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Two dead in police chase, angry mob of people protest in Thalang

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Surely, we should leave it up to the Police Investigation Unit to sort out the facts?

In case anyone didn't get my point earlier about the Thai riot police looking like they were recently dragged off the street and dressed in ill fitting and non matching shirts please see comparison image.

First picture observation - Steely eyed and focused coppers taking everything very seriously. They have just had their breakfast of coffin nails and gasoline and are ready to repel any would be rioters with their impenetrable line ... Rioters will likely be thinking, "not that bothered about it really, I'm off home"

Second picture observation - Just woke up, not sure what time it is and would like to have a snooze before we start... Rioters will likely be thinking "bring it on!"




I find it interesting that so many posts act like this just happens in Thailand, and not in their home countries.

That has to be sarcasm ???

Police firing guns in the street and hitting bystanders ?? Not with any regularity (not being american).

Police killing people in wild street chases done by police with no driver education or training ??

700 strong mobs smashing up police stations ??

Cops cowering in fear upstairs while vehicles get burned ??

No.. This doesnt happen in the country who issues me my passport.. If it happens in yours I wonder where you come from.

My passport is from Australia and off the top of my head i recall 2 incedents one in redfern and one in macquarie fields of riots after fatal police chases

Ironically, each of those Australian incidents actually affected change for the better. Public shock was translated into policy review and social change affected. That won't happen in Thailand.

You could probably have added Cronulla 2005 to that list, though latterly the radicalization of portions of the Muslim fraternity has set back any gains there.

Thalang however; if the rioters know something more than a bad end to a police chase we will hear of it ,and it can be dealt with, [ie police corruption as some here suggest].

If it just was a tragic outcome to recalcitrant youths disobeying authority, then the public thinking they have prerogative to burn a police station down is more than lawlessness and needs policy attention at the highest levels because that is symptomatic of a society out of control.


Surely, we should leave it up to the Police Investigation Unit to sort out the facts?

.....and after all that investigation...... did you also claim the reward for all the hard investigating????


Paris, Malmo, London, L.A and many other towns/cities have suffered the same on an even larger scale because certain groups of communities regard policing as harassment and believe they can go about their daily life of crime without interference. Its not a Phuket thing and compared to other riots worldwide is quite miniscule.


Love it video shows clearly police not repeat not at fault so what happens on here bend the facts to still make it look like a police cover up. Priceless any excuse to Thai bash makes me giggle all day thanks. Oh news Flash two die in a motorbike chase in Lincolnshire England after bike refused to stop at police request, latest on the case Thaivisa users are blaming the Thai Police.


Drugs, possession of or not does not come into the equation. Suspects refuse to stop, decide to do a runner, crash (into a police car on the wrong side of the road or not - irrelevant), and die. What is the problem/story here. Rider of the scooter is 100% completely at fault for the refusal to stop and hedging his bets on a getaway. He lost. He died. End of.


If they were drug dealers, and if they were fleeing, then no sympathy is due. Presumably the rioters were friends and relatives. Reminiscent of scenes some years ago, when two Hartcliffe, Bristol morons stole a police motorcycle, then crashed it while fleeing the police, and killed themselves. Lo and behold, there was a night and day of riots.


Seems as though the locals are acting like ''Animals''.., which is not really a suprise, giving the general ''IQ'' .....

What they are doing won't bring justice, if the Kids sped away , they must of for a reason..

Those "animals" might have saved up anger over years of extortions and injustice.

The kids indeed sped away for a reason - but we don't know what reason.

PS Thais do not lack in IQ, as there are no differences in IQ between races.

EQ, emotional intelligence, now that is a different story - EQ is determined by education and culture.

Actually you're incorrect. Study after study has found that the general IQ of Thais is lower compared to people in other countries. It's not a racial, but cultural and crap education. After every new poor showing in national IQ studies, the government promises some type of new scheme to smarten the kids here.

We have had this topic before - the whole concept of IQ is deeply flawed - ( the whole idea was dreamt up by the American military- which says volumes)

I'm sorry even though you state you are not being racial - yes you are and as always on Thaivisa demeaning the population.


