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EU sparks row with Israel over settlement made goods labels


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EU sparks row with Israel over settlement made goods labels


BRUSSELS: -- A row has erupted between the European Union and Israel over the labelling of products “Made in Israel.”

New guidelines mean Israeli producers must explicitly mark farm goods and other products that come from settlements built on Israeli occupied land, settlements the EU considers illegal.

Israel has described the measure as “discriminatory” and damaging to peace efforts with Palestinians.

But the European Commission says the move won’t change existing laws.

Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commissioner for the Euro and Social Dialogue:
“This is a technical issue not a political stance. Products originating in Israel, within its internationally recognised borders benefit from preferential tariff treatment upon their entry into the EU. This situation will not change. So the EU does not support, in any form, a boycott or sanctions against Israel.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who’s in Washington on an official visit, called the decision “hypocritical and a double standard”. He accused the EU of not taking similar steps in hundreds of territorial conflicts elsewhere in the world.

While there is no EU official wording, goods must now carry the word “settlement” on the tag when sold in European shops. The Commission says the measure will give consumers the choice as to whether to buy or avoid Israeli settlement goods

If an Israeli producer refuses to put “settlement” on EU-bound goods, a retail outlet can attach the label themselves.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-12

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I've had my own personal boycott of Israeli goods for the past 20 years, but someone did point out that Apple computers use Israeli made components. In high cost goods with components there should be labeling to show where the components are made.

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There are over 100 disputed territories in the world today, I wonder how many of them result in the E.U marking this on goods from them as disputed? In other news some European Countries have been found to be buying cheap oil from IS, flaming hypocrites.

Ahhh the old....but he murdered someone too so why cant I.... Deflection. So boring.

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I've had my own personal boycott of Israeli goods for the past 20 years, but someone did point out that Apple computers use Israeli made components. In high cost goods with components there should be labeling to show where the components are made.

Wonder how's that going to work out, what with the likes of Intel and Microsoft having research centers in Israel. Just an example.

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There are over 100 disputed territories in the world today, I wonder how many of them result in the E.U marking this on goods from them as disputed? In other news some European Countries have been found to be buying cheap oil from IS, flaming hypocrites.

Ahhh the old....but he murdered someone too so why cant I.... Deflection. So boring.

And the same old deflection of not addressing an issue.

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Hopefully this will soon evolve into a full-fledged economic boycott against the occupiers.

Regardless of how this will effect the Palestinian economy?

Yes, palestinians have proved over many decades they are willing to live a harsh life and put up with things no other people would put up with. They are a very hardened people thanks to Israel's expansionist policies.

So a crashing economy is not high on their agenda when they already have thousands being killed on Israel's whim.

I would also consider it incumbent on a certain western power to ensure palestine is economically sound by assisting them considering it is their veto in the UN that is exacerbating the problem.

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Hopefully this will soon evolve into a full-fledged economic boycott against the occupiers.

Regardless of how this will effect the Palestinian economy?

Yes, palestinians have proved over many decades they are willing to live a harsh life and put up with things no other people would put up with. They are a very hardened people thanks to Israel's expansionist policies.

So a crashing economy is not high on their agenda when they already have thousands being killed on Israel's whim.

I would also consider it incumbent on a certain western power to ensure palestine is economically sound by assisting them considering it is their veto in the UN that is exacerbating the problem.

I doubt that you know all that many Palestinians, or that you are familiar with the actual meaning of further economic hardship for them. Those at the bottom of the food chain, and those on top may not feel a big difference, but for the majority - probably not something they would sign up for with the willingness described in the post above.

Saying that their economy is not high on their agenda is out of touch with reality, and reflects the politicized nature of these topics. The assumption that all of the Palestinians are of one mind, and that all are willing to make the same sacrifices are myths. People are people. Being under repressive occupation is a reality for the Palestinians. It does not mean that life, such as it is, does not go on. Seeing Palestinians just as soldiers on the fight for their self-determination does them a disservice.

Yeah, a bit of good old USA bashing is always nice for a finish. Would rather think if it wouldn't be the responsibility of those applying hypothetical sanctions to take care of those harmed by economic "collateral damage". But anyway, the issue is that economic sanctions are not usually effectively distinctive and that their collective effect is intended.

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There are over 100 disputed territories in the world today, I wonder how many of them result in the E.U marking this on goods from them as disputed? In other news some European Countries have been found to be buying cheap oil from IS, flaming hypocrites.

That's another Netanyahu fallacy who was mentioned earlier in OP.

He didn't mention how many of these 100 disputed territories were exploited economically by one of the parties. Some of these places are deserts, dry land, etc...and not economically interesting. Netanyahu is claiming what can't be claimed as usual!

Israel sells products made outside their sovereignty, in occupied territories. Even more they're exporting oil and gas from the Golan and the Mediterranean sea outside their legal boundaries...without EU label...

