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Bike for Dad: Half a million to join the event


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Instead of riding your bike today, why not take a few packages of noodles to one of the over 100 Lese Majeste

prisoners being detained throughout Thailand in various prisons, instead of promoting and glorifying the image

of the one's who have allowed them to put be put there under closed courts to the public and very little evidence

shown as to what exactly was presented in each court case.

Just in 2015 over $540 million, more than the entire budget for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was spent on a promotional campaign called “Worship, protect and uphold the monarchy.”

I would like you post but fear being arrested for doing so ! ! !

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A quiet start to this morning at first then I saw a family that lives near me out walking wearing the ' Bike For Dad ' T-shirts, not a bike in sight, and within an hour all the neighbours were wearing them.

There must have been a lot of motor cycles burning up the road to the local Lotus !

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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Interesting how many members who are only able to plan their life a few days, and sometimes just hours ahead.

Naturally these arrangements will create countless of sessions with head doctors at a later stage, in order to regain the mental balance.

And of course, even though we don't participate, we like to slag it off.

Pray tell, oh great one: when did you exactly receive all these detailed information about routes, closing times etc, so that you were able to make such precise forward- planning for ...let's say...more than 5 days!?

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Instead of riding your bike today, why not take a few packages of noodles to one of the over 100 Lese Majeste

prisoners being detained throughout Thailand in various prisons, instead of promoting and glorifying the image

of the one's who have allowed them to put be put there under closed courts to the public and very little evidence

shown as to what exactly was presented in each court case.

Just in 2015 over $540 million, more than the entire budget for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was spent on a promotional campaign called “Worship, protect and uphold the monarchy.”

I would like you post but fear being arrested for doing so ! ! !

me too cant say more wai.gif

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^Route was announced by govt office 22 October 2015

Too early, i suppose, for many aged expats whose memory cells are long pickled, and can't plan beyond that afternoon's nap?

...and then it was a holiday...oh wait, no it wasn't ...than it was again....

It took my company (90% Thai) 5 days to get ANY definitive word about what roads will be closed and at what time.

Interesting how all you thai'er-than-Thai never see any problem with anything!

Even our gracious hosts had huge problems, getting some clear statements out of anyone "responsible"!

And now: please go out and enjoy the electrifying atmosphere of hundreds of thousands og happy bikers!

I have to work!

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Some genuine questions:

1. Are the cyclists doing this event for charity, i.e. sponsored for each kilometre they complete, similar to many marathons or 10km runs? If not, why not?

2. Who gets the proceeds from the merchandising? Does this go to charity?

3. HM the King's birthday was on Dec 5th, a Saturday. There was a Public Holiday on 7th Dec to celebrate. Why was the Bike for Dad event not held on either of these days when Dec 11th is a normal working day?

Hope this post does not contravene any forum rules, but I can find no answers to these questions anywhere else and I am interested to know the answers. Thank you.

Notice that no one's attempted an answer in this thread to the legitimate questions you posed above.

Kind of wondering whether it's because a] no one here knows the answers, or b] some folks may know the answers but fear getting dragged into LM should they attempt to answer.

Now, I guess we could add a #4 to your unanswered list, being...

4. Why did there need to be a separate route for the VIPs vs. the regular folks riding?

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From reports there was not to many T Shirts sold and i dealt they have interest. Personally I feel there selling the colour not the event smile.png

Great marketing Mr Prayuth

Tee shirts sold ???? Not Tee Shirts BUT what looks to be very good quality Polo Shirts. Within our Tambon, here in the rice paddies, they were given away by the 'Or Bor Tor' to ALL participants including young children. (I have one, a very small XL ((Largest)) which I'll never fit into 55555).

We had a big attendance ride the 11 km course around our area.

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From reports there was not to many T Shirts sold and i dealt they have interest. Personally I feel there selling the colour not the event smile.png

Great marketing Mr Prayuth

Tee shirts sold ???? Not Tee Shirts BUT what looks to be very good quality Polo Shirts. Within our Tambon, here in the rice paddies, they were given away by the 'Or Bor Tor' to ALL participants including young children. (I have one, a very small XL ((Largest)) which I'll never fit into 55555).

We had a big attendance ride the 11 km course around our area.

Plenty of shops selling the shirts. No idea if they're just trying to cash in with copies.

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Bike for Dad: Saphan Taksin closed in preparation for the cycling event

Still closed... Wonder why because this was not mentioned on the bike for dad map??

It's in the map shown in the OP of this topic, the green route. At the moment, not even the odd motorcycle is allowed through. The half-hour break at Chulalongkorn seems to have ended.

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So the other 69,500,000 Thai's and Students and Office workers and the like who don't own a bike and are most likely too poor with Household Debt having risen to huge levels compared to the Elitist in the last few years. Ride on to your Propaganda Event or face LM charges for not participating in the farce. WE Demand you Ride or else face the Iron Fist of the Law!

So sad that you take this attitude. Whatever the politics behind this event, it is great to see so many people encouraged to ride their bicycles. Far better than sitting steaming inside your car, polluting the atmosphere and so on. I ride my bike everyday - as I said in another thread - about 500-600km a week. At the age of 67 the Bangkok Hospital, after many tests declared that I had the health and physical ability of the average 35 year old as I smashed all records on their stress test and other tests too. Off course you get the morons who try and discourage cycling pointing out that occasionally people get killed on bicycles. That ignores the thousands of deaths caused by cars and motorcys and the untold number of deaths resulting from sedentary lifestyles. Many poor people own bikes and many poor people will be on this ride. Good luck to them - I wish them well and hope this encourages more people to cycle on a regular basis.

If they changed the name to "cycle for health" I would find it more appealing but for me it reeks of........... well i cant say

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Bike for Dad: Saphan Taksin closed in preparation for the cycling event

Still closed... Wonder why because this was not mentioned on the bike for dad map??

It's in the map shown in the OP of this topic, the green route. At the moment, not even the odd motorcycle is allowed through. The half-hour break at Chulalongkorn seems to have ended.

30 minute break!!!

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Good luck to all the participants. I sincerely hope they have a great, accident-free day.

I love cycling and when I lived in Munich and Amsterdam I cycled everywhere! Unfortunately I don't cycle any more but that's due mainly to Honda Click at my disposal.

It'd be great to see more people cycling on a regular basis.

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aha the thick plottens now all the photos have vanished even ones san suitcases

Its that damn spiritual atmosphere i reckon,giggle.gif talking on which the good lady fancies a trip out for a beer...... Ill drink to that!

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Bike for Dad: Saphan Taksin closed in preparation for the cycling event

Still closed... Wonder why because this was not mentioned on the bike for dad map??

It's in the map shown in the OP of this topic, the green route. At the moment, not even the odd motorcycle is allowed through. The half-hour break at Chulalongkorn seems to have ended.

We are probably discussing 2 different events... On my screen route is blue and Taksin bridge not included.
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^Route was announced by govt office 22 October 2015

Too early, i suppose, for many aged expats whose memory cells are long pickled, and can't plan beyond that afternoon's nap?

Thank God they didn't close the bars or ban alcohol for the event.

We'd be reading about foreign heads exploding in the news tomorrow.

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