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Why young Isaan ladies marry old farangs?

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I recognise that people marry for different reasons. Having recently relocated from Chiang Mai to Isaan, I observe this occurrence often. I do not mean a 10 year age gap - more a 40 year age gap.

Naturally, $$$ (lack thereof) is a reason.

Other reasons?

The success rate of such a relationship compared to the average?

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Security only security, old man has worked all his life, builds a house, gets a pension, marries Thai lady then when the old man leaves our planet she most likely gets it all, and the house will cost alot more than aything they could ever provide.

Not such a bad thing, the old man is happy for his retirement years much more so than back home where it most probably cold and shitty and feels lonely and what does he need any assets for when he's in wooden box.


I will add to the previous post.

Logically (western logic), these relationships are insane. That be the case, I very much enjoy my insanity. However, my blood family have criticized me aplenty for my actions.

"Don't build a house & PUT it in HER name". Then, within a short time, they fleeced me for a considerable amount. "Double standard" - of course not.

It has been a pleasure, an honour to enhance their quality of life.

Since then, I have totally severed my ties (shackles) with the blood family. @ 1 decision.

Now, a new life; new family; new culture; revised principles; new religion; new cuisine; new language.

It has its challenges but worth every bit of it.


They'll be able to buy gold, or just be given it, along with a house in their own name, monthly salary many times that of the minimum wage. Then they'll only have to sleep with them once a week or so. For a few years. then they might even get a pension.



Posts 4 & 5. Thank you for your input.

Are you relating your personal experience or is it bartalk?


i do have an opinion from experience, might it be a personal question to ask what is your situation age gap etc

i fear the answer might be married same age to Chinese/Thai has her own career/income/works for the family

i have been incorrect many times before but this has the pattern stamped on it


Young Issarn ladies are in most cases poorly educated and respect elderly western gentlemen for their wisdom and knowledge....................thumbsup.gif


Post @8 - yes - relating to the ladies' education. In fact, males in the North seem to lack further education too.

My wife completed a degree in Chiang Mai. Her English language proficiency is good.

Western elderly gentlemen - wisdom & knowledge - extremely rare!


I don't want to judge, but... there, first dash of hypocrisy of this post because what I wright will in some form or other become a judgement, its impossible not to judge or have an opinion on this topic when living in Thailand....

Old guys and young girls... I have an opinion, I wouldn't wish for my daughter (if I had one) or sister to date or marry a guy 20 / 30 / 40 years her elder. Yet, when I have entered my golden years and find myself single I wouldn't have any concerns about dating a girl 20 / 30 / 40 years younger..... There, second dash of hypocrisy...

We see this age divide in areas with far poorer 'social mobility'... many just don't have the chances of 'moving up' as they see it. So, the extra security (either real or perceived) offered by those older foreigners wishing to date a younger, fitter, healthier lady is enough to secure company.

I'm pretty sure its more a decision of finance and security than it is of love and attraction, however, relationships evolve and develop... I'm sure many are happy with this situation so long as mutual respect remains.

My situation: gerry123 pretty much nailed it... But that doesn't mean I'll judge the older guys with poorer younger girls in a negative light, I hope they are happy, respectful of each other and enjoying life... But what are these girls after? For the most part I'd say Financial Security... and beyond that some respect and companionship.

Success rates: Milage must really vary - lets face it, as we become more modern, fickle, changeable and less traditional the success rates of any relationship dwindle....

Why young Isaan ladies marry old farangs---OP

Do They.... I hadn't noticed, just been to busy enjoying the Thai food & viewing the temples etc...................wub.png


Maybe for the twinkle in our eyes?

Security only security, old man has worked all his life, builds a house, gets a pension, marries Thai lady then when the old man leaves our planet she most likely gets it all, and the house will cost alot more than aything they could ever provide.

Not such a bad thing, the old man is happy for his retirement years much more so than back home where it most probably cold and shitty and feels lonely and what does he need any assets for when he's in wooden box.


Naturally, this thread invites banter.

In my native country, dating a lady 10 years younger may well be the limit re age disparity.

Having lived in the North for 13 years, I have witnessed ladies in their late 30s - early 40s being ruthless in their pursuit of a new husband. There were some Chinese-Thai included.

They place their sons in the wat for care; consume a considerable amount of alcohol

Each lady of Chinese heritage had been adversely affected by the Global Financial Crisis.

For me it was fate - the law of attraction & a touch of ego?


I am 67yo - wife is 36yo. We have been together for 11 years. She has no Chinese blood.

When you was 36 did you want to bonk a 67 year old woman ? No its disgusting. When you was 25 did you want to bonk a 56 year old hag ? Disgusting


I am 67yo - wife is 36yo. We have been together for 11 years. She has no Chinese blood.

When you was 36 did you want to bonk a 67 year old woman ? No its disgusting. When you was 25 did you want to bonk a 56 year old hag ? Disgusting

never knew any old hags


Well a thai paper did a survey a few years back, they asked 8 to 10 years old Isaan school girls what they wanted to do after they finished school

99% said that they wanted to marry a "farang",as farangs would take better care of them that a thai husband would


The real fools are sponsors! They send money to the girl while they are not even here and the girlis doing everyone and anyone! At least the ones that buy a house or live here, the girl is

with him all the time!


