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Immigration Promenada One Stop Service

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I went to Promenada today. Arrived at 0635 to find about 25 people already queueing in 90 day queue and by the time the office opened at 0830 there were well over 100 people waiting, I spoke with one couple who had arrived at 0500 but had to sit outside in their car until the barrier was raised 30 minutes later they attributed this for the reason they were only third in the queue ? fortunately there were some interesting people around me and some of the banter was quite funny but, of course, the situation is not very amusing. A previous poster ( slapout ) answered one question that I couldn't understand which was why I received queue number 45 I didn't realise that people were receiving more than one queue number, which, when considering the amount of people who made the effort to stand in a queue, seems very unfair. By 0840 people were being told to come back in the afternoon, my number was called just after 1000 and I was finished by 1015. With reference to comments made by mania, you do sound like a smug s.o.b. I am very aware of alternative means to do the 90 day report but as I said in my post I have always regarded the 90 day trip to immigration as a minor iritation, for almost 14 years I've been used to turning up after noon and being out again 30 minutes later so I was surprised to find that instead of improving the situation they have introduced the confusion that now exists.

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If they were referring to the barriers at the entrance to prom you can easily move them to the side and drive in. I've done that a few times when I've left my car at prom and returned well after closing time.


I think they're still doing at least 200 - 90 day reports a day at Prom. but only passing out 100 queue cards in the morning. 200 was their "quota" at the old office, too, but they'd try to accommodate people who arrived late in the day, drove a long distance or were already late and had to pay the fine.

It would be interesting to know about the great 500 baht offer of that visa agent next to the Prom. Imm. office. Do they have to keep your passport or not? I guess if there's enough time for them to mail in your 90 day report, not. But, yes I must admit when I've seen agents do 90 day reports, they always have a passport in hand. Maybe that 500 baht fee involved getting the passport back into your hand. I know the ladies at O.S. Thai Visa will deliver the passport back to you if you live near their office.


This morning at Chiang Mai Immigration at the Promenada. They gave out 15 Queue numbers for retirement extensions. For 90 day reports they gave out 100. To be sure of getting your extension done you would need to be at the immigration at 5am.

Interesting -- those are chairs from the Immigration office, not the wooden stools from the Goat Milk Coffee Shop. Maybe the coffee shop people have objected to their furniture being hijacked every morning and asked Immigration to set out their chairs for the morning pre-queue.

Thank you for posting these early morning photos.


Interesting that AssistThaiVisa have chosen this time to join the forum as a sponsor.

I would think they would be in a prime position to have the info, answers etc, to the many questions that are being asked here?


Preaching to the converted will not fix the situation.

A 'delegation' letter to Immi local & head office with copies to relevant Embassies might be a start. Offers to (re)build reporting and appointment websites might be promoted along with other suggestions for streamlining a major money earner for the RTP.

Who to head up a CNX expats delegation ... NancyL? Tywais? ... Thai language skills and some sort of clout with local Immi bosses would help

Admirable,but how many people would want to put their real names to anything effectively criticising the current situation particularly under the administration that the country has at the moment?

In all my dealings with Asians I find it is best to offer praise (ie: great staff, clean new premises), not criticise. Then one offers suggestions to help speed up or improve services. It's about working together for mutual benefit.

I have no problem putting my name to something like that and have always, with one Transport Office exception, had a good rapport with Thai Government officials.

I agree. I will not put my name on any thing that in essence boils down to you are doing it wrong. If I felt as strong as some seem to be about it I would approach my countries embassy about it. Go with a group of fellow people who feel as I did. Going alone would not do it. Get people from as many nations as possible to join in.

Then there is always the chance that they are not done with their plans yet. The sign showing what number is being served would be a huge help. It would let you know if you had time for a little shopping around or coffee. That would eliminate every one having to wait around out side. That seems to be the common thought here that if you are number 99 for a 90 day you can not go inside for a cup of coffee.

Perhaps and sorry to say Nancy could approach them as she seems to have a good working connection with them and ask them if there is more they are planning on doing. We seem to be operating under the impression that they are going to leave it this way and do nothing more.

As I said just ask if there is more plans not mention any thing wrong. Just a thought. Try to work with them on there footing rather than are's.

So none of you see the potential for corruption? A handful maybe.

Individuals are given queue numbers but some are allow to skip the queue system. They just walk up front, And the I/Os don't say a word. Nothing like, "Sorry your number is 22 and we are now serving number 10." Read the posts - this is happening!

Or, someone simply walks in and are served without a number: Read the posts - this is happening!

Or after all the queue numbers are handed out, your told you can get serviced if you go to the Visa Service next door. Read the posts - this is happening!

