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Bangkok Bomb Suspect Arrested

Lite Beer

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Cant see this guy being the actual bomber somehow, that ones long gone unless hes a lone nutcase doing his thing

I can see him being one of a small group though.

Now for the made up rubbish and the usual merry go round from papers and police.

As for the RTP you can bet 99% it was probably a tip off not good police work. wink.png

from BBC World

" A reward of one million baht ($28,000; £17,950) was offered for information but it is not known whether this played a part in Saturday's arrest. "rolleyes.gif

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The one on the left is a drawing made from a still frame of a fuzzy video from a camera that's probably 20 years old.

I say arresting a Turkish man with the same bomb materials in his apartment as was used in the bombing of the shrine is a good start.

RT@vaitor: Local Thai Media stating Police raided suspects house and identified him as a Turkish national (28 years old) -http://t.co/VvFY1FjMeC

The only similarity between the photo and the picture is both have a head with ears on it.

i disagree, they bear a significant resemblance, but i doubt this is all over that easily.

This guy has a greater resemblance. His name is Eric Z. I don't want to give his full name , because it could damage his career as a very famous international model. He also has one of those foreign names which makes him more dangerous.


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WoW.... Just Great news if this is the right guy... should have all those RTP slaters eating their words now... Let us all hope this is the bomber and he gets what's coming his way...! Should be an interesting story of his tracking down and capture.

The same police who told the BBC correspondent "Come back tomorrow, we are closed?"

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This was a report from The Nation a bit after 6 pm...

Somyot says suspects has 'a lot of explosives' in possession
The Nation August 29, 2015 6:09 pm
Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said the suspect who was arrested in connection the Ratchaprasong bombing has a lot of explosives in possession.

He said investigators have yet to interrogate the suspect to find out how he was linked to the two bomb attacks in Bangkok.

He said the suspect has been taken by military officers for questioning.

The national police chief said he would be able to give more details about the arrest after the suspect has been thoroughly questioned.

The relevant embassy would be informed to send representatives to take part in the questioning, Somyot added.

"Now, the suspect has been taken by military officers for questioning. I affirm with the media and Thais that a suspect has been arrested with a lot of evidences," Somyot said.

The suspect, who was arrested at a rented apartment in Nong Chok, has been taken to the 11th Army Circle in Kiakkai area for questioning.


And their companion articles quotes the police spokesman as saying this guy isn't the actual Erawan bomber:

Prawut said the suspect was not the bomber but might belong to the movement as police found bomb making materials in his room, including 0.5-mm ball bearings used in the bombs that exploded at the Erawan Shrine and the Sathorn pier.
Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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I'm glad another potential bomber is off the streets of Thailand. HOWEVER, that is NOT the same man they have been searching for!

Have you ever heard about a disguise ? The suspect were wearing fake glasses and a wig, remove that and he might very well be the guy.

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So many posters seem upset the police may have busted the terrorist gang- and from a tip-off too! From what I've seen police forces around the world rely on tip-offs, sometimes they ignore them as in The World Trade Centre attacks where flying instructors warned the police their Saudi students weren't interested in learning how to take off or land a plane, just how to fly!, but the police ignored them.

Well done whoever, apartment owner and/or police if you have started to crack this case.

Yes there is some retarded people who would like this to remain unsolved. Just for them so they can slag off the police and the investigation.

Not retarded, just witness to previous events where innocent people or those on the sidelines were accused and convicted of the crime. Thailand and its police/justice system are real life illustrations of the expressions "stictched up", "fall guy", "scapegoat" and "convenient criminal".

The problem with this case is that there has been too much talk from the authorities, most of which was inappropriate and unreliable. It is in country where evidence can be fabricated and "assisted", and the police authorities have a well documented history of gross negligence and incompetence.

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A combined force of police and soldiers encircled a hostel in Bangkok’s eastern suburb of Nongchok at 4 pm today and apprehended a foreigner who the police suspected to be the wanted bomb suspect in the Erawan shrine deadly bomb explosion.

Assistant commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thavornsiri and Bangkok police commissioner Pol Lt Gen Sriwara Rangsitpramprom were rushing to Nongchok police station to question the suspect.


