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Call for serious probe into American teacher stabbing in Trang


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It’s a shame to read that a teacher who has come to our country as a guest is assaulted and injured in this way by people that appear to have lost any respect for other human beings. I feel sorry and hope he will recover well and that it will not be too long that he is back on his feet.

Most of the commentators here that claim that the Royal Thai Police will not act to apprehend the culprits should feel ashamed. Comments like “Depending on when the 250$ clears in the bank” or “Crooks investigating crooks” places a label on each individual police officer in Thailand and that certainly isn’t justified. No group deserves to be stigmatised for actions that have been carried out by individuals and that concession applies to foreigners living in Thailand but also to the Royal Thai Police.

That kind of language is normally used by racists that try to establish the fact that their ethnic gene is of more value as the lesser human beings they are forced to live with.

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"after an argument with youngsters on two motorcycles who cut in front of his motorcycle early Saturday morning."

Nothing good happens after 9pm, 555.

1. Why was he out in the early morning hours? One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol).

2. Why was he argueing with Thai people?

One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol) makes you beligerant.


Your post is one of the more ridiculous I've seen in quite a while, and that is really saying something. You automatically assume the victim was on hard drugs (alcohol). You also imply he had no right to be out at that time, although of course you don't know what time this happened. And because of these brilliant conclusions, you seem to imply that it was the victim's fault he was stabbed by a group of violent hoodlums. From looking at your nearly incoherent post, some people might assume you are on hard drugs (alcohol).

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It’s a shame to read that a teacher who has come to our country as a guest is assaulted and injured in this way by people that appear to have lost any respect for other human beings. I feel sorry and hope he will recover well and that it will not be too long that he is back on his feet.

Most of the commentators here that claim that the Royal Thai Police will not act to apprehend the culprits should feel ashamed. Comments like “Depending on when the 250$ clears in the bank” or “Crooks investigating crooks” places a label on each individual police officer in Thailand and that certainly isn’t justified. No group deserves to be stigmatised for actions that have been carried out by individuals and that concession applies to foreigners living in Thailand but also to the Royal Thai Police.

That kind of language is normally used by racists that try to establish the fact that their ethnic gene is of more value as the lesser human beings they are forced to live with.

there are good and bad in every profession but the rtp seem to have a much higher rate of bad than good. I know several rtp, some family and some friends of the family, some of them are actually really great people and I would definitely trust them and their actions but some are not. I have been pulled over for tea money on several occasions, never have they attempted to do anything other than take money from me for a bullsh*t excuse. I have witnessed the rtp laughing while thugs beat up on someone, seen them taking money from shop owners and demanding free meals/drinks etc, watched them totally ignore crimes being done in front of them, In 2010 they refused to do their jobs stopping the reds in Bangkok and were even involved in helping them, I do have respect for police(my brother and his sons are police in Australia) but when we see the rtp continually doing the opposite to what they are paid for we have to wonder, they make up evidence to turn suspicions away from well paying mafia leaders/ the rich and their families all the time or simply refuse to even allow them to be investigated so yes many of us do have little respect for most of them but there are some good ones there too, just hard to find. If the kids involved in this have connections/family they will simply not be found by the police, face is everything as is money in Thailand and we all know it, We are not racists, that is an excuse used when the accuser knows that what is being said is correct in most cases but wants to save face themselves because they simply dont want to admit the truth about their own people. Instead of making up excuses you need to accept the truth

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Saying that the wounded teacher was still in the intensive care unit at Trang Hospital, Lounas said that a prompt investigation into the case by police would boost the confidence of expats in Thailand.

My thoughts and prayers remain with this poor gentleman, I hope for his swift and comfortable recovery, and I pray that he is able to return to the profession he loves, one day.

I hope that the real attackers are caught, and after a fair trial, they will go to jail for life meaning life. Also that the media will show this to all youngsters as an example of what happens to murderous villains, regardless of age.

You're living in a dream world, ain't you, mate ?

Yup reckon so.

Wakey wakey smell the coffee.

Still, it would be nice to live in his world.

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They won't be caught and the Thai police probably could give a shit about the crime. But they could have killed him and got away with it.

Enough time here you become grateful to live another day. This is a dangerous place that is more akin to anarchy. People come here so naive (we all did) and should count themselves lucky to leave.

