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Public criticism of US ambassador worrying, says PM Prayut


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He should not seek information by himself without sounding out an understanding of the country's background,

The ambassador probably knows Thai history and the current events in Thailand better than any government spokesman.

Based on the Ambassador comments so far, he seems to know little about Thailand. And I am an American. Ambassadorships are given out to friends of the President, not based on any knowledge of any country. I do believe that this Ambassador, being a friend of our President, an admitted "Social Activist", thinks he was sent here to teach Thailand how to act within their own government. He could not be more wrong about his mission here. Someone in the states needs to help him understand what his job involves, because he has been way out of line. Send him back to the states to be taught the role of an Ambassador. He is not going to make it any easier for us expats, that is for sure

You have no idea what you are talking about. The Ambassador speaks fluent Thai. Fluent. Secondly, he was confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate. Thirdly, your assessment of the Ambassador's knowledge is as in-depth as a Rush Windbag report.... This last bit was the funniest show of ignorance I have read in a very long time, and thanks for the laughter. "I do believe that this Ambassador, being a friend of our President, an admitted "Social Activist", thinks he was sent here to teach Thailand how to act "

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He should not seek information by himself without sounding out an understanding of the country's background,

The ambassador probably knows Thai history and the current events in Thailand better than any government spokesman.

Based on the Ambassador comments so far, he seems to know little about Thailand. And I am an American. Ambassadorships are given out to friends of the President, not based on any knowledge of any country. I do believe that this Ambassador, being a friend of our President, an admitted "Social Activist", thinks he was sent here to teach Thailand how to act within their own government. He could not be more wrong about his mission here. Someone in the states needs to help him understand what his job involves, because he has been way out of line. Send him back to the states to be taught the role of an Ambassador. He is not going to make it any easier for us expats, that is for sure.

I'm also an American, and what basis do you even have to suggest that his appointment is due to him being 'friends of the President'?

Glyn Davies has been a career diplomat for over 30 years, spanning many Administrations. His service to the United States has been above reproach and idiots like you you try to in some way diminish his service and loyalty to the Republic are beyond reproach. Here is a man who has dedicated his life to service, regardlessly of political affiliations and whether or not you agree, to try to demean him is incorrigible


I'm not an American. I totally agree with you. I think that the OP was merely creating an opportunity to transfer his dislike of your current President and his government into a discussion about Thai politics.
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He should not seek information by himself without sounding out an understanding of the country's background,

The ambassador probably knows Thai history and the current events in Thailand better than any government spokesman.

Based on the Ambassador comments so far, he seems to know little about Thailand. And I am an American. Ambassadorships are given out to friends of the President, not based on any knowledge of any country. I do believe that this Ambassador, being a friend of our President, an admitted "Social Activist", thinks he was sent here to teach Thailand how to act within their own government. He could not be more wrong about his mission here. Someone in the states needs to help him understand what his job involves, because he has been way out of line. Send him back to the states to be taught the role of an Ambassador. He is not going to make it any easier for us expats, that is for sure.

Which comments??

did you bother to watch the clip or are you going by the soundbites in the Thai press?

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Thailand will continue to go backwards until those 112 les majeste laws are repealed, and that is a long long ways off based on how they are being misused. Davies knows very well what the situation is in Thailand. Good on him to say something about those excessive judgements.

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I wish the USA would create some laws to prevent criticism of our own public officials...but thai's might object to that, as well? facepalm.gif

Put them all in jail?

Only problem is...if America had laws which mandated jail terms for people who criticize our leader(s)...there would be nobody left to run the prisons.

We got all our dirty laundry hanging right out where people can measure the skid marks.... and...although people criticise us....they do so freely.

God bless ya....usa

and keep up that pressure...Ambassador.

Edited by slipperylobster
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It wont be long now when public criticism of anybody will be untolerated and guns will own the streets again. This cult they call Thailand is owned and ruled by the military under the guise of something else always has and for sure always will be unless a full people revolt like in PI, Egypt takes place

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It wont be long now when public criticism of anybody will be untolerated and guns will own the streets again. This cult they call Thailand is owned and ruled by the military under the guise of something else always has and for sure always will be unless a full people revolt like in PI, Egypt takes place


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like bloody sheep all in their pink t shirts baaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaa

It is easy to be stupid, uneducated, xenophobic, knee-jerk reactive and unworldly.

Unfortunately, those traits don't get much respect on the world stage!

Unfortunately, that's all the Thais seem to bring to the picnic!

Pity the "Joe Thai" on the street.

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A report which brings one to despair.It is the duty of an Embassy to keep in touch with all sections of society and political opinion.There is no requirement for such contacts to be monitored or routed through the host government.The US Government is extremely knowledgeable about Thailand given its resources, intelligence network and close connection since the early nineteenth century.If the suggestion is that those tainted by criminality (the extremists would say this I expect about redshirt contacts) then great swathes of Thai society would also be excluded - arguably including the Junta itself.Thus the charge is self evidently absurd.From the clip linked to the FCCT talk the ambassador is an intelligent and wise man,and his comments on free expression while pointed were well within the bounds of acceptability.In fact he was remarkably accomodating.

