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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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150+ murdered.

It is telling that certain segments of French society who have not yet spoken out nor condemned the barbaric attacks.

I expect we are about to see some very nasty tit for tat in the coming days.

And if the perps of the nasty tit for tat choose random innocent victims, will you equally condemn their actions too? Will they be any different from the barbarians in the OP?

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Does anyone else see the irony of 100 fans being killed at a Death Metal concert? Isn't this a musical genre that glorifies violence and death...maybe it was part of the show.

One has to feel for the French people at times like this, being led by that little worm of a man, Hollande, but that was their choice, as was the choice to allow unrestricted Muslim immigration into their country.

You must be about 90 years old, right?

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150+ murdered.

It is telling that certain segments of French society who have not yet spoken out nor condemned the barbaric attacks.

I expect we are about to see some very nasty tit for tat in the coming days.

I doubt it. There usually isn't.

A vote for Marie Lapen might not bode too well for the Muslims though

What makes you so sure that it's not Front National behind these attacks?

Don't think I'm top in German madness.

There's a German racist group on Facebook who hide behind the name "Anonymous" They came up last night with a story that the Imam of Chechenia condemned IS and then required all Moslems in Germany to join PEGIDA, the right-wing movement "against the islamization"

Yes, you got it right.

These loonies expect Moslems to join the toughest anti-Muslim group in Germany.

Edited by micmichd
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First, RIP to those killed by these cowards and my sincere condolences to all the families, friends and relatives of the innocent people who were caught up in this for absolutely no fault of theirs.
Everywhere in the world, it is the innocent people who pay with their lives for the fault of their politicians. There are no honest politicians in this planet (IMHO). They play their dirty games for their own benefits and lead a protected life in their Ivory Towers at the expense of the hard working tax payer.
I have experience similar scenarios as above for over 30 years. In one blast not 10's but 100's of innocent were blown up to smithereens - Office workers, school children, housewives, vendors, drivers, beggars...
Bombs and suicide bombers were going off in trains, buses, public buildings - well almost everywhere...
There was a period where parents never travelled together - if one was killed in a blast, at least the other was there to care for the children.
The Government was at war spending colossal amounts of money on the military, which they hardly had. Every time the terrorists were getting a beating, powerful countries twisted the arm of the Government to go into 'discussions', during which period the terrorist rearmed themselves and started an attack again.
Whilst the above 'drama' was been enacted, something else was happening in the background. The foreign Embassies and the NGO’s were been infiltrated by the sympathizers of the terrorists. These staff members started a subtle scheme of brainwashing of the expatriate staff in their respective organisations. Now, the river of refugees started to flow… and surprisingly all to Western countries. 10’s of 1000’s departed on false pretexts – but in reality, they were ‘economic refugees'. (To be very frank, it is extremely difficult for a normal Asian to obtain a tourist visa to a Western country, even today. But, all doors are wide open to refugees.)
This diaspora started collecting money from the communities living in their new found home land and became extremely rich and supported the terrorists financially. With time, the numbers were so high; some western politicians started helping these people who were in their constitutions to gain votes.
Gradually, these very same people started infiltrating the foreign government departments, TV and radio stations etc. and started a psychological warfare from abroad, which was very successful. Most Western countries started issuing negative travel advisories, throwing false accusations etc. Many International organisations acted with absolute bias without any shame.
Finally, the Government decided to end the war and did it – but at great cost. Huge accusations were thrown round pulling on the people’s heart strings and made the Government look a pariah in the eyes of the whole world.
The above is what happened in one country, but I am positive this is what’s happening everywhere. So now, the so called refugees to whom you opened your doors have started doing exactly what they did in their own country.
Would it be possible to stop terrorism with discussions, even in your dreams?
Could a war be fought without casualties?
Yes, the time has come for the peoples of the world to join hands, open their eyes and take a fresh look at how to combat terrorism without bias. Today's combat strategies have failed miserably, is a fact.
Yes, when the terror comes to your own front door, I see headlines such as below…
"For all those who've seen these atrocities, rest assured — we want to say that we will bring the fight against terrorism and will be without pity because when terrorists are capable of such atrocities, it will certainly be faced with a determined France, a united France." he said from the site of the carnage."
After visiting a security command centre near the Bataclan, Mr Hollande called the attacks "abomination" and "barbarism".
He appealed to his nation to remain united, saying: "We will lead the fight. We will be merciless."
"Once again we've seen an outrageous attack to terroritze innocent civlians," Obama said, adding that it is an "attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share."

