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Thai conservative activist warns of US 'terrorism'

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"Please send this news to all Thais who love their country and land, so that they know about America's covert operation,"

And please tell us what good that would do even if every living soul here thought the US intended to invade? What would you do about it, Mr Sriklindee?

"Thanit has since published a post calling for a ban on US products".


Hrm, what US products?

Would that be items imported directly from the USA, or products from US companies? Products made in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, THAILAND.

This guy is an idiot. Big mouth, no brain.

The USA invade Thailand? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Why would the USA want anything to do with this disfunctional country? Just not worth the effort.

Thailand needs to realize that Thailand needs the USA, but the USA does not need Thailand.

Ban US products and there goes TV and film in Thailand. There goes Villa and Foodland. There goes most computer software applications. And no more iPhones or iPads. This could cause a revolution.


cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Go close the airport before the US gets there. They are going to pack it in suit cases and ship it home with all your oil and women. Hell - look how many of the women they already got.

Act now before it is to late.clap2.gif


Invade? Hell they could send a company of Seals and one of Marine Force Recon and take over the place in 72 hours. coffee1.gif

Would I still need a visa and a work permit??

Is there room for one more star on the flag?


We wouldn't need any inside info on their military

equipment..it's all ours!

and old.


You got this all wrong, it's not the Americans, is the aliens! Everyone knows that Obama is an alien clone. The real Obama was abducted at birth, subject to beastly anal insertions prior to him being, 'replaced'......all to achieve the aliens dastardly master plan to ultimately enslave the Thai race.

But seriously, can't even believe this actually gets reported as news. Crackpots and their nonsense in 'normal' countries reside in the pages of the National Enquirer, obscure late night talk radio conspiracy shows and some of the crackpot fringes of the Internet


I hear something like this from a lot of anti-American Thais. They seem to think the US wants Thailand and its oil. Yes, oil! Thailand can't supply its own energy needs and the US wants their oil? Frankly, I cannot imagine why the US would want this place. Bangkok is a swamp and despite massive, massive US infrastructure support during the Vietnam War, Thailand has let all the advantages from that infrastructure head start evaporate. Were I an American policy maker, I would want NOTHING to do with administering this place. It's a dysfunctional mess from the standpoint of government. It's a wonderful place in many other respects, but it's just a nightmare to think about governing this place. Iraq was easier.

Obviously, this is all ludicrous as there is very little in it for the U.S.

Thailand has value to China in that it provides land access from southern China and its southern neighbors to Malaysia and Singapore. Hence China's interest in the rail projects.



Thanit regularly appeared on PCAD rally stages and played music to cheer up the protesters, .....

Common guys, don't give Thanit such a hard time,

seams he's pretty good at cheering people up clap2.gif


I hear something like this from a lot of anti-American Thais. They seem to think the US wants Thailand and its oil. Yes, oil! Thailand can't supply its own energy needs and the US wants their oil? Frankly, I cannot imagine why the US would want this place. Bangkok is a swamp and despite massive, massive US infrastructure support during the Vietnam War, Thailand has let all the advantages from that infrastructure head start evaporate. Were I an American policy maker, I would want NOTHING to do with administering this place. It's a dysfunctional mess from the standpoint of government. It's a wonderful place in many other respects, but it's just a nightmare to think about governing this place. Iraq was easier.

Thais are not just anti-American, they're anti every country that doesn't speak Thai.

I think that would mean every but one country in the world.

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This is just a way of distracting and diverting the populations attention and catering to the xenophobic side of Thai society.

Sad thing is its totally in the realms of being picked up and believed by some of the population.

Lets hope this story dies a death before that happens.


Why not?

Would you trust the CIA? Wouldn't be the first time those thugs have engineered "trouble."

With the current occupant in the Whitehouse, anything is possible.

Great suggestion on FOX NEWS from Charles Krauthammer, who reckons Obama now has an ideal location for his "Obama National Library"...... Havana, CUBA!

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This is very Dulles era.

There's nothing to keep them from reviving the old playbook, though.

IF a shooting war involving China (or a proxy) breaks out in the region and

IF Thailand shows physical support for China (or its proxies) in any way, including letting ships dock at Thai ports,

then something along these lines can easily happen.

On the other hand putting sufficient funds into the bank accounts of certain military personnel would be just as effective.

In case some of you haven't noticed there is still a Cold War anti-communist sentiment in the region. This was evidenced in recent years when Malaysia started prosecuting people who were communist activists in the 1980s.

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Actually, if they made Thailand the 51st state wouldn't the whole place be on this up and up in a trice?

Bring it on I say. Maybe Cameron fancies restarting the colonies? Put these numpties in their place....


I hear something like this from a lot of anti-American Thais. They seem to think the US wants Thailand and its oil. Yes, oil! Thailand can't supply its own energy needs and the US wants their oil? Frankly, I cannot imagine why the US would want this place. Bangkok is a swamp and despite massive, massive US infrastructure support during the Vietnam War, Thailand has let all the advantages from that infrastructure head start evaporate. Were I an American policy maker, I would want NOTHING to do with administering this place. It's a dysfunctional mess from the standpoint of government. It's a wonderful place in many other respects, but it's just a nightmare to think about governing this place. Iraq was easier.

Thais are not just anti-American, they're anti every country that doesn't speak Thai.

I think that would mean every but one country in the world.

Tony its hard when you come from the best country in the world, to let mere underlings even have a voice. These poor misunderstood farangs are just deluding themselves and are all dying to become Thai.


The most disturbing aspect of this article is that it was reported at all. However, it wasn't only reported in Khao Sod, it was given more than double the 5 paragraphs reproduced here in TV as well as his entire rant from his FB page translated and reproduced.

Since when is drivel like this news...slow day.


This is "Thainess" at work here...since the US does not give a rip about anything here but mutual advantageous commerce and military cooperation...since the US is heavily involved in other parts of the world...since the US government has already broken the US economy by overspending...why on earth do you think the US would waste it's time invading a country who has so many internal problems that they can barely keep their heads above water...

Trust me...the US wants nothing to do with taking over Thailand...let the Thais duke it out among themselves...

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