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RT@Ryn_writes: A journalist asked if the man is scapegoat, Gen Somyos asked which outlet he's from and told him to get out, saying 'uncreative question.

Yeah, I'd expect him to be angry at the question, but are they REALLY looking for "creative" questions?

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RT@W7VOA: Police Lt. Gen Prawut tells reporters arrested man is not #BangkokBlast bomber but thought to have connection to whomever responsible.”


Still thinking this is a case of,

"You wait here Ahmed. Take care of the apartment. We will be back as soon as things calm down. And clean yourself up. You look like hell."


RT@Ryn_writes: A journalist asked if the man is scapegoat, Gen Somyos asked which outlet he's from and told him to get out, saying 'uncreative question.

Yeah, I'd expect him to be angry at the question, but are they REALLY looking for "creative" questions?

A more creative question might be "why are all the suspects so thin? Do they not like Thai food?"


If some Turk wanted to carry out a terrorist attack, they'd carry it out on Kurds, not Thais. I call this BS

Scissors, duct tape, I have them at my home too.

And you this because --------


Also, I did not expect him to go home after the bombing and sit there for 13 days with his bomb building supplies and wait for someone to finally show up to arrest him.

After 13 days he was probably getting a little impatient!

With his identikit pic on billboards, TV and papers , he might have thought it safer to sit still for a while out of sight. He probably expected the BIB to lose interest quickly and put it into the too hard basket.


A foreigner especially Turkish living in a remote area of Bangkok is probably up to no good. I'm saying this as a turk because 99% of Turkish come to Bangkok for sex, they would want to be close to bars not in the middle of nowhere. I just checked the location his residence is on google maps, the lad is obviously up to no good, he probably didnt come here for a soapie.

Any good soapie recommendations? .........I hope you have, otherwise you're up to no good.


RT@vaitor: Local Thai Media stating Police raided suspects house and identified him as a Turkish national (28 years old) -http://t.co/VvFY1FjMeC


The similarities are miles apart.... I just hope they got the real culprit. It would be a waste of justice to see it slip, simply because they want to get someone they fabricate a case. Bomb making equipment. Could one be a bit more specific. Pictures please..... ball bearings ok good find... or simply coincidence? Whats the motive..... lost a love suite in courts? I would really like to get to the bottom of this without the frills of explaination for dumb people.

Yeah, miles apart. Except for the shape of the head, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the eyebrows, ears. Oh wait, he got a haircut: an obvious 'frame up' then. And everybody has a number of fake passports in their posession - that's no indication of anything, right? Along with the kind of ball-bearings used and bomb making materials, while renting out 5 rooms in the crappiest part of town. Please. I know how to recognize police corruption, but these kind of statements here are just desperate denial. And your automatic implications that Thai's wouldn't care about catching the right man, are just racism on your part. Grow up and own it.


RT@vaitor: Local Thai Media stating Police raided suspects house and identified him as a Turkish national (28 years old) -http://t.co/VvFY1FjMeC


The only similarity between the photo and the picture is both have a head with ears on it.

I can't see his right ear, but his left ear looks very much like that in the identification photo...


The suspect and the photo have many similarities. Same eyebrows and ears, similar facial hair considering the time frame, the same cheek bones. If this guy had a haircut, disposed of the glasses, and did not wrinkle his brow, he seems very similar. If they found bomb making equipment as well, it would seem that this man is more than just a suspect. Everyone puts the Thais down, no police force reveals all the facts and some of you posters have so much egg on your face, you could make omelettes for the masses.

He just lost some weight.

The passport is fake guys, just checked my passport. It says issued in Iştanbul.

Its, Istanbul, not Iştanbul, they got that part wrong.

This is not a Turkish passport but a very quality imitation indeed.

no, it is of bad quality, there are 2 "date of expiry" lines

also, I think the smaller portrait picture should be less colorful

the vertical "turkiye" imprint below the larger photo isn't right too

very bad quality imitation

You are right. The 2 Expiry Dates is a Dead give-away.

But I do wonder if he used this Passport to get into Thailand.


