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Survey: How Serious Is Crime Against Foreigners?

How Serious is Crime Against Foreigners  

539 members have voted

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1.I have been beaten with a steel bar.

2.punched and got black eye.

3.attempt to run me over

4. Shit and piss on my fence every other day.

5.punched again.

6. My bag snatched

7. My friend got bag snatched

8. My friend got hit on head with stick and passed out.

9. I have had my drink mickyfinned and robbed.

10.my friend had drink mickyfinned and robbed.

11. My thai partner was attacked and had head stomped on. Had to learn to walk, talk and eat. For 3 years.

12.got 800,000 in compensation a lawyer cheated and victim got nothing.

Could go on but I am tired now.

I take it your not in Thailand now?
Actually I am here. I cannot leave my handicapped partner. And I have a Thai child with me since birth (now)9.

The 2 people that try to run me over and hit me many times. I got it on camera. But that man hid his face behind a piece of paper when he try to hit me. So the police said I have no evidence. As he was hitting me, I defended myself. He is now prosecuting me because.

He says "when he was hitting me he hurt his little finger " .I chased him away with a stick.

And he says"caused him to be fearful " . I was sat in my house chatting on TV. I still do not know why he attacked my home. The prosecutor says, in future when he hits me. I should stand still and let him get a good hit to make a bruise. Then I can prosecute him.

Unbelievable mate, words fail me. Stay safe!


I'msorry I cannot call you a lier, I'm sorry Icannot say you'r wrong, I'm sorry to believe you are right.

I am sorry that I couldn't call you a lier, because that would be a spelling mistake.

I am sorry that I cannot say you'r wrong for the same reason.

But I believe you are right, so far right in fact that you are either racist, like the person you agree with, or fascist.


Never had a problem with serous crime in 27 years. Break ins and petty theft for sure that is the norm. Crime is often a case of wrong place and wrong time. If you are bottom fishing you are putting yourself in harms way. If you dress (ladies) or behave (drunk men) inappropriately ditto. Finally, there are more foreigners here than the past many more of these are not the best their country has to offer.


I'msorry I cannot call you a lier, I'm sorry Icannot say you'r wrong, I'm sorry to believe you are right.

I am sorry that I couldn't call you a lier, because that would be a spelling mistake.

I am sorry that I cannot say you'r wrong for the same reason.

But I believe you are right, so far right in fact that you are either racist, like the person you agree with, or fascist.

Agree with what?


1.I have been beaten with a steel bar.

2.punched and got black eye.

3.attempt to run me over

4. Shit and piss on my fence every other day.

5.punched again.

6. My bag snatched

7. My friend got bag snatched

8. My friend got hit on head with stick and passed out.

9. I have had my drink mickyfinned and robbed.

10.my friend had drink mickyfinned and robbed.

11. My thai partner was attacked and had head stomped on. Had to learn to walk, talk and eat. For 3 years.

12.got 800,000 in compensation a lawyer cheated and victim got nothing.

Could go on but I am tired now.

of course

I can't even begin to imagine the horror and violence that you have faced here over the years, I totally feel for you and your friends who have suffered but can I ask why on earth are you still here???

Love your music btw Bernie Flint! Lol


1.I have been beaten with a steel bar.

2.punched and got black eye.

3.attempt to run me over

4. Shit and piss on my fence every other day.

5.punched again.

6. My bag snatched

7. My friend got bag snatched

8. My friend got hit on head with stick and passed out.

9. I have had my drink mickyfinned and robbed.

10.my friend had drink mickyfinned and robbed.

11. My thai partner was attacked and had head stomped on. Had to learn to walk, talk and eat. For 3 years.

12.got 800,000 in compensation a lawyer cheated and victim got nothing.

Could go on but I am tired now.

of course
I can't even begin to imagine the horror and violence that you have faced here over the years, I totally feel for you and your friends who have suffered but can I ask why on earth are you still here???

Love your music btw Bernie Flint! Lol

I bought my house. that man intimidates everyone in the soi.

Nobody knows what to do.


