreigners changing the local culture reign supreme.

Old Madame Merkel, will keep a firm hand on the issues and as much as the leftist elements of Germany will foam at the mouth, the fact remains that the influx of Syrians, the threat of terrorism from jihadists and the like, all make Israel less of a concern.

Welcome back geriatrickid, I have missed your comments and discourse.


There is a VERY excellent and VERY honest German t.v. miniseries which gets into these issues rather deeply, set during WW2 natch:


Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter (marketed in English as Generation War)

Review snippet from the trailer:

"Galvanized a new discussion about Germany's war guilt." The New Republic

Generation War is a refreshingly mature antidote to the saccharine fantasy of Germans as mostly victims in Brian Percival’s The Book Thief from last year. The key tragedy here is the Nazis’ dragging down their country by their refusal to face reality on the front and at home, and the convenient settling of personal scores to advance post-war positions is a chilling and cynical lead into Germany’s future.


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War quilt I do not believe in with the Germans they are just crazy. Not liking the Jews one thing but not liking Africans were other thing

They the Germans just hate and war quilt is a con to cover up for hate and crazy actions


I think the Germans are a little crazy if they think Jews care what Germans think

Many Germans do not know that Germans hated Jews before the State of Israel or what their poor old Grand Pa did to the Jews

Bull sxxt They all know,they learn about it in the schools. they pay for it as it is a addition to their income tax. The have rebuilt all the memorials

to the Jewish folk ,mostly at the concentration camp sites.

THEY KNOW MORE about it than any other country,and so they should. Also they new at the time it was going on

Also a leopard never changes its spots. They will at some time have another Fuhrer,.


I think most europeans have a sceptical view of Israel (not about people that happen to be born as jews). Some are open/vocal about their views and opinions but most often it stays behind closed doors/unofficial/secret.


I think most europeans have a sceptical view of Israel (not jews in general) either openly but most often behind closed doors/unofficialy/secretly.

After the way they treated Jews who cares? It wasn't only on Germany.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The UK population appear to share the same opinion as the Germans according to a new poll.

British citizens think worse of Israel than they do about any other non-European country except for North Korea, a British survey published this week found.

Answering the question "Which of the following do you feel especially unfavorable toward?" 35 percent named Israel scoring two points worse than Iran, the poll found.

With 47 percent, North Korea won the worst score, the Chathan House-YouGov poll found.

Source BBC and Haaretz.



I think most europeans have a sceptical view of Israel (not jews in general) either openly but most often behind closed doors/unofficialy/secretly.

After the way they treated Jews who cares? It wasn't only on Germany.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Im not siding with/or against Israel and its international/domestic politics/actions in this forum.

I do believe every individual and democratically elected government representing its people have the right to voice its opinion about another countries politics/actions.

Yes jews were treated bad probably everywhere in Europe until 1945.

You know, thats a long time ago.

The people that were adults then are a minority now. Most people living now were not even born during pre-WW2.


You've got to be kidding if you think European Jew hatred (antisemitism) started in World War 2. It's been going on for thousands of years. That was a large impetus for the Zionist POLITICAL movement long before World War 2. If Europe wasn't going to be a decent home for Jews always as a minority group, try something different. It made sense in the beginning and it still makes sense.

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