Arm Chair critics. The majority of these post are blatantly bias, derogatory and racist. You call it Thainese - I call it Thainese bashing. As a westerner I'm pretty appalled and disgusted with what I read on this forum. The majority of you should return to your native countries as you have no consideration, compassion, understanding or respect of your host / adopted country. I do believe the country you call home is not what you remember if it ever was what depict it to be. If it was SO good why are you in Thailand ?

How many of you ARE former Police Detectives or Agents of special services of and for your native country ?? Only those that are can offer expertise opinion. The rest of you watch to much CSI; The Bill; FBI or the Bourne Identity trilogy to base your vast worldly knowledge of outspoken ill informed opinion on. Your posts are if not more than a pathetic indictment of your pathetic and sorry miserable lives but plausible for a poor excuse of entertainment.

I'm glad I don't know any of you as I would much rather call a Thai a friend than any of you.

Calm down and dont drink anymore today ...

BTW its called "Thainess", not "Thainese" ...gigglem.gif


Still thinking this is a case of,

"You wait here Ahmed. Take care of the apartment. We will be back as soon as things calm down. And clean yourself up. You look like hell."

I think this may be very astute.


RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


Why does it say date of expiry two times?

Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

The passport is valid for 10 years. re-read it.

This is a fair point, looking at my own passport, not only does it say 'Date of Issue' and 'Date of Exipry' but the date of expiry is normally one day before the date of issue, so if issue was the 5th day of the month, expiry date will be the 4th... this might reasonably suggest a forged document.

No. In my EU passport the day is the same.


RT@vaitor: Local Thai Media stating Police raided suspects house and identified him as a Turkish national (28 years old) -http://t.co/VvFY1FjMeC


The similarities are miles apart.... I just hope they got the real culprit. It would be a waste of justice to see it slip, simply because they want to get someone they fabricate a case. Bomb making equipment. Could one be a bit more specific. Pictures please..... ball bearings ok good find... or simply coincidence? Whats the motive..... lost a love suite in courts? I would really like to get to the bottom of this without the frills of explaination for dumb people.

Yeah, miles apart. Except for the shape of the head, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the eyebrows, ears, skin tone. And everybody has a number of fake passports in their posession, along with the kind of ball-bearings used and bomb making materials. You talk about 'dumb people'? Please.

Except Police Lt. Gen Prawut has just told reporters the arrested man is not the BangkokBlast bomber but "thought to have connection to whomever responsible” - so any perceived likeness in these images is moot.


RT@Ryn_writes: A journalist asked if the man is scapegoat, Gen Somyos asked which outlet he's from and told him to get out, saying 'uncreative question.

Well, I have got to give the reporter credit for having the balls to ask the question!


From BBC, reporting that General Chaktip said "We found dozens of passports inside his room."

In the second photo of the suspect today, his angular cheekbones and jaw, and slightly rounded nose look almost identical to the guy in the CCTV dropping off the bag. Most normal people don't have dozens of passports or bomb-making things in their room. I think they've got the right guy.

If this is the right guy, I offer my humble congratulations and thanks to the Royal Thai Police for locating this murderer and preventing further atrocities.

'In the second photo of the suspect today, his angular cheekbones and jaw, and slightly rounded nose look almost identical to the guy in the CCTV dropping off the bag."

Nice call. The only thing I got from watching the video several times was what a long angular jaw the guy had. When the sketch came out, I thought, well, OK, but that is not the guy's long jaw. But look at the new photo and imagine what he would look like without the two weeks of beard. (and new hair cut?) That's the jaw in the video.


Incredible. Thailand would rather arrest the wrong guy and say 'we got him" than actually arrest a Thai person responsible...it is incredible how important saving face is


The passport is fake guys, just checked my passport. It says issued in Iştanbul.

Its, Istanbul, not Iştanbul, they got that part wrong.

This is not a Turkish passport but a very quality imitation indeed.

no, it is of bad quality, there are 2 "date of expiry" lines

also, I think the smaller portrait picture should be less colorful

the vertical "turkiye" imprint below the larger photo isn't right too

very bad quality imitation

You are right. The 2 Expiry Dates is a Dead give-away.

