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Massive manhunt on the way for Bangkok bomb suspect


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From BBC Asia Online. This vid shows the suspects every move! Can see him waiting to sit with backpack on. Sitting down and removing backpack. Placing backpack on the ground. Stands up to take a pic, or give the appearance of doing so. Then leaving WITHOUT THE BACKPACK..

Stranger still...they say this is CCTV footage, but sure looks like the camera is focused on him and moves to follow him.



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That kid in the photos looks white to me, he seems to have Western features and hair, although it is hard to say for sure given the image. He is also a puny weakling, who could never win a fair fight against anyone. We have fallen a long way as a species, when puny kids can do these terrible things to their elders and betters, defenceless holidaymakers and working people.

I have been crying a lot the last 24 hours, and I am just praying that all the poor bomb-victims in hospital will have a swift and comfortable recovery, and that the deathtoll will not rise.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

First the Red Shirts would not admit it. But they would tell the military did it, or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...look now, economic bad, dangerous, no tourists.

Or as you tell an angry fanatic individual or a small militant group without the agreement of the leader in Dubai.

I don't see the reds doing that, all the Thai Buddhists I know, revere that shrine and I pretty sure they respect it.

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We don't know who the man is but he is from Esaan, we don't have forensic evidence but it was not southern terrorist but political, we don't know anything but we will use the opportunity to further our political goals and create further division in the divided country, I call home. Can these people never learn to keep their traps shut untill an investigation is completed, have they learned nothing from Koh Tao ? The guy/woman in the footage can be of any nationality on earth and could have done it for political reasons or religion or he is plain crazy, we don't know. The only thing I know is that the type of bomb used has never been used in the south or by the reds in the past. A backpack bomb causing this much damage indicates military grade explosives which indicates possible new entrants in the Thai terrorist arena.

Not sure if you are serious. The military and police have been doing this stuff for years... at least since the creation of Thailand.

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I just hope this so called arab looking guy doesnt end up being a thai.

and hope he isnt wearing a wig to disguise? after all he did covered his face with that goggles that he was wearing

guy in yellow shirt is old news. Has already gone to police.


To be clear, is he the guy in yellow and claiming the left backpack was just innocently left, or is he clarifying that he is not that guy in yellow?

Saying the guy in yellow is old news doesn't make sense either way. If he is the guy in yellow, there's some more explaining needed. If he's not that guy, then the guy in yellow still is of interest.

He is clarifying that he is NOT the guy in yellow in the CCTV footage, who obviously remains a main suspect.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

You must be new in Thailand.

The red-shirts never decide what they are going to do.

The big man decides, then coughs up for the expenses (coaches, vans, venues and a bit of spending money for each of them). Then the loyal, local red-shirt leaders (where all the billions of baht lost in the rice scheme went) drum up support and get the locals out for a free holiday and a bit of a party.

Then the paid UDD thugs join in with all the innocents and carry out the real agenda - which always involves violence and intimidation against any opposition.

This is why they cannot be reasoned with and why reconciliation can never happen until the slate at the top is wiped clean.

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From BBC Asia Online. This vid shows the suspects every move! Can see him waiting to sit with backpack on. Sitting down and removing backpack. Placing backpack on the ground. Stands up to take a pic, or give the appearance of doing so. Then leaving WITHOUT THE BACKPACK..

Stranger still...they say this is CCTV footage, but sure looks like the camera is focused on him and moves to follow him.



The original version had been linked to many times in these threads. It is a video of a screen showing the cctv, which is why it is following him. That's just the person recording the screen on probably a phone, panning to follow him. The original later backs out so the multiple camera views are seen. Then it records a different camera's viewpoint.

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.......Muslims tell us that these groups are a tiny minority however they are still being protected by the majority.....

Yep.... Only way to get the dog stop shitting on your lawn is to pressure the owner

The owners,trainers, teachers, etc, whatever you want call them do not care where their dog takes a dump, they are not called to clean up the mess and they are in their what they hope is a safe hidey hole.

There is only one solution to these peoples / groups thinking and it is total commenment by the free nations to band together, join forces, share info as well as personel and wipe the little basturds off the face of and outside the borders of free world.

They want their religious freedom, ok, go to your homeland and persue the life style you want. Build a wall which some have proposed to keep illegal immigrants out of some countries, instead buid a wall and let them (terroist) live, worship, etc around their beliefs and in their sand box and let them self destruct.

