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Why is the BBC so biased

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As a matter of detail the riot at Christmas Island has been reported as instigated by foreign criminals awaiting deportation after serving one or more years in Oz prisons. In some reports it is alleged the primary participants are from NZ.

Twenty-five-year-old detainee Matej Cuperka told the ABC that ex-convicts who had their Australian visas cancelled after serving time in jail started the riot.


There is a great deal of debate within Oz on offshore detention and conditions for asylum seekers. It's probably 50 - 50 on those that agree versus disagree with the current treatment & secrecy surrounding the claimants. Hardly a murmur concerning the large numbers who arrive by air with some form of visa (majority Chinese), then immediately claim refugee status.

Thank you for your clarification.

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Hi to all out there think they know what is actually happening at Christmas Island and the whole immigration shit fight, suggest you stop watching anything put forward by the greens as they will try to get a sympathy vote from any fool that has no idea. Greens soft cocks, al the arab channel, promote there own agenda, poor <deleted>--ing muslims. 22 years in the RAN mostly on patrol boats bringing or rescuing boat people to Aus, the only real refugees where back in the 70ies ex Nam, Cambodia, not these looking for a hand out. for those who think that these poor free loaders coming through all the mussie countries to get here are doing it tough,they have more than most low income earners in Aust, Having spent a fair bit of time on Chrissy island I have a fair Idea actually between fiction reporting and the truth. Suggest you check how many ex vets/indigenous are homeless unemployed doing it really tough, being ex service I may be biased to you do gooders out there but I really don't give a flying -uck. Isis free/ radical free zone.


Perhaps by just looking at the multiracial news readers on World News - and why shouldn't there be? would indicate the BBCs gradual move to the left. As the UK has become a multiracial society I can quite understand this bias to the left. Keep the masses happy.


What do people mean by biased when we talk about something like the state of the camps where the rioting took place?

The trouble about this topic is that there are facts involved but in the end there are opinions too. There are only so many toilets, for instance. Well, to some 5 toilets for 100 people would be luxury - for others it would be inhuman.

The job of the media is not only to report facts, but also to report how people are describing those facts - for instance, some people may say that "a riot occurred" while others might, for reasons of their own politics or opinions, say there was no riot but a mere fracas or some small incident.

Most of the time, the media is not present when these incidents occur. They have to in some way balance up the story by putting the opinions of opposing groups as that is all they have to go on. And this is a thankless job - everyone will blame you for not presenting the story from their viewpoint. But no one will accept that their viewpoint also contains bias too.

For instance, if you are Australilan and you heard that there were riots on some island containing migrants off the coast of Ireland, you might not care so much. But when the same story is reported about an island off Australia, you may indeed become more involved because you have more invested in the story whatever occurred and whoever was involved. ALL OF US ARE LIKE THIS! Once we have something invested in something to do with a story, we have an automatic bias. We only escape this natural bias when we don't care about a story. Of course we can do something about bias, by trying to step back and putting the hard questions to ourselves and trying to answer them honestly.

I am not British but I still think that the BBC are the most unbiased of news organisations on the planet. I have been in countries where the local population will not accept the self-serving utterances of their government but wait until the BBC report comes out before accepting the facts.

Of course the right-wing will call the BBC left-wing and of course the left wingers will call the BBC rightwing reactionaries. That is the hallmark of an organisation that strives at being unbiased.

Is the following policy left or right - the government has been subsidising wages of low paid workers. This has been taken by many as a "left wing" policy. But the fact is that this policy has a very right wing result, which is to drive down the wages that companies pay to lower skilled workers - an employer would be crazy to pay more because the government steps in when you pay less. This allows capitalist employers to earn higher profits. Therefore, the policy has had a right wing result.

Despite this outcome, you will still see the British Labour party fighting for so-called tax credits for low paid workers while Conservative party fighting to abolish them. I have not heard the BBC coming out in support of either policy.

Leftwing/rightwing have to do with the arrangement of the furniture in an early French parliament. Applying this to modern politics and economics often does not make sense.