Not an issue in my mind. Happens now and then I guess like it does everywhere but it's not a particularly dangerous place for foreigners.

Some of the dark and dodgy looking sois I've walked down at 3am blind drunk and had no problem. If I saw a street like that back home I wouldn't even consider walking it.

You travel in South America and almost every tourist and local you meet has a story about being robbed. It's frequent. I'm more worried about the police in Thailand than the criminals.

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I can only think of one person I know here who's been a victim of even petty crime - they had their handbag snatched from a moving tuktuk. And they're pretty much the most careless person I know.

Back when I lived in London, literally everyone I knew who'd lived there a year or more had had a wallet, handbag or phone stolen, or been burgled, or their car stolen/broken into. Often several of the above.

Here in Bangkok, I leave my bike secured by a lock that cost me about £2.50 in a supermarket. Back in London, I carried about £100 worth of locks to secure my bike and still worried about where I left it.

I know people here that don't even bother locking their door when they go to the shop.

Overall, I think crime is less serious here.


Also, I know some disbelieve that the policy of leaving something to secure a table at the foodcourt even exists, but lets ignore those folk for a moment.

Those of you who know better may have been to the food court at, say, Terminal 21, of a lunchtime, and noticed that people often secure a table not just with an umbrella, but with their handbag, or frequently the security pass for their place of work. I've even seen a mobile phone used on several occasions.

I can't imagine anyone doing that in somewhere with the level of petty crime most major European cities have these days.

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I lived more than half my life in America, PA, Maryland, Texas and Florida and cant remember ever having a problem. Went out all the time and never worried about anything. I don't know of anyone who ever had a major problem in the US.

Have lived Thailand on and off for 20 years and my friends and I have all had some problems with crime.


1. About 10 years ago two guys on motorbike try to take my phone off my side.

2. Someone tried to get into my house but bars stopped them.

3. three dogs, poisoned

4. One near fight with stupid drunk farang and a few other heated moments (all farang).

5. Two motorbike helmets taken

6. Shake down by police for one reason or another, about 5 times

I consider myself lucky as so far nothing really major has happened to me. My friends have not been so lucky, one not here today due to problem in Pattaya.

I would say that many problems that happen to farang are due to them being stupid and making their own problems. Too many low life farang in Thailand. Many bad Thais also but percentage of bad farang much higher.

Best advise is to avoid drunks (farang and Thai), don't insult a Thai, lock everything, don't trust anyone until you know them long time and then be careful, and never walk in dark places alone.


Crime against foreigners has become serious for all. Serious for foreigners who are targeted for obvious reasons. However, it has now become serious for Thai people and is becoming even more serious. The murders and other crimes on Koh Tao recently have grabbed the attention of the Western Press. Tourism is now seriously depleted to Thailand (hoteliers will confirm this) with many small businesses already folded, soon some of the bigger businesses will start to follow if the tourist and ex pat money does not start to flow again. Beware Thailand, you are only harming yourselves in the long run. There are plenty of other destinations around the world which welcome foreigners' money and afford the same protection to them as they afford to their own nationals.


I lived more than half my life in America, PA, Maryland, Texas and Florida and cant remember ever having a problem. Went out all the time and never worried about anything.

I don't know of anyone who ever had a major problem in the US.----------ttthailand

I first thought at first it was put there as a joke---then I noticed who it was posted by.... "Yes i have lots of scary tales to tell you about this bad old country"-------by Amazing ttthailand

11 Of The Nation's 100 Most Dangerous Cities Are In Florida


It must brake you up tt that only 8.33% on TV have anywhere near the same outlook as you.

It's prevalent, but I don't know anyone who has been the victim of a serious crime 8.33%


Crime against foreigners has become serious for all. Serious for foreigners who are targeted for obvious reasons. However, it has now become serious for Thai people and is becoming even more serious. The murders and other crimes on Koh Tao recently have grabbed the attention of the Western Press. Tourism is now seriously depleted to Thailand (hoteliers will confirm this) with many small businesses already folded, soon some of the bigger businesses will start to follow if the tourist and ex pat money does not start to flow again. Beware Thailand, you are only harming yourselves in the long run. There are plenty of other destinations around the world which welcome foreigners' money and afford the same protection to them as they afford to their own nationals.