-- Thai PBS 2015-08-29

Oh, boy, this is gonna get some comments. There are no competent detectives in the RTP who can interrogate a suspect. No, no, only Police Lieutenant General have the skill to do it. Nothing about getting their picture in the papers, of course. I'll bet the reporter rejoiced over getting that "rushing to Nongchok police station" past his/her editor. The Three Stooges couldn't do better.

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RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


Why does it say date of expiry two times?

Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

It forgery (low budget). Thai media already reported this.


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Police arrest bomb suspect, set to conduct more search operations

BANGKOK, 29 August 2015 (NNT) – The police are set to conduct search operations at seven additional locations for the investigation of the bombing incident in Bangkok, believing a group of individuals is responsible for carrying out the incident, says the Deputy Police Chief.

The Deputy Commissioner General of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Chakthip Chaijinda said the police have apprehended a suspect believed to be involved with the bombing incident at the Ratchaprasong Intersection in Bangkok and the investigation team has proceeded this matter in the right direction for tracking down the suspect, while a group of perpetrators is believed to be behind the incident.

He said that the police are now set to conduct search operations at other seven areas to further extend results of the prosecution, but the information regarding the operation cannot be disclosed at the moment.

Regarding today’s detainment of the suspect, the Deputy Commissioner General said that the Royal Thai Police Headquarters has employed the use of electronic devices to assist the search operation and officers have been monitoring developments occurred at an apartment in Nong Chok District of Bangkok. Approximately 100 officers were at the scene of the arrest.

Bomb-making materials which resemble the bombs exploded at the Ratchaprasong Intersection and Sathorn Pier were found in the suspect’s room in this apartment. A stack of Turkish passports were also found in the same room.

The Royal Thai Police and the National Council for Peace and Order have later made an announcement via TV broadcast, stating that the detained suspect is not believed to be the actual bomber, but allegedly involved with the incident.

-- NNT 2015-08-29 footer_n.gif

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All they need to do is ask the driver who drove the bomber and have him identify him as the bomber - if he is.

This would stop the confusion and guessing.

He was in disguise remember ?

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"0.5mm-diameter ball bearings"

and how big are the ball bearing balls 0.05?

The found 5 mm ball bearing balls....... Has The Nation no one with an IQ over 70?

0.5mm about the size of a grain of sugar... doubt steel balls (not ball bearings) of this size would be lethal, at worst they may blind people.

More probable 5mm (0.5cm), I am guessing the two grey like mats (apx300 x 100mm) layed out against the tape measure are 5mm steel ball on a sticky surface wrapped in Sellotape are ready to wrap around explosives.

(300/5=60) * (100/5=20) = 1,200 * 2 = 2,400 5mm steel balls... coffee1.gif

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You are living in la la land. The photo looks nothing like the suspect. If you think that the criticism is unprecedented then I pity you. Whilst I want the real culprit caught that doesn't mean getting anyone off the street who looks the same ethnicity. Shame on you for supporting this.

Well done RTP, after unprecedented criticism, it looks like they have actually done a very good job. We all wanted this guy caught.

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Stacks of identical blue Turkish passports were found inside the apartment. They are all thought to be forgeries similar to the passport found on the suspect

Suggests that this is related more to human trafficking than terrorism, not that they are mutually exclusive.

Thanks for your contribution as it is quite relevant and indicates that Thailand's notoriety as a human trafficking is front page again. In case anyone forgets, several years ago Australia and Canada were plagued by bogus Sri Lankan refugees using Bangkok as a transit point. Many of the "refugees" were linked to the Tamil Tigers a known violent terrorist group. The Australian and Canadian investigators kept identifying false travel documents sourced in Thailand, including large numbers of passports. As the beloved Yogi Berra said, it looks like deja vu all over again.

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So many posters seem upset the police may have busted the terrorist gang- and from a tip-off too! From what I've seen police forces around the world rely on tip-offs, sometimes they ignore them as in The World Trade Centre attacks where flying instructors warned the police their Saudi students weren't interested in learning how to take off or land a plane, just how to fly!, but the police ignored them.

Well done whoever, apartment owner and/or police if you have started to crack this case.

of course the reward money played NO PART in it?

It's not that posters are upset, it's the incredible way in which the investigation was run, if you want to believe that the RTP are up there with the likes of the FBI, you crack on my old sunshine.