It's also known that Israel is buying Kurdish crude oil since the conflicts in Iraq and Syria at 75% discount. This was also within the hypocritical context of Netanyahu...without EU label...

Let's not even discuss the future royalties of Israeli/Saudi oil franchise in Yemen and let's concentrate on the Jaffa look alike oranges of the West Bank and their missing EU labels...

Edited by Thorgal
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There are over 100 disputed territories in the world today, I wonder how many of them result in the E.U marking this on goods from them as disputed? In other news some European Countries have been found to be buying cheap oil from IS, flaming hypocrites.

Ahhh the old....but he murdered someone too so why cant I.... Deflection. So boring.

And the same old deflection of not addressing an issue.

The issue is quite clear: Israel settles land which is not its own.

The only ones who seem to not say "mmayyyyyyybeeeee...we should stop illegal settlements once and for all"

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I've had my own personal boycott of Israeli goods for the past 20 years, but someone did point out that Apple computers use Israeli made components. In high cost goods with components there should be labeling to show where the components are made.

Wonder how's that going to work out, what with the likes of Intel and Microsoft having research centers in Israel. Just an example.

Another example: 150.000 families are dependent from Israeli weapons industry. Almost 10% of Israeli population.

The average weapons sales/export per year is 7 billion USD.

With annual financial foreign aid estimated between 3-6 billion USD.

I don't even count the (illegal) oil and gas reserves and benefits.

It's not really a must for such a little tiny country to start blocking their neighbors' economy and start producing on illegal occupied territories.

You block all exports for oil, gas, foreign aid and weapons and next week you have peace...

Thanks to the Haredi's !

It's proven that you can learn even faster Linux systems and Intel has not a real monopoly by the way...

Edited by Thorgal
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I am quite happy to boycott all the products from Israel.

Their last exaction : 12 disguised to enter an hosptial, take a palestian, kill his brother.... that's a privilege only few regimes can be proud of, Israel is one of them

Almost definitely you used some Israeli products to write that hostile post. Love it.

The truth is the BDS movement's leaders are clearly against the existence of Israel with ANY borders. So of course they don't stop at settlements.

This thread isn't about the hospital incident. Maybe wait for a thread about that, dude.

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This new policy may even be a winner for the Israeli economy.clap2.gif

The move is unlikely to have any significant economic impact on Israel. Ohad Cohen, head of the foreign trade administration in the Israeli Economy Ministry, told the Washington Post that the rules would cover “maybe 100 companies,” which together account for about $50 million of the nation’s $13 billion in yearly exports to the European Union. The Postpoints out that "more than 500,000 Jewish settlers live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem on land that the Palestinians want for a future state. There are 16 to 20 industrial parks, and hundreds of farms, vineyards and date groves."

The new labels could help exports as well, if sympathetic European consumers make a point of buying the marked products.

Some of the good stuff about Israel to balance the endless relentless Israel demonization rhetoric:


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Dont see the problem, label it occupied territories, its not Israel so thats that, stop whining and moaning about the truth and on the rare occasion something is actually done right to not accept illegal trading labels the excuse is waaaa waaa waaa

Its not supposed to be welcome or polite, its what mislabelling products deserves.... Label it for where its made, its what you demand from trading standards yet your ok with Israel doing it because its Israel and the response is its just demonising ?

ye gods talk about disconnected. facepalm.gif

Whats the matter with some of you people ?

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Israel can stop bringing up ww2 as they are nearly as bad as Hitler, two wrongs dont make a right

I didn't see anything in the OP about WW2 or Hitler. But with no respect, the obsessive Israel demonization agenda knows perfectly well there is no equivalency between Nazi Germany under Hitler and Israel. It's like a constant troll game to hit Jews on a raw emotional button, about the holocaust.

The issues with this labeling are twofold.

First there are many many other areas of the world with conflicted borders. Why not label them all this way instead of singling out the one Jewish state in the world? We all know why ... a small victory for the BDS movement. Their larger goal of course, as you've seen parotted on this thread, is complete boycott of all Israeli products, and the true goals of the leadership of the BDS movement (not hard to discover) is much more toxic to the Jewish people ... the end of Israel as they don't consider Israel in ANY borders as legitimate.

So yes Israel objects to this labeling out of concern of a slippery slope and also the DOUBLE STANDARD. One rule for Israel. Another rule for the rest of the world.

If the obnoxious BDS movement ended here, with this settlement labeling for the EU, then it would be a big nothing. But of course this doesn't end it.

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Israel can stop bringing up ww2 as they are nearly as bad as Hitler, two wrongs dont make a right

I didn't see anything in the OP about WW2 or Hitler. But with no respect, the obsessive Israel demonization agenda knows perfectly well there is no equivalency between Nazi Germany under Hitler and Israel. It's like a constant troll game to hit Jews on a raw emotional button, about the holocaust.

The issues with this labeling are twofold.