So where does the line between impropriety, "under that table payoffs", favoritism, and out-right graft begin and end. This is a rhetorical question - I am making no accusations. Just hypothetical constructs.

Some of the most blinded, sheep-mentality individuals I've ever encountered are - TV members and Expats associated within a local 'community' of like minded - sheep. There are some that see the actual reality. Few and far between, and none too vocal about it. But there are some out there. And if you are out there, stop cringing in fear and speak up. Buttttttt......

Why do I believe this probably will not change? One word: "Baaaaaaaa".

Connda, this forum and this thread in particular is serving as an important means of documenting the conditions and practices. I'm glad that Assist Thai Visa (an agent) has chosen to join, so they can post photos of the early morning situation. To say that the situation isn't being noticed is incorrect. This thread is, to my knowledge, the main way of communicating what's going on.

If you're so proud of your moral compass, perhaps you'd like to take it upon yourself to come to Immigration early -- like at 6 am to observe the process every day. Much like the U.N. sends out people to watch elections in third world countries. I've been there twice a week since they opened. How about you? Assist Thai Visa probably has people there nearly every day.

If you came every day, you could document what's going on and perhaps quietly and politely challenge when you see the sort of abuses you read about here. That's a bold thing to do at the scene. Even just documenting is bold. I've had Immigration officials glaring at me when I'm taking photos and I don't dare take photos inside the office. How about you?

Slowly, we're trying to figure out how best to approach Immigration officials. It may appear that nothing is happening. That's not the case.


Interesting that AssistThaiVisa have chosen this time to join the forum as a sponsor.

I would think they would be in a prime position to have the info, answers etc, to the many questions that are being asked here?

We are only to happy to help. I know there are a lot of people who dont like visa agents, nobody wants to see the current situation. If you want to use an agent we are happy to help, and for that you pay. However if you dont, then you should be able to go by yourself and be seen in a reasonable time.

Assist Thai Visa Service Co. Ltd 410/4-5 Chiang Mai Land Road ,Changklan, Muang, Chiang Mai ,Thailand 50100

So none of you see the potential for corruption? A handful maybe.

Individuals are given queue numbers but some are allow to skip the queue system. They just walk up front, And the I/Os don't say a word. Nothing like, "Sorry your number is 22 and we are now serving number 10." Read the posts - this is happening!

Or, someone simply walks in and are served without a number: Read the posts - this is happening!

Or after all the queue numbers are handed out, your told you can get serviced if you go to the Visa Service next door. Read the posts - this is happening!

So where does the line between impropriety, "under that table payoffs", favoritism, and out-right graft begin and end. This is a rhetorical question - I am making no accusations. Just hypothetical constructs.

Some of the most blinded, sheep-mentality individuals I've ever encountered are - TV members and Expats associated within a local 'community' of like minded - sheep. There are some that see the actual reality. Few and far between, and none too vocal about it. But there are some out there. And if you are out there, stop cringing in fear and speak up. Buttttttt......

Why do I believe this probably will not change? One word: "Baaaaaaaa".

Connda, this forum and this thread in particular is serving as an important means of documenting the conditions and practices. I'm glad that Assist Thai Visa (an agent) has chosen to join, so they can post photos of the early morning situation. To say that the situation isn't being noticed is incorrect. This thread is, to my knowledge, the main way of communicating what's going on.

If you're so proud of your moral compass, perhaps you'd like to take it upon yourself to come to Immigration early -- like at 6 am to observe the process every day. Much like the U.N. sends out people to watch elections in third world countries. I've been there twice a week since they opened. How about you? Assist Thai Visa probably has people there nearly every day.

If you came every day, you could document what's going on and perhaps quietly and politely challenge when you see the sort of abuses you read about here. That's a bold thing to do at the scene. Even just documenting is bold. I've had Immigration officials glaring at me when I'm taking photos and I don't dare take photos inside the office. How about you?

Slowly, we're trying to figure out how best to approach Immigration officials. It may appear that nothing is happening. That's not the case.

Dear Nancy. I offered to help. The offer was declined. I appreciate what you're doing Nancy, If asked, I would have been right out there with you and any others seeking to find a solution to this mess. However, I believe that working as a coherent group is much more effective than just a bunch of disparate individuals acting without a specific goal or focal point. And I'd still be willing to come out, but as a group of concerned individuals who have brain-stormed the problems and issues, and have come up with specific goals. I've heard some good stuff here. Example: Start talking with the 90 day reporting group and provide handout regarding mail-in and on-line reporting; start filming and documenting how the queue system is working, and not working. Get some video documentation from individuals going through the process. Start listing what's working and what is not in the opinion of CM Immigration clients, i.e., exit polling.

