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Former Bangkok police chief 'arrested with gun' in Japanese airport


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So if any Thai were to be a brainless moron and try to carry a gun on a plane would the Thai Government send out Lawyers and Embassy staff to help ?

So it seems, with 2 cases in 10 or so days. Would you not expect the same in the same position?

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Officials don't know why he was carrying a gun?

This is an obvious answer. "He was a police chief, put many people in prison I am sure. Made lots and lots of enemies over the years.

Heck I would carry a gun if I was a former Police Chief

Lets see what happens I don't believe he wanted to cause anyone harm thought . It would be a sad day if he was jacked up on this for very long.

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I have just reveived photos taken froma Japanese website of him being escorted by Japanese police.

He doesn't look too upset, but is trying to hide under a big anorak type jacket.

There is also a photo of a tiny gun. So small that the whole thing fits in the palm of a hand.

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Officials don't know why he was carrying a gun?

This is an obvious answer. "He was a police chief, put many people in prison I am sure. Made lots and lots of enemies over the years.

Heck I would carry a gun if I was a former Police Chief

Lets see what happens I don't believe he wanted to cause anyone harm thought . It would be a sad day if he was jacked up on this for very long.

Are you for real??

If I didn't think this was a wind up post, I would answer but I think you are just trolling!

Edited by Scouse123
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Poor guy, what could be worse than this? Let's hope they don't find any "go fast" in his pocket. How did that get there?!! You tell me, your the corrupt policeman, tell me you don't plant evidence back in Siam?

Wasn't travelling with Nigerians by any chance?

Edited by Calimotty
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So if any Thai were to be a brainless moron and try to carry a gun on a plane would the Thai Government send out Lawyers and Embassy staff to help ?

Exactly, he was working for thai govt at the time, probably secret service. and his handgun was concealed in the checked in baggage at BBK but he <deleted> up and had in carryon in Japan. Otherwise would have been concealed by staff if checked in baggage

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"Right now, we are checking the details," Pol.Lt.Gen. Prawuth told reporters. "Why he was carrying the gun, and whether he carried the gun past a security checkpoint in Thailand, I cannot say. We have to clearly check details first, and then we will coordinate with him to ask how we can assist."

As he has already admitted that the gun is his then he clearly carried it through Thai security on his outbound journey...

But co-ordinate with him to ask how they can assist for what reason, the only person he should be talking to is a defence lawyer ???

I hope the Thai/Japanese authorities have not pulled strings to release him back to Thailand with a warning only...

he should be held accountable for his actions just the same as any person on the street !!!

Thailand as we all know is full of double standards I rather hoped Japan was above that & would stick to it's principles in law !!

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"Right now, we are checking the details," Pol.Lt.Gen. Prawuth told reporters. "Why he was carrying the gun, and whether he carried the gun past a security checkpoint in Thailand, I cannot say. We have to clearly check details first, and then we will coordinate with him to ask how we can assist."

As he has already admitted that the gun is his then he clearly carried it through Thai security on his outbound journey...

But co-ordinate with him to ask how they can assist for what reason, the only person he should be talking to is a defence lawyer ???

I hope the Thai/Japanese authorities have not pulled strings to release him back to Thailand with a warning only...

he should be held accountable for his actions just the same as any person on the street !!!

Thailand as we all know is full of double standards I rather hoped Japan was above that & would stick to it's principles in law !!

He is working for thai government secret service and gun was supposed to be in checked luggage. then it would go through fine. why is thai govt offering so much assistance in Lawyers and Embassy staff to help.

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I hope this Ex Cop has to face trial in Japan and sent to prison!

Thailand must learn one thing: they have no power outside of their country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Neither Japan, nor New Zealand nor ....

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so he takes his "carry on" bag out of the country, (with gun). then he arrives at destination.( with gun.) then he does his thing whatever he is doing in Japan, DOES NOT OPEN HIS CARRY ON BAG (YEAH RIGHT.), (with gun) (see where i am heading) gets caught on the return journey,yep i can see it now, "do you know who i am,? i am Hi-So person", if this dick had a brain he would be dangerous.

I'm sure in real life he is / was very dangerous

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Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

An ' accident ', not serious ? Are you serious, being sarcastic or trolling ?

They let him go already! So how serious could that have been?

But on the subject let me add something. If I was on that airplane and it was being High Jacket, I would rather he had that gun then not have it.

And....You don't even know what a troll is! As you fit that description far better than I do.

No proof of him being released yet as far as I know, but if he has, it's a disgrace. How far "up the tree" do you have to be to warrant 12 hours of negotiation on your behalf?

And by the way, that in itself shows how seriously the authorities are treating the incident. "Thai Police Bashers" have every right to complain about preferential treatment being given to a BIB. If it was an average Mr Joe Bloggs/John Doe, you can rest assured there would be no such "assistance" forthcoming.

