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Police: Suspect in custody unlikely to be Bangkok shrine bomber


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So now the police will get a second reward once they find the real bad foreighner as first one is now nul and void

Try & keep up. This was the second guy. (from or not from Cambodia) the first one was the guy hiding in in a room near Minburi, tracked down by rigorous & remorseless checking of cellphone records. But, HE was the one they paid themselves the the reward money for. They didn't wait for the second guy. Lucky that or they might have to pay it back. Something had better stick to the first guy or they will have to pay it back. Fat chance, regardless. "Solly Too Rate now. Money gone!"

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DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-04

Could someone please explain how DNA can be separated/extracted for a match from a public vehicle and from a circulating 20 baht note? Assuming we are talking about touch and not blood/fluid samples.

I know technology has progressed in leaps and bounds, but this is mind-boggling to me.

The explanation is that this is a pathetic attempt to convince you that this is not the bomber.

DNA from a motorcycle taxi 20 BHT note that surprisingly the driver stuffed in his pocket and remembered which one it was a few days later.

Then a Taxi that dropped the guy is checked for prints and DNA after it has carried how many othe passengers around BK?

If blame were to be on the Uighurs then the jaunta have to assume some responsibility and loose face big time.

Note! have we heard of any attempt for an ID from the Taxi drivers.

Note! the passport could be verified as legit in five minutes by the Chinese embassy, Thai police were quick to match prints but can't check a passport.

They are covering up for their blunder and saving face for China as well.

No doubt the guy will be silenced or commit suicide in his cell before he can say more.

He will get the death penalty if he does not have a nasty accident but I don't think you will hear much from this guy in the future.

Another point is that they do not know the DNA of the bomber they have no DNA from the bomb site and only poluted if that at all DNA form persons unknown.

A farcical situation getting more like the three stooges every day.

The Three Stooges would be classed as geniuses compared to the fiasco being played out with this investigation.

DNA from a Bht 20 note - come on now - that's a better story than the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Snow White, Micky Mouse a et al all rolled into one fantasy comedy.

Edited by Artisi
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DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-04

Could someone please explain how DNA can be separated/extracted for a match from a public vehicle and from a circulating 20 baht note? Assuming we are talking about touch and not blood/fluid samples.

I know technology has progressed in leaps and bounds, but this is mind-boggling to me.

No need to explain it.

This is the Bullsh!t they feed the people and they expect falangs to fall in line.

DNA off a 20B bill & off the seat of a taxi please RTP give me a break.coffee1.gif

DNA = Don't Need Accuracy

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Sources of DNA

blood.gif Blood is an excellent source of human DNA. DNA is present in white blood cells of humans, but not red blood cells which lack nuclei. A dime-sized spot of blood, approximately 50 µl in volume, is enough DNA for a typical VNTR analysis. sperm.gif DNA from sperm heads is usually the most important source of DNA evidence for sexual assault cases. Five µl of semen contains approximately the same amount of DNA as 50 µl of blood. Special extraction methods are required to release DNA from sperm heads. Consequently sexual assault samples can be differentially extracted. The first extraction yields primarily DNA from epithelial cells of the victim, and the second extraction yields primarily semen DNA. Note the difference between the "female" and "male" fractions of the sexual assault evidence inProblem 7. saliva.gif Saliva contains cellular material. DNA can be extracted from bite marks, cigarette butts, postage stamps on envelopes, and envelope flaps for DNA analysis. In fact, the "Unabomber" was convicted partially on DNA evidence from a letter-bomb he mailed that did not explode. hair.gif The hair follicle at the base of human hairs contains cellular material rich in DNA. In order to be used for DNA analysis, the hair must have been pulled from the body -- hairs that have been broken off do not contain DNA. tissue.gif Any body tissue that has not been degraded is a potential source of DNA. bone.gif Bone is one of the best sources of DNA from decomposed human remains. Even after the flesh is decomposed, DNA can often be obtained from demineralized bone. DNA from bone has been used to identify the repatrioted bones from Vietnam era servicemen, and the remains of the White Russian Romanov family who were executed during the Bolsheviek revolution. tooth.gif Like bones, teeth can also be an excellent source of DNA, long after the rest of the body has decomposed. urine.gif Urine itself does not contain DNA, but it may contain epithelial cells, which do contain DNA. Most healthy individuals, however, do not excrete epithelial cells in their urine.

