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Bandido chief stranded in Thailand after Australian govt refuses to renew visa


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So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

I'm sure the guy is a pillar of the community who spends his time doing charity work. Perhaps you should do a Google search for "Bandidos" and see the crimes this "club" is guilty of.

The difference between you and me is I know what I am talking about and actually know some members of the Bandidos personally, so while all you go by is by reading newspapers and using Google I go by REALITY and the reality is not all Bandidos are criminals and THIS GUY DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD just suspected of it. THAT IS CRAZY.

there are good and bad in every club and to tar a whole MC club with one brush and call them ALL criminals is like me calling every Australian a criminal, its just a bigoted view BY IDIOTS that don't know better.

The Bandidos are a criminal organisation. You don't get good, honest people joining criminal organisations. Any more than you get tolerant people joining the Ku Klux Klan.

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It always amazes me when all the so called "Aussies" start to get sentimental about their country when in actual fact not one would be an aboriginal. Now these are the real Australians. It's so funny as the white ozzies are staunch Australians-haha!!! Eh don't think so!! The problem with them is they JUST WONT ADMIT IT!! Bunch of confused prisoners!!!

Don't be ridiculous. Your comments are pure ignorance,
the ignorance being from the ozzies. I lived there for 2 years unfortunately and experienced it. Claiming it to be "their" country while being rascists to the people visiting!! Every white Ozzie thinks he's a pure bred Australian. It's a fact!

Stupid is as stupid does.

Great example of the Pot calling the kettle black rolleyes.gif

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In visa cases you don't have to have a criminal record to be denied entry. It is enough with suspicion. You can't run a full trial for every visa case. USA and every country in Europe do the same. Hundreds of thousands are turned away even before entry, because the immigration officers are "not convinced". This guy belongs to a PROVEN criminal organization. I am surprised he got a visa in the first place.

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So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

And you're happy to take the opposite tack based on a few media reports without reviewing the evidence contained in his, no doubt, voluminous departmental file.

You are assuming decisions were made on appearance and association only!

Who's the real "saddo".

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So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

I'm sure the guy is a pillar of the community who spends his time doing charity work. Perhaps you should do a Google search for "Bandidos" and see the crimes this "club" is guilty of.

The difference between you and me is I know what I am talking about and actually know some members of the Bandidos personally, so while all you go by is by reading newspapers and using Google I go by REALITY and the reality is not all Bandidos are criminals and THIS GUY DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD just suspected of it. THAT IS CRAZY.

there are good and bad in every club and to tar a whole MC club with one brush and call them ALL criminals is like me calling every Australian a criminal, its just a bigoted view BY IDIOTS that don't know better.

The Bandidos are a criminal organisation. You don't get good, honest people joining criminal organisations. Any more than you get tolerant people joining the Ku Klux Klan.


Bigoted view by someone that has no idea what they are talking about, you know nothing other than what you have read in the press.

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Bigoted view by someone that has no idea what they are talking about, you know nothing other than what you have read in the press.

So you are denying they are a criminal organisation? You really don't want me to list their track record do you? I guess it wouldn't matter, just because you had a beer with a couple makes them all great guys in your book.

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"Immigration Minister Peter Dutton made the decision to reject Bandido Daniel Roach's residency visa renewal application.". Simply put, he is a British Born, Australian Resident (until his Visa was revoked).

Amazing Australia to have allowed him to obtain a P.R and Amazing U.K for producing such scum. I am, as always amused to see the idiotic comments like criminals being welcomed to Amazing Thailand.

Indeed, it is amazing to see so many Thai bashers who seem to have little or no intelligence to comprehend even a simple sentence. Their only purpose in life seems to be, to attack Thailand or the Thais as whole at any and every given opportunity.

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Australia reserves the right (and it is a right) for non Australians to reside in that Country. If the powers that be deem that a person is not fit to be a resident (or to visit) Australia then that's it. This not only applies to bikies but the likes of hate preachers, and other shit stirring types.Doesn't matter if they have convictions or not. There is a further news article on this matter here.....


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Listen... these "Bikers" (criminal organisations with a biker history background and an affinity for loud, big machines to boost their egos) are outside the law, they say that themselves, by calling themselves the outlaws... they defy justice and publicly refuse to obey by the rules and do so proudly... once you declare yourself an "outlaw", you can't morally come back and claim the right to the law when the deck is stacked against you, can you really... nopes, they have declared themselves outlaws, which means the protection of the law doesn't apply... most of them are also great at tax-evasion and social fraud (many of them receive well-fare and pension), which paints an even more pathetic picture of these career juveniles delinquents... summa summarum, they don't want to obey the law (and declare it publicly with pride, so naturally they can't call on the protection when they want it... pathetic that his is even being discussed, and it's even more ludicrous that he is being public addressed with his made-up title in his gangster organisation / slash biker club... scum like that deserve no public respect !