Being confrontational here can get you in a world of hurt. Even with me sometimes its hard to keep a reign on anger. Things can esculate here fast and you can end up with more than one enemy.

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"after an argument with youngsters on two motorcycles who cut in front of his motorcycle early Saturday morning."

Nothing good happens after 9pm, 555.

1. Why was he out in the early morning hours? One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol).

2. Why was he argueing with Thai people?

One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol) makes you beligerant.


Defending these <deleted> kids. Assume aka; Ass -u-me. 9pm, early morning are you a freaking Idiot? I hope to read about you getting your ass stabbed.

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"after an argument with youngsters on two motorcycles who cut in front of his motorcycle early Saturday morning."

Nothing good happens after 9pm, 555.

1. Why was he out in the early morning hours? One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol).

2. Why was he argueing with Thai people?

One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol) makes you beligerant.


Gee whiz, that's a very judgmental attitude.

After 9pm, I'm dropping off into dream world, but that's my age and my lifestyle.

But this young man was only 45 and probably after a week of teaching, he's entitled to go out for a good time with his friends, including drinking alcohol if he wants. What do you expect him to do? Sit home and watch re-runs of "The Brady Bunch."

And who said he was belligerent? Maybe they were and he couldn't get away from them.

It doesn't matter! He didn't deserve to get stabbed.

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It’s a shame to read that a teacher who has come to our country as a guest is assaulted and injured in this way by people that appear to have lost any respect for other human beings. I feel sorry and hope he will recover well and that it will not be too long that he is back on his feet.

Most of the commentators here that claim that the Royal Thai Police will not act to apprehend the culprits should feel ashamed. Comments like “Depending on when the 250$ clears in the bank” or “Crooks investigating crooks” places a label on each individual police officer in Thailand and that certainly isn’t justified. No group deserves to be stigmatised for actions that have been carried out by individuals and that concession applies to foreigners living in Thailand but also to the Royal Thai Police.

That kind of language is normally used by racists that try to establish the fact that their ethnic gene is of more value as the lesser human beings they are forced to live with.

there are good and bad in every profession but the rtp seem to have a much higher rate of bad than good. I know several rtp, some family and some friends of the family, some of them are actually really great people and I would definitely trust them and their actions but some are not. I have been pulled over for tea money on several occasions, never have they attempted to do anything other than take money from me for a bullsh*t excuse. I have witnessed the rtp laughing while thugs beat up on someone, seen them taking money from shop owners and demanding free meals/drinks etc, watched them totally ignore crimes being done in front of them, In 2010 they refused to do their jobs stopping the reds in Bangkok and were even involved in helping them, I do have respect for police(my brother and his sons are police in Australia) but when we see the rtp continually doing the opposite to what they are paid for we have to wonder, they make up evidence to turn suspicions away from well paying mafia leaders/ the rich and their families all the time or simply refuse to even allow them to be investigated so yes many of us do have little respect for most of them but there are some good ones there too, just hard to find. If the kids involved in this have connections/family they will simply not be found by the police, face is everything as is money in Thailand and we all know it, We are not racists, that is an excuse used when the accuser knows that what is being said is correct in most cases but wants to save face themselves because they simply dont want to admit the truth about their own people. Instead of making up excuses you need to accept the truth

I appreciate that you find that there are police officers in Thailand that actually do their job and you find trustworthy but it doesn’t invalidate the two comments I quoted in my reply from the article. For your personal encounters with the police stopping you to extort “tea money” I only suggest you report that to the authorities that deal in these matters and I am sure it will be taken care off. However, your argument that your experiences and what you witnessed are only symptoms in Thailand is not in accordance with reports from Europe, US and Australia and only yesterday it was reported about an investigation into French police officers how they allegedly (video evidence) mistreated immigrants. I could also link to media reports form Australia and the US that show, as you put it, there are good and bad in the police force. From my personal experience in the US and Europe I know that I am more likely to be stopped by the police as a person that fits the Caucasian type.