There would appear to be an element of truth in Vogie's assertion about left-wing bias

in the BBC audience during the debate.

Although the BBC aver that they did not select the audience, and that it was done by

an "independent" polling organisation (ICM), it transpires that the number of right-wing

members of the audience were outweighed nearly 2 to 1 by the left-leaning members there.


Perhaps by just looking at the multiracial news readers on World News - and why shouldn't there be? would indicate the BBCs gradual move to the left. As the UK has become a multiracial society I can quite understand this bias to the left. Keep the masses happy.

It's called World News.

It's not just broadcasting to white Englishmen who live in Thailand.

It's for a World audience.

It's not "left" for the ethnicity of the newsreaders of any channel to reflect the ethnicity of it's audience which, in this case, being the World, is very (oh the horror!) Multiracial!


The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.
Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.
Nothing to do with being racist, maybe not a majority but they accrued nearly 4 million votes as opposed to the SNP 1.5 million and the Green party 1 million votes. Everybody dererves to be heard fairly, its called democrasy. My post was to highlight the left wing bias of the BBC.

But your post didn't highlight any left-wing bias. The BBC might not be pro-UKIP but neither is it pro-Green, SNP or Socialist Worker. It's "neutral". UKIP got far more BBC coverage in the election than the other monority parties.

If you think think the BBC is "neutral" who am I to change your mind.

The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!
Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.
Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.
Nothing to do with being racist, maybe not a majority but they accrued nearly 4 million votes as opposed to the SNP 1.5 million and the Green party 1 million votes. Everybody dererves to be heard fairly, its called democrasy. My post was to highlight the left wing bias of the BBC.

But your post didn't highlight any left-wing bias. The BBC might not be pro-UKIP but neither is it pro-Green, SNP or Socialist Worker. It's "neutral". UKIP got far more BBC coverage in the election than the other monority parties.

If you think think the BBC is "neutral" who am I to change your mind.

Its charter ensures neutrality.

The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!
Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.
Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.
Nothing to do with being racist, maybe not a majority but they accrued nearly 4 million votes as opposed to the SNP 1.5 million and the Green party 1 million votes. Everybody dererves to be heard fairly, its called democrasy. My post was to highlight the left wing bias of the BBC.

But your post didn't highlight any left-wing bias. The BBC might not be pro-UKIP but neither is it pro-Green, SNP or Socialist Worker. It's "neutral". UKIP got far more BBC coverage in the election than the other monority parties.

If you think think the BBC is "neutral" who am I to change your mind.

Its charter ensures neutrality.

Maybe you need to do some research on the BBC "neutrality"

The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!
Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.
Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.
Nothing to do with being racist, maybe not a majority but they accrued nearly 4 million votes as opposed to the SNP 1.5 million and the Green party 1 million votes. Everybody dererves to be heard fairly, its called democrasy. My post was to highlight the left wing bias of the BBC.

But your post didn't highlight any left-wing bias. The BBC might not be pro-UKIP but neither is it pro-Green, SNP or Socialist Worker. It's "neutral". UKIP got far more BBC coverage in the election than the other monority parties.

If you think think the BBC is "neutral" who am I to change your mind.

Its charter ensures neutrality.

Maybe you need to do some research on the BBC "neutrality"

I don't need to. I watch and listen to it regularly.

The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!
Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.
Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.
Nothing to do with being racist, maybe not a majority but they accrued nearly 4 million votes as opposed to the SNP 1.5 million and the Green party 1 million votes. Everybody dererves to be heard fairly, its called democrasy. My post was to highlight the left wing bias of the BBC.

But your post didn't highlight any left-wing bias. The BBC might not be pro-UKIP but neither is it pro-Green, SNP or Socialist Worker. It's "neutral". UKIP got far more BBC coverage in the election than the other monority parties.

If you think think the BBC is "neutral" who am I to change your mind.

Its charter ensures neutrality.

Maybe you need to do some research on the BBC "neutrality"

I don't need to. I watch and listen to it regularly.