Anyways, my 25cents... you don't want to obey the law, you can't expect it's protection, civilisation is based on give and take !

And in this case, it just a matter of Australia making a judgment call stating that he doesn't fit the profile of what is wanted in Australia... that is totally within the reams of the rules and it's incredible that it has to be escalated to that level before a piece of shit like this guy can be denied Visa ! Amazing !

Edited by dopenhagen
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It always amazes me when all the so called "Aussies" start to get sentimental about their country when in actual fact not one would be an aboriginal. Now these are the real Australians. It's so funny as the white ozzies are staunch Australians-haha!!! Eh don't think so!! The problem with them is they JUST WONT ADMIT IT!! Bunch of confused prisoners!!!

Don't be ridiculous. Your comments are pure ignorance,
the ignorance being from the ozzies. I lived there for 2 years unfortunately and experienced it. Claiming it to be "their" country while being rascists to the people visiting!! Every white Ozzie thinks he's a pure bred Australian. It's a fact!

Interested to hear where this is coming from - where did you stay in Oz? I have lived in many parts, and your "facts" sound a bit outrageous.

I recall being at a party in Sydney and an Irish nurse was upset coz her fellow nurses call her overly-familiar names. We tried to point out that we only do that with the people we really like - it's only the a-holes we refer to formally.

So, were they calling you names in Australia? Did it hurt? Haven't gotten over it yet? Never mind diddums, time heals all wounds.

And as to "pure-bred Aussies", do you speak like this about Americans? Canadians? New Zealanders? South Africans? Singaporeans? Anyone non-native in South America? We would say you seem to have chip on your shoulder.

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A lot of talk and association of tattoos ... this is 2015 people. Whilst this guy does himself no favours his tattoos alone should not condemn him to the ranks of being unsuitable, unsavoury, a criminal, a thug etc. I have tattoos and I really do sometimes rue the day I had them because of what people associate them with especially where I live in Pattaya. But hey I have them end of and when I am in front of a Co Director or CEO or a Board you wouldn't know because they are covered.

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...if he has never been charged or accused of any crime...what is the basis of refusal.....

Basis of refusal, well - he is not an Australian citizen and the government can and do decide who can enter Australia - a very simple fact of life which it seems many have a problem understanding.

Partial quote from this Herald Sun Melbourne news article: Link. Apparently he failed visa character test provisions upon review. He must have been borderline on the test before but with the recent biker gang fight/killings in Texas it made in an opportune time from a public perception standpoint to stamp disapproved on his visa.

The Government is cracking down on those who fail visa character test provisions.

Between last July and March, Mr Dutton and his predecessor, Scott Morrison, cancelled 371 visas on character grounds, up 500 per cent on the corresponding period the previous year.

A further 85 applications for new visas were rejected on character grounds — a 40 per cent increase.

Mr Dutton told the Herald Sun he was “committed to protecting (the public) from those involved in serious criminal activity, including outlaw motorcycle gangs”.

“People of this character who abuse the privilege of living in Australia can expect to have their visas cancelled under this Government, and will be sent back to their country of origin,” the minister said.

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It always amazes me when all the so called "Aussies" start to get sentimental about their country when in actual fact not one would be an aboriginal. Now these are the real Australians. It's so funny as the white ozzies are staunch Australians-haha!!! Eh don't think so!! The problem with them is they JUST WONT ADMIT IT!! Bunch of confused prisoners!!!

Don't be ridiculous. Your comments are pure ignorance,
the ignorance being from the ozzies. I lived there for 2 years unfortunately and experienced it. Claiming it to be "their" country while being rascists to the people visiting!! Every white Ozzie thinks he's a pure bred Australian. It's a fact!

Interested to hear where this is coming from - where did you stay in Oz? I have lived in many parts, and your "facts" sound a bit outrageous.

I recall being at a party in Sydney and an Irish nurse was upset coz her fellow nurses call her overly-familiar names. We tried to point out that we only do that with the people we really like - it's only the a-holes we refer to formally.

So, were they calling you names in Australia? Did it hurt? Haven't gotten over it yet? Never mind diddums, time heals all wounds.

And as to "pure-bred Aussies", do you speak like this about Americans? Canadians? New Zealanders? South Africans? Singaporeans? Anyone non-native in South America? We would say you seem to have chip on your shoulder.

