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Thai man spit in my face, banned from walking my dog.


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You could buy a covert cam, i.e. hidden in pen or sun glasses. Record the incident to have credibility with the police when you report the matter. Would give non-disputable evidence.

Sadly these random Thai individuals lurk everywhere.

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OP, have you found out what this guys problem is?

Having run into guys like this before, Id say its nothing to do with your dog, although he uses that as an excuse.

Maybe you remind him of a farang lady that rebuked his advances or something in his past that sets him off? Thai guys can be funny like that.

Just a quick story..I mooved into an appartment in Bangkok years ago. Talked to a girl who was always hanging around downstairs. In passing i mentioned to her how i occasionally miss farang food and next thing i know we are in a taxi to this karaoke/food place she knows, about 15 mins away.

After a reasonable night of me shouting drinks and food, and her hinting if i wanted to "be with her", its time to get the bill. She offers to help by going up to the manager and comes back saying the bill was XXXX baht.
As i was already keeping tabs of the total from the menu, i told her in no uncertain terms that id have the bill from the management thanks..and yes, in the end i deducted that she had added on 500baht for herself!! I gave her a pretty wide berth after that.

Round about the same time a guy on my floor starts muttering a few very unsavoury thai words each time i pass him. I passed him on the street once and he turned and spat in my direction from the other side of the road. did it a few times but never within short distance.
I thought the guy is just a nutter so not much to be gained in reacting.

I see him coming and going from his room as i have to pass it to get to mine. One day he has the door open, so i peeked in as i went past. The "bill padder" girl was in his room and later i found out from management that she is his wife of some 5 years!!

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I'm kind of seconding the police option. These days, the police are under military pressure to do their jobs and you might just get some co-operation. With an appropriate donation, of course. An immediate gift will do wonders, if I may emphasize the point.

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You should absolutely file a report at the police station. Do not be discouraged but be persistent! Spitting is regarded as an assault, verbal abuse is also a form of aggression. These factors plus the fact he wanted to grab your dog, definitely warrant for a report. Be very careful of leaving your dog alone in the yard or anywhere. These sub-species are prone to leaving poisoned treats or meat around to kill your dog. A report will also establish a history of events and evidence in case things escalate. Remain calm and polite but firm, and preferably bring someone who can speak Thai eloquently and get the point across. Good luck!

Emphasis, quote: "Be very careful of leaving your dog alone in the yard or anywhere. These sub-species are prone to leaving poisoned treats or meat around to kill your dog."

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Just a suggestion.... do not wave the police report in his face as if he grabs it you have no record but do use the number they gave you to call if any more situations arise.

Just a suggestion...there is this very cool recent invention called a " photocopier". It's amazing. It copies an original document perfectly.

You see where I'm going with this?

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I see where you are going and my suggestion was also about not showing a police report that will just antagonise someone who is obviously not very stable and puts her in close proximity to him again.

Yes you got a point there, could be a yaba head and they are very unstable at the beat of times.

Bring a friend along next time, a big man would be best.

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Probably mentally unstable and potentially very dangerous especially confronting a lady, physically, smaller than himself ( lets look at in a way of being a bully).

Good on you PG.

I would not go provoking him unless you are sure you can physically handle him - its not your job.

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Probably mentally unstable and potentially very dangerous especially confronting a lady, physically, smaller than himself ( lets look at in a way of being a bully).

Good on you PG.

I would not go provoking him unless you are sure you can physically handle him - its not your job.

If he is already unstable, it's fools like him that are likely to come out with a gun and fire it.

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If as you say you have friendly Thais living close to your home then talk with some of them and explain the situation and see if they are willing to walk with you for a week or so and show this ignorant man that you have the support of other Thai neighbors in the soi , he may back off.

But regardless make sure you report it to the police anyway

PS if the above doesn't work is it possible for you to avoid going past his house walking, if you have a motorbike run it up to the end of the soi and park it - then walk from there or find a nice park area to do your walking

Edited by smedly
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Pg...I usualy read an entire thread before posting....dindnt do that here.....WATCH YOU DOG IN YOUR YARD....Poison could be this psychos retalliation......walk in another way or take your dog in a car....or walk up the middle of the street........you ha e been legaly asaulted so make a report....claim he said he would poison your dog.......make sure he knows you fear for your life as this is a crime in Thailand. Good luck.

yes do be careful about the poison..this happened to my cat.

