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CNN UPDATE: Thai police now say the man they have arrested is not the main suspect -- seen here in the sketch -- but they believe he was involved: CNN - 16 hours ago, report he's not the bomber, but involved.

Also, the police said Nationality cannot be determined, because the passport were all fake ones.

The independent UK say BK Police have named the suspect as Adem Karadag, to me he looks more like the CCTV than the police sketch just on his body shape alone and he has a long face, when will the Taxi drivers ID him?

I would put money on the grey wolves at present, and hes is not a scape goat this is for real probably a tip off from the apartment owner.

Police trying to downplay this as non terrorist, it is a terrorist attack comitted by foreigners in revenge for the UIghors treatment which ever way the police want to look at it.

I hope they catch a few more of them shortly and would have to say good work at last.wai2.gif

You guys have no clue about the grey wolves, they disbanded in the 90's. They aren't active anymore. And the grey wolves are a far right turkish nationalist organization albeit not a mongol one.

This was the head of the grey wolves


Typical mediterrenan, the guy captured is south asian. He might be an uyghur, but he's not a turk for sure.

The last time you posted this photo, you said it was a photo of a typical Turk, now the person has changed to a Typical Mediterranean ?

Make your mind up


If this guy is the maker of the bomb, then he's clearly an idiot. Why would you rent out a place in a low-so areas, you'll stand out there as the only farang. If I were to carry out an attack like this, I'd rent in a complex populated by farangs to blend in with them.

But the Farangs you were trying to blend in with may have been ThaiVisa Members Investigation Operatives, you would have been caught out and apprehended within hours of the incident. rolleyes.gif


If this guy is the maker of the bomb, then he's clearly an idiot. Why would you rent out a place in a low-so areas, you'll stand out there as the only farang. If I were to carry out an attack like this, I'd rent in a complex populated by farangs to blend in with them.

But the Farangs you were trying to blend in with may have been ThaiVisa Members Investigation Operatives, you would have been caught out and apprehended within hours of the incident. rolleyes.gif

The only thing those investigation operatives would ask that lad is where the cheapest beer in town is.

C4 explosives are only available to the military. You can't make it. Seems unbelievable evidence to me. More evidence pls.

No explosives to be seen on that 'evidence' picture, guys...

TNT and C4.... Room numbers... dates...

And i am 100% sure that they don't show all the pictures...

With such a significant event wouldn't you be very proud to show off all the cache to the public? After all there was cache after cache after cache shown to the media when it was political terrorism, is it because this isn't really terrorists and not terrorism and just a personal grudge that is actually downplaying the seriousness of it all?


If this guy is the maker of the bomb, then he's clearly an idiot. Why would you rent out a place in a low-so areas, you'll stand out there as the only farang. If I were to carry out an attack like this, I'd rent in a complex populated by farangs to blend in with them.

But the Farangs you were trying to blend in with may have been ThaiVisa Members Investigation Operatives, you would have been caught out and apprehended within hours of the incident. rolleyes.gif

The only thing those investigation operatives would ask that lad is where the cheapest beer in town is.

which being a kebab shop owner or a sex tourist pretty sure you could answer ?..whistling.gif


If this guy is the maker of the bomb, then he's clearly an idiot. Why would you rent out a place in a low-so areas, you'll stand out there as the only farang. If I were to carry out an attack like this, I'd rent in a complex populated by farangs to blend in with them.

But the Farangs you were trying to blend in with may have been ThaiVisa Members Investigation Operatives, you would have been caught out and apprehended within hours of the incident. rolleyes.gif

The only thing those investigation operatives would ask that lad is where the cheapest beer in town is.

You stated in a post at the beginning of this thread only two types of Turks live/come to Thailand sex tourists and kebab makers/shop owners.

Which bracket do you fit into then?


20 months ago, I got in trouble for starting a small fire near the river in northern Thailand. I was clearing a path by the river which could be used by nature hikers. I was apprehended by a villager and then cops showed up later. We went to the scene of the crime. My fire had gone out and there wasn't even any smoke or embers in its rug-sized area. Cops needed a photo, so they picked a nearby spot, put a bunch of stick together and made a bonfire as big as a car. When the flames were roaring, they got me and other cops to stand in front of it, for the photo. Go figure.