Coming to the part where you suggest that I have accused anybody of being racist I begin to wonder if my English is really that bad and if I’m in need of further lessons to improve on it. What I said is that this kind of language is usually used by racists but that doesn’t imply that I called them racists. On the other hand you don’t seem to have a problem with it by telling me that I fail to admit the truth about my own people, which are the Thai people. For you it appears easy to say: “face is everything as is money in Thailand and we all know it” and referring to the Royal Thai Police “but when we see the rtp continually doing the opposite to what they are paid for we have to wonder, they make up evidence to turn suspicions away from well paying mafia leaders/ the rich and their families all the time or simply refuse to even allow them to be investigated” and again throw everybody into the same basket and label them as rotten apples. What would you call that kind of language, if I may asked, that generalises and accuses a group of people or a whole nation?

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"after an argument with youngsters on two motorcycles who cut in front of his motorcycle early Saturday morning."

Nothing good happens after 9pm, 555.

1. Why was he out in the early morning hours? One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol).

2. Why was he argueing with Thai people?

One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol) makes you beligerant.


Your post is one of the more ridiculous I've seen in quite a while, and that is really saying something. You automatically assume the victim was on hard drugs (alcohol). You also imply he had no right to be out at that time, although of course you don't know what time this happened. And because of these brilliant conclusions, you seem to imply that it was the victim's fault he was stabbed by a group of violent hoodlums. From looking at your nearly incoherent post, some people might assume you are on hard drugs (alcohol).

Wrong. I didn't "assume" he was drunk. That was an educated guess. He could have been out dropping off Bibles at 2am, 5555. Right.

Wrong. I didn't imply he had no right to be out. What I was implying that the most people who are out at that hour are hard drug addicts (alcohol) and their judgements are warped.

Wrong again. If he was a drug addict (alcohol) and he was out at as n hour where most of the people on the road are intoxicated and he gets into an argument over someone cutting him off?

Personal responsibility for his own actions?

Of course, a fellow drug addict (alcohol) wouldn't entertain that possibility for a minute, would they?

I can feel the booze literally seeping through the screen in every word you write...


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"after an argument with youngsters on two motorcycles who cut in front of his motorcycle early Saturday morning."

Nothing good happens after 9pm, 555.

1. Why was he out in the early morning hours? One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol).

2. Why was he argueing with Thai people?

One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol) makes you beligerant.


Your post is one of the more ridiculous I've seen in quite a while, and that is really saying something. You automatically assume the victim was on hard drugs (alcohol). You also imply he had no right to be out at that time, although of course you don't know what time this happened. And because of these brilliant conclusions, you seem to imply that it was the victim's fault he was stabbed by a group of violent hoodlums. From looking at your nearly incoherent post, some people might assume you are on hard drugs (alcohol).

Wrong. I didn't "assume" he was drunk. That was an educated guess. He could have been out dropping off Bibles at 2am, 5555. Right.

Wrong. I didn't imply he had no right to be out. What I was implying that the most people who are out at that hour are hard drug addicts (alcohol) and their judgements are warped.

Wrong again. If he was a drug addict (alcohol) and he was out at as n hour where most of the people on the road are intoxicated and he gets into an argument over someone cutting him off?

Personal responsibility for his own actions?

Of course, a fellow drug addict (alcohol) wouldn't entertain that possibility for a minute, would they?

I can feel the booze literally seeping through the screen in every word you write...


another brilliant deduction on your part, Inspector Clouseau. i have not touched drugs or alcohol for 24 years. but don't let that stop you with your little fantasies and theories, they seem to give you great joy. methinks you might be able to have a career with the RTP. you certainly seem to have the reasoning skills necessary.

Edited by metisdead
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Si Se have another drug !

There's a difference between a drug user and a drug loser (addict).

I'm a drug user. I smoke the best hash oil and cannabis IN THE WORLD. Everyday. Legally. 100% Legal. In Colorado.

Haven't smoked anything since I came to Thailand. I'm not a drug loser (addict), because if I was addicted I couldn't stop.

Alcoholics, junkies, crackheads, tweakers and cigarette smokers are drug losers because they can't stop, 555.

Thailand is a shit magnet for people who are losers and take no responsibility for their loser actions...

Edited by SiSePuede419
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Call for serious probe into teacher stabbing

as opposed to a 'not very serious' probe? coffee1.gif

Presumably, the teacher's friend was asking that the police do something DIFFERENT/serious from what they normally do.