Whilst I would never debate the issue of farang parenting skills & general contribution to the Thai community, my initial post referred to AGE DISPARITY.

ie young chicks & old farts


Posts 4 & 5. Thank you for your input.

Are you relating your personal experience or is it bartalk?

Personal experience of 10 yrs here (mid 20's to mid-30's) 2 years of which were in Isaan as a single-man.

what they get up to when ol' fella is at home you wouldn't believe.


Many take actual pride in it, bringing over bottles of Black Label boasting that the ATM paid for it, the new scooter, car, whatever.

Just speaking the truth.


Young Issarn ladies are in most cases poorly educated and respect elderly western gentlemen for their wisdom and knowledge....................thumbsup.gif

And especially their familiarity with astronomy, marine biology, physics, and world history.


Young Issarn ladies are in most cases poorly educated and respect elderly western gentlemen for their wisdom and knowledge....................thumbsup.gif

cheesy.gif funniest post of the month !!!

"Me go topside you...won hundred dolla. (As she rubs your hairless skull)


Wise up "MyThaiMyKe"

At least the ones that buy a house or live here, the girl is
with him all the time!

Personal experience of 10 yrs here (mid 20's to mid-30's) 2 years of which were in Isaan as a single-man.

what they get up to when ol' fella is at home you wouldn't believe.


Many take actual pride in it, bringing over bottles of Black Label boasting that the ATM paid for it, the new scooter, car, whatever.

Just speaking the truth.


40 years difference is insane and pathetic .....and a everyone in that kind of marriage needs urgent counseling...but I know many couples with 25 years difference in age that REALLY are in very successful and loving marriages...with one detail. They live in the US, are very active couples, and the Thai girl becomes very "American", learning and enjoying very much the language, the customs, and the culture..

Without a very good communication and understanding, any marriage is just an exchange of convenience, with or without big difference in age, and in any country. The questions is...Why to get married with your housekeeper or your sexual partner.....getting worry with dishonesty, cheating, money, other people's relatives, intrigues, etc, etc, and losing the freedom of a single man life?

Doesn't make sense to me. .

Only LOVE... will make the needs to chose. Being in a marriage without real love.... it is a lot worst than to being alone, at any age. But....feeling alone in Thailand? ....How?... Why?

Here... it is not easy to find the right lifetime companion, but....you can have the best of the 2 worlds while looking...and being alone may be not so bad... not bad at all. My opinion.....


Wife was a marriage broker until I put a stop to what is not far away from pimping. We get stopped every week by ladies that want a 'Farang' by which they mean money. They generally can't speak English. One has three houses, a few million in the bank and is continuing her career of capturing old Farangs and presumably poisoning them. The only guys that get my respect are the ones that have a wife/girlfriend that is more or less his age. (There may be exceptions of course- I occasionally see a youngish Farang in town with his much older wife, they seem to be happy). We know one that is HIV positive... so many unpleasant stories, I count my lucky stars to be where I am now.

No more money? No more love. That is the same everywhere.


40 years difference is insane and pathetic .....and a everyone in that kind of marriage needs urgent counseling...but I know many couples with 25 years difference in age that REALLY are in very successful and loving marriages...with one detail. They live in the US, are very active couples, and the Thai girl becomes very "American", learning and enjoying very much the language, the customs, and the culture..

Without a very good communication and understanding, any marriage is just an exchange of convenience, with or without big difference in age, and in any country. The questions is...Why to get married with your housekeeper or your sexual partner.....getting worry with dishonesty, cheating, money, other people's relatives, intrigues, etc, etc, and losing the freedom of a single man life?

Doesn't make sense to me. .

Only LOVE... will make the needs to chose. Being in a marriage without real love.... it is a lot worst than to being alone, at any age. But....feeling alone in Thailand? ....How?... Why?

Here... it is not easy to find the right lifetime companion, but....you can have the best of the 2 worlds while looking...and being alone may be not so bad... not bad at all. My opinion.....

And you are entitled to your opinion.


This is not a troll thread. The best that the members can come up with is $$$.
I see nothing wrong with this.
I would much prefer to live a life surrounded with material toys. Economic security is a natural desire the world over.

Maybe I should have headed the thread along the lines of -

:"Ingredients for a lasting, mutually rewarding relationship?"


Okay, young girls marry older men for security. It is not just old farangs there are many young women who marry older Thai men, sometimes it was arranged by the family. Also many younger Thai women marry older farangs, because, I hate to say it, but look around, how many young Thai guys are around that you would want your daughter to marry. You may not like them marrying someone the same age as you, but at least you know they will be looked after and have a good life. There are not too many young Thai men around, who I can st the same thing about. The young Thai girls would love to marry young farang men, but not too many of them around. There is 14 years between my wife and I, not too much, but I think it would be difficult if there were much more, unless I was 80 and she 50.


Maybe it's because the typical farang in Isaan (the ones I meet anyway) is NOT:



prone to blind falling-down drunken bouts on a regular basis

a freguent yaba user

work shy (job or around the house)

secretive about where he goes at night

mysoginist when it comes to women's place in the world

lacking in any motivation for his own and his family's lives

Give me a 60 year old farang over a 35 year old Isaan male any day of the week

Stand up and be proudly counted you Isaan farangsthumbsup.gif

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