Even if the police did something wrong here, and so far I have read nothing indicating that, a mob reaction like this is not justified.

I very much doubt, given the fury of that many people and that level of violence, this was simply a case of two teens being killed accidentally or otherwise. Antagonism against the police appears to have come to a boiling point over the way they've possibly conducted themselves previously. I await your usual rejoinder coffee1.gif


What proof do you have they were selling drugs to kids? What proof do you have they even had drugs on them?

According to the majority of the posters here, the police either planted drugs on them or lied about them having drugs.

I've never even seen yaba but from what I've read it's a mixture of amphetamine and caffeine. To me that sounds like the old White Crosses people used to take in the 70's to stay awake studying for finals. More caffeine than amphetamine probably. Those you could take 5 of in the afternoon and still fall asleep at midnight.

My point is even if they had 50 of those pills, if it's only a weeks worth between them, it doesn't prove they were selling them.

People sure jump to unsubstantiated conclusions here. The police report they found pills on them, no confirmation of that or even of what they really were. Until they're tested nobody inows what they were, or if they were even theirs. It's quite a jump from a police statement about finding pills, to them selling pills, to them selling to kids, to them selling to the kids of people protesting.

Great point, these basically innocuous drugs ( allegedly) found on the lads caused no problems in society when legal, but criminalize them society unravels.

On subsequent viewings of the video it does appear that a police truck crossed the center line in an attempt to cut them off.

Search the Internet for police chases. Many of the ones I've seen end with a police car cutting off the vehicle trying to escape. I've seen it done to cyclists.

Too bad the police don't have a better way of stopping people who try to avoid them but I still say the blame lies with the scooter driver who was trying to outrun the police.

If you aren't aware the police are trying to stop you, a cop trying to stop you with his foot is a good indication. The driver could have stopped, like any normal driver would have and him and his passenger would still be alive.

Yes they should have stopped, but police used excessive force and I include the attempt to kick of the motorcycle as it was moving in that assessment.

Love it video shows clearly police not repeat not at fault so what happens on here bend the facts to still make it look like a police cover up. Priceless any excuse to Thai bash makes me giggle all day thanks. Oh news Flash two die in a motorbike chase in Lincolnshire England after bike refused to stop at police request, latest on the case Thaivisa users are blaming the Thai Police.

Clearly? Not at all, watched slowly and many times I see a police truck deliberately switching lanes to act as a block, possibly even a ram. Excessive force, causing death. Already the

parents are being offered compensation so the officials concur with my view.

We have had this topic before - the whole concept of IQ is deeply flawed - ( the whole idea was dreamt up by the American military- which says volumes)

I'm sorry even though you state you are not being racial - yes you are and as always on Thaivisa demeaning the population.

Thais are not a race. Thailand is a culture that promotes blinded adherence to certain principles and does not teach children how to think independently and yes, the intelligence suffers terribly when fostered in such a vacuum of reasoning.


OK nothing I have seen on video slowed to a crawl suggests any wrong doing by police on this occasion. As for the drug issue I belive the law states it is illegal to carry or use drugs THE LAW over a certain amount you are then a supplier so to say they only had 50 or so not a big deal is rubbish and a cop out wonder if you would say the same if they sold them to your son/daughter and they died as a result of taking them????? Let's get a reality check here they ran a road block they swerved into an oncoming police car they died there fault. If they were drug dealers or if they weren't does not come into it. As for the riots after it beggars belife that some on here are actually supporting it. What next the bombing in Turkey is justified for goodness sake people look at what you write and think about it before you post . Bottom line 2 young men dead there fault rioting after out of order.


OK nothing I have seen on video slowed to a crawl suggests any wrong doing by police on this occasion. As for the drug issue I belive the law states it is illegal to carry or use drugs THE LAW over a certain amount you are then a supplier so to say they only had 50 or so not a big deal is rubbish and a cop out wonder if you would say the same if they sold them to your son/daughter and they died as a result of taking them????? Let's get a reality check here they ran a road block they swerved into an oncoming police car they died there fault. If they were drug dealers or if they weren't does not come into it. As for the riots after it beggars belife that some on here are actually supporting it. What next the bombing in Turkey is justified for goodness sake people look at what you write and think about it before you post . Bottom line 2 young men dead there fault rioting after out of order.