First there are many many other areas of the world with conflicted borders. Why not label them all this way instead of singling out the one Jewish state in the world? We all know why ... a small victory for the BDS movement. Their larger goal of course, as you've seen parotted on this thread, is complete boycott of all Israeli products, and the true goals of the leadership of the BDS movement (not hard to discover) is much more toxic to the Jewish people ... the end of Israel as they don't consider Israel in ANY borders as legitimate.

So yes Israel objects to this labeling out of concern of a slippery slope and also the DOUBLE STANDARD. One rule for Israel. Another rule for the rest of the world.

If the obnoxious BDS movement ended here, with this settlement labeling for the EU, then it would be a big nothing. But of course this doesn't end it.

The issues with your post are threefold:

1. Just because Netanyahu said it, does not make it true....it actually makes the information dubious. Would you please back up your claim that there are " many many" conflicted areas where labeling is not insisted upon or that labeling does not occur.

2. Have any of these conflicted areas been conflicted for 50 years? Surely, the longevity of a criminal occupation should have a bearing on how seriously the EU should act. A disputed territorial claim that has been going on for ten years and looks to be being resolved is hardly worth penalising. Surely?

3. How many of these alleged non-labelled conflicted/disputed areas actually export goods to the EU? And how big are the revenues from those exports? Numbers and specifics, please. Do the Spratleys export to the EU?

Points 1 and 3 above need a serious answer, otherwise you're just repeating unsubstantiated Netanyahu whinge-deceits.

Point 2 above makes it a valid sanction. There's no Jew-bashing or Israel demonising hypocrisy. It's just a reality that something that has dragged on for 50 years really needs to be sorted.

Edited by Seastallion
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"Products originating in Israel, within its internationally recognised borders benefit from preferential tariff treatment upon their entry into the EU"

Indeed there is a double standard. Israel gets preferential treatment whereas some countries do not. That's a really odd way to frame "Israel demonisation"

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Western consumers demand knowing where their products come from.

Was the fish in the tin caught by slave labour?

Was this frozen chicken produced in a country that has no restrictions on hormones and anti-biotics in their poultry industry?

Is this bacon locally produced because I choose to support the local economy?

Do the Israel apologists have any issue with these sorts of concerns by the consumer?

Is it anti-Buddhist to refuse Thai fish?

Is it Vietnam-demonisation to refuse hormone-laden chicken?

Is supporting your own local producers somehow a bad thing?

Why then is the EU action antisemite, or that supporters of the action are "rabid Israel demonisers"?

I know where the hypocrisy lies, and it's not with the EU or European consumers.

Good on the EU, and hopefully the preferential treatment that they offer Israel with tariffs will be withdrawn soon too.

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Israel continues to expand its borders, what are those borders again? A country with no borders? Say it isnt so.

Settlements continue with the blessing of their govt. if the govt and the few Israeli firsters on here are so confident that Israel is doing the right thing then why on earth are they concerned of labelling.

Surely they would be proud of doing the right thing and be happy with labelling. Surely it would boost business.

So stand by your actions and consider this a positive for the industry, right?

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There are over 100 disputed territories in the world today, I wonder how many of them result in the E.U marking this on goods from them as disputed? In other news some European Countries have been found to be buying cheap oil from IS, flaming hypocrites.

Ahhh the old....but he murdered someone too so why cant I.... Deflection. So boring.

And the same old deflection of not addressing an issue.

What issue? What happens in other countries is off topic. Israel is the topic. Nice try

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Israel continues to expand its borders, what are those borders again? A country with no borders? Say it isnt so.

Settlements continue with the blessing of their govt. if the govt and the few Israeli firsters on here are so confident that Israel is doing the right thing then why on earth are they concerned of labelling.

Surely they would be proud of doing the right thing and be happy with labelling. Surely it would boost business.

So stand by your actions and consider this a positive for the industry, right?

That's a very good point.

If Israel and its supporters feel that building what many term as illegal settlements on what many term as Palestinian land is just, legal and morally right, shouldn't they happily let the consumers know that what they're going to buy is proudly presented by people who are industrious rather than villainous?

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I am quite happy to boycott all the products from Israel.

Their last exaction : 12 disguised to enter an hosptial, take a palestian, kill his brother.... that's a privilege only few regimes can be proud of, Israel is one of them

Almost definitely you used some Israeli products to write that hostile post. Love it.

The truth is the BDS movement's leaders are clearly against the existence of Israel with ANY borders. So of course they don't stop at settlements.

This thread isn't about the hospital incident. Maybe wait for a thread about that, dude.

As you probably use oil from Saudi....

Technology is not the privilege of the Israeli...

Israel is obviously also against the existence of Palestine with any border.

The sentence you wrote : So of course they don't stop at settlements. is a clear clue of your apartheid mind.

So yes I boycott Israel products, and I am quite happy that you hate the Settlement labeling"...the proof this boycott movement scare the shit out of Israel is a bliss

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