So Nancy, I appreciate what you've done up to this point, but I clearly believe that a focused group of individuals with specific goals, could work more effectively together, and have a hell of a lot more clout.

United we Stand; Divided we Fall - There is a ton of truth to that statement.


What's very helpful is to keep up the documentation of what's going on at Promenada Immigration -- with every aspect. The morning queue, how many queue cards are handed out, what time the people at the head of the line arrive, queue-jumping, what time do the toilets open, have they installed better PA system, what about displaying queue-number served? Details, details. On-the-ground eyes and ears.

The conditions are changing every day. That's the help that's needed now.

Photos please, are very helpful.


Note: Off topic and unhelpful posts will be removed to keep this topic clear

Seems to be a lot of moaning unhelpful posts still on the thread and at 10 pages it's getting too long to easily find real info amongst the dross. Can we please at least post something useful on any post, and not just rant at how bad everything is. That doesn't help anyone.



Interesting that AssistThaiVisa have chosen this time to join the forum as a sponsor.

I would think they would be in a prime position to have the info, answers etc, to the many questions that are being asked here?

We are only to happy to help. I know there are a lot of people who dont like visa agents, nobody wants to see the current situation. If you want to use an agent we are happy to help, and for that you pay. However if you dont, then you should be able to go by yourself and be seen in a reasonable time.

Thank you.

There you go guys, an offer to help so if you have any questions related to the appalling situation at immigration it appears answers will be forthcoming.


The opening ceremony really looked great and raised everyones hopes, Chiang Mai Immigration was going to be a model for the rest of the country. Fast forward to today.

Chiang Mai Immigration online queue has been down since immigration moved to Promenada. There is a shortage of immigration staff. When reporting for the 90 day requirement, you have to show up early in the morning for a queue.

Then to add insult to injury, immigration officers require foreigners (many elderly) to spend the day out in the elements, such as extreme heat, heavy rains, and possible dust storms.

All this took place after the Chiang Mai Immigration presentation at the Chiang Mai Expat club, where they said their services were going to improve once they made their historic move to their new complex at Promenada Mall.

I'm not sure what happened, but something went terribly wrong between the grand opening ceremony and what is happening today.

Thank you to Nancy and the people assisting her to find a solution to this dilemma.


Reading the various regional forums, it would appear that Chiang Mai Immigration is well below par when compared to other regions that have many Expats, such as Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok.

Citylife should do an article on the Immigration saga. A human interest story, about how old and infirmed people are being treated in the land of smiles whistling.gif If the story reached a wider audience, then perhaps some changes for the better could be implemented.. wishful thinking I know coffee1.gif


Post removed making a libelous comment about the head of immigration. Be careful with comments as it can only make matters worse for us if immigration is following TV and endangers TV and members. Also a new cleanup done last night.


First time at Promenada for my 90 Day Report two days ago. I arrived at 0745 and one hour later was given queue No 96 and told to return at 1 o'clock.

The first number called after 1 o'clock was No 86 so that gives you an idea of how many can be processed during the morning session.

Another hour later and I clear to carry on with my life.


A potentially libellous hearsay post has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


You think that you have it tough.

I live in Fang - 150km from CNX.

They have a local I/O for 90 reporting

We have to drive 6km - park right outside. 99% of clientele are Burmese. Directly after lunch, empty!

No retirement visa extensions so it is necessary to come to CNX once per year.

We are suffering!

I lived in the boonies at one time 3 years ago. It is something you have to consider when choosing a place to live. I did not complain I saw the handwriting on the wall and MOVED!! You can do the 90 day by mail. Beyond that hey join the club. Everything has a cost in life and living in the boonies well pay the price. Whining is not a option.


Well after checking out the Prom site and doing due diligence, I thought ok its an online report for me, when that failed, I immediately checked out the postings on the submit by mail.

Last friday the 7th I rode my bike to the post office with the required copies of what was needed and asked for a registered mail for my letter, I got a normal stamp for my self addressed. I tracked my report letter to immigration on the monday, and waited till the friday for my next report certificate to arrive back. So its now mail all the way for me, I will register my reply paid next time, I realised later thats what the helpful guy at the post office was trying to get me to do.

The only thing now is for me to hope that when my extension comes up next June that headway has been made with them.


Well after checking out the Prom site and doing due diligence, I thought ok its an online report for me, when that failed, I immediately checked out the postings on the submit by mail.

Last friday the 7th I rode my bike to the post office with the required copies of what was needed and asked for a registered mail for my letter, I got a normal stamp for my self addressed. I tracked my report letter to immigration on the monday, and waited till the friday for my next report certificate to arrive back. So its now mail all the way for me, I will register my reply paid next time, I realised later thats what the helpful guy at the post office was trying to get me to do.

