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Elton John: I want to meet Putin over gay rights

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Tep2 you and Elton John and his like minded LGBT crowd should, imho, be prepared for the coming

backlash because I believe the silent majority of this world are sick to the back teeth of being told what

is or isn't acceptable to them by a bunch of moronic misfits. We do not believe you, we do not think

your behaviour is normal and we do not want our kids to think it is normal, so please go and do what

you wish to do in private and stop pushing your unwanted ideology on normal human beings. I believe

the PC brigade are in for a wake up call too and not before time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,

not just minorities.

Thank you so much for the warning. I will start my preparations immediately to fight off maybe even dozens of boozy and toothless old septuaganarian whiteys in their zimmer frames commaing at me mumbling incoherently about PC...PC..PC before their tickers shut down and we are finally rid of these old bastards. You will of course wear your tam o shanter and your kilt to give us the opportunity to see what you've got in case their is a gust of wind.

http://www.gallup.com/poll/183272/record-high-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx I don't think it gets any clearer than that Gallup Report. 60% for those of you too durnk or old to comprehend is in fact a majority. Prove me wrong. Prove Gallup wrong. Show me the silent majority. You cannot. It is in your dreams. Your time is well and truly past. You and that other UK ethnic minority from the East End. Your views are now marginal and marginalised. No one is listening. No one cares. The issue is resolved. Modern western democracies are now going to be inclusive racially, ethnically and now in terms of sexual identity. Get over it.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif In your dreams. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You made me go and find your post on my PC because my ipad doesn't do animated emoticons. That is very clever. Of course I am a traditonalist. I tend to use words to convey thoughts and emotions. I am not a 13 year old girl and have no need of these cartoons.

Can you please clarify your statements on my fantasies? It is about seeing up your kilt? From your TVF name, I guess you're a red. Sorry but not into that. You certainly couldn't be commenting on the Gallup Report. That is actual data. Real information that directly confronts, refutes and destroys your claim about the silent majority fed up t the back teeth with gay stuff. It is only those with no back teeth, the boozy old beer bar bums that you are talking about surely. You know the ones who prove their manliness every month when the pension check arrives and they entertain a lady who goes with them because of their straightness and virility.

You used to have a collaborator back a few years ago on the anti-gay postings. What happened? Dead I guess. Oh Well. You have new friends here. Straight guys who are centred emotionally and sexually have no need to hang out on gay themed threads and post hate speech. Why are you here? Why are the other couple of trolls here? Why is it so important for you and them to attract the attention of LGBT people?

I can't think why but I find myself feeling sorry for you but I am very grateful that I will not have your company in the

pub every week when I pick up my pension you are imho a very sad person.

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Tep2 you and Elton John and his like minded LGBT crowd should, imho, be prepared for the coming
backlash because I believe the silent majority of this world are sick to the back teeth of being told what
is or isn't acceptable to them by a bunch of moronic misfits. We do not believe you, we do not think
your behaviour is normal and we do not want our kids to think it is normal, so please go and do what
you wish to do in private and stop pushing your unwanted ideology on normal human beings. I believe
the PC brigade are in for a wake up call too and not before time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion,
not just minorities.

Thank you so much for the warning. I will start my preparations immediately to fight off maybe even dozens of boozy and toothless old septuaganarian whiteys in their zimmer frames commaing at me mumbling incoherently about PC...PC..PC before their tickers shut down and we are finally rid of these old bastards. You will of course wear your tam o shanter and your kilt to give us the opportunity to see what you've got in case their is a gust of wind.

http://www.gallup.com/poll/183272/record-high-americans-support-sex-marriage.aspx I don't think it gets any clearer than that Gallup Report. 60% for those of you too durnk or old to comprehend is in fact a majority. Prove me wrong. Prove Gallup wrong. Show me the silent majority. You cannot. It is in your dreams. Your time is well and truly past. You and that other UK ethnic minority from the East End. Your views are now marginal and marginalised. No one is listening. No one cares. The issue is resolved. Modern western democracies are now going to be inclusive racially, ethnically and now in terms of sexual identity. Get over it.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif In your dreams. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You made me go and find your post on my PC because my ipad doesn't do animated emoticons. That is very clever. Of course I am a traditonalist. I tend to use words to convey thoughts and emotions. I am not a 13 year old girl and have no need of these cartoons.

Can you please clarify your statements on my fantasies? It is about seeing up your kilt? From your TVF name, I guess you're a red. Sorry but not into that. You certainly couldn't be commenting on the Gallup Report. That is actual data. Real information that directly confronts, refutes and destroys your claim about the silent majority fed up t the back teeth with gay stuff. It is only those with no back teeth, the boozy old beer bar bums that you are talking about surely. You know the ones who prove their manliness every month when the pension check arrives and they entertain a lady who goes with them because of their straightness and virility.

You used to have a collaborator back a few years ago on the anti-gay postings. What happened? Dead I guess. Oh Well. You have new friends here. Straight guys who are centred emotionally and sexually have no need to hang out on gay themed threads and post hate speech. Why are you here? Why are the other couple of trolls here? Why is it so important for you and them to attract the attention of LGBT people?