The 'Boys on Air Force One" are professionally trained security personnel, and there to protect the President (by the way I'm a Brit so have no axe to grind there). This EX Police chief had no right to carry a gun in his hand luggage - period. And if I was on a plane being "High Jacket" (?) I would rather he NOT have a gun because if he is stupid enough to "forget" that he had it, or that he thought he had "lost" it and that he had "no idea" where it was, it wouldn't take much to push his buttons now, would it?

But, on the subject:-

  • "Internet troll, an internet term for a person who, through willful action, attempts to disrupt a community or garner attention and controversy through provocative messages."

I think that description covers your post quite adequately, rather than NongKhaiKid's, especially the bit about provocative messages e.g. "Not serious" "Embarrassing".

How do you know he does not possess a firearm? And how many guns do you see in the "big bin" in the airport?

No, my friend, in this case YOU are the troll!

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So are we to believe that the entire time he was in Japan ....he NEVER look into his own carry on bag. NEVER took anything out of this bag.

Others have already questioned how he got OUT of Thailand with the gun in his possession.

If as stated by beerzy above .....If he was "working" for govt wouldnt you MAKE SURE the gun was properly packed away in checked luggage before heading to the airport.

"excuse me sir ...is this your luggage? . Did you pack this bag yourself ? So you know what is in this bag ?

All the above are fairly standard questions at airports these days.

And why does OP state ..........................."long lost gun" ???????

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Time to escalate to Defcon 4, in an attempt to save complete loss of face:

1. He has a documented history of psychiatric disorder

2. He has been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's

3. He was moved to an inactive post due to Senile Demeter

4. Will this affect your building our reasonably fast train system? If so bang him up and throw away the key!

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Officials don't know why he was carrying a gun?

This is an obvious answer. "He was a police chief, put many people in prison I am sure. Made lots and lots of enemies over the years.

Heck I would carry a gun if I was a former Police Chief

Lets see what happens I don't believe he wanted to cause anyone harm thought . It would be a sad day if he was jacked up on this for very long.

Maybe he didn't / wasn't intent on harm, but he broke the law (maybe twice) so he should be "jacked up" but certainly not off for being such a fool.

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Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

If he, as a senior police officer, doesn't know where his gun is, he shouldn't be allowed to carry one to start with. A gun is a serious piece of weaponry and can hardly be compared to the screwdrivers, pocket knives and scissors you see in the bins at the airport.

You make a good point I would not argue against that. So now I wonder if his story holds true and he did actually forget he had it their in his carry-on.

You know I have traveled many many miles on an airplane at many different airports around the world. In all this time I have never had anything missing in my carry-on, but many things missing in my other baggage. Including a camera and walk-man. I have also had my luggage missing a few times and one time they never found it.

To be honest, if I was legally packing a Fire Arm, I would want to carry that in my carry-on as I don't trust the other route as any baggage inspector or handler could steel it, if they knew what was inside.

If he was legally allowed to carry this Hand Gun, then he should have informed Customs and perhaps had it wrapped in a special container they would hold, until he landed. But he didn't do that.

Who knows how it got into his Carry-on Bag? I never pack my own suitcase as my wife does, so maybe she put it their by accident. I am sure that even a 10 year old kids knows that his carry-on could be inspected and will be x-rayed, and a Metal Hand Gun would show up very easily. He also was probably not got checked when leaving. So to me all points to some forgotten mistake on his part. One that shouldn't have happened, but did.

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Well yes he should know better. Why don't we give the guy a break? People make mistakes. I once forgot my LEATHERMAN® in my carry-on bag and forgot about it, and I lost it that way- Was an expensive one, too. We have stuff in there that we need, depending on profession. Why should a Police officer not have a spare handgun in there? Here goes: He was apprehended on the way out of Japan. There is no need to bring handguns into Thailand for criminal purposes since they are readily available anywhere. What he did with it while in Japan, who knows, but perhaps he can legitimately carry it while abroad. Ever considered that?

You are missing the point entirely re disclosure and safety of passengers and crew.... there are legitimate reasons for security. Sorry about your 'leatherman'.

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I am waiting to see the picture of him sitting at a table pointing to his luggage and the gun with several smiling Japanese policemen behind him ?

Edited by Jay Sata
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Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

IMHO people like cops and ex-cops, etc., should be role models and display respect for the laws of Thailand and in this case important and serious international laws. Heaven knows Thailand desperately needs to make gains in understanding the law and respect for due process of the law.

You mention the security guys on air force one - the plane carrying the US president. There is no relevance to the circumstances in this case.

My point was that it is possible to carry a hand Gun on an Airplane Legally, and not just for th President of the United States. We don't know enough abut this case to draw conclusions yet.

How do you know that he wasn't an Air Marshall on the Flight from Bangkok to Japan where he would legally be allowed to have a Hand Gun? Well ,we don't know although I agree it is highly unlikely. But that is 2 instances when they can carry guns. How many more are out there in which they can do this and we do not know about. .

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Speaking over the telephone, he gave a different account, saying he did not know how his long-lost handgun was found in his carry-on luggage. "I admit to my mistake but I did not intend to bring it to Japan or hide it from detection," he said.