Where's the presumption of innocence that is the foundation of a justice system? Even if the men had drugs, (oooh nasty, evil kratom and hyped up caffeine ) the police took it upon themselves to administer justice, and then apparently did not adequately address the families concerns.

So reverse the situation, if this were your child run down and you knew the police, unless provoked would simply cover it up, how would you react?

I would also separate the legitimate protest by the families and their supporters from the hooligans who caused so much damage


OK nothing I have seen on video slowed to a crawl suggests any wrong doing by police on this occasion. As for the drug issue I belive the law states it is illegal to carry or use drugs THE LAW over a certain amount you are then a supplier so to say they only had 50 or so not a big deal is rubbish and a cop out wonder if you would say the same if they sold them to your son/daughter and they died as a result of taking them????? Let's get a reality check here they ran a road block they swerved into an oncoming police car they died there fault. If they were drug dealers or if they weren't does not come into it. As for the riots after it beggars belife that some on here are actually supporting it. What next the bombing in Turkey is justified for goodness sake people look at what you write and think about it before you post . Bottom line 2 young men dead there fault rioting after out of order.

Where's the presumption of innocence that is the foundation of a justice system? Even if the men had drugs, (oooh nasty, evil kratom and hyped up caffeine ) the police took it upon themselves to administer justice, and then apparently did not adequately address the families concerns.

So reverse the situation, if this were your child run down and you knew the police, unless provoked would simply cover it up, how would you react?

I would also separate the legitimate protest by the families and their supporters from the hooligans who caused so much damage

If it were my son or daughter, I have a hard time imagining them ignoring police instructions to stop and instead attempting to flee ... so the question assumes something extremely unlikely and basically unimaginable to begin with. But I do understand that users are just never going to see things like this quite the same way.


OK nothing I have seen on video slowed to a crawl suggests any wrong doing by police on this occasion. As for the drug issue I belive the law states it is illegal to carry or use drugs THE LAW over a certain amount you are then a supplier so to say they only had 50 or so not a big deal is rubbish and a cop out wonder if you would say the same if they sold them to your son/daughter and they died as a result of taking them????? Let's get a reality check here they ran a road block they swerved into an oncoming police car they died there fault. If they were drug dealers or if they weren't does not come into it. As for the riots after it beggars belife that some on here are actually supporting it. What next the bombing in Turkey is justified for goodness sake people look at what you write and think about it before you post . Bottom line 2 young men dead there fault rioting after out of order.

Where's the presumption of innocence that is the foundation of a justice system? Even if the men had drugs, (oooh nasty, evil kratom and hyped up caffeine ) the police took it upon themselves to administer justice, and then apparently did not adequately address the families concerns.

So reverse the situation, if this were your child run down and you knew the police, unless provoked would simply cover it up, how would you react?

I would also separate the legitimate protest by the families and their supporters from the hooligans who caused so much damage

If it were my son or daughter, I have a hard time imagining them ignoring police instructions to stop and instead attempting to flee ... so the question assumes something extremely unlikely and basically unimaginable to begin with. But I do understand that users are just never going to see things like this quite the same way.

Police corruption and harassment for monies is well known in Thailand, especially of lower income people on motorcycles. It's a documented shadow economy. Not stopping at a police checkpoint ( allegedly, there are conflicting reports ) for whatever reason, is not grounds for use of deadly force in a case where the suspects were not endangering anyone's life.

Placing a police vehicle in front of a motorcycle moving at pretty much any speed is deadly force.