You are so right. Every year for the past 5 - 6 we take off on a 10 day excursion when I need to do a boarder run. A few years back went to Koh Chang and it was extremely busy and we had a hard time getting a decent place to stay and tourist every where you looked. This year the Hotel/Resort prices increased by 10% but they were only filled to about 30% capacity and the streets were almost empty of Tourist. With all the bad publicity about Crime, Mafia's, Boat, Jet Ski, taxi, and the corrupt police along with the Junta, it's not helping Thailand as a place to visit. I always advise friends that are thinking about coming to Thailand for a visit that there is a dual pricing system here, one for Thai's and another that can go as high as 10 times that amount for rip of the farang, initiated by the Thai government to visit parks or other culture centers

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If you don't mention it or make it public the it's not prevelent

Or if continually highlight it ( and always portray farang as blameless victims) on TV it seems more prevalent than it is compared to the vast numbers who never experience it or when compared to c rime rates in every other country.


It will only get worse. Guys who get away with it sit around with a bottle of booze bragging about it, this only encourages others to go out and do the same. The statistics about crime against falang will remain the same.


Simple don't leave you're self wide open as a target,look around ,observe,not sure don't go,the world is getting desperate with society and those that can't help themselves can not help you,some people don't have money to live,so that's the answer committ a crime to survive,I saw a person sleeping in the streets with a young child,give the hopeless a place of refuge,show help maybe the desperate will seek refuge so they not have to commit crimes


I have been the victim of crime once...in 2012 I was walking along Jomtien beach at around midnight...silly i know...I had about 5 or 6 young thai guys attempt to take my phone and wallet.

One punched me to the side of the face, a car driven by a farang up on the road stopped and beeped his horn and put his high beam on.

I was very lucky that night..I do carry a weapon now but I am also hypervigilant a lot more.


But wait: The answers have changed since I last looked, goal posts moved else experiment in progressgiggle.gif . Or perhaps a study to see how many posters come back to a thread they had posted in, who knows, we can all play games.

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I travel the world 25 years, as long as you follow some rules you will be save everywhere.

The last time someone steal something from me was in my home country.


Have visited for 15 years then settled here the last 10 years and never had a real problem. 1 or 2 attempted momey scams and those in recent years, but that kind of thing is par for the course. I feel safer here than in the UK, but possibly because I am more careful and aware?

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I have been the victim on several occasions of serious sexual assault by a number of young women working in the 'night-life' areas.

In an attempt to obtain further evidence of these assaults, I repeatedly returned to said bars and have subsequently been sexually assaulted again and again and again, and encouraged to partake in serious deviant behaviour, the likes of which which will soon be outlawed, according to news announcements today.


In 12 years, never had a problem, no theft, no physical assaults (apart from the ex)

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So why is the perception so vastly different between farangs in Thailand? A high number sees crime in Thailand as a major problem, but even more sees crime in Thailand as no worse than back home. Are people exaggerating or lying or what? What I have noticed is that people who are negative about Thailand will take the side of negative regardless of what the question is. Agenda? I wonder.


So why is the perception so vastly different between farangs in Thailand? A high number sees crime in Thailand as a major problem, but even more sees crime in Thailand as no worse than back home. Are people exaggerating or lying or what? What I have noticed is that people who are negative about Thailand will take the side of negative regardless of what the question is. Agenda? I wonder.

I live in Bkk full time, I dont frequent lower Suk or other sex life areas, NEVER had a problem.

Our two week millionaire blow ins who frequent parts of Thailand a normal riap roy Thai would never be seen in may have a different outlook.

Yes I have walked up Lower Suk in the evening, what a pantomine, still its the other side of the coin.

You wont get one without the other.

Lie down with dogs, dont complain about being bitten by fleas.

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