Nearly all of Central and South America that was conquered by the Spanish. Perhaps all Spanish descendants should be sent back to Spain.

Edited by giddyup
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I'm sure the guy is a pillar of the community who spends his time doing charity work. Perhaps you should do a Google search for "Bandidos" and see the crimes this "club" is guilty of.

The difference between you and me is I know what I am talking about and actually know some members of the Bandidos personally, so while all you go by is by reading newspapers and using Google I go by REALITY and the reality is not all Bandidos are criminals and THIS GUY DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD just suspected of it. THAT IS CRAZY.

there are good and bad in every club and to tar a whole MC club with one brush and call them ALL criminals is like me calling every Australian a criminal, its just a bigoted view BY IDIOTS that don't know better.

The Bandidos are a criminal organisation. You don't get good, honest people joining criminal organisations. Any more than you get tolerant people joining the Ku Klux Klan.


Bigoted view by someone that has no idea what they are talking about, you know nothing other than what you have read in the press.

Seems as though you also rely on what you read in the press which goes to prove your lack of the facts as to what the Australian government base their decision on.

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This don't look good for OZ it is your problem and you dump it on Thailand could let him return to Oz then deported him back to the UK if that is where he is from.Funny a prison colony refusing a criminal, now that is classiccheesy.gif

Just to bring you up to date, which seems necessary, Australia has not been a prison colony for well over 150 years.

Other former colonies such as the present U.S.A. had their fair share of imported British and Irish prisoners also, so don't crow too loudly.

The bikie gangs caused a lot of problems, were heavily involved in drugs, and the final straw was when a gang invaded the check-out area of an airport, and bludgeoned a former gang member to death, in front of those checking in.

The gangs were totally banned first in QLD, then other states have been following on.

As regards the British national whose visa has been cancelled, I found it remarkable that the names of a great many gang members had East European origins.

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This don't look good for OZ it is your problem and you dump it on Thailand could let him return to Oz then deported him back to the UK if that is where he is from.Funny a prison colony refusing a criminal, now that is classiccheesy.gif

Australia was a penal colony for England in the 1700's and the 1800's we have moved on, have you?

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...if he has never been charged or accused of any crime...what is the basis of refusal.....

Did you not read the story? Character Test.

i'm not getting the argument about countries not being able to control their own borders as i saw the nightmare in Hong Kong where the govt was forced by London to accept the increasing flood of Vietnamese Boat People. Now in Europe Brussels is trying to force acceptance of migrants who simply arrive and say " we're here so what are you going to do for us ? " This is not off topic it's about a country and it's own border control.

Roach is a senior member of a Victorian biker ' club ' and I'm presuming he joined or became affiliated after arriving in OZ. He may not have actual convictions in Australia bu tI would think the minister will be in possession of intelligence reports from the State and Federal Police, possibly other organisations like Customs, ASIO etc. Therein likes a problem as the govt can say they are in possession of information etc which leads to their decision then the human rights people will be all over them demanding production.

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So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

I'm sure the guy is a pillar of the community who spends his time doing charity work. Perhaps you should do a Google search for "Bandidos" and see the crimes this "club" is guilty of.

The difference between you and me is I know what I am talking about and actually know some members of the Bandidos personally, so while all you go by is by reading newspapers and using Google I go by REALITY and the reality is not all Bandidos are criminals and THIS GUY DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD just suspected of it. THAT IS CRAZY.

there are good and bad in every club and to tar a whole MC club with one brush and call them ALL criminals is like me calling every Australian a criminal, its just a bigoted view BY IDIOTS that don't know better.

Strangely the Australian Federal Police. State Police Forces, the FBI, Interpol, most international policing agencies take a very different view. These groups exist to make money from illegal activities...specifically drugs. Any interest in biking is now incidental. They are extremely dangerous and however much they try to ingratiate themselves with crap like toy runs for poor kids, at heart they are vicious and evil. They can be done without .

This particular clown should have applied for citizenship 20 years ago and he would not now have an issue. A vpity his wife and kids have to suffer but the greater good is served by repatriating him to England.

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Bigoted view by someone that has no idea what they are talking about, you know nothing other than what you have read in the press.

So you are denying they are a criminal organisation? You really don't want me to list their track record do you? I guess it wouldn't matter, just because you had a beer with a couple makes them all great guys in your book.

TRY AND KEEP UP WITH MY POSTS its tough I know but you can do it

As I have said there is no doubt out of the over 3000 members of the Bandido's as well as other MC clubs there is a tiny % of members that may be involved in criminal activities but to label every single member as a criminal is tarring all with the same brush, its a bigoted approach just as if I called all Aussies Criminals because a small percentage of the population commits crimes.