I can't think why but I find myself feeling sorry for you but I am very grateful that I will not have your company in the
pub every week when I pick up my pension you are imho a very sad person.

You are not following Admins request of:- I strongly suggest that you stick to the topic and cease the personal remarks toward others.

Elton and Vladimir.

Love wins!

But not in Russia.

Putin knows what you all love,and will not allow it.And he is right.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Well thats a step in the right direction,I must admit one gets a bit fed-up of being insulted all the time,when stating ones veiws.Why are you all so touchy on the subject?


Elton and Vladimir.

Love wins!

But not in Russia.

Putin knows what you all love,and will not allow it.And he is right.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Ignore lists are for wussies............


Elton and Vladimir.

Love wins!

But not in Russia.

Putin knows what you all love,and will not allow it.And he is right.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Ignore lists are for wussies............

Why waste time reading worthless bigoted baiting noise?

Once you've read one I hate gays because they're not "normal" and they are a danger to children post -- you've read them all.

Welcome. (So don't bother responding.)


I can't think why but I find myself feeling sorry for you but I am very grateful that I will not have your company in the

pub every week when I pick up my pension you are imho a very sad person.

Thank you for telling me that I occupy so much of your thoughts. Particularly after the very posting that issues a warning against personally directed postings.

I don't think white people should make judgements about and comment on the lives of black people. I don't think men should write books about how women behave. At least not without some credibility, whether it be by research or collaborative writing or whatever. Straight people commenting on the lives of gay people is equally insidious. Straight peopel who cannot see past their own prejudices and fears of their own sexuality have no idea about the lives of LGBT people. Everyone thought they knew Bruce Jenner until he became Caitlin. So all the hate being put on Elton John is meaningless, bigoted and incendiary speech that merely serves to hide the insecurities of the people making such statements.

An no, human sexuality is not a matter of opinion. Diminishing a person becuase of their gender identity does not fall in the category of 'just my opinion'. It is hate speech and is being criminalised.

So let Elton John express himself and his views. Is he a leader of the LGBT community? In a way, in so far that LGBT culture has emerged and developed as a body politic then high profile people attain leadership roles by a variety of means. Is it legitimate for Elton John to tackle Putin on gay rights? Absolutely. Others take on different issues. Some take on the Bachmans of this world and their torture clinics that attempt to 'cure' gay people. Othres take on the religious bigots and their love the xinner but not the sin hypocrisy. Will Elton John get anywhere? Who knows. Good on him for trying. He has entertained untold millons of people for decades. He is a survivor. He has endured a life consistent with the experience of many LGBT people in dealing with shame and functioning within a society structured to generate that shame.

Your posting is not worthy of a response. But you got one.Your views on my life are meaningless to me and other members besides being off topic. I am glad that I have lived long enough to see people like you being put back in your place. Three posts and you surrendered by sinking into personal invective. Pretty piss poor effort.

Oh, I deleted the previous posts to get rid of those stupid cartoons that screw up the formatting on my ipad.


The Rocket Man responds to the prank concerning the Steal Crimea Man:


Pranks are funny.

Homophobia, however is never funny.

I love Russia and my offer to talk to President Putin about LGBT rights still stands. I will always stand up for those that are being degraded and discriminated against.

If this unfortunate incident has helped push this vital issue back into the spotlight, then I am happy to be pranked on this occasion.

Elton and Vladimir.

Love wins!

But not in Russia.

Putin knows what you all love,and will not allow it.And he is right.

you can be homo as much as you want in Russia. You are not allowed to promote it to children.


Elton and Vladimir.

Love wins!

But not in Russia.

Putin knows what you all love,and will not allow it.And he is right.

you can be homo as much as you want in Russia. You are not allowed to promote it to children.

Wrong end of the stick..... we know that.... Good he will not allow it to be promoted to kids. Should be like that in the rest of the world.

Enough is Enough

  • 2 weeks later...

Not a normal way of life?

Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

Yes,but still not norm to be shirt lifters.


Not a normal way of life?

Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

Yes,but still not norm to be shirt lifters.

You have zero authority to declare what is or is not normal. You have the guts to say this in real life and face the consequences? I would doubt it.


Not a normal way of life?

Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

Yes,but still not norm to be shirt lifters.

You have zero authority to declare what is or is not normal. You have the guts to say this in real life and face the consequences? I would doubt it.

I do!! I being norm. Not Homo. Putin is 100% right


Not a normal way of life?

Gay people have been around since humans climbed down from the trees.

Attitudes towards homosexuality change from century to century and location to location.

The Spartan and Athenian phalanxes, which in their day, were unbeatable was mainly composed of homosexual couples who fought fanatically for each other.

Yes,but still not norm to be shirt lifters.

You have zero authority to declare what is or is not normal. You have the guts to say this in real life and face the consequences? I would doubt it.