The RTP have proven to be sealers of their own fates, their senior officers went on record to say the most dumbest, and alarming things, from the very thing that put tourism in jeopardy by stating "It was an internal issue" or " No International Terrorist group responsible" well chief, last time I looked, being Turkish was pretty International to me, so what spin will they put on this now regarding their life blood... tourism?

I worked for a very senior Deputy Department of Defence staff member back in 2010, and in a meeting with the Japanese Ambassador down in Basrah, he stated quite brazenly "There is no terrorsim, nor terrorists left in Basrah, it's safe to bring your investors in" ... a week later 3 car bombs went off, killing dozens of innocent people.. talk about speaking out of turn, and looking like a knob, needless to say, Japanese Investors held back.

This is what the senior RTP bosses have been doing.. The best thing would have been to shut their mouthes. Remember when Somyot stated it was a very special bomb, as not much was left of it evidence wise and hence why they sanitised and cleaned the place up within hours ? Now all of a sudden there's stuff that matches the Erawan shrine bomb?? So what is it? There was plenty of evidence, and you just lied about it to prevent and protect any sort of alarmist reaction with the tourism sector?

EVERYONE here wanted the ones responsible caught, and there's people here in this thread praising the RTP, who were constantly stating and implying it was the work of the red shirts, they should be hanging their heads in shame, and admitting they were VERY wrong, and apologising, but the majority of those poster wont, as they've developed "Thainess", they know who they are, shame on them.

Personally however I've said to a few posters in the past, in PM's there was a growing problem that's being ignored and being dismissed by the Thai authorities, as well as people here, in that terrorism is indeed spreading, it was only a matter of time, all the combat indicators were there, however more people were "fixated" with the domestic lunatics.

I'd like to have seen more in this find, I don't believe it's a major one, if anything it looks mickey mouse to be honest, no pipe bomb casings, no explosive, no detonators, no initiators, no serious tools, no crimpers, wire strippers, soldering equipment...

I'll save the fanfare personally till something more significant is found, like the source of the explosives, the bomb maker himself, if this guy is being touted as the bomb maker, then Thai EOD guys just need to ask him to create a simple circuit with the stuff that's been found, he's going to hang, he's got nothing to lose, if he can't complete a simple closed circuit diagram, then he's a red herring.

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"0.5mm-diameter ball bearings"

and how big are the ball bearing balls 0.05?

The found 5 mm ball bearing balls....... Has The Nation no one with an IQ over 70?

0.5mm about the size of a grain of sugar... doubt steel balls (not ball bearings) of this size would be lethal, at worst they may blind people.

More probable 5mm (0.5cm), I am guessing the two grey like mats (apx300 x 100mm) layed out against the tape measure are 5mm steel ball on a sticky surface wrapped in Sellotape are ready to wrap around explosives.

(300/5=60) * (100/5=20) = 1,200 * 2 = 2,400 5mm steel balls... coffee1.gif

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So many posters seem upset the police may have busted the terrorist gang- and from a tip-off too! From what I've seen police forces around the world rely on tip-offs, sometimes they ignore them as in The World Trade Centre attacks where flying instructors warned the police their Saudi students weren't interested in learning how to take off or land a plane, just how to fly!, but the police ignored them.

Well done whoever, apartment owner and/or police if you have started to crack this case.

Yes there is some retarded people who would like this to remain unsolved. Just for them so they can slag off the police and the investigation.

No some people jus want the truth and want the RTP to actually catch these vermin. This doe not mean at the expense of innocents, s had happened many times before. The Police have brought criticism on themselves. Let them erode the criticism from actually doing their job and catching the real culprits.

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Some enterprising resauranteur should have a special "All you can eat buffet" of humble pie and crow tonight.

Heck, I'll happily pay the bill for some TV members too.

Congratulations to the police and thanks to the informant for the breakthrough.

1 million baht was offered as a reward, more than enough for a neigbor to report a suspicious tenant. Now the rest is up to RTP.

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There are some real smart.ss people here who know it all even though they haven't seen all the stuff they found inside the room. I am with some Chinese people and they have shown me images already 2 hours ago that are slowly being shown here now. 1 of them is post 452.

And there is one real smart person here who is sure that this is only a human trafficking case.

Edited by Nickymaster
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