The only thing now is for me to hope that when my extension comes up next June that headway has been made with them.

So after being told by immigration "get on yer bike" you did so post haste!

Well after checking out the Prom site and doing due diligence, I thought ok its an online report for me, when that failed, I immediately checked out the postings on the submit by mail.

Last friday the 7th I rode my bike to the post office with the required copies of what was needed and asked for a registered mail for my letter,

I got a normal stamp for my self addressed. I tracked my report letter to immigration on the monday, and waited till the friday for my next report certificate to arrive back.

So its now mail all the way for me, I will register my reply paid next time, I realised later thats what the helpful guy at the post office was trying to get me to do.

The only thing now is for me to hope that when my extension comes up next June that headway has been made with them.

Yes hard to beat

Also yes I use registered both ways & it is like 34 baht total (I use a 8x10 sized envelope for sending & a normal letter envelope for return)

One thing to remember though if next time you want to use registered for the return envelope is this...

After they put the reg stamp on it & before they put it into your outgoing mail envelope...ask to take a cell pic of it

or write down the reg number so you can track the return

For some reason only the outgoing reg number is on the receipt they give you.

So write down or take a pic of the return number too thumbsup.gif


If you are going to obtain your retirement visa and you need a re entry permit, you may be best to come back on another day. The passports were not handed back yesterday until 5pm, at which point they refused to do any re entry permits.

What they are saying is without the boss signing the visa, they will not allow the re entry stamp to go in the passport. Therefore it doesnt matter if your first in the queue it may mean you have to go back again. If this is the case and you dont fancy another day at immigration you can make your re entry permit when you exit the country. Chiang Mai international airport is quick and easy for this. If you are not flying internationally from CNX e.g your flying to BKK then out of the country you would need to make the re entry permit in BKK.

Documents needed are as follows,

tm8 (filled)

passport photo

passport copies (front page, visa page, lat entry stamp and tm6)

Assist Thai Visa Service Co. Ltd 410/4-5 Chiang Mai Land Road ,Changklan, Muang, Chiang Mai ,Thailand 50100


Our first experience with 90 day report at Promenada :

Arrived at 07.10 - not as many in line as feared ... Got #019 and was serviced at 09.45 - finished in 5 min. so all this okay but a few bad things happend there anyway :

1. Young guy (Suiss I think) arrived at 08.20 and thought he was gonna take the easy way by jumping the queue and squeezed in as #3 when they started giving out numbers - wife told Imm.-Officer about it and was backed up by another guy so "The Jumper" got last number of the day ...clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Amazing some of the men that got jumped didnt say anything .. Oh well, they must have plenty of time and very small ba11s ...gigglem.gif

2. We asked an Officer about mailing the 90 day report and she said that Imm. might cancel this opportunity - I repeat she said might ...

3. Amazing some people have to smoke while in queue until they are told not to ...

4. Visa Agency G4T Company Limited (Next door to Imm.) walking around trying to push their overpriced service - A german woman told us they wanted 7,000B to fix her Retirement Extension ...

All in all okay but no doubt I will mail my 90 day report - if its still possible - in the future ...


2) Possibility of cancelling mail in, does not come as a surprise.

3) Carry a bottle of water, douse as required.

4) Anyone know who is behind G4T company limited?


2) Possibility of cancelling mail in, does not come as a surprise.

3) Carry a bottle of water, douse as required.

4) Anyone know who is behind G4T company limited?

Cancel mail in? OMG the chaos that'll cause. Better just not to bother & pay max fine.....


Went down there today and had a chat with a few people. I think you will find that the person who is behind G4T is the same person who owns the coffee and copy shop (hint, ask the managemant at promenada).

When you find out who it is, I think things will become a bit clearer ;)


Went down there today and had a chat with a few people. I think you will find that the person who is behind G4T is the same person who owns the coffee and copy shop (hint, ask the managemant at promenada).

When you find out who it is, I think things will become a bit clearer ;)

Didn't take long to suss. 555


Went down there today and had a chat with a few people. I think you will find that the person who is behind G4T is the same person who owns the coffee and copy shop (hint, ask the managemant at promenada).

When you find out who it is, I think things will become a bit clearer wink.png

Is it some sort of state secret? Why not just tell us?


Went down there today and had a chat with a few people. I think you will find that the person who is behind G4T is the same person who owns the coffee and copy shop (hint, ask the managemant at promenada).

When you find out who it is, I think things will become a bit clearer wink.png

Is it some sort of state secret? Why not just tell us?

I could tell you but then I would have to kill myse-----------,arghhh!

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