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Arab-like man seen leaving bag at Erawan shrine before bomb explosion

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Perhaps the police source need to make a few baht so he just fabricated the whole story. We don't know who the person is that passed on this info to the media and I doubt if there would be any adverse consequences suffered by him if only part of what he stated was true.

Don't forget every new twist in the ongoing saga sells newspapers and promotes an ever increasing scope of speculation.

Let me speculate and join in the hunt:

Perhaps within this group of poor unfortunate souls there was just one person who was to be killed for some unknown reason, however to avoid direct suspicion the assassin killed many. tongue.png

Your last sentence tells me you maybe you have been reading a Jack Reacher book.

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"Arab looking" is a bit too vague for us to work on.

But it's definitely The Religion Of Peace at work again. Such pleasant chaps.

Agree, if we here on TV is going to solve this case for the thai police we need more facts.

No, man. Facts get in the way of speculation.



If the muslims or Islam related organisations wanted to do this, they would have done it on Sunday, while the bike for mum programme was taking place and the Rajprasong area was not so guarded but then whoever did this respected the Royal event and instead did it in Monday.....so it must be a thai who did this.....from one of the politically motivated groups. By the way, strange that all this trouble is starting again after someone came out from monkhood! Makes one wonder. Just my thoughts, I can be wrong about it all. But most of all my condolneces to the victims and their families. Its really tragic that froeigners are the victims of these thai politics. Most of the thai victims were the local mafia that were operating garland and souvenir stands in front of the shrine and charging exorbitant rates to foreigners.

For a bomb to be planted in a place of worship, is not your typical Thai murderer.


Well it is nice to see that it wasn't a Thai person or a Thai looking person who may have been responsible for this heinous act!!

My recommendation for all Arabs, arabic looking men, RUN, get out of Thailand quickly.


A rumor only.

It may be possible, but all the television coverage on Thai T.V. has not shown this footage yet.

As any experienced policeman will tell you "eye witnesses" are notoriously unreliable...... they tend to see what they are preconditioned by their prejudices to see.

Just ask any Black American who, if someone yells, "Stop that man", the police will chase the white business man in a suit or the black janitor with a broom in his hand.

Actually most of the deep southerners look a little 'Arabic' a lot of them have deep Indian roots which is nothing more than Punjabi............I took my favorite ex-wife (Thai) to Djaka and Mumbai, she is from Patani - she looked like she has a half a million sisters there.thumbsup.gif


Well it is nice to see that it wasn't a Thai person or a Thai looking person who may have been responsible for this heinous act!!

My recommendation for all Arabs, arabic looking men, RUN, get out of Thailand quickly.

The Thia Army will not "F" around - if it is even close to being a Middle Eastern tourist or resident - heads will roll on Soi's 1-9 - they did it once with West Africans a number of years ago, they'll do it again - hopefully..............................they will find the bastard.post-4641-1156694005.gif


Unless the police know where the suspect is right now, surely they should release his photo on TV to help people track him down before he has the opportunity to do it again. If indeed it is the person they seem to think it is. Seems extremely amateurish to make such announcements without using the media to find the suspect.

gosh did you really use the words "amateurish" and (Thai) "police" in the same paragraph???


"Arab-like man" eh? Someone should have told the Gen.

The head of Thailand's junta now says a suspect has been identified from CCTV footage. Prayut Chan-ocha said he was believed to be from an anti-government group based in Thailand's north-east, where the anti-coup Red Shirt movement is based, according to AFP.

It was an Arab loking man from Isaan!!!...............can't we tell from the "Clear Picture of the Suspect as reported by the Generals Staff"


Of course in the unlikely event this is from Southern Thai separatists, they would not likely be Arabic either!

Just an FYI - I flew from West Africa to Addis Ababa, KL to Bangkok - the plane was full of North African Muslims - only a dozen white faces I could see, most got off in KL, but a large number got on in KL to go to Bangkok - I understand pretty good Thai and a smidgeon of arabic, both languages were spoken freely on the plane - whats to say some of those 'tourists' were not coming here to do dasterdly deeds.

None of us on this forum expect this to be a Thai, unless he is not a Buddhist - Buddhists don't blow up Shrines, Islamists do.