As for any serious punishment resulting, wouldn't count on it. If the culprits are caught, fine and suspended sentence, especially if they happen to be juveniles.

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They won't be caught and the Thai police probably could give a shit about the crime. But they could have killed him and got away with it.

Enough time here you become grateful to live another day. This is a dangerous place that is more akin to anarchy. People come here so naive (we all did) and should count themselves lucky to leave.

This just didn't sound fair.

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Si Se have another drug !

There's a difference between a drug user and a drug loser (addict)

I'm a drug user. I smoke the best hash oil and cannabis IN THE WORLD. Everyday. Legally. 100% Legal. In Colorado.

Haven't smoked anything since I came to Thailand. I'm not a drug loser (addict), because if I was addicted I couldn't stop.

Alcoholics, junkies, crackheads, tweakers and cigarette smokers are drug losers because they can't stop, 555.

Thailand is a shit magnet for people who are losers and take no responsibility for their loser actions...

I'm not sure, but I think this post may put you in the running. You're sounding pretty loser like.

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SiSe, you better get back on the weed. It may help your reasoning and reading comprehension skills. Where in the article does it say he was out at 2 am? Find a dealer and toke up bro. But don't get busted with it in the kingdom. Drug laws are harsh here.

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Si Se have another drug !

There's a difference between a drug user and a drug loser (addict).

I'm a drug user. I smoke the best hash oil and cannabis IN THE WORLD. Everyday. Legally. 100% Legal. In Colorado.

Haven't smoked anything since I came to Thailand. I'm not a drug loser (addict), because if I was addicted I couldn't stop.

Alcoholics, junkies, crackheads, tweakers and cigarette smokers are drug losers because they can't stop, 555.

Thailand is a shit magnet for people who are losers and take no responsibility for their loser actions...

I think you'd be bearable if you were high. Maybe time to head back to Colorado ;)

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They won't be caught and the Thai police probably could give a shit about the crime. But they could have killed him and got away with it.

Enough time here you become grateful to live another day. This is a dangerous place that is more akin to anarchy. People come here so naive (we all did) and should count themselves lucky to leave.

Where did you come from? Paradiseland? No crime in your country?

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Si Se have another drug !

There's a difference between a drug user and a drug loser (addict).

I'm a drug user. I smoke the best hash oil and cannabis IN THE WORLD. Everyday. Legally. 100% Legal. In Colorado.

Haven't smoked anything since I came to Thailand. I'm not a drug loser (addict), because if I was addicted I couldn't stop.

Alcoholics, junkies, crackheads, tweakers and cigarette smokers are drug losers because they can't stop, 555.

Thailand is a shit magnet for people who are losers and take no responsibility for their loser actions...

You forgot about the buggers, queens, fairies, and dopers.

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Si Se have another drug !

There's a difference between a drug user and a drug loser (addict).

I'm a drug user. I smoke the best hash oil and cannabis IN THE WORLD. Everyday. Legally. 100% Legal. In Colorado.

Haven't smoked anything since I came to Thailand. I'm not a drug loser (addict), because if I was addicted I couldn't stop.

Alcoholics, junkies, crackheads, tweakers and cigarette smokers are drug losers because they can't stop, 555.

Thailand is a shit magnet for people who are losers and take no responsibility for their loser actions...

Also a shit magnet for narcissistic sociopaths with delusions of grandeur it would seem.


Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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Si Se have another drug !

There's a difference between a drug user and a drug loser (addict).

I'm a drug user. I smoke the best hash oil and cannabis IN THE WORLD. Everyday. Legally. 100% Legal. In Colorado.

Haven't smoked anything since I came to Thailand. I'm not a drug loser (addict), because if I was addicted I couldn't stop.

Alcoholics, junkies, crackheads, tweakers and cigarette smokers are drug losers because they can't stop, 555.

Thailand is a shit magnet for people who are losers and take no responsibility for their loser actions...

I'm afraid to let you know that you sound like a stoned idiot to me. Your statement that you smoked every day makes you to an addict.

I've worked with/for drug addicts for a very long time of my life. Please tell your story to anybody else.

I don't believe you that you stopped smoking, just because you're in Thailand now.

People who smoke oil, which is the strongest version of THC usually don't do more than look stupid all day long. From one Blubba to the next.

