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discusting behaviour of farang against a girl in bkk

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I had a wife and kid in the car so wasn't going to get involved in that. In the future there will be a machete under my seat as a deterrent. Certainly not a gun.

... and the second place runner up Darwin Award of the year goes to....

(Only 2nd place as it's "not a gun")


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This is simple disgusting and outrageous. It is animals like those, that give farangs a bad name. I must admit the Thai people are a very calm and tolerant bunch. It is difficult to see a native being so brutally abused by this creep. I wish and hope the authorities catch up with him. Make sure he has a memorable night in the lock-up and placed on the plane first thing in the morning. Happy riddance to this senseless animal.

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Well at the very start of the video you see her deliver a hard right hook across his face. At the end, she's grabbed something from him (possibly his wallet) and is running away with it. All the moronic white knights who prattle on about never hitting a woman are completely stupid as if you wouldn't or shouldn't defend yourself from someone ANYONE who viciously attacks you. What would a Thai male do to this b*tch if she hit him in public huh? Do you wonder why Thai women do NOT hit Thai men in public? Hint: it isn't because Thai males are wimps who would never hit a bar girl.



A right cross from a 50 kilo female, in my book, does not qualify as a "vicious attack."

If a woman hit me, I'd turn and walk away. If she persisted, I'd lock her up and disable her, then continue walking away. I would not kick her in the chest, and I would not, repeatedly, head butt her.

But it seems, from your post, you would.

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In any way, this is a case for the Police to intervene. A good Samaritan sometimes is not welcome, and can get in big trouble in any country.

On a place like Pattaya tourist spots makes sense to have a lot of police officers around, and translators helpers to avoid these situation.

I hope Mr. Prayut do something about if he have concerns about Thai tourism and safety.

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No one should act like this. If there is a problem, then let the legal departments sort it out [finally]. If the lady seeks punishment for 'assult', the guy deserves the punishment.

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Again, people don't get involved. Why? I don't understand.

If I had seen that, there is absolutely no doubt I would have put that guy on his ass.

What a pathetic piece of shit he is.

Because what goes on between a man and his wife is no one's business but theirs.

If she ASKS for help, that's another matter entirely but I've seen more than a few people intervene only to get a kicking from the guy AND his ostensibly battered wife.

My first instinct would have been to ask the woman if she wanted/needed help.

If she said "no, it's ok", that's it; none of my business after that

Wrong. But I appreciate a (deleted) perspective.

No guy should ever slap, punch or headbutt a woman...ever.

And I could not standby and let it happen. He would have been sat down until he stayed down and the woman could decide what she wanted to do. I doubt that fat piece of goo could have done anything...but I sure wish he would try.

She clearly wanted to get away from him and when she got the opportunity she took it.

Not wrong, absolutely right. A few years back a few mates and I came across some idiot kicking the shit out of his wife/girlfriend, decided to deliver him a bit of the same. Only to have this chick start attacking us with a beer bottle, telling us to stop hitting him.

So in my opinion for sure ask the question 1st, if she says yes smash him, if she says no make sure someone gets a firm hold on her before you smash him.

Bottom line is either way he deserves to get the shit kicked out of him, the guy in this video is a F*****G DOG!

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Spent a little time in Doncaster city centre a lifetime ago and witnessed some very violent "ladies" getting it on with men, women and believe me I would not have wanted to tangle with them and I have always been a "handy" sort of person both boxing and freestyle wrestling in my younger days, talk about hard cases and dirty fighters.

I make this comment on the basis that when a lady acts like a woman, then on occasions the gloves must come off for anyone whether man woman doesn't really matter when you are being viciously attacked by a person so drunk or angry that they are hard to stop. ( I mean that if a woman attacked you in this manner than she is not acting like a lady , is she?)

I remember with some nostalgia, around 1965 when I was at my fittest having a friendly wrestle with a 120 Kilo Ukrainian lady who didn't have much English but could swear like a goodun and I came worse off, she picked me up like I was a feather and I was 90K in those days and placed me unceremoniously on my bum.

Of course there is little comparison in my tale with what was happening in the video and the man must have been seriously provoked, (who knows) but his antics were far from justified and his action are what we must judge and in my opinion I would have wished that he could have met up with some of the ladies from Doncaster if not the Ukrainian lady.

The results would have been far different that what happened on this video I can assure you

The "man" no. you cannot call him a man, more just a BULLY who will, because of the publicity get what he deserves somewhere along the line.

Lets hope when He does get his comeuppance there will be someone with a video to record the incident and hope that no one intervenes, just like they didn't when he was giving it to the woman

Edited by n210mp
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The video begins with her punching him in the face and ends with her stealing his phone or wallet. Would she do this to a Thai male? Of course not the Thai man would have no problem striking her for her bad behavior which is why you don't see these bar girls abusing Thai men. Many Falangs are under the feminist position that it's never okay to hit a woman which like most absolute positions is ludicrous - it is simply not a teneble position in a complex world and certainly doesn't work with a bar girl. Women are NOT morally superior Angels and demanding that everyone treat them as such even when they are behaving as demons is foolish.

