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Booming Base Speakers


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An unlicensed taxi driver parks on Soi 6 Pratumnak near the Familymart and opens all his door and blasts out music at various times of the day, in my condo on a high floor with doors and windows closed its still like he is in my room.

Do it outside your home not mine you selfish ****

I have called city hall, and they did send a cop, but he had gone by the time they came

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My sympathies first. This is torture, particularly if you are sensitive to low frequency sounds. I suffered horribly in the past. Often called 191 in the middle of the night.

This will sound inappropriate and unhelpful - but if you fight it, and get angry, it will get worse. When it is on, you will suffer. When it goes away, you will be dreading the prospect of yet more to come.

So if you cannot relocate your residence, try to accept it.

Let the sound in - very difficult, I know only too well.

Thing is, Thais have an acquired immunity to loud noise. Just like folks who live next to a 6-lane highway, the traffic noise is horrendous, but it doesn't register.

Try to see the funny side - say to yourself something like: "Aha! here come my favourite boom booms!" and just go along with it.

With practice, you can teach yourself to ignore it. Good luck.

No way to ignore noise. Obviously you're not yet deaf from these sounds. Maybe it helps if you walk around the furniture or turn your head a bit when it gets too loud.

It's only "noise" if you don't like it. Provided it is at levels which don't cause hearing damage, it can be ignored. In the OP's case, I doubt it was causing any physical distress.

I would bet it will cost hearing damage in later life to those who have been subject to it since they were very young, and these @rseholes who have that noise booming while they are driving their cars, will definitely suffer hearing damage in later life.

Perhaps it will - we don't know, but we do know it's not going to damage the OP's hearing at some distance away.

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They think: This is our country, we even don't have to think whether this acceptable because we all like it - 68 mill. people. Who cares about some stray farang with their exotic ways of life?

They're not thinking about it - just enjoying loud music. I don't think Asia in general is a good place for people who require extreme peace and quiet... especially if they choose to live in or near a city.

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When you're in the position of believing you're less than everyone else, inverted snobbery, making a lot of noise might be your way of calling attention to yourself.

Applies to a lot of ex-pats in the bars out here as well.

Young people like loud music. It has nothing to do with their personal feelings of self worth. In this case it's festive music on a Sunday morning.

I would not be referring to it as music, noise is the word.

.. and you call music is probably noise to the Thai younger generation.

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Stupid IS what stupid DOES ?

Some people say it is Thai tradition, it is not, it is only in recent decades that those bass speakers were invented. the people who enjoy that racket are just plain stupid.

Sorry, but that's the way I see it.

Stupid and drunk.Had a lot a issues with the bil about this problem.I would give him odd jobs if he was a quiet drunk.I march down and say bit bass khrap,works every time,then next day same thing.The oldies around the area wont front him,but applaud when i do.Well he slapped his gf because she went off with another lad and now he's on the run from police and her family.Peace and quite.When he made charcoal i just set up 2 fans and blew smoke straight at his party,all day.No probs.Lao khao is a bad brew.

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In the last year, the village temple and the govt. tambon have begun using speakers that physically vibrate and literally affect your whole body, shakes the house may even be breaking wood beams etc. No exaggeration. Ear plugs do nothing. The new speakers and amplifiers are way over the top.

Most people in our village don't like it either. Even my grandsons, as they have to go to school in the morning and are kept up till 4 am and woken up again and 6. They complian that they are exhausted and can't play football or stay awake in class. They hate the music style. Some say that the vibrations killed a new born child a few months back. I would not be surprised. My mother in law complained that the booming bass was killing her and she died not long after these boom bass parties started.

The government thinks boom bass will win them votes. I'm not sure in our area. I only saw them and few others attending the literally bone rearranging dj whoop fest a few months back. The temple did it for Wesak, Buddah's birthday. My wife wanted to do a prayer retreat and could not, we were bomarded 16 hours a day for days with powerful bass vibrations. I wanted to complain to the changwat office of Buddhism, but my wife insisted we not say anything about it, that it would do nothing than to get someone angry at us.

It is really beyond just making noise, or Thai tradition. From what I have seen in the last year or so, people are being seriously harmed by new speaker and amplifier technologies. It is not normal for your body to be vibrated by powerful low frequencies for hours, and I doubt it is healthy even if you think you enjoy 16 hours 4 days a week of nuclear blast disco.