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I would seriously consider carrying some protection in the form of pepper spray. The guy is obviously volatile and not to be trusted under any circumstances.

You are extremely vulnerable in this guy's presence, particularly on a dark evening in a quiet soi. Whatever you do, don't stop and interact with him. If he pursues you then you need to run to the BIB sharpish, but if he catches up with you then give him a good dose of pepper spray straight in the eyes.

Keep your distance at all times.

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Does anyone know where I can buy this Pepper Spray, and is it Legal....??

Back on topic.... This guy has cleaned up and removed all the dirty shrubs across from

his house which all of the Soi Dogs were using as a Toilet... ( and my little one and myself

got the blame )

I did mention this problem to some neighbors close by, and they did not want to comment

which made me think that maybe they are scared of him,, they pretended they did not know him,

yet they live only 3 houses from him.

I went past this evening on my usual walk, the bully was home but not outside,, i walked

directly down the middle of the Road...

If he speaks again I will ignore him and pursue this matter with the Police now it has

been reported.

Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions, i really appreciate it.

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Pepper spray is not really legal although available at road side stalls in some places. Using it would be classed as an offence unless it was very provable that it was in self defence and that is not easy to prove after the event without witnesses. The onus would be on you to prove that. So, advice is to forget that idea. A very loud whistle might be useful perhaps ?

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Pepper spray is not really legal although available at road side stalls in some places. Using it would be classed as an offence unless it was very provable that it was in self defence and that is not easy to prove after the event without witnesses. The onus would be on you to prove that. So, advice is to forget that idea. A very loud whistle might be useful perhaps ?

Yes thanks for that, I do in fact have a loud Referee's Whistle, I took it with me last night, it is ear-piercing and

will be blown next time ( if ) he confronts me again.

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Pepper spray is not really legal although available at road side stalls in some places. Using it would be classed as an offence unless it was very provable that it was in self defence and that is not easy to prove after the event without witnesses. The onus would be on you to prove that. So, advice is to forget that idea. A very loud whistle might be useful perhaps ?

Yes thanks for that, I do in fact have a loud Referee's Whistle, I took it with me last night, it is ear-piercing and

will be blown next time ( if ) he confronts me again.

Some referee,s whistles dont work when they should do and vice versa-give him a taste of cold steel as per Captain Mannering would thumbsup.gif

(tounge in cheek reply sorry) hope the pratt backs off wai2.gif

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Had a French guy's German Shepard jump over his gate and attack my dog, causing some minor tendon damage. When he arrived back home, I went over to talk to him and tried to fight me. I left, as I could see he was irrational. Went back the next morning but he was still aggressive, saying he didn't care what happened to my dog. I left after we completed calling each other <deleted>.

Talking to a local policeman about it a few days later, he gave me a pepper spray can and told me to spray him if it happens again, and then call him. Scary thing is that I have found out the guy owns a gun, and last week he followed me out into the rice field in his truck when I was walking the dog. Have this funny feeling he was planning on "offing" me that evening, as when I walked by his house on the way to the rice field his two German Shepaeds were quite vocal. I would suggest to not confront the guy directly, but just let it pass. But..... Get your cop friends to get you some pepper spray so he can't spit in your face again!

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My wife carries a small pepper spray in her bag.

My worry is that in the case of an incident it could be used against her if the attacker took it from her possession.

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As far as I know spitting at someone is a criminal offence (assault). If you don't get anything sorted by the police, possibly because he will deny his actions, fit yourself up with a camera or mobile phone with video capabilities in readiness for the next outburst. Take that video to a lawyer and push for compensation and costs. Getting hit in the wallet hurts too.

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I have been to walk my Dog several times since this incident. I will not change my route, as that would mean leaving my Soi which I do not want to do. I took my report from the Police Station with me in case he started again. This person is clearly not happy with me walking past his house, he sat in his pick up watching me from the time I left my house, up past his house 10 houses away from mine,,, then I turn and make my way back. Just sat watching me, the Freak !

I feel a lot better now I have the Police report, and now that I have got the message across to him that I will not be stopping. None of us own the Road, who does he think he is !!!!!!

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