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My understanding is the mistaken i.d. guy is saying he wasn't there that day. So yellow shirt is still on.

Massive manhunt, for sure.

There is now a scary high national incentive to find the a culprit. I hope they get the real one! It's important to know what force is behind this. Will we ever? Wouldn't bet on it.

Edited by Jingthing
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My understanding is the mistaken i.d. guy is saying he wasn't there that day. So yellow shirt is still on.

Massive manhunt, for sure.

There is now a scary high national incentive to find the a culprit. I hope they get the real one! It's important to know what force is behind this. Will we ever? Wouldn't bet on it.

Oh ok. Some dodgy translation on another site then. Suggested he had left the backpack by accident.

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I've a nasty feeling that this one will be coming to the authorities carrying a nasty surprise...... The suspects lack of fear of recognition tells me that he's probably got a grand finish planned....... Be careful, i think this fellah's a walk in merchant....... RIP to all the unfortunate people who have lost their lives......

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There is video footage going round facebook showing this guy clearly entering the shrine, dropping a bag, and leaving. In the video it is much clearer he is of arab descent, doesnt look thai at all.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BytK6tLQPoo

At what point in the video and from what details in the image is it clear to you that the man in the yellow shirt is "of arab descent"?

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There has been time to clean the photos shown of the suspect up and transmitt a faceial profile to every border crossing and on national televison and facebook. He will be seen and snintched on quite quickly as he does appear to be farang. Throw a high 6 figure breward in and wait for the call..

Farang now is it. Stroll on! Looks more Asian to me from that pic but hard to be sure with such a grainy image.

Damn son...you need glasses or if you already have them, then upgrade to bifocals.

Unless by Asian, you meant West/South Asian (Iraqi, Indian, Pakistani, etc). He definitely doesn't look East/Southeast Asian (Chinese, Thai, Korean, etc).

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They should be Thinking that those wrist bands are possibly covering tattoos or some form of injury!

I was wondering about those arm bands.

Yep, that would be to cover tattoos. Good thinking

or maybe let believe that he has tattoos... and in fact has not
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Here in Quebec, the second bomb attempt is front page, but nobody seems to talk about it here, guess we need some dead people to talk about it.attachicon.gifsecond-bomb.jpg

See here:

Powerful bomb thrown into Chao Phraya river beneath Taksin bridge

Thaivisa published it at 07:44 UTC, your Huffington Post at 10:38 UTC.

If you were subscribed to Thaivisa on LINE, you would have received a message at 07:55 UTC, as a subscriber to the newsletter you would have received an email at 08:37 UTC.

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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

blablabla...or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...blablabla

One again, someone brings Thaksin into the game. That's ridiculous. When will this end? Stuck in the past. Must be a fetish.

And Thaksin is as pure as the driven snow. I don't think so. I saw him back in 2010 (when he was gutlessly hiding in Cambodia) and broadcasting on the big screen down under the BTS line at Chit Lom stirring up the rebellious redshirts. Everyone was chanting and cheering and he had them in fever pitch. Then not long after the fires started. That was no fetish alocacoc.. More like naivety on your part.

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This is pretty good footage, hopefully they'll catch this scumbag. Unbelievable the nonchalant way he planted the bomb close to these young people. I'm not a violent person, but how I would love to see this animal get some of his own!

Why is the camera following him? Or is this footage of footage?

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Some of you guys are really slow to think today , is it really so hard to understand ? The guy just looked like the one in the video , he was nowwhere near the shrine. Since there is a manhunt for a young guy wearing a yellow shirt he went to the police.

Absolutely correct. This guy is not the perp.

It says in his post that he was teaching when it happened. Presumably in a school or language center with Thai staff and in front of students.

He can easily account for his whereabouts at the time some other guy in a yellow shirt was planting a bomb at the Erawan shrine.

If someone showed me a picture of myself circulating on Facebook / social media accusing me of this, and I wasn't responsible and could prove it, I would have gone to the cops also.


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I don't see why Red shirts would do something that would sign their political death warrant, unless they're ready to go to civil war. An angry fanatic individual perhaps.

I wouldn't be surprised we have a new culprit every 2 days.

By the way.... strong measure will be taking by now...this can include curfew, abuse of privacy etc...Thais will understand that...is for their goodness...and let's see what's next. Any measure for the safety of the kingdom is justified..I don't see either why Red shirts should kill their nationals randomly.

let'see what happen next.

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