I figure that you were very irresponsible ,for starting any kind of bush fire ,in a hot drought stricken Country like Thailand .Hope they threw the book at you .


I'd recommend you all check out Bkk Post's Sunday update. It wasn't just the landlord who tipped -off RTP, they searched all mobile phone calls, found 3 with roaming SIMs from Turkey (which shows how questionable the SIM registration requirement is until all countries enforce it).


I take back what I wrote earlier about there not being a possible motive for Turks to do this. However I really really find it very unsettling that after the arrest a police official again said something to the effect of "we know the perpetrator wasn't Thai, because a Thai couldn't do something like this" exactly what was said after the Brits being killed in Koh Tao. I and I know many other find that very disturbing and questionable...

I agree, probably after being in and out of Thailand since 2005 I know full well what Thai people are capable of doing to one another. No different to any other country.

And surely the RTP are aware of what the reds and yellows did to one another, especially in the years 2010 & 2014. They should know, they stood by and watched most of it.

So being an extended tourist for 10 years enables you to know the Thai people. I've worked with them for over double that, speak the language, and know that no Thai would EVER commit this crime. It takes a LONG time to get into the mind of the Thai people..

Without wishing to get into a willy waving contest on who's been here the longest may I mention the Thamassat (sic) University massacre, those Muslim men suffocated by being stacked like logs in Army trucks, the Army shooting from the sky train tracks into a temple, grenade attacks killing children in a market, just a few examples of atrocious crimes committed by Thais.

C4 explosives are only available to the military. You can't make it. Seems unbelievable evidence to me. More evidence pls.

No explosives to be seen on that 'evidence' picture, guys...

TNT and C4.... Room numbers... dates...

And i am 100% sure that they don't show all the pictures...

With such a significant event wouldn't you be very proud to show off all the cache to the public? After all there was cache after cache after cache shown to the media when it was political terrorism, is it because this isn't really terrorists and not terrorism and just a personal grudge that is actually downplaying the seriousness of it all?

If it's personal then there is no loss of face. If it's a result of the expulsion of the Uighurs then the PM...well, you do the math.


Someone just dared ask live on TV if this suspect is a scapegoat which resulted in a very angry response

Yeah I just watched it. He asked "Is this a scapegoating?"

A very angry response. He even question then reporter as to whether he is Thai for asking such a question. He takes one more question so as to not end the interview on that, then promptly leaves.

Question and response in Thai:

<<<< Thai language removed, if you want to post in Thai language, you can do so in the Thai language forum >>>>


What about guy on enclosed picture - together with Pope?He is quite similar to arrested suspect,and he is Turkish,do you know his name?

CNN UPDATE: Thai police now say the man they have arrested is not the main suspect -- seen here in the sketch -- but they believe he was involved: CNN - 16 hours ago, report he's not the bomber, but involved.

Also, the police said Nationality cannot be determined, because the passport were all fake ones.

The independent UK say BK Police have named the suspect as Adem Karadag, to me he looks more like the CCTV than the police sketch just on his body shape alone and he has a long face, when will the Taxi drivers ID him?

I would put money on the grey wolves at present, and hes is not a scape goat this is for real probably a tip off from the apartment owner.

Police trying to downplay this as non terrorist, it is a terrorist attack comitted by foreigners in revenge for the UIghors treatment which ever way the police want to look at it.

I hope they catch a few more of them shortly and would have to say good work at last.wai2.gif

You guys have no clue about the grey wolves, they disbanded in the 90's. They aren't active anymore. And the grey wolves are a far right turkish nationalist organization albeit not a mongol one.

This was the head of the grey wolves


Typical mediterrenan, the guy captured is south asian. He might be an uyghur, but he's not a turk for sure.

I don't think it was Pope John Paul I I.

He's got a bloody good alibi, although It might be difficult getting Almighty God to testify in a Thai court.