Well Well Well . I would never of beleived it !!! I feel truly sorry for you. There is nothing wrong,in being right. Nothing wrong with being homophobic

  • 2 weeks later...


I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

Your reason being...?

You know what I mean,,,, As for being called a bigot, The boot is well and truly on the other foot. Elton John, nothing but a good for nothing pop singer,thats all.

Good for a few million I would say. I wish I was a few bob behind him.

Money!! Whats that got to do with it?


About as much as bigotism
  • 1 month later...

I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

Your reason being...?

Bigots need no reason.

Elton John is getting feisty in his old age. Good for him.

Why bigots, People have the right to their opinion , The thing is not everyone sees lebian , homosexuals as normal, thats their choice and opinion, But society does not allow them any say, becasue lesbians and homosexuals try and convince people that it's a natural act, again their opinion , but as soon as some says i disagree i think it's not normal they get slated becasue they should except that it's the norm. Maybe i am a bigot to,


I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

Your reason being...?

Bigots need no reason.

Elton John is getting feisty in his old age. Good for him.

Why bigots, People have the right to their opinion , The thing is not everyone sees lebian , homosexuals as normal, thats their choice and opinion, But society does not allow them any say, becasue lesbians and homosexuals try and convince people that it's a natural act, again their opinion , but as soon as some says i disagree i think it's not normal they get slated becasue they should except that it's the norm. Maybe i am a bigot to,

Yes you are quite right that people do have a right to their opinion even if their opinion is bigoted. Intelligence is not for all it seems.


I agree with Putin. These days anything involving this kind of thing, is a danger to our children.

Your reason being...?

Bigots need no reason.

Elton John is getting feisty in his old age. Good for him.

Why bigots, People have the right to their opinion , The thing is not everyone sees lebian , homosexuals as normal, thats their choice and opinion, But society does not allow them any say, becasue lesbians and homosexuals try and convince people that it's a natural act, again their opinion , but as soon as some says i disagree i think it's not normal they get slated becasue they should except that it's the norm. Maybe i am a bigot to,

You asked the question, so I will answer it. Yes, you are a bigot.

Very simple test. Would you say having black skin is not normal to a black person? Would you say having red hair is not normal to a Ginger? Would you say having brown eyes is not normal? I doubt your answer is yes. If so, then there is no point discussing this issue further. If your answer is no, then why on earth would you say that being LGBT is not normal? Jus because your are not one? It is certainly normal for them/us.

I maintain that speech such as yours will become criminalised in the future. It is currently offensive but I look forward to the day when people stop believing that it is an opinion, to which they have a right, but a fallacious stereotype that contributes to the dysfunction of LGBT people within society. And it should be punished. Just like other anti-social behaviour.


Well I wouldn't like to see bigoted opinions criminalized but when such bigotry is acted out to hurt people, that should be illegal.

But how can you crimilise ignorance and stupidity?


Well I wouldn't like to see bigoted opinions criminalized but when such bigotry is acted out to hurt people, that should be illegal.

But how can you crimilise ignorance and stupidity?

You can't. But you can pass non-discrimination laws in vital areas such as employment, housing, and public accommodation.


Well I wouldn't like to see bigoted opinions criminalized but when such bigotry is acted out to hurt people, that should be illegal.

But how can you crimilise ignorance and stupidity?

You can't. But you can pass non-discrimination laws in vital areas such as employment, housing, and public accommodation.

Exactly. My home state of South Australia passed such legislation in 1984 Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA) - South Australian Legislation As a public official, I was required to be trained in this legislation to ensure employment practices complied with its provisions.

Perhaps criminalising hate speech is slightly over-reaching, however there are laws in the UK that criminalise hate speech directed at other religions. But you are correct, non-discrimination laws would be sufficient. Most of the new generation accept this as a matter of course. So then you are just left with the grumpy old loonies who have a prurient interest in commenting on gay related issues for some reason (that we all know).

Your reason being...?
Bigots need no reason.

Elton John is getting feisty in his old age. Good for him.

Why bigots, People have the right to their opinion , The thing is not everyone sees lebian , homosexuals as normal, thats their choice and opinion, But society does not allow them any say, becasue lesbians and homosexuals try and convince people that it's a natural act, again their opinion , but as soon as some says i disagree i think it's not normal they get slated becasue they should except that it's the norm. Maybe i am a bigot to,

You asked the question, so I will answer it. Yes, you are a bigot.

Very simple test. Would you say having black skin is not normal to a black person? Would you say having red hair is not normal to a Ginger? Would you say having brown eyes is not normal? I doubt your answer is yes. If so, then there is no point discussing this issue further. If your answer is no, then why on earth would you say that being LGBT is not normal? Jus because your are not one? It is certainly normal for them/us.

I maintain that speech such as yours will become criminalised in the future. It is currently offensive but I look forward to the day when people stop believing that it is an opinion, to which they have a right, but a fallacious stereotype that contributes to the dysfunction of LGBT people within society. And it should be punished. Just like other anti-social behaviour.

A distorted view in my opinion , This attitude starts wars. again using threats to make people do as you think.

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