Trust me, you do!


Left and right don't mean much any more.

Look out for BBC reporting on the coming referendum re Europe In/Out and on Cameron's scuttle around European capitals looking for friends.

ALL the BBC reporting on this that I have heard (mostly on BBC Radio) so far shows an immense pro-Europe bias as they interview CEO after CEO of British companies, all of them (one presumes) Right-wing, and all of them whinging that life as (they) know it will collapse if the great unwashed vote to leave.

I think the contrast these days is less that of Left and Right than of Big Money v Little or No Money or of Bleeding Heart v Hard Heart.


Spot on, Collingwood.

lf a person was a genuine refugee, fleeing a war in say lraq, you would pull up in the first safe(for you)country, e.g. lndia, not buy a plane ticket to lndonesia then get on a boat to northern Australia.

Are we supposed to believe that these people sailed from lraq to Australia? The Viets did in the 70s. They were genuine "boat people".

Too many bleeding hearts think that we should just throw open the gates to any "poor" people & give them all the benefits paid for by our taxpayers.

Most of these so-called "refugees"are muslim & refuse to assimilate. They've already suggested that one state, New South Wales, adopt Sharia law in a small way. lt has been refused for now, but in the future, no doubt it will raise its horrible head again.

Telling it like it is, does not bother me in the slightest if l am called "racist" Doubt it as my children are part Chinese.

Last time l looked, lslam was not a "race".


They won't let the truth come between them and a good story.

My apologies for our BBC, they seem to have an agenda, very left wing, pro-immigration and women this, women that and the other.

Personally I believe it is time the support of the UK 'tax'/licence' fee was pulled.

I prefer my news with impartiality, rare indeed.


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

I thought this post was about the BBC being biased, not what is happening in Australia or where most Australians come from. If you want to discuss what you are alleging, start a new post dedicated to that subject.


That's because only the left is any good.

People who support righties: generally tossers. (Jeremy Clarkson, Jim Davidson, Andrew LLoyd Webber EDIT: Paul Daniels, Stuart Hall, Bernard Manning, Jimmy Savile!!!)

People who support lefties: witty , clever, and nice people. (David Mitchell, Stephen Fry, Alan Bennett, David Tennant EDIT: Patrick Stewart, Stephen Hawking!).

I don't need to Labour the point .

As you can see I am completely unbiased myself.

unbiased?or somewhat out of date.Stuart Hall got 2.5 years Jail for : a series of assault on several young girls,and unfortunately Saville died before they could put him away for a lifetime of Pedophilia! with hundreds of victims,so I wouldn't say those righties are any good,but perhaps you are playing the satire card?


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

I thought this post was about the BBC being biased, not what is happening in Australia or where most Australians come from. If you want to discuss what you are alleging, start a new post dedicated to that subject.

The OP based his allegation of bias against the BBC, using as an example reporting of a riot on Christmas Island. Inferring that the riots were instigated by asylum seekers therefore the BBC report is biased by not reporting this issue is factually incorrect. Accordingly, unless the Mods rule otherwise, what is happening in Oz concerning asylum seekers is in the frame for responses.


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

I thought this post was about the BBC being biased, not what is happening in Australia or where most Australians come from. If you want to discuss what you are alleging, start a new post dedicated to that subject.

The OP based his allegation of bias against the BBC, using as an example reporting of a riot on Christmas Island. Inferring that the riots were instigated by asylum seekers therefore the BBC report is biased by not reporting this issue is factually incorrect. Accordingly, unless the Mods rule otherwise, what is happening in Oz concerning asylum seekers is in the frame for responses.

Just to add...

OP claims it is false that more & more Australians want the detentions centres closed down is also incorrect. Increasingly Australians are concerned at the long term detention of asylum seekers in camps and calling for the matter to be addressed as a matter of urgency. If they are economic refugees (assessed at about 50%) calling for greater effort by government for the remainder to facilitate their return to country of origin.