20 months ago, I got in trouble for starting a small fire near the river in northern Thailand. I was clearing a path by the river which could be used by nature hikers. I was apprehended by a villager and then cops showed up later. We went to the scene of the crime. My fire had gone out and there wasn't even any smoke or embers in its rug-sized area. Cops needed a photo, so they picked a nearby spot, put a bunch of stick together and made a bonfire as big as a car. When the flames were roaring, they got me and other cops to stand in front of it, for the photo. Go figure.

You should refuse

The packets of ball bearing arranged like that are very damning,,, There's NO way, if purchased to be used as intended,, they'd lay out flat like that in a plastic bag,,, No,, they've been arranged like that,, into a, "sheet",, to be able to wrapped evenly around a pipe bomb,,, Just on Thai news channel, showed police handling a section of water pipe, threaded on both ends, that appears to be the correct length of the width of the, "sheets" of bearings,,, IF all legit finds,,, very damning,,, very...


I'd recommend you all check out Bkk Post's Sunday update. It wasn't just the landlord who tipped -off RTP, they searched all mobile phone calls, found 3 with roaming SIMs from Turkey (which shows how questionable the SIM registration requirement is until all countries enforce it).

I also read this article and IMO this put a big question mark behind the whole operation. Why would these Turks use Turkish sim cards?? This doesn't make sense. I think the investigators don't want to expose the info source.

Scapegoat written all over this arrest. Don't believe it.

That's cleared that one up then. Time to tackle your next assignment.
Well why they show suicide vest on tv and says its from his apartament and then when people figure out its from 2013 raid they say anyone who dhares it will be prosecuted.

Thats means other evidence can be faked too isn't it?

I really don't see why anyone would wear a suicide vest these days? Packs of C4 or TNT packed against the body under a shirt or jacket would look a lot more conspicuous than a back pack. Unless planning to go through an area where there were bag searches but not body searches

Scapegoat written all over this arrest. Don't believe it.

That's cleared that one up then. Time to tackle your next assignment.
Well why they show suicide vest on tv and says its from his apartament and then when people figure out its from 2013 raid they say anyone who dhares it will be prosecuted.

Thats means other evidence can be faked too isn't it?

I really don't see why anyone would wear a suicide vest these days. A back pack in any area of Thailand wouldn't look out of place
Fake vest?

I'd recommend you all check out Bkk Post's Sunday update. It wasn't just the landlord who tipped -off RTP, they searched all mobile phone calls, found 3 with roaming SIMs from Turkey (which shows how questionable the SIM registration requirement is until all countries enforce it).

I also read this article and IMO this put a big question mark behind the whole operation. Why would these Turks use Turkish sim cards?? This doesn't make sense. I think the investigators don't want to expose the info source.

Maybe to avoid the mandatory SIM registration that was supposed to go in effect in July(?), now it has been postponed.


Someone just dared ask live on TV if this suspect is a scapegoat which resulted in a very angry response

Yeah I just watched it. He asked "Is this a scapegoating?"

A very angry response. He even question then reporter as to whether he is Thai for asking such a question. He takes one more question so as to not end the interview on that, then promptly leaves.

Question and response in Thai:

<<<< Thai language removed, if you want to post in Thai language, you can do so in the Thai language forum >>>>

<<<< Thai language removed, if you want to post in Thai language, you can do so in the Thai language forum >>>>

Critical thinking clearly is an un-Thai trait. How dare they question such moral authority! wai2.gif coffee1.gif


In law enforcement, it's called an "orgy of evidence." Coos go to arrest someone and all the evidence and more is lying out in the open.

It happens in the movies, but not in real life.

They are such poor liars.


Message to the BIB. Please don't jerk Thailand around over this because after the Koh Tau murders, this is not just about Thailand anymore. The whole world is watching you. It is not just a matter of finding some fall-guy sucker to blame, this has to be for real.

Tell them directly, not via TV.


I am definitely a cynic, but it looks to me they caught someone. The pancake sellers will help sort out who it is shortly.

But considering the mass of evidence, either this is the most coordinated frame-up in Thai history, or they caught a break. And hats off to the tipster who handed the BIB a big one.

Hey even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.