They usually don't work, live of other peoples' pockets, because they're too stoned to get their asses up to do something productive.

Please don't lie here. People who're using hashish, oil, or pot do not smoke every day.

You are being abused by it. Not to many people are like you, but there're some people who just smoke one after the other.

Very similar to a heroin junkie, because they think they "come down."

And your loser action was to write such nonsense. You might consider to smoke less. You know, i hate liars, that's all.

You're right with your last sentence. Thailand is a shit magnet for people who are losers and liars like you. Liars are losers.

Edited by lostinisaan
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Hopefully the ignorant who read this forum don't see this as some anti-american campaign where americans are attacked or slaughtered simply because of their nationality....

although there are scum from every country deserving of the most brutal treatment for their crimes, most people on earth are well-intended. Only governments are to blame for these type of events

....but then again....if people were able to self govern themselves....then we would need government.

If only the world read and lived by more OSHO.

Don't think about it too much....your tumor may burst.

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It’s a shame to read that a teacher who has come to our country as a guest is assaulted and injured in this way by people that appear to have lost any respect for other human beings. I feel sorry and hope he will recover well and that it will not be too long that he is back on his feet.

Most of the commentators here that claim that the Royal Thai Police will not act to apprehend the culprits should feel ashamed. Comments like “Depending on when the 250$ clears in the bank” or “Crooks investigating crooks” places a label on each individual police officer in Thailand and that certainly isn’t justified. No group deserves to be stigmatised for actions that have been carried out by individuals and that concession applies to foreigners living in Thailand but also to the Royal Thai Police.

That kind of language is normally used by racists that try to establish the fact that their ethnic gene is of more value as the lesser human beings they are forced to live with.

there are good and bad in every profession but the rtp seem to have a much higher rate of bad than good. I know several rtp, some family and some friends of the family, some of them are actually really great people and I would definitely trust them and their actions but some are not. I have been pulled over for tea money on several occasions, never have they attempted to do anything other than take money from me for a bullsh*t excuse. I have witnessed the rtp laughing while thugs beat up on someone, seen them taking money from shop owners and demanding free meals/drinks etc, watched them totally ignore crimes being done in front of them, In 2010 they refused to do their jobs stopping the reds in Bangkok and were even involved in helping them, I do have respect for police(my brother and his sons are police in Australia) but when we see the rtp continually doing the opposite to what they are paid for we have to wonder, they make up evidence to turn suspicions away from well paying mafia leaders/ the rich and their families all the time or simply refuse to even allow them to be investigated so yes many of us do have little respect for most of them but there are some good ones there too, just hard to find. If the kids involved in this have connections/family they will simply not be found by the police, face is everything as is money in Thailand and we all know it, We are not racists, that is an excuse used when the accuser knows that what is being said is correct in most cases but wants to save face themselves because they simply dont want to admit the truth about their own people. Instead of making up excuses you need to accept the truth

I appreciate that you find that there are police officers in Thailand that actually do their job and you find trustworthy but it doesn’t invalidate the two comments I quoted in my reply from the article. For your personal encounters with the police stopping you to extort “tea money” I only suggest you report that to the authorities that deal in these matters and I am sure it will be taken care off. However, your argument that your experiences and what you witnessed are only symptoms in Thailand is not in accordance with reports from Europe, US and Australia and only yesterday it was reported about an investigation into French police officers how they allegedly (video evidence) mistreated immigrants. I could also link to media reports form Australia and the US that show, as you put it, there are good and bad in the police force. From my personal experience in the US and Europe I know that I am more likely to be stopped by the police as a person that fits the Caucasian type.

Coming to the part where you suggest that I have accused anybody of being racist I begin to wonder if my English is really that bad and if I’m in need of further lessons to improve on it. What I said is that this kind of language is usually used by racists but that doesn’t imply that I called them racists. On the other hand you don’t seem to have a problem with it by telling me that I fail to admit the truth about my own people, which are the Thai people. For you it appears easy to say: “face is everything as is money in Thailand and we all know it” and referring to the Royal Thai Police “but when we see the rtp continually doing the opposite to what they are paid for we have to wonder, they make up evidence to turn suspicions away from well paying mafia leaders/ the rich and their families all the time or simply refuse to even allow them to be investigated” and again throw everybody into the same basket and label them as rotten apples. What would you call that kind of language, if I may asked, that generalises and accuses a group of people or a whole nation?