I don't know about you but, I among most other people that have ever been further than their own front door, don't need that white headscarf and can distinguish Arab like man from a westerner or Thai even when stripped naked.

and can distinguish Arab like man from a westerner or Thai even when stripped naked.-----

We are going to just have your word on how experienced with naked men you are Anthony5....................coffee1.gif


Unless the police know where the suspect is right now, surely they should release his photo on TV to help people track him down before he has the opportunity to do it again. If indeed it is the person they seem to think it is. Seems extremely amateurish to make such announcements without using the media to find the suspect.

remember the Suitcase Killer in Bangkok then Katchunburi, they showed his face and who knows what happened to that case, Buried.....

this is a hard time for people who are affected by the blast and a shock for the nation, instead of condemning who ever truly is responsible, some stupid people goes making fun of it by blame game. who ever did it Christians/muslims/Buddhists/ hindu or what ever their religion maybe they completely sick people. so many silly comments from as usual silly people pointing at arabs or Muslims without any proof, typically stereotype people, and as usual if its bombing blame it on muslims???

look at the picture clearly and know the identity first and then comment.



Image of the suspect released by police. Hard to tell ethnicity - could be anything from these, but that shirt is quite distinctive.

I saw this earlier, Thai friends were sharing... Some think he disguised his appearance and images are not really clear, so I agree hard to tell ethnicity from this... Personally I tend to think the incident is connected to domestic political issues (other than the South), but I don't think one can rule out a connection to the Uighur issue based on statements from government - just not sure they have the capacity to carry it out. In China there was an incident where Uighurs attacked people in a railway station with knives, but don't see them likely suspects here.... But in the end whether linked, Uighurs, red shirts, or the southern issue the people responsible are evil and need to be caught and justice brought down on them....

He definitely tried to disguise himself. Notice the loose T-shirt, loose bermudas, sunglasses and I would bet the guy was wearing some sort of a wig. Anyway, I'm afraid he is already out of Thailand. It takes only few hours to get to Cambodia. It really could be anyone. There are people out there who will do anything for the right amount of money. But then again, even if you catch them alive, you've got to link them to the paymasters.

Looks like a nerdy Thai to me, i bet he has false underwear on as well.

his build, bone structureand nose doesn't look Thai, look at his elbows with those prominent yellow bands, distinctive .


Experts in IEDs might be able to clear something up for me. This was a big explosion supposedly caused by a pipe bomb. Doing a quick search of Youtube for pipe bombs leads me to believe that to cause an explosion that big and create the kind of casualties, you'd need an awfully big pipe, or a heck of a lot of small ones synched together - which all adds up to something very hefty in the backpack. Take a look at the pix and the vids - while yellow shirt's backpack was large, it does not look like it's being weighed down by anything too heavy - watch as he takes it off, it seems very light.

I might be on the wrong track here, but it's still an interesting point to consider, among many interesting points.


Tourists take a lot of photos. The police should check the photos from those people. Maybe find a better picture from him....

Brilliant idea call the BKK police commisionaire and let him know he might give you a medal for your genius

It's exactly what the FBI did after the Boston bombings. I have yet to see the BKK police make such a request.

It is an excellent idea and it's how they managed to identify the bombers, although it involved huge amounts of data (photos and video).

The sad thing is that you don't need to be a genius to come up with such an idea, you just need a couple of brain cells working and to occasionally read the trade rags, instead of trying to work out how much money you are going to screw out of people on a daily basis.


In the photo the person had rather large glasses on, teen or mid twenties, an athletic type, a Uni type perhaps, however, he/she carried what looks like a lap-top or an empty plastic bag too thin/slender for me to picture it, and then the black hand gloves, a biker perhaps,

The clue could also be the person's "T-Shirt". I have no idea as the photo is not clear enough.

My observation as per all of the above and it could be a Street Biker since there was a crack down on them.

Rest in Peace to the fallen ones and may the injured folks recover one and all. wai.gif

Win sad.png


I'm a caucasisn American with southern European roots on my father's side. Thais have often said that I look like a "kaek," so I don't put much stock in this description yet. Early leads in an investigation like this are notoriously unreliable. Or, maybe it was the work of Basque separatists-- speculation leads to absurdity.

Well, large parts of "southern Europe" have earlier been conquered by the Moors, notably the area that now is Spain and Portugal.

Many Spaniards' and Portugueses' facial features bear a definite influence of northern African ancestors even today.


Arab looking suspect involved in a murderous bomb attack?!?

BIG surprise there...NOT!

Seriously, did you look at the main suspect picture/video and can you honestly say "Arabic looking" really popped into your head? I don't see it.


i didnt notice anyone mention hes wearing 2 sweat bands half way up his forearms, theyre normally worn on the wrist. maybe he has tattoos under them? but then its not normal for arab looking people to have forearm tattoos, maybe hes a spray tanned brit? no ones got a dig in at them yet.

Well spotted, re the sweat bands.

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