It seems the latest police motormouth needs to curb his enthusiasm somewhat.

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Do not know that a 20 Baht bill from a public people transporter, which plugged into a purse for days, (fortunate that the driver can clearly remember precisely this 20 Baht note), probably touched by hundreds of people, they can extract DNA.

However, the DNA could be from someone else.
On this basis, to draw the conclusion that the suspect is not the bomber, appear undecided here.

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I was not one of those TV members who said kill the bomber, hang him etc.

I was sceptical, and wrote that the REAL bomber was Lucky, so lucky that he is the luckiest lucky man alive, watching and not believing that BIB are running after a wrong trail.

So lucky he will strike again, they always do.

Time to light up a lucky strike.

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He is unlikely to be Turkish as well, the guy looks more Thai compared to Turkish lol.

For example the famous Turkish billionare Cem uzan, typical Turk.


Head of Grey Wolves, another typical Turk


But according to them, this is Turkish!


Turkish my arse

Uigher aint Turk is it?

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It's him! We're not sure it's him. It's probably him. Maybe it's not him. It's unlikely to be him. Oh well, TiT, RTP, NCPO,ToT, aso... BS?

He's a Turk, for sure! Pssst, sorry Gen' we haven't yet asked the Turks, and he has a Chinese passport. What? S..t! Why doesn't anybody give me correct information!? Enough! Send Gen' X (the Assistant Foreign Minister) to Bejing at once, and let 'big brother' China tell me what I should say to the press!

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Do not know that a 20 Baht bill from a public people transporter, which plugged into a purse for days, (fortunate that the driver can clearly remember precisely this 20 Baht note), probably touched by hundreds of people, they can extract DNA.

However, the DNA could be from someone else.

On this basis, to draw the conclusion that the suspect is not the bomber, appear undecided here.

You forget the local expertise in DNA research, as shown by the KT affair...

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DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html


-- The Nation 2015-09-04

(pure fiction:) 'You, bunch of lame donkeys, didn't I tell you to send those samples to the same guys who did the KT DNA tests for us!? At least they know the answers we want! Aah, can't trust anyone, should do everything by myself here, and that so close to my retirement, what a world is this, unbelievable!'

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He is unlikely to be Turkish as well, the guy looks more Thai compared to Turkish lol.

For example the famous Turkish billionare Cem uzan, typical Turk.


Head of Grey Wolves, another typical Turk


But according to them, this is Turkish!


Turkish my arse

maybe they mean turkic.

Also what's the difference between german and germanic language like english?

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The police is certain of this because his DNA was found in the two apartments on the outskirts of Bangkok from where bomb making materials were also found, Prawut said.

Oh yeah, because we all know how good the RTP are at handling DNA, About as good as they are at handling English.

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Do not know that a 20 Baht bill from a public people transporter, which plugged into a purse for days, (fortunate that the driver can clearly remember precisely this 20 Baht note), probably touched by hundreds of people, they can extract DNA.

However, the DNA could be from someone else.

On this basis, to draw the conclusion that the suspect is not the bomber, appear undecided here.

Well unless the 20 baht bill was in the bomber's mouth or he bled on it or something, there isn't going to be any DNA on it from him or anyone. The police are lying when they say they found DNA from a bill. They didn't find any DNA in a cab either.

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My bet when the cop says DNA he means fingerprints. They maybe got a print from the taxi and the note that were the same amongst many others and this guys print does not match. Lucky break to get finger prints from both places but lucky breaks do happen.