The above type of headlines are beyond my comprehension...

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Just announced on french TV 122 dead, 8 terrorists killed, over 200 wounded, part of them in very very serious condition

Would be exceptional that there were no Muslim victims within the 122 killed and the +200 wounded.

Scrambling hard to show that that there is no cultural complicity. The hypocrisy runs deep with that attempt.

Here's some tips to help you determine if your wish comes true;

- if muslim, they have to be buried within 24 hours, so we should see some muslin victims funerals this weekend.

- if they were muslims, it is unlikely they would be in a night club listening to a US Death Metal band where alcohol is served. Somewhat ironic that it was a Death Metal band .

- it is unlikely that muslims would have been eating at a Cambodian restaurant where the décor emphasized aspects of the Buddhist culture and where pork was served.

As you know, a muslim isn't a muslim unless he or she lives by the Koran and that means no alcohol, no non halal food, no western music and no hanging around in mixed sex settings. You keep on with your desperate revisionist attempts, as they demonstrate how prejudiced you are.

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150+ murdered.

It is telling that certain segments of French society who have not yet spoken out nor condemned the barbaric attacks.

I expect we are about to see some very nasty tit for tat in the coming days.

I doubt it. There usually isn't.

The police tend to turn up mob handed and get straight on it when there is the risk of one particular side being attacked, so I doubt it too.
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For sure these religious nuts have killed members of their own religion in this outrage.

Wonder what the parents of their murdered innocent kids are thinking and their stuff now...

Yeah probably. But I reckon they picked a concert of an American "Satanic" music band assuming only a few "bad" Muslims would be there.
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What a horrible news to wake up with! On the other hand, I am not surprised, think we all knew this was going to happen. And I am afraid this is only the start.

Forget about taking in refugees from those Middle Eastern countries. And get rid of religions, the islam to start with.

You still did not have the courage to say ban Islam eh ? On a day like this, you still did not have it in you to single out Islam. You had to throw normal religions into the mix. Religions that had nothing to do with these attacks. You are a coward.

And what do you have to show for your atheist world ? Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao were all atheists.

Best answer possiblethumbsup.gif

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Just announced on french TV 122 dead, 8 terrorists killed, over 200 wounded, part of them in very very serious condition

Would be exceptional that there were no Muslim victims within the 122 killed and the +200 wounded.
It depends whether or not the terrorists were able to ask the murdered their religion before deciding whether to murder them or not, this has happened recently in a shopping Mall siege in Kenya. Edited by Steely Dan
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Knee jerk reactions as usual. Always the cries of bad Muslim/Moslem. But always accepting of western attacks on Arab countries, either by funding or direct attack.

As horrible as what is happening, it is never as simplistic as bad Muslim/good Westerner. Constant attacks on Arab countries would no doubt compel them to bring the fight to our lands. Of course, we would like to keep the carnage to their lands, their civilians mere collateral damage.

Take a look at a differing point of view/

That's not to say that point of view is true, but is yours? We are always being fed propaganda. The truth is in their somewhere. But of course most people prefer the simplistic.

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This is the beginning of an Armageddon of Islam V. Christianity and Judaism....

This is the thanks and the gratitude Muslims/Arabs who were allowed to settle in the EU and the west

is giving back to tier hosts...

Europe has systematically eliminated, purged and exiled the Jews from Europe 70-80 years ago branding them to

be vile and the source of all evil, instead, they allow the Muslims in, and now they pay the price....

This is mainstream Islam, not extremism. The extremists are the liberal Muslims who think Islam has little business spreading itself by violence. Those Muslims, although the vast majority, are apostates and they will be lumped together with the Christians, the Jews, and other infidels, kafirs, and devils that must be destroyed to make way for a new Islamic State.

These people will not stop at the borders of their native states. The "Islamic State" will not stop at the Turkish or Saudi border. Boko Haram will not stop at the border of Nigeria. Abu Sayyeff will not stop in the Philippines, and Al Shabaab will not stop with Somalia. In fact, the world seems to be on the brink of a global Islamic uprising that will not only include the active, militant movements that exist across Africa and Asia, but may soon include outbursts of activity in Europe and the Americas.

Islam sees the world in black and white. All things are either good or evil. America and the western world is a great evil. America itself is the Great Satan, and we're going to have a very hard time arguing that point because the United States is quite evil.