But I do wonder if he used this Passport to get into Thailand.

Why? So you can hold court on your opinion on the buffoons at the Thai Immigration desks?

Probably got them all in a job lot down KSR.


RT@vaitor: Local Thai Media stating Police raided suspects house and identified him as a Turkish national (28 years old) -http://t.co/VvFY1FjMeC


The similarities are miles apart.... I just hope they got the real culprit. It would be a waste of justice to see it slip, simply because they want to get someone they fabricate a case. Bomb making equipment. Could one be a bit more specific. Pictures please..... ball bearings ok good find... or simply coincidence? Whats the motive..... lost a love suite in courts? I would really like to get to the bottom of this without the frills of explaination for dumb people.

Yeah, miles apart. Except for the shape of the head, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the eyebrows, ears, skin tone. And everybody has a number of fake passports in their posession, along with the kind of ball-bearings used and bomb making materials. You talk about 'dumb people'? Please.

Haven't the authorities already said he is not the Erawan bomber?


RT@vaitor: Local Thai Media stating Police raided suspects house and identified him as a Turkish national (28 years old) -http://t.co/VvFY1FjMeC


The similarities are miles apart.... I just hope they got the real culprit. It would be a waste of justice to see it slip, simply because they want to get someone they fabricate a case. Bomb making equipment. Could one be a bit more specific. Pictures please..... ball bearings ok good find... or simply coincidence? Whats the motive..... lost a love suite in courts? I would really like to get to the bottom of this without the frills of explaination for dumb people.

Yeah, miles apart. Except for the shape of the head, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the eyebrows, ears, skin tone. And everybody has a number of fake passports in their posession, along with the kind of ball-bearings used and bomb making materials. You talk about 'dumb people'? Please.

Except Police Lt. Gen Prawut has just told reporters the arrested man is not the BangkokBlast bomber but "thought to have connection to whomever responsible” - so any perceived likeness in these images is moot.

They just need to make a few adjustments to the police drawing... case solved.


You guys probably dont judge a country based on one man, but Thais surely do. I went a hotel with my Israeli friend, we were denied a room because he had a Israeli passport. Apparently that hotel doesn't allow Israelis because some Israeli tourist stole some items from the room and fled without paying before. And this is just one example.

And plus, I reitirate my stance, the guy is not Turkish

Can you see the irony of what you're saying?

Judging all Thais because of one Thai hotel receptionist.clap2.gif

You know what ? He probably can't see the irony ! cheesy.gif


From BBC, reporting that General Chaktip said "We found dozens of passports inside his room."

In the second photo of the suspect today, his angular cheekbones and jaw, and slightly rounded nose look almost identical to the guy in the CCTV dropping off the bag. Most normal people don't have dozens of passports or bomb-making things in their room. I think they've got the right guy.

If this is the right guy, I offer my humble congratulations and thanks to the Royal Thai Police for locating this murderer and preventing further atrocities.

'In the second photo of the suspect today, his angular cheekbones and jaw, and slightly rounded nose look almost identical to the guy in the CCTV dropping off the bag."

Nice call. The only thing I got from watching the video several times was what a long angular jaw the guy had. When the sketch came out, I thought, well, OK, but that is not the guy's long jaw. But look at the new photo and imagine what he would look like without the two weeks of beard. (and new hair cut?) That's the jaw in the video.

Sure about that Sherlock ?

Except Police Lt. Gen Prawut has just told reporters the arrested man is not the BangkokBlast bomber but "thought to have connection to whomever


we do not judge a whole country and its people on one man , at least not the majority of us...

"The majority"...cheesy.gif ...the TV faithful judge the whole Thai nation on daily basis after bar fining a Thai slapper the night before

The majority of TV posters are not judgemental clap2.gif ....may I humbly suggest you read TV a bit more....Thai's, Chinese, Russians, Indians all targets of TV tolerant ,impartial, non bigoted membersrolleyes.gif


She wasn't a slapper. She was the cashiers sister.

Thank you.

PS. She was from Chiang Rai as well.

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