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Phuket:- The Phuket governor has hinted that recent protests by farangs over the rule that prohibits beach beds on Phuket beaches were organized by influential people who lost benefits because of the rule.

In one of noisy protests, dozens of western tourists stormed into the Kamala police station to demand police to allow them to use beach beds on the Kamala beach.

But Phuket Governor Nisit Jansomwong told Thairath Online that he did not believe that the tourists protested on their own.

He said there were several farang who earned their living from tourism businesses on Phuket beaches and several of them have Thai girlfriends.

“The protest did not make sense. There was something behind it. You think about it,” the governor told Thairath Online.

He said only beach beds were prohibited while mats, towels and inflatable beds could be used for sunbathing on the beaches. Moreover, local people could still make their living by renting beach umbrellas to tourists at the rate of Bt200 each, the governor added.

He claimed that he had learned from most tourists that they were happy to see the beaches become tidy without beach beds blocking their way.

Thairath also interviewed Oliver Cambell-Smith, 37, a British tourist. He said he was happy to see clean beaches without beds and he was happy to use a towel to lie down on the beach.

Phurit Maswongsa, vice chairman of the Puket Tourism Business Association, told Thairath Online that the number of foreign tourists did not drop at all after the rule against beach beds took effect.


Foreign s who work or control Thai Girl Friends without work permits should be put in jail.

I as going to Puckett and find out their names and tell the Governor who they are

We should all turn in these foreign s as they give us a bad name

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Phurit Maswongsa, vice chairman of the Puket Tourism Business Association, told Thairath Online that the number of foreign tourists did not drop at all after the rule against beach beds took effect.

Of course it hasn't had an effect yet. But how many regular tourists won't be returning next season?

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In reality I don't see much change. Along Laypang Layan beaches in Bang Tao bay there are as many sunbeds as ever, just not actually on the beach itself which is much the same as before.

Restaurants are being rebuilt a few yards further back, but have to say most of the area behind the beaches now resembles a series of rubbish tips and shanty towns.

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He said there were several farang who earned their living from tourism businesses on Phuket beaches and several of them have Thai girlfriends.

Looks like he forgot something here. Without "foreigners" with Thai girlfriends members of his "administration" would lose their bread and butter.


local people could still make their living by renting beach umbrellas to tourists at the rate of Bt200 each,

200 baht for an umbrella? The last time I went to Phuket you could rent a beach bed that already had an umbrella for 20 baht!

Have beach umbrellas been reclassified as national parks?

How many years (decades smile.png ) ago was that? In the last 6 years the least I have ever paid was 50 baht and more like 150.

Edit - agree it is expensive for just a brolly

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There are beaches in my home country were you drive your car on there and park it at the spot you want to use

This man needs to do some research and get out more - stupidity knows no bounds in Thailand it seems

beach with car post-69580-0-79914200-1425187485_thumb.j

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local people could still make their living by renting beach umbrellas to tourists at the rate of Bt200 each,

200 baht for an umbrella? The last time I went to Phuket you could rent a beach bed that already had an umbrella for 20 baht!

Have beach umbrellas been reclassified as national parks?

Sunbed and umbrella for 20 B?

Clearly, it's been some time since you've been to Phuket.

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Phurit Maswongsa, vice chairman of the Puket Tourism Business Association, told Thairath Online that the number of foreign tourists did not drop at all after the rule against beach beds took effect.

Of course it hasn't had an effect yet. But how many regular tourists won't be returning next season?

the regular tourist will be returning no matter what! you can slap them upside the head with a shovel and they will still come back. they just don't know any better!

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Foreign s who work or control Thai Girl Friends without work permits should be put in jail.

I as going to Puckett and find out their names and tell the Governor who they are

We should all turn in these foreign s as they give us a bad name

Harry, that is a tongue -in-cheek, send-up post if I ever saw one!

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There are beaches in my home country were you drive your car on there and park it at the spot you want to use

This man needs to do some research and get out more - stupidity knows no bounds in Thailand it seems

beach with car attachicon.gifbeach.jpg

Wow, what a great suggestion for Thailand. I can see my obituary notice now:

"Killed by minivan filled with tourists looking for a parking spot on Patong Beach."

You are right - stupidity knows no bounds.

ah I see - you think I am suggesting cars should be allowed on Phuket beaches (a lounger would be a start) - I don't see any words to that effect in my post - maybe English is not your native language which might explain your limited bounds


I am quite sure the governor is right. Would tourists really go protest at the police station, or would they just forget about the issue and lie on a towel?

The "protesters" are not necessarily tourists. They could as mentioned be expats living here pretending to be angry tourists. They could even have been paid to protest.

Plenty of beaches in Thailand have tourists lying on towels, and that seems to work fine.

I hope the ban stays in place, and that the jetski mafia will be next.

Welcome to Asia!

I totally believe this is true. there is always a twist.

Think about a little. would a tourist that is on holiday for a few weeks only, join up with a angry demonstration? what on earth would he achieve with that? he is on home in a couple of weeks........

there is definitively more to this....

After all TIT

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How about getting rid of the sand flies (if thats possible). They are my main reason for using sunbeds. The sunbeds should be more competitive - how come they all cost 80 baht from Pattaya through to Jomtien. Seems like they all got together and decided how much they can get away with. A couple on holiday for 2 weeks can spend 2240 baht just on sunbeds! Last time I was in Turkey the sunbeds were free as long as you purchased drinks or food from a nearby restaurant.

Not only Turkey, this does also happen on certain beaches in Thailand, i have a beach i always uses, it does have free big mats with table pillows and shade....... as long as i buy stuff from the vendor providing it....

being far away from the tourist area is only the bonus......


There are beaches in my home country were you drive your car on there and park it at the spot you want to use

This man needs to do some research and get out more - stupidity knows no bounds in Thailand it seems

beach with car beach.jpg

Hardly in tourist centres.

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There seems to be two camps--those who like the beach chairs/umbrellas being available, as well as the social atmosphere, and those who want an open beach to spread a beach towel or whatever. It seems so simple to have clearly defined, designated, permanent open areas and the same for designated beach chair rental areas--and have it every day of the week. That way both camps are satisfied. I think Pattaya has Wednesdays with no beach chair rentals allowed at all--a really dumb policy in my opinion. Pity the powers that be don't turn their attention to the more important matters of the atrocious, broken sidewalks on both sides of the road at Jomtien Beach, the terrible, ancient, unsightly trash cans at Jomtien and Pattaya Beaches, dangling electrical wires sometimes waist high, lack of trash cans where you need them, and sidewalk vendors illegally taking up what little usable sidewalks there are so you have to walk in the street most of the time. I could go on but...


how did this man get this job, he now thinks that tourists on holiday are joining some sort of movement in support of local falangs in business - what is he smoking, and all of this over a sun lounger

Let tourists bring whatever they want onto the beach - it doesn't matter if they hire them or buy them - why is this so complicated

This man needs to be removed from office if this nonsense continues one more day

You know I think this is the key, if tourists are allowed to bring whatever they want without being harassed and intimidated there really is no problem.

Some will simply want to hire and use what's available, for those who choose to BYO then as long as they are free to do so things should be easy.


Foreign s who work or control Thai Girl Friends without work permits should be put in jail.

I as going to Puckett and find out their names and tell the Governor who they are

We should all turn in these foreign s as they give us a bad name

You're a tattle-tale, a grass, snout, rat, or plain informer.

A teacher's pet who informed on his classmates?

Nothing lower in my opinion.

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