OK nothing I have seen on video slowed to a crawl suggests any wrong doing by police on this occasion. As for the drug issue I belive the law states it is illegal to carry or use drugs THE LAW over a certain amount you are then a supplier so to say they only had 50 or so not a big deal is rubbish and a cop out wonder if you would say the same if they sold them to your son/daughter and they died as a result of taking them????? Let's get a reality check here they ran a road block they swerved into an oncoming police car they died there fault. If they were drug dealers or if they weren't does not come into it. As for the riots after it beggars belife that some on here are actually supporting it. What next the bombing in Turkey is justified for goodness sake people look at what you write and think about it before you post . Bottom line 2 young men dead there fault rioting after out of order.

Where's the presumption of innocence that is the foundation of a justice system? Even if the men had drugs, (oooh nasty, evil kratom and hyped up caffeine ) the police took it upon themselves to administer justice, and then apparently did not adequately address the families concerns.

So reverse the situation, if this were your child run down and you knew the police, unless provoked would simply cover it up, how would you react?

I would also separate the legitimate protest by the families and their supporters from the hooligans who caused so much damage

If it were my son or daughter, I have a hard time imagining them ignoring police instructions to stop and instead attempting to flee ... so the question assumes something extremely unlikely and basically unimaginable to begin with. But I do understand that users are just never going to see things like this quite the same way.

Police corruption and harassment for monies is well known in Thailand, especially of lower income people on motorcycles. It's a documented shadow economy. Not stopping at a police checkpoint ( allegedly, there are conflicting reports ) for whatever reason, is not grounds for use of deadly force in a case where the suspects were not endangering anyone's life.

Placing a police vehicle in front of a motorcycle moving at pretty much any speed is deadly force.

Id they're legal, also lower income people on motorcycles have no issues at police checkpoints.

Where did you read or hear about the doubt about the checkpoint stop, I can't recall reading anything about that doubt.


Presumption of innocence, do we have a rule of law based on it, or not? It seems not and it's disturbingly acceptable by many on this forum.

The threads are full of expats bemoaning police corruption, but those same posters are now prepared to accept and even cheer on the deaths of two youths by use of deadly police force for - in what so far is the only established fact- not wearing a helmet.


Presumption of innocence, do we have a rule of law based on it, or not? It seems not and it's disturbingly acceptable by many on this forum.

The threads are full of expats bemoaning police corruption, but those same posters are now prepared to accept and even cheer on the deaths of two youths by use of deadly police force for - in what so far is the only established fact- not wearing a helmet.

Good God - deadly force .... Did the Thai police use guns ... no. Did they use a vehice to block the reckless driver .... yes.

I suppose in the USA this would be considered suicide by police action ...

Me ... I think it's suicide by stupid kids ... what were they thinking about ... escape I suppose


What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them! The police should not be allowed to get away with outright murder, so sad to see this on a Sunday morning!

You saw this first hand !!! The whole thing from start to finish?? If so ok if not don't speculate on your interpretation till the facts come out

Police officers in the course of their duty have a responsibility to drive with due care and attention without exposing members of the public or themselves to unjustifiable risk. The primary role of any Police Service is protecting the safety of the public. Driving vehicles in a manner causing unjustified risk is not acceptable in any law enforcement! 2 kids died, i think that is unjustified, excuse me that is my personal opinion!


They have to be ******* joking 100 k for what .Seems the police have admitted guilt if they pay this.http://www.thephuketnews.com/police-chase-victims-families-to-get-at-least-b100-000-compensation-as-riot-investigation-continues-54495.php

Not quite correct ...

Statement says ...

Mrs Kannikar Saengthong, director-general of Rights and Freedom Protection Department of the Labour Ministry, said the department was waiting for the result of the investigating panel before paying compensation amounting to a maximum of 100,000 baht each to the relatives of the two victims.

However, she said no compensation would be paid if the victims were found to be involved in illicit drug trade.


And the boys did not wear any helmets that could have saved their lifes. It's easy to blame the police but the parents should be responsible for not giving them a proper upbringing.


What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them! The police should not be allowed to get away with outright murder, so sad to see this on a Sunday morning!

Absolutely right! It was excessive force in the extreme. Not even close to proportional to the crime being committed.