I really should just leave the area for a week next time, it is difficult to do anything when it is going on night and day.

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When you're in the position of believing you're less than everyone else, inverted snobbery, making a lot of noise might be your way of calling attention to yourself.

Applies to a lot of ex-pats in the bars out here as well.

Young people like loud music. It has nothing to do with their personal feelings of self worth. In this case it's festive music on a Sunday morning.

I would not be referring to it as music, noise is the word.

.. and you call music is probably noise to the Thai younger generation.

What I call music is played by musical instruments, what most of the young folk call music is sounds put together by computer.

Good debate, eh Tropo?

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I had to leave Jomtien because of the incessant boom box cars on Beach Rd. every night. After years of trying to fight it-calling 1337 all the time-I just gave up and split. Much quieter in BKK. For now. There are a number of construction projects set to begin in my neighborhood and I will have to move again.

The best advice I can give anyone who is noise sensitive in Thailand in the 21st century is don't buy a house or condo. Much easier to move if you just rent.

And you will be moving more than you would like. Its just not an important issue to most Thais so don't expect any help or sympathy, for that matter.

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I had to leave Jomtien because of the incessant boom box cars on Beach Rd. every night. After years of trying to fight it-calling 1337 all the time-I just gave up and split. Much quieter in BKK. For now. There are a number of construction projects set to begin in my neighborhood and I will have to move again.

The best advice I can give anyone who is noise sensitive in Thailand in the 21st century is don't buy a house or condo. Much easier to move if you just rent.

And you will be moving more than you would like. Its just not an important issue to most Thais so don't expect any help or sympathy, for that matter.

Anyone who buys or rents beach front property in Thailand and expects peace and quiet

is just plan stupid.

and is not smart enough to give any advice.

enjoy moving all your life from place to place. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy.gif

Edited by onemorechang
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I had to leave Jomtien because of the incessant boom box cars on Beach Rd. every night. After years of trying to fight it-calling 1337 all the time-I just gave up and split. Much quieter in BKK. For now. There are a number of construction projects set to begin in my neighborhood and I will have to move again.

The best advice I can give anyone who is noise sensitive in Thailand in the 21st century is don't buy a house or condo. Much easier to move if you just rent.

And you will be moving more than you would like. Its just not an important issue to most Thais so don't expect any help or sympathy, for that matter.

Anyone who buys or rents beach front property in Thailand and expects peace and quiet

is just plan stupid.

and is not smart enough to give any advice.

enjoy moving all your life from place to place. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy:

Naive might be a kinder word........

Try not to be "so angry" ......maybe the sun will come out for you one day

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'' 06.00 This morning......(sunday)......incredible "bass dominated"

music commences at the Orbital at Nong Plalai ''

You lucky devil, you get to sleep in late, and yet you still complain.

The morons across from me start about 4 to 4,30am every day,

what i don't get is that the whole family gather under these speaker

stacks like in a woodstock concert and i noticed there were little

babies there too about the 1 year old, not yet walking, do they

realize the damage they are inflicting on these babies?

I don't understand.

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You guys need to first acknowledge your mistakes.

Now go spend a bit more money and get better neighbours.

Pay peanuts and you will live next door to the monkey business that goes on. wai2.gif

Well yes, my client's houses started at 45m baht. 3 in their village have Bentley's. What do you think is on the other side of the barb wired wall? A slum of peasants and stinky khlong. giggle.gif

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In answer to the OPs question "do they think it is acceptable"?....

Yes, they do. This is Thailand and this is what they do. They don't find this a nuisance.

When one chooses to live or retire in another country with different people and culture, one must adapt.

Another country, same deal... when I'm in the Philippines it is quite common that people will blast karaoke machines at 6am if there's a special event - birthday or other celebration. Our family does the same. No one complains - it's the way things are.

This is not exclusive to Thailand or anywhere else in Asia. It is common in North America too by all nationalities ..... loud music, heavy base, loud exhaust on cars and motor cycles.