Is this a troll post? This can't be for real. [emoji15]

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It’s a shame to read that a teacher who has come to our country as a guest is assaulted and injured in this way by people that appear to have lost any respect for other human beings. I feel sorry and hope he will recover well and that it will not be too long that he is back on his feet.

Most of the commentators here that claim that the Royal Thai Police will not act to apprehend the culprits should feel ashamed. Comments like “Depending on when the 250$ clears in the bank” or “Crooks investigating crooks” places a label on each individual police officer in Thailand and that certainly isn’t justified. No group deserves to be stigmatised for actions that have been carried out by individuals and that concession applies to foreigners living in Thailand but also to the Royal Thai Police.

That kind of language is normally used by racists that try to establish the fact that their ethnic gene is of more value as the lesser human beings they are forced to live with.

there are good and bad in every profession but the rtp seem to have a much higher rate of bad than good. I know several rtp, some family and some friends of the family, some of them are actually really great people and I would definitely trust them and their actions but some are not. I have been pulled over for tea money on several occasions, never have they attempted to do anything other than take money from me for a bullsh*t excuse. I have witnessed the rtp laughing while thugs beat up on someone, seen them taking money from shop owners and demanding free meals/drinks etc, watched them totally ignore crimes being done in front of them, In 2010 they refused to do their jobs stopping the reds in Bangkok and were even involved in helping them, I do have respect for police(my brother and his sons are police in Australia) but when we see the rtp continually doing the opposite to what they are paid for we have to wonder, they make up evidence to turn suspicions away from well paying mafia leaders/ the rich and their families all the time or simply refuse to even allow them to be investigated so yes many of us do have little respect for most of them but there are some good ones there too, just hard to find. If the kids involved in this have connections/family they will simply not be found by the police, face is everything as is money in Thailand and we all know it, We are not racists, that is an excuse used when the accuser knows that what is being said is correct in most cases but wants to save face themselves because they simply dont want to admit the truth about their own people. Instead of making up excuses you need to accept the truth

I appreciate that you find that there are police officers in Thailand that actually do their job and you find trustworthy but it doesn’t invalidate the two comments I quoted in my reply from the article. For your personal encounters with the police stopping you to extort “tea money” I only suggest you report that to the authorities that deal in these matters and I am sure it will be taken care off. However, your argument that your experiences and what you witnessed are only symptoms in Thailand is not in accordance with reports from Europe, US and Australia and only yesterday it was reported about an investigation into French police officers how they allegedly (video evidence) mistreated immigrants. I could also link to media reports form Australia and the US that show, as you put it, there are good and bad in the police force. From my personal experience in the US and Europe I know that I am more likely to be stopped by the police as a person that fits the Caucasian type.

Coming to the part where you suggest that I have accused anybody of being racist I begin to wonder if my English is really that bad and if I’m in need of further lessons to improve on it. What I said is that this kind of language is usually used by racists but that doesn’t imply that I called them racists. On the other hand you don’t seem to have a problem with it by telling me that I fail to admit the truth about my own people, which are the Thai people. For you it appears easy to say: “face is everything as is money in Thailand and we all know it” and referring to the Royal Thai Police “but when we see the rtp continually doing the opposite to what they are paid for we have to wonder, they make up evidence to turn suspicions away from well paying mafia leaders/ the rich and their families all the time or simply refuse to even allow them to be investigated” and again throw everybody into the same basket and label them as rotten apples. What would you call that kind of language, if I may asked, that generalises and accuses a group of people or a whole nation?

Is this a troll post? This can't be for real. [emoji15]

It isn't a troll post but a comment by a Thai that has learned how to read between the lines and got fed up with the daily comments here that tell her that she isn't fit for the human race according TV commentators.

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They won't be caught and the Thai police probably could give a shit about the crime. But they could have killed him and got away with it.

Enough time here you become grateful to live another day. This is a dangerous place that is more akin to anarchy. People come here so naive (we all did) and should count themselves lucky to leave.

You speak entirely for yourself. I for one feel much safer living here than I did in London.

You from London Brewster mate ,

Yes. Islington, just off Essex Road.

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