SO IT SEEMS IT IS A GUN HE REPORTED LOST BEFORE !! something very fishy here....!!! the Thai authority's should check if this long lost gun has been used in some crimes before.!!!

These guys are so used to blatantly disregard the law in there own country and always get away with it, that they try to do the same in other country's too.....

Refer to Post # 61, Post # 154

Edited by Chalard
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Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

IMHO people like cops and ex-cops, etc., should be role models and display respect for the laws of Thailand and in this case important and serious international laws. Heaven knows Thailand desperately needs to make gains in understanding the law and respect for due process of the law.

You mention the security guys on air force one - the plane carrying the US president. There is no relevance to the circumstances in this case.

My point was that it is possible to carry a hand Gun on an Airplane Legally, and not just for th President of the United States. We don't know enough abut this case to draw conclusions yet.

How do you know that he wasn't an Air Marshall on the Flight from Bangkok to Japan where he would legally be allowed to have a Hand Gun? Well ,we don't know although I agree it is highly unlikely. But that is 2 instances when they can carry guns. How many more are out there in which they can do this and we do not know about. .

This flight is a standard commercial flight, there is no comparison whatever to the security arrangements on air force one.

Thai international does not have air marshalls.

Your post has no validity whatever, try again.

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Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

Comparing Airforce One and POTUS with a dodgy cop on a regular TG flight is a very long stretch don't you think?

Yes, you might forget you had your little nail file in the purse or a pair of scissors - no harm done, they will just confiscate it. But you do not forget - ever - you have a firearm with you including ammunition. That is simply the most lame excuse I have heard. That shows you are either completely ignorant of any responsibility or a nuthead - and him being a policeofficer (even though we are talking RTP) that is a very scary thought.

In any case why would you need to bring your gun to Japan? That country is not that scary and dangerous.

Then please give us your explanation why a Trained Police Officer, a General no less, who has a Permit to carry a Hand Gun in Thailand, would purposely put his Gun in a Hand Bag he knew would be x-rayed and inspected by Customs, if it wasn't by accident.

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I have just reveived photos taken froma Japanese website of him being escorted by Japanese police.

He doesn't look too upset, but is trying to hide under a big anorak type jacket.

There is also a photo of a tiny gun. So small that the whole thing fits in the palm of a hand.

The Thai smile, covers all situations, just give the appropriate smile. Smile to cover embarrassment is just one of the Thai smiles.

Small guns / big guns, both can kill!

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Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

Comparing Airforce One and POTUS with a dodgy cop on a regular TG flight is a very long stretch don't you think?

Yes, you might forget you had your little nail file in the purse or a pair of scissors - no harm done, they will just confiscate it. But you do not forget - ever - you have a firearm with you including ammunition. That is simply the most lame excuse I have heard. That shows you are either completely ignorant of any responsibility or a nuthead - and him being a policeofficer (even though we are talking RTP) that is a very scary thought.

In any case why would you need to bring your gun to Japan? That country is not that scary and dangerous.

Then please give us your explanation why a Trained Police Officer, a General no less, who has a Permit to carry a Hand Gun in Thailand, would purposely put his Gun in a Hand Bag he knew would be x-rayed and inspected by Customs, if it wasn't by accident.

What's your next dumb point?

Has a permit to carry a hand gun in Thailand. Do you really honestly believe that makes it all OK to carry a handgun in another country? This guy is the ex chief of the Bangkok metropolitan Police, the broader knowledge he would need to be aware of must include an overview that other counties have very different attitudes, social thinking and social values and laws about carrying handguns.

That should include knowing that Japan / Japanese society has very different attitudes, social thinking and social values and laws about carrying handguns.

So I guess you believe - Yes I pulled the trigger but I didn't know it was loaded so you can't blame me.

Edited by scorecard
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Is there one farang out there that is so naive as to believe the former police chief of New York City would be arrested in Japan for possessing a personal weapon? If so, I've got a bridge I'll sell you.clap2.gif

Is this an American thing, believing the laws of other countries don't apply to you? Do you really believe the rest of the world has to accept the American penchant for "personal weapons" as somehow over-riding the laws that apply to their own citizens?

Of course it is an American thing who else would even think like that

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Has it been mentioned that this fellow was the one who had a picture in his office of the long-deposed Thaksin pinning his badge on him, with a caption stating, "All this is due to my big brother."? Doubt he'll get much help from the folks in charge today.

Nor his "big brother".

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So if any Thai were to be a brainless moron and try to carry a gun on a plane would the Thai Government send out Lawyers and Embassy staff to help ?

Exactly, he was working for thai govt at the time, probably secret service. and his handgun was concealed in the checked in baggage at BBK but he <deleted> up and had in carryon in Japan. Otherwise would have been concealed by staff if checked in baggage


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Has it been mentioned that this fellow was the one who had a picture in his office of the long-deposed Thaksin pinning his badge on him, with a caption stating, "All this is due to my big brother."? Doubt he'll get much help from the folks in charge today.

Nor his "big brother".

Interesting point, would big brother be embarrassed by this incident.

My guess is no and his comment, if he was asked to comment, would be 'I have done nothing wrong!'.

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