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It happens heaps in the village i live in. Even went to see the lao khao idiot at 0430am one morning that he decided to open his music flat out. Took a shovel and told I would dig a hole and bury him in it. Made a change for about 30 minutes then back again. Since learnt that just have to go with the flow. Cannot reason with lao khao brain f#2ked drunks. Swimming against the tide only makes your arms sore. He is now ok and no music before 8 or 9 am which is perfectly acceptable. Wife says it has been told by the highest authority in this land that 6 am is acceptable for village announcements and music before they go to the rice fields. It is not a western country and is one of the idiosyncrasies that make this land special.

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My g/f family house in bangkok has a temple behind it and when they have their fayre they have music and I MEAN LOUD often from v early until really late she says their arguement is that its for the poor workers who dont have much leisure stuff, me i just went away for a few days.


Haha life in Thailand. I live near the OP, presuming he means Nong Plalai north of Pattaya and I know exactly the noise he means. We have a week long fayre once a year too at Nong Khet Noi somewhat similar to you and get the very loud bass boosted music every night until late. We used to get the monks on the speakers chanting (and then pontificating) from 4am too but that has gone thankfully. Now after 6am we get what I think is the commercial noise over the speaker system of directing traffic in and out of the wat, it appears to be on the tourist list for many hundreds of Chinese daily.

I put double glazing in but that bass boom-boom is penetrating..........

I moved out of town thinking I would live a peaceful life, I might as well be on soi 7! smile.png

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My g/f family house in bangkok has a temple behind it and when they have their fayre they have music and I MEAN LOUD often from v early until really late she says their arguement is that its for the poor workers who dont have much leisure stuff, me i just went away for a few days.


Haha life in Thailand. I live near the OP, presuming he means Nong Plalai north of Pattaya and I know exactly the noise he means. We have a week long fayre once a year too at Nong Khet Noi somewhat similar to you and get the very loud bass boosted music every night until late. We used to get the monks on the speakers chanting (and then pontificating) from 4am too but that has gone thankfully. Now after 6am we get what I think is the commercial noise over the speaker system of directing traffic in and out of the wat, it appears to be on the tourist list for many hundreds of Chinese daily.

I put double glazing in but that bass boom-boom is penetrating..........

I moved out of town thinking I would live a peaceful life, I might as well be on soi 7! smile.png

Mate, seriousely try those boots wax ear plugs, they are awesome, they wont stop vibration cos thats diferent but all else ,BOOM is gone even the g/f moaning right next to u GONE,,, abracadabra !!!


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I went to The Buffalo Bar ONCE and my friends and I couldn't hold a conversation, it was so loud. Didn't even stay long enough to order a beer. I pity those poor servers!

the Buffalo Bar isn't known as a locale for stimulating conversation...if you get my drift wink.png

and, the "servers" get to take frequent breaks (away from the noise)...

...more frequently the later it gets tongue.png

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'What loud music? I'm deaf.'

Don't rely on 'civilized countries' - they lose any 'civilization' when there's money to be made.

I was driven out of home several times by noise terror ordered by authorities (sledgehammers etc all night long) When I resisted, they called me a terrorist.

Edited by micmichd
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My sympathies first. This is torture, particularly if you are sensitive to low frequency sounds. I suffered horribly in the past. Often called 191 in the middle of the night.

This will sound inappropriate and unhelpful - but if you fight it, and get angry, it will get worse. When it is on, you will suffer. When it goes away, you will be dreading the prospect of yet more to come.

So if you cannot relocate your residence, try to accept it.

Let the sound in - very difficult, I know only too well.

Thing is, Thais have an acquired immunity to loud noise. Just like folks who live next to a 6-lane highway, the traffic noise is horrendous, but it doesn't register.

Try to see the funny side - say to yourself something like: "Aha! here come my favourite boom booms!" and just go along with it.

With practice, you can teach yourself to ignore it. Good luck.

I think this is the best reply I've ever seen on ThaiVisa. An annoyance I had to learn to live with is when a kid is trying to get his mother's attention and she's doing something else (playing cards in this case). I was amazed that people could act as if the kid didn't even exist. To an American an unusual noise from a kid, at least your own, is like a fire alarm. No matter how much you're concentrating on what you're doing, you at least take a moment to check it out. Not the women I've seen. But there wasn't any particular danger and no harm was done, except maybe to teach the kid that he/she was of no importance, which might be a good lesson to learn.

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