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I'm again amazed at how it seems to come as a surprise to many that this type of thing happens.....sheltered lives indeed...and how outraged they become....when Governments are blowing innocent men women and children to smithereens all over the globe.

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I quite agree I cant understand how he got away with his barbaric behaviour and why didn't the thais have a go at him there are far too many people like him in this country he should have been arrested and charged with assault then deported NPG we don't want people like him in this country .

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Again, people don't get involved. Why? I don't understand.

If I had seen that, there is absolutely no doubt I would have put that guy on his ass.

What a pathetic piece of shit he is.

Kitty Genovese. New York City. March 13, 1964.

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I'm enjoying reading the answers from all of you don quixote, wannabes.

You would all have rushed to save the woman from this horrible man.

Not that I agree with his actions, but did the girl ask anybody for help?

Don't think so.

So I suggest you mind your own business in situations like this or you may land in a hospital bed.

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Again, people don't get involved. Why? I don't understand.

If I had seen that, there is absolutely no doubt I would have put that guy on his ass.

What a pathetic piece of shit he is.

Because what goes on between a man and his wife is no one's business but theirs.

If she ASKS for help, that's another matter entirely but I've seen more than a few people intervene only to get a kicking from the guy AND his ostensibly battered wife.

My first instinct would have been to ask the woman if she wanted/needed help.

If she said "no, it's ok", that's it; none of my business after that

No use of crying for help, people usually don't care. Better cry "Fire" instead if you want to raise public interest.

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Reminds me of that saying "It's only when you have a mosquito on your nutsack that you realise that violence isn't always the best solution".

I don't like people hitting women, but I don't like anyone hitting men (or children) either.

We don't know what provoked this and I wouldn't want to speculate, but I do wonder if it really had to come to this opposition in the first place if they were both honourable people.

Maybe a PNG might be the most simple solution, and let the losses and scars be the reminder.

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Best to never get involved except to call or get the police. My friend and I were at an outside beer bar and this westerner slapped his Thai gf. She whimpered....he went to do it again and my buddy grapped his wrist the flipped him over himself. The guy landed on his back. The girl attacked my frie d kike a wildcat trying to scratch is eyes out and cutt him with a broken glass.......

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Yeah, I would kick his f***ing a** if I could just get up out of this chair.

You guys crack me up.

I think you could do it from in your chair if you hit him from behind with a piece of granite, as one hero suggests.

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Again, people don't get involved. Why? I don't understand.

If I had seen that, there is absolutely no doubt I would have put that guy on his ass.

What a pathetic piece of shit he is.

Because what goes on between a man and his wife is no one's business but theirs.

If she ASKS for help, that's another matter entirely but I've seen more than a few people intervene only to get a kicking from the guy AND his ostensibly battered wife.

My first instinct would have been to ask the woman if she wanted/needed help.

If she said "no, it's ok", that's it; none of my business after that

well, love could be strange and there are many ways to express as SM, bondage, and other extreme practice. Even beating belongs to it. And as long she is not asking for help.......But I think it is common sense ready to interfere and ask her if she needs help..The sort it Police is required.

Get me right: I condemn that behaviour, but.....

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We don't know if she was his wife or just a hooker. But this was in Nana so my guess is she is a bargirl . And the fat farang probably been drinking too much. Then maybe she stole something from him and he was chasing her outside when the filming started. So there's more to this story for sure. But when he started headbutting her several times he just shows he is an animal and a coward.

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Ladies and Gentlemen You have witnessed what Human Garbage looks like

I a sadened by this display . No on and I mean no one has the right to hit butt heads or anything else to a woman.

I hope he ends up in jail or worse In a Cell with BUBBA from Arkinsas.

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Fat people are funny when they try running. biggrin.png

yeah!! the video reminded me of my missus's ex, another lard 'rse.

although in that particular case he was even more vicious than the YTsubject, even tried to blind her with face punches whilst she slept..

...and you can see in the video, this kn'rsol tried poking that girlie's eyes out too - if you look again close enough for his 2 prong attack

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Hope he ended with a certain part of his anatomy in a jar beside the bed, the thing is she wont forget this at some stage he will be reminded either by her uncle in the village, or a gang of friends boyfriends, heres hoping

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It's distrurbing and it's wrong, no doubt about that.

These kinds of people we each have known our whole life ... it starts as a grade school bully and goes on from there (grade school bullying being on the rise). They usually get better at hiding it as they get older but the violence level escalates. The victim is really the one who determins the outcome. With one kind of victim he would find himself sporting a 9mm hole between his eyes. On the other end you have a woman that is beaten until hospitalized ... sometimes coming back for more. That is what makes the whole domestic violence thing such a mess - it needs a bully and a victim and in most cases is a life long behavior pattern for both. Think we can all agree a meaningful dose of blunt force intervention medicine would be a good start on the bully. That said, it's very unlikely that this is the first time this thug has behaved this way. It's also very likely that this is not the first or last time that this will happen to her.

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