It's coming, fast, and in days wekks and months to come we will witness more of the same...

Ezzra, I could not agree with you more. Bang on!

I just now signed up on ThaiVisa to post this video I saw the other day that might help explain a bit more why this tragedy may have happened in France. Regrettably, I truly do fear that this may not be the end but only the beginning.

The video is ~19 minutes long if you can stomach it.


I really urge Europeans here to watch this and people from UK as well. The violent acts and threats by these "refugees" will turn your stomach. Also hearing the Europeans cry for help and watching the young kids get beat up by these "refugees" will churn your stomach. Sweden is slated to be a 3rd world country in only 15 years.

Where will it end.

RIP and prayers to the dead and wounded.

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150+ murdered.

It is telling that certain segments of French society who have not yet spoken out nor condemned the barbaric attacks.

I expect we are about to see some very nasty tit for tat in the coming days.

I doubt it. There usually isn't.

A vote for Marie Lapen might not bode too well for the Muslims though

What makes you so sure that it's not Front National behind these attacks?

The National Front does not have a history of such activities, particularly the use of suicide bombers as was the case at the stadium.

Nor have the National Front trouble makers ever yelled Allah Ackbar before murdering victims as witnesses have reported.

Nor has the National Front ever decapitated anyone, as it now appears that one person's head has been located.

This attack in its planning, sophistication and detail was similar to the Mumbai hotel and the Nairobi retail plaza attacks. The National Front has never mounted an attack like those.

Instead of inventing explanations for a horrible act, why don't you just wait and watch the story develop. As the murderers identities are revealed and it turns out they don't have names like Angus, or Somchai, or Wang or Schmidt or Shlomo, you can come back and apologize for your nonsense.

The medical examiners office will need some time to glue 2 of the killers back together as they splattered all over the place when they went kaboom.

This is France's 9-11. The country will not be the same again.

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150+ murdered.

It is telling that certain segments of French society who have not yet spoken out nor condemned the barbaric attacks.

I expect we are about to see some very nasty tit for tat in the coming days.

I doubt it. There usually isn't.

A vote for Marie Lapen might not bode too well for the Muslims though

What makes you so sure that it's not Front National behind these attacks?

.....and shouting "Allah Akbar" to throw suspicion on the muslims? ROTFKMLITA

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I would like to see a complete stop of aid to certain coutries and a complete ban on all international sport fixtures to certain countries.If those certain countries would realise that they should be doing something in their own backyard and instead of concentrating on selling oil for the benefit of very few put a few dollars of their money into their neighbours pockets things might start to improve.

And then I woke up, cr-p!!!!

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A Third World War was never going to be between nations. We are in the middle of it right now, a battle of ideas between religion and enlightenment. It took over 100 years to reach a secular majority we have now in Britain and its going to take many more to discredit the Islamic threat, but it has begun, and they will lose eventually, evolution dictates it.

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Hopefully this will cause some of the lefty hand wringers to reconsider the wisdom of allowing the unrestricted import of those who hate the West and who have no intention of integrating.

This appalling outrage is the direct result of political dogma which claims "multiculturalism" enriches Western society.

I am sure we will in the next few days hear from the usual suspects who will claim that Islam is a "religion of peace"!

Condolences to those who have lost loved ones and best wishes to those injured.

Edited by oncearugge
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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

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Knee jerk reactions as usual. Always the cries of bad Muslim/Moslem. But always accepting of western attacks on Arab countries, either by funding or direct attack.

As horrible as what is happening, it is never as simplistic as bad Muslim/good Westerner. Constant attacks on Arab countries would no doubt compel them to bring the fight to our lands. Of course, we would like to keep the carnage to their lands, their civilians mere collateral damage.

Take a look at a differing point of view/

That's not to say that point of view is true, but is yours? We are always being fed propaganda. The truth is in their somewhere. But of course most people prefer the simplistic.

And pray how do you account for the three hundred years of Muslim conquest before the first crusade, or indeed the Ottoman Turks invading Europe, or Tamerlain butchering 50 million Hindus in India. Death follows the spread of Islam now, as it has done since its beginning, all of this before any Western colonialism.
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Despicable attacks by heartless cowards!

I think they were despicable but I'd say it takes a lot of bravery to be a suicide bomber

Not sure if you are trolling or are just a <deleted>!