They should employ me to do their press releases. :)

Oh and it is unsafe to travel anywhere in the world these days. But Thais are going to have to pick up their game and start investigating foreigners residing in the country a bit more so that this sort of misuse of their country for people trafficking does not take place. Dont be surprised when they introduce finger print readers in the future. Simplist way to catch people with multiple passports.

Gee in CSI they match photos in a few seconds on a computer before the commercial break.

To be honest with all the people visiting Thailand they are going to have to be less trusting and be a bit more proactive. There are lessons to be learnt here so that this does not happen again.

Lets take a look at the Uyghers in particular they have now gone and made it worse for themselves. They have been linked to the attack of the Thai embassy in Turkey and this bombing. They have hit the radar of world intelligence services.

Read this: http://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/thailand-uyghurs-07092015085045.html

You will see all the links necessary to understand the background of this story. If they are turkish they go to Turkey if they are Chinese they go back to the chinese. See why they had a lot of fake passports??? See why they want to be Turkish?

See why the Chinese consider them a dangerous insurgency and counter revolutionary?

Read between the lines and you will find Chinese Uyghers all the way. Why Erawan is your only question left? Senseless piece of work.

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Lol, this affair is absolutely incredible...

Btw Luke, you seem to be overly sensitive about there being some turkish connection, are you trying to prove something?

Get over it

My friend got interrogated for 20 mins yesterday in Suvarbhumi because he carries a Turkish passport sad.png

I got interrogated for 20 minutes by British police at London Heathrow in 1998.

USA passport & I'm as Caucasian as they get.

Zero tattoos & I was dressed nicely, in a business class lounge.

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My bet when the cop says DNA he means fingerprints. They maybe got a print from the taxi and the note that were the same amongst many others and this guys print does not match. Lucky break to get finger prints from both places but lucky breaks do happen.

They should employ me to do their press releases. smile.png

Oh and it is unsafe to travel anywhere in the world these days. But Thais are going to have to pick up their game and start investigating foreigners residing in the country a bit more so that this sort of misuse of their country for people trafficking does not take place. Dont be surprised when they introduce finger print readers in the future. Simplist way to catch people with multiple passports.

Gee in CSI they match photos in a few seconds on a computer before the commercial break.

To be honest with all the people visiting Thailand they are going to have to be less trusting and be a bit more proactive. There are lessons to be learnt here so that this does not happen again.

Lets take a look at the Uyghers in particular they have now gone and made it worse for themselves. They have been linked to the attack of the Thai embassy in Turkey and this bombing. They have hit the radar of world intelligence services.

Read this: http://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/thailand-uyghurs-07092015085045.html

You will see all the links necessary to understand the background of this story. If they are turkish they go to Turkey if they are Chinese they go back to the chinese. See why they had a lot of fake passports??? See why they want to be Turkish?

See why the Chinese consider them a dangerous insurgency and counter revolutionary?

Read between the lines and you will find Chinese Uyghers all the way. Why Erawan is your only question left? Senseless piece of work.

"They should employ me to do their press releases. smile.png"

They should employ somebody........else (besides them) to do their press releases for sure,

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He is unlikely to be Turkish as well, the guy looks more Thai compared to Turkish lol.

For example the famous Turkish billionare Cem uzan, typical Turk.


Head of Grey Wolves, another typical Turk


But according to them, this is Turkish!


Turkish my arse

Not Turkish. Turkish-speaking Uyghur, from northwestern China.

Google image results for "Uyghur man"


Edited by SpoliaOpima
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They have a picture of the bangkok bomber. Compare his face with the suspect. Is it really that complicated to use facial recognition software? It's great these morons got the reward money and still the bomber, the guy who committed the crime is out and about. TIT.

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Does this mean the police have to give back the reward now?


And I hope to Christ your avatar is not a selfie !


All the TV detective squad knew that already biggrin.png

That's right, the case was closed by TVF branch of Sukhumvit Yard days ago. I wish the RTP would keep up. biggrin.png

Funny the same could be said about your avatar!

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Come on give the police a break here, They have found several men iinvolved in the bombing , bombing material , just not that guy in yellow t-shirt. Is it so hard to understand ?

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