Resettling genuine refugees in PNG & Nauru faces strong resistance by the local population thereby extending time in detention facilities. It is claimed Oz government is now negotiating with Kyrgyzstan along with as yet unidentified other countries for resettlement of genuine refugees.


I don't think the Beeb is left. I think what they are is liberal, which is not the same thing. When does the BBC advocate workers owning the means of production, for example? When does it pour scorn on religion?

The left is in favour of peace and equality, sure, but it is a far cry from being an ideology of bleeding hearts, which is unfortunately where the BBC is heading.

Lenin, Stalin, Kim Il Sung and even the likes of Gorbachev at the other end of the spectrum were never about yogurt knitting and a chorus of Kumbayah, were they?


As a matter of detail the riot at Christmas Island has been reported as instigated by foreign criminals awaiting deportation after serving one or more years in Oz prisons. In some reports it is alleged the primary participants are from NZ.

Twenty-five-year-old detainee Matej Cuperka told the ABC that ex-convicts who had their Australian visas cancelled after serving time in jail started the riot.


There is a great deal of debate within Oz on offshore detention and conditions for asylum seekers. It's probably 50 - 50 on those that agree versus disagree with the current treatment & secrecy surrounding the claimants. Hardly a murmur concerning the large numbers who arrive by air with some form of visa (majority Chinese), then immediately claim refugee status.

This is precisely why the left attacks reason as biased and knowledge as a distorted lens. History to them does not contain lessons to be learned, but an opportunity to mold the future by continually rewriting the past.


Interesting - a post about biased journalism brings out even more bias and and venom from some TV posters than usual.

Just an observation.

We're not broadcast journalists. At least, I'm pretty sure most of us are not. Just an observation.


Interesting - a post about biased journalism brings out even more bias and and venom from some TV posters than usual.

Just an observation.

We're not broadcast journalists. At least, I'm pretty sure most of us are not. Just an observation.

Correct, and as an aside, that does not undermine my observation - it was just an observation, not a critique on whether we are or should be broadcast journalist. So well observed to us both. Pat on back.



Right wing people often think the BBC is biased to the left. Left-wingers often find it biased to the right.

This tells us two things -

1 - The BBC presents a balanced view.

2 - Some people don't like hearing any point of view that contradicts their own.

I do not mind hearing both sides of a story ,unfortunately,the BBC these days only gives one side ,the left's

The BBC's coverage tends to be skewed to the left, I think many millions of people in the UK perceive this to be so.


People in the UK believe all sorts of nonsense. It doesn't make it true.

People in the UK believe all sorts of truth. It doesn't make it nonsense.

It seems that the BeeB is staffed by an assortment of ultra-liberal-fascists. If you want to find out how "liberal" these people really are, just express an opinion that is at variance to their own, they will abuse and try to destroy you, just the same as non-liberals will!


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

I thought this post was about the BBC being biased, not what is happening in Australia or where most Australians come from. If you want to discuss what you are alleging, start a new post dedicated to that subject.

The OP based his allegation of bias against the BBC, using as an example reporting of a riot on Christmas Island. Inferring that the riots were instigated by asylum seekers therefore the BBC report is biased by not reporting this issue is factually incorrect. Accordingly, unless the Mods rule otherwise, what is happening in Oz concerning asylum seekers is in the frame for responses.

Please forgive me if I misunderstood. If they reported incorrectly, then I can understand the reason for mentioning the Oz connection. I'll consider myself chastised.


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

I thought this post was about the BBC being biased, not what is happening in Australia or where most Australians come from. If you want to discuss what you are alleging, start a new post dedicated to that subject.

The OP based his allegation of bias against the BBC, using as an example reporting of a riot on Christmas Island. Inferring that the riots were instigated by asylum seekers therefore the BBC report is biased by not reporting this issue is factually incorrect. Accordingly, unless the Mods rule otherwise, what is happening in Oz concerning asylum seekers is in the frame for responses.

Please forgive me if I misunderstood. If they reported incorrectly, then I can understand the reason for mentioning the Oz connection. I'll consider myself chastised.

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