Indoctrination does not equate to bravery.

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Does anyone else see the irony of 100 fans being killed at a Death Metal concert? Isn't this a musical genre that glorifies violence and death...maybe it was part of the show.

One has to feel for the French people at times like this, being led by that little worm of a man, Hollande, but that was their choice, as was the choice to allow unrestricted Muslim immigration into their country.

Eagles of Death Metal is not a death metal band. It's actually a quite traditional southern rock band.

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

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Most of the people on this board have never hurt anyone nor would they unless attacked. What we are hearing is outrage over an incident that is indeed outrageous.Emotions are running high because innocent people have been killed and wounded for no reason. As I mentioned earlier I never worried about who was Muslim or not or what any religion anyone has or does not have. That is a personal decision. Unfortunately there are people of the Islamic faith who take a strict interpretation of the Koran and believe they can kill all others who do not believe the way they do. I can't tell who is Muslim or not but now when I see someone wearing the garb of a Muslin I want to avoid them. I do not feel comfortable around them. They have brought this feeling on themselves as they refuse to assimilate and want to impose their beliefs on others. The Paris terrorists yelled "Allah Akbar" which is a pretty good indication to me what their belief is.The World will now become more vigilant, but it is necessary for Muslim leaders and Imans the World over to condemn this type of violence. If they do not, they become an accessory.

From what I have read, that evidence comes from one news channel BFMTV...not the most reliable.

"As a rolling news channel, BFMTV has been criticized for "accelerat[ing] reality, and creat[ing] pressure for instant solutions", as well as being conflating what it means to be "popular" and "populist" due to its pursuit of audiences. Thus other media institutions have insinuated that that BFMTV has furthered the cause of Marine Le Pen, the head of the nationalist Front national political party."

I will hold judgment until I see more trustworthy news sources.

The point I made was about the hysterical Muslim bashing fest without any concrete evidence so far. More indicative of the bigoted posters than comment on news.

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Just announced on french TV 122 dead, 8 terrorists killed, over 200 wounded, part of them in very very serious condition

Would be exceptional that there were no Muslim victims within the 122 killed and the +200 wounded.

Scrambling hard to show that that there is no cultural complicity. The hypocrisy runs deep with that attempt.

Here's some tips to help you determine if your wish comes true;

- if muslim, they have to be buried within 24 hours, so we should see some muslin victims funerals this weekend.

- if they were muslims, it is unlikely they would be in a night club listening to a US Death Metal band where alcohol is served. Somewhat ironic that it was a Death Metal band .

- it is unlikely that muslims would have been eating at a Cambodian restaurant where the décor emphasized aspects of the Buddhist culture and where pork was served.

As you know, a muslim isn't a muslim unless he or she lives by the Koran and that means no alcohol, no non halal food, no western music and no hanging around in mixed sex settings. You keep on with your desperate revisionist attempts, as they demonstrate how prejudiced you are.

It's too early to conclude or to evaluate the casualties.

The attacks have been committed on several locations. So, there's no final real balance for each location. Even more, a majority of people are hospitalised and are in critical situation.

The Bataclan concert place was first attacked by a driving car from the street who shooted random passants in the street. Some estimated 20 people died in that first strike.

After that, they went inside the concert and continued the attack. Provisional balance is 80 casualties around the concert.

It's disgraceful to see people posting religious restrictions as a justification that they shouldn't be equally victimised and that their religion should restrict them unconditionally from some public places. This is pure islamophobia.

I didn't make a single prejudice. You've just tried again to satisfy your self fulfilling prophecy to yourself and to your too transparent narrow public.

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Despicable attacks by heartless cowards!

I think they were despicable but I'd say it takes a lot of bravery to be a suicide bomber

Not sure if you are trolling or are just a <deleted>!

Indoctrination does not equate to bravery.

Why use the word coward? If they're giving their life, they're not too afraid of dying.. Find another word.

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

Indeed...especially since it's total BS...my TV was on this morning...Thai news...and it was exclusively covering the attacks. You really have to go out of your way to always try and find a problem with Thailand. And what a sad little individual PilotEd must be...turns on the TV...sees the devastating news and then thinks, ''Let me scan Thai TV to see if I can catch them out'' :rolleyes:-_-

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

I agree - but the Thai apologists will find any reason to poke their opinion on you.

This is international news that affects much of the Western world. The Thais should be made aware via newscasts - and of the underlying causes.

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