It is appalling for the PM to be making such comments which in addition to being inaccurate give succour to the crazies.It shows he whatever his good intentions he is playing a role for which he is underequipped.

It's not particularly important but nonetheless significant that the obese huckster Michael Yon is beginning to attack the new Ambassador on his twitterfeed.He has a following among the more moronic sections of the right wing Sino Thai middle class.

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Junta-head expressed concern over the public criticism of US Ambassador.

That concern was probably that there was not more public criticism!

Meanwhile, Maj. Gen. Spokesman tells us the government respects the opinions of international organisations and its allies, yet it seems they are willing to also allow a farcical investigation by the CSD on the behest of crackpots who are determined to cause more political turmoil in the country.

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The ambassador probably knows Thai history and the current events in Thailand better than any government spokesman.

He's a career diplomat, and quite smart. I'm sure he knows more about what's going on in Thailand than any of us.



Prior to his current assignment as US Ambassador to Thailand, Glyn Townsend Davies recently served as a Senior Advisor in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs at the Department of State, a position he has held since 2014.[2] Prior to that, Davies served as the Special Representative of the U.S. Secretary of State for North Korea Policy from January 2012 to November 2014. In this capacity he was responsible for coordinating U.S. involvement in the Six-Party Talks process, as well as all other aspects of U.S. security, political, economic, human rights, and humanitarian assistance policy regarding North Korea.[3]

Other senior-level diplomatic assignments: Permanent Representative (with the rank of ambassador) to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Office in Vienna from 2009-2012; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from 2006 to 2009; Acting Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor in 2005, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs from 2004 to 2005; Political Director of the U.S. Presidency of the G-8 (with the rank of ambassador) from 2003 to 2004; Deputy Chief of Mission (with the rank of minister) at the U.S. Embassy in London, United Kingdom from 1999-2003; Executive Secretary of the White House National Security Council Staff from 1997 to 1999; Deputy Spokesman and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from 1995 to 1997; and Director of the State Department Operations Center from 1992 to 1994.[2]

Davies began his diplomatic career with postings to the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne, Australia from 1980 to 1982, and the U.S. Embassy Kinshasa, Zaire (now the Congo) from 1982 to 1984. He was Special Assistant to Secretary of State George Shultz from 1986 to 1987. From 1987 to 1992, Davies served in the State Department’s Office of European Security and Political Affairs working primarily on NATO nuclear and disarmament issues, followed by an assignment as Political-Military Affairs Officer, and then as Deputy Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Paris.[4][5]

Personal life and education

Davies earned a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in 1979.[2] He later earned a Master of Science, with distinction, in National Security Strategy from the National War College at Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C.[4] He and his wife Jacqueline M. Davies, a lawyer, have two daughters and two granddaughters.

very impressive.

actually might be overqualified for this current assignment.

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Trouble is as logical and reasoned as his talk was, there are those who choose to see any critism or even disagreement, as tantamount to heresy. If saner minds were to prevail in these troubled times, this speech would go down as a beacon of reason

The trouble is we do not live in reasonable times GinB. It so much more preferable for those in power to let populist blowhards get rolling, fan the flames, with those nefarious outside influences who want to ... .---Insert any terrible thing you can think of ----- to Thailand; this beautiful land of smiles.

Tapping into the local xenophobia, nurtured and exploited since 1997, is still a winner. The country may feel ... No one feels like smiling anymore ... but by god if they cannot smile, we will give the something to hate thumbsup.gif

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The ambassador probably knows Thai history and the current events in Thailand better than any government spokesman.

He's a career diplomat, and quite smart. I'm sure he knows more about what's going on in Thailand than any of us.



Prior to his current assignment as US Ambassador to Thailand, Glyn Townsend Davies recently served as a Senior Advisor in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs at the Department of State, a position he has held since 2014.[2] Prior to that, Davies served as the Special Representative of the U.S. Secretary of State for North Korea Policy from January 2012 to November 2014. In this capacity he was responsible for coordinating U.S. involvement in the Six-Party Talks process, as well as all other aspects of U.S. security, political, economic, human rights, and humanitarian assistance policy regarding North Korea.[3]

Other senior-level diplomatic assignments: Permanent Representative (with the rank of ambassador) to the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Office in Vienna from 2009-2012; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from 2006 to 2009; Acting Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor in 2005, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs from 2004 to 2005; Political Director of the U.S. Presidency of the G-8 (with the rank of ambassador) from 2003 to 2004; Deputy Chief of Mission (with the rank of minister) at the U.S. Embassy in London, United Kingdom from 1999-2003; Executive Secretary of the White House National Security Council Staff from 1997 to 1999; Deputy Spokesman and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs from 1995 to 1997; and Director of the State Department Operations Center from 1992 to 1994.[2]