One thing for sure, whoever this guy is, after all this circumstantial evidence, he's toast.


As someone above pointed out, the perps had 2 weeks to get the 'ell out of Dodge and yet this guy is found pottering around in his apartment knee-deep in bomb paraphernalia. Don't make no sense.

And coming back to the motive for the attack, Uighurs? So, where's the claim of responsibility? They can blow stuff up and kill people but without a public statement it doesn't amount to hill of beans (politically).

I am still going with 1) this guy wasn't involved and 2) there was message sent by the perps that was suppressed by the authorities because it had to do with the military junta/coup etc.

It makes perfect sense. The second that bomb went off, airports and border checks would have gone high alert and not the best time to be traveling on that dodgy passport.

There he is with a pack of ball bearings in that pic suggests to me there is a strong chance he felt safe and now ready for another bomb

You sure of that. They didn't have a picture for a long time. High alert?

Every time there is an explosion in Bangkok the airport and immigration.. goes on high alert. I don't think so.


Message to the BIB. Please don't jerk Thailand around over this because after the Koh Tau murders, this is not just about Thailand anymore. The whole world is watching you. It is not just a matter of finding some fall-guy sucker to blame, this has to be for real.

Tell them directly, not via TV.

I think the police are on to this now from a tipp off and some cell phone surveilance, a police report to come out at 6pm, maybe then we will know the suspects native tongue.

Maybe they will give him a shave put a wig on and some dark glasses a yellow shirt and backpack, then we could see if he looks like the cctv.

I think they have discovered the source though and if this guy opens up a bit they might get a few more arrests.

As for the grey wolves they are active very active and were active at the Thai embassy protest in Turkey.

Just google them and have a read it is well sourced and reported on the net.


If this guy is the maker of the bomb, then he's clearly an idiot. Why would you rent out a place in a low-so areas, you'll stand out there as the only farang. If I were to carry out an attack like this, I'd rent in a complex populated by farangs to blend in with them.

But the Farangs you were trying to blend in with may have been ThaiVisa Members Investigation Operatives, you would have been caught out and apprehended within hours of the incident. rolleyes.gif

The only thing those investigation operatives would ask that lad is where the cheapest beer in town is.

You stated in a post at the beginning of this thread only two types of Turks live/come to Thailand sex tourists and kebab makers/shop owners.

Which bracket do you fit into then?

No he said sex tourists and suspicious troublemakers............but has since cleared himself of suspicious troublemaking by giving a good soapie recommendation thumbsup.gif


Just thinking outside the box. I've just blow the hell out of a public place killing and maiming a lot of people. CCTV catches my escape. I've had days to get the heck out of Dodge. Why I'm I still in my room with a bunch of materials that could be used for bomb making. Personally, especially considering the media was saying there was not a good CCTV coverage, I'd be in a different country, and back to whatever sick terror cell I came from. But no! The "Suspect" stays. Like one of the previous posters said. Wait and see.

Coming from another country how are you able to get your hands on explosives, without Thai's helping..

You just ship it in inside another container.


"0.5mm-diameter ball bearings"

and how big are the ball bearing balls 0.05?

The found 5 mm ball bearing balls....... Has The Nation no one with an IQ over 70?

The first thing to come to my mind actually.

0.5mm steel balls are going to serve zero purpose in a bomb. they just simply are too small to do any damage, they have no weight behind them to penetrate and almost all would be burned up in the blast... 0.5mm is more like beed blasting sand.

I can't see any bomb making guide saying to add something akin to fine sand.


The only thing those investigation operatives would ask that lad is where the cheapest beer in town is.

You stated in a post at the beginning of this thread only two types of Turks live/come to Thailand sex tourists and kebab makers/shop owners.

Which bracket do you fit into then?

No he said sex tourists and suspicious troublemakers............but has since cleared himself of suspicious troublemaking by giving a good soapie recommendation thumbsup.gif

I dont think this guy looks like a falang, nor is he a idiot, he's a dangerous cunning terrorist, why not rent in an outside suburb and not attract interest.

Wait fir the 6 pm police report and then we might know what his native language is and maybe his real name.

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