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"The man is alleged to have had involvement in a range of criminal activities, including drug offences, through his alleged association with an outlaw motorcycle gang in Victoria," the spokesman said."

So nothing proven then?

Ah well, I'm sure his wife and 2 kids understand this move. Who needs their dad, eh?

One could argue that being part of a violent criminal organization doesn't make him a candidate for father of the year.

When it comes to granting a discretionary visa, there is no obligation upon a government to grant it. Character attributes are indeed allowed to be taken into consideration when reviewing a visa application.

BTW, the Bandidos were just involved in a massive gunfight in Waco Texas. 9 dead, and 170 now arrested. Lovely organization he is Sergeant of Arms for.

What about his Wife and family. Think their could be a human rights case looming. They need to allow him access to his family , not residency but access

What about his wife and family? Why do they need to allow him access? He is a UK national, not Australian. They are free to visit him in lovely England, provide the wife and kids are free of a criminal record and not involved in criminal activity. No one is denying him his civil rights, since he is not a citizen of Australia. He's a foreigner involved with a criminal organization.

If he was a good family man he would have considered his wife and kids before making his career choice and taking on the role as a bikie sergeant of arms. For sergeant of arms read enforcer, thug, stand over man and some things more permanent than those.

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Don't be ridiculous. Your comments are pure ignorance,
the ignorance being from the ozzies. I lived there for 2 years unfortunately and experienced it. Claiming it to be "their" country while being rascists to the people visiting!! Every white Ozzie thinks he's a pure bred Australian. It's a fact!

Interested to hear where this is coming from - where did you stay in Oz? I have lived in many parts, and your "facts" sound a bit outrageous.

I recall being at a party in Sydney and an Irish nurse was upset coz her fellow nurses call her overly-familiar names. We tried to point out that we only do that with the people we really like - it's only the a-holes we refer to formally.

So, were they calling you names in Australia? Did it hurt? Haven't gotten over it yet? Never mind diddums, time heals all wounds.

And as to "pure-bred Aussies", do you speak like this about Americans? Canadians? New Zealanders? South Africans? Singaporeans? Anyone non-native in South America? We would say you seem to have chip on your shoulder.

Nearly all of Central and South America that was conquered by the Spanish. Perhaps all Spanish descendants should be sent back to Spain.

Another nonsense comment as this guy in question isn't an Australian born descendant and is therefore subject to the law of the country regarding his ability to reside in Australia.

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Hype and speculation aside. Has he actually been convicted of anything?

I guess the fact that he is a biker, has tattoos and is a member of a bike club is enough for TV members to condemn him !

I think you misused the word,"club". Should it not be, 'gang?" Good on the powers that be in Oz. Luckily he is at stage 1 in becoming a Thai. Learn muy thai.

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So no evidence this guy has done something wrong other than be a member of an MC Club and using the excuse that refusal is based on his alleged charachter because he is in an MC club what an ignorant and bigoted approach

If he was committing crimes where there is proof OK no problem but when there is NO EVIDENCE of that then it is just a sad reflection on Australia and as for all you saddo's that are prepared to hang a guy because of the way he looks or your bigoted views on Bikers and Biker clubs well I wont say what I really want since i am coming off a months holiday already.

You dont even know the guy but are happy to have him removed from his family and kids on nothing more than made up crap.

If you & dumbspunk & others are sooooo concerned...... maybe you would like to adopt him. I'm sure your family & neighbors would be happy to have him in the community.

At last, Australia has a government with enough balls to start thinking of the overall good of the country / community in relation to unwanted & undesirables.

There are millions of Aussies that have tatts that aren't on the radar. There's thousands of Aussies that are members of "clubs", not "gangs", that aren't on the radar. Why do you think the likes of this critter, Sergent at Arms of a notorious outlaw bike gang is on the radar ???? Oh, for what it's worth, I have several tatts & ride a bike. Wonder why I'm not on the radar.

Yes, yes, I know... civil liberties & human rights... blah blah.

Yeah, I'm waiting for your response...... give it your best shot.

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Innocent unless a court proves him guilty of a crime in my view, even if he looks like a crim it doesn't mean he is. He should test the government in court.

Tell you what. Read the FBI report. Bandidos are classified in the 2.5% of gangs that are "Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs"


But that's beside the point. He's not been charged with anything. He's being denied entry to the country. They can deny him entry simply because the immigration officer doesn't believe his reason for entering. There doesn't have to be a conviction, or a trial. Just a suspicion.

And I hope he does challenge it in court. Not because I want him to win, but I believe everyone deserves a fair shake.

Edited by impulse
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