Davies began his diplomatic career with postings to the U.S. Consulate General in Melbourne, Australia from 1980 to 1982, and the U.S. Embassy Kinshasa, Zaire (now the Congo) from 1982 to 1984. He was Special Assistant to Secretary of State George Shultz from 1986 to 1987. From 1987 to 1992, Davies served in the State Department’s Office of European Security and Political Affairs working primarily on NATO nuclear and disarmament issues, followed by an assignment as Political-Military Affairs Officer, and then as Deputy Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Paris.[4][5]Personal life and education

Davies earned a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University in 1979.[2] He later earned a Master of Science, with distinction, in National Security Strategy from the National War College at Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C.[4] He and his wife Jacqueline M. Davies, a lawyer, have two daughters and two granddaughters.

very impressive.

actually might be overqualified for this current assignment.

Actually he is impressively more qualified to do his job than the junta leader. What does he have a BS in military studies or some crap? He is way over his head. He couldnt lead a country even in the best of times.

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Every country has their ultra nationalists. Thailand is no exception. Unfortunately.

Thailand is an exception.

Not every country is in control of ultra nationalists. When it is, the country becomes more fascist in governance with people's rights and liberties sacrificed for the sake of national security.

"The term [fascism] describes an overly anti-democratic movement that suppresses all opposition as a way to fullfil political goals, and a fascist leader is a dictator that wishes to exercise complete control..." - MJ Lee, CNN Politics Reporter, 11/25/2015

So PM Prayut expresses concern over US ambassador's criticism. Naturally, Prayut must keep control.

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Almost EVERY country has expressed support for the govt after the Foreign Ministry explained the govt was exercising limited powers ... !

' Almost every country ' ! Isn't that claim well over the top even for Thai officialdom ?

Shows that diplomats don't need to speak with unofficial parties to get misled, the official sources installed by the junta will do the official misleading.

The little general must be considering sending the US ambassador to the army club for attitude adjustment.

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the [uS] ambassador. If he wishes to know anything related to Thailand; does this sound some what familiar of an ex priminister asked to go to the EU parliarment to provide information relating to Thailand?

Meanwhile a group calling itself the Federation Monitoring the Thai State yesterday filed a police petition calling on the authorities to investigate whether Davies has committed lese majeste. if he is a diplomat wouldn't he just be given a slap on the wrist ?

I suppose if LoS wants a real scrap they could demand Washington remove him from his post which could provoke all sorts of fun.

Good cop has stepped out, bad cop has stepped in.

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Grr you are making my people sad. I am warning you, you don't want to see me get angry...

On a lighter note ( and gracious me don't we need one sometimes ) I've got two Chihuahua puppies, and this picture captures them "down to a tee"!

Back to the politics.

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"If he wishes to know anything related to Thailand, the government is ready to provide complete details."

Well, you see dear PM, there is this crazy modern idea that some of these Western diplomats, where they would listen to both sides of a story and then come up with their own opinion of things. I know it sounds weird and a total waste of time since we all know, that you always speak the truth.

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the [uS] ambassador. If he wishes to know anything related to Thailand; does this sound some what familiar of an ex priminister asked to go to the EU parliarment to provide information relating to Thailand?

Meanwhile a group calling itself the Federation Monitoring the Thai State yesterday filed a police petition calling on the authorities to investigate whether Davies has committed lese majeste. if he is a diplomat wouldn't he just be given a slap on the wrist ?

With the exception of Iran (1979), diplomatic immunity means just that. Even during the height of the Cold War, the Soviets and Americans respected each others' ambassadors.

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I confess to a bit of confusion as to why anyone is calling for a lese' majeste' investigation. At what point did Davies engage in any criticism of His Majesty, King Bhumibol, or any of his family or predecessors? Is the political leadership now also considered Royalty? Even if, I did not perceive any overt criticism of the junta, anyway.

Edited by bil2054
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"Government Spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd said yesterday almost every country had shown support for the government after the Foreign Ministry explained the government was exercising limited power to keep peace and order in the country."

It's quite bizarre how in this day and age a supposedly educated man can somehow think that blatantly lying in the face of voluminous evidence that contradicts the lie will somehow cut it. The Internet, and the almost complete impossibility of shutting down the flow of information has made people like this spokesman a dinosaur. I guess it sums up the junta-from-another-age, although one is aware that they have no inkling of this.

Western Countries, whilst urging a return to democracy as quickly as possible, aren't not supporting the country. Things are progressing and relationships maintained.

Western countries are not likely to come out and say 'we support a Junta". Noticeably not one country has come out and supported the previous Shin led autocracy either. Not one, despite the all the efforts of the Thaksin PR Lobbying machine.

Maybe, all those foreign offices and diplomats can see through all the bs politicians in Thailand like to spout off and recognize all the lies.

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