It was the "kids" (come on, one was 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!) decision to run for it, speed and pay the price. Apologists putting in a good word for criminals sicken me! sick.gif

You're not any better than those psychologist idiots who sign papers that a former rapist and child murderer is "fit to reenter society" whilst the first thing he'll do is to rape and kill yet another child.

what a stupid analogy, if they were rapist's or child murderer's escaping from the scene of a crime, then i would agree with burning their sorry asses! My point is they were 2 kids, who knows the details, maybe the 17 year old was only taking a lift home, who knows? Certainly not the police at the time of a very dangerous chase that ended with these 2 lads dead!


Love it video shows clearly police not repeat not at fault so what happens on here bend the facts to still make it look like a police cover up. Priceless any excuse to Thai bash makes me giggle all day thanks. Oh news Flash two die in a motorbike chase in Lincolnshire England after bike refused to stop at police request, latest on the case Thaivisa users are blaming the Thai Police.

How much attention have you paid.. Have you reviewed the scene photographs published on line (CSI LA has them).

Very clearly with the video zoomed you can see

1) the police truck in the wrong opposite lane

2) the boys try to drive around the truck by also then going to the opposite lane

3) the truck then swerve back impacting them

4) they crash then into the wall..

This is corroborated clearly by the impact to the front of the truck and the position of the tuck in the road next to the accident wreckage and the bodies as per the photographs.

They shouldnt have run.. But the cops caused that accident and killed the boys. Swerving into the path of a motorcycle as it tries to go past you head on is not correct practice. At the time they didnt even know if they had drugs (if they truly did).


OK nothing I have seen on video slowed to a crawl suggests any wrong doing by police on this occasion. As for the drug issue I belive the law states it is illegal to carry or use drugs THE LAW over a certain amount you are then a supplier so to say they only had 50 or so not a big deal is rubbish and a cop out wonder if you would say the same if they sold them to your son/daughter and they died as a result of taking them????? Let's get a reality check here they ran a road block they swerved into an oncoming police car they died there fault. If they were drug dealers or if they weren't does not come into it. As for the riots after it beggars belife that some on here are actually supporting it. What next the bombing in Turkey is justified for goodness sake people look at what you write and think about it before you post . Bottom line 2 young men dead there fault rioting after out of order.

Where's the presumption of innocence that is the foundation of a justice system? Even if the men had drugs, (oooh nasty, evil kratom and hyped up caffeine ) the police took it upon themselves to administer justice, and then apparently did not adequately address the families concerns.

So reverse the situation, if this were your child run down and you knew the police, unless provoked would simply cover it up, how would you react?

I would also separate the legitimate protest by the families and their supporters from the hooligans who caused so much damage

If it were my son or daughter, I have a hard time imagining them ignoring police instructions to stop and instead attempting to flee ... so the question assumes something extremely unlikely and basically unimaginable to begin with. But I do understand that users are just never going to see things like this quite the same way.

what nonsense.. At a police roadblock if for some reason I dont have my license on me or am not wearing my seatbelt and he waves me down I make like I havent seen him.. and 9 times from 10 just ride past fine.. Everyone does it.. Hope they dont look, then dont make eye contact, then look the other way if he waves..

As kids you didnt get chased by the fuzz sometimes ??

All too easy.. they dont stop at the first roadblock as normally sliding through one is routine as eating a sandwich.. Then they get chased so they run.. once running it becomes fight or flight panic to keep running.. Exactly the kind of thing teenagers do..


Presumption of innocence, do we have a rule of law based on it, or not? It seems not and it's disturbingly acceptable by many on this forum.

The threads are full of expats bemoaning police corruption, but those same posters are now prepared to accept and even cheer on the deaths of two youths by use of deadly police force for - in what so far is the only established fact- not wearing a helmet.

Good God - deadly force .... Did the Thai police use guns ... no. Did they use a vehice to block the reckless driver .... yes.

I suppose in the USA this would be considered suicide by police action ...

Me ... I think it's suicide by stupid kids ... what were they thinking about ... escape I suppose

But thats it.. they are kids !! Kids do dumb stuff like run from the cops when they are not wearing a helmet..

And yes.. deadly force.. Thats what driving into the path of a fast moving motorcycle amounts to..

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