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Pattaya will always be Sex Town. wai2.gif

Y sure about that? I am not so sure how it will all look in say 15-20 years from now on.

But okay you seems to be the expert here, one among thousands here on TVwhistling.gif

A forum is about opinions and you are quick to proffer yours.

onemorechang is perfectly entitled to his opinion, which is no less (or more) valid than yours, or mine.

In MY opinion he has got it spot on, Pattaya will always be a sex town. The demand is there and whilst the physical appearance of Pattaya may change the sex industry will continue.

My prediction is that in 15 - 20 years the sex industry will be operating in isolated areas, such as what we see in Bangkok. Walking Street and the whole of Beach Road will be dedicated to real tourists. Sooner or later some developers will realise the amazing gem that Walking Street could be and make it more Thai tourist oriented. Already the Thais flock to Bali Hai Pier in their thousands to attend many special events throughout the year - they love it. If they do it right, Thais will keep Pattaya afloat and the international tourists will provide the cream.

I think you're right and such a development can only be of benefit to Pattaya. Everyone wins. The mongers and sexpats get their cheaper, sleazy areas and the rest of the city thrives. Pattya "dying"? The ressurection has begun!

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

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My prediction is that in 15 - 20 years the sex industry will be operating in a very isolated manner, such as what we seen in Bangkok. Walking Street and the whole of Beach Road will be dedicated for real tourists. Sooner or later some developers will realise the amazing gem that Walking Street could be and make it more Thai tourist oriented. Already the Thais flock to Bali Hai Pier in their thousands to attend certain events throughout the year - they love it.

Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

I can see it becoming a lot more expensive which has the effect of isolating and zoning it. days are numbered here as people find other friendlier and cheaper options elsewhere. already many i know that come here yearly are going elsewhere because what they want is no longer here

People just have to know where the cheap places are, and they still exist in their hundreds.

The farang sex industry in Bkk is expensive and still survives and thrives, so there is no reason to believe it won't in Pattaya where accommodation is still a lot cheaper than Bkk.

it may survive but its pretty clear the direction its going

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Oh my deity, why would a Central be a tourist attraction for Bkk Thais?????? They have dozens of them in Bkk..

Central gave Pattaya a middle class credibity. Pattaya is no longer looked down upon by middle class Thais, it very much was just several years ago. If you happened to mention to middle class Thai that you live in Pattaya, you got the 'look'. Not any more.

Pattaya was seen as seedy farang play ground/sh*thole, Central is one of the big reasons why that negative view changed.

I think another big reason was Russian arriving in 2009-2010, young families with children. The scene changed immidiately, Pattaya streets were no longer only filled with retired white male with young Thai female by their side. Thais started to see Pattaya as acceptable middle class weekend getaway resort.

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Budget to tear down the seaside of walking street have been allocated, and reallocated, for 20 years

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Budget to tear down the seaside of walking street have been allocated, and reallocated, for 20 years

I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you have some sources to prove this?

Anyhow, I'm not talking about tearing it down. I'm talking about a complete, from the ground up rebuild. Everything from Pratumnak Road to the sea. A mega development. Hotels, shopping malls and extended pier all the way from Bali Hai to the beach. One development like this could rewrite Pattaya's image.

Edited by tropo
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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Nah cant see it anytime soon. Least 20 years ago was hearing the same when the amount of money it generated was a lot less than today

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Nah cant see it anytime soon. Least 20 years ago was hearing the same when the amount of money it generated was a lot less than today

Pattaya wasn't ready 20 years ago, but it is now, and will be even more ready in a decade or so.

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

I hope you are right because that is how it should have been designed in the first place.

Recognising that a sex industry exists should have resulted in the creation of zoned areas for 'entertainment'.

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Nah cant see it anytime soon. Least 20 years ago was hearing the same when the amount of money it generated was a lot less than today

Pattaya wasn't ready 20 years ago, but it is now, and will be even more ready in a decade or so.

Yeah I have no axe to grind as never came initially as a sex tourist and certainly not one now. Take it or leave it entirely depending on mood of the day.

LK Metro has become full of British Thugs so wouldn't want walking st to go the same way

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Budget to tear down the seaside of walking street have been allocated, and reallocated, for 20 years

I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you have some sources to prove this?

Anyhow, I'm not talking about tearing it down. I'm talking about a complete, from the ground up rebuild. Everything from Pratumnak Road to the sea. A mega development. Hotels, shopping malls and extended pier all the way from Bali Hai to the beach. One development like this could rewrite Pattaya's image.

Damn, I just binned that 20 year old Pattaya mail the other day.

Anyone who lives here for 20 years or more will confirm you about the 101 illegal businesses on walking street destruction budget allocated some 20 years ago, I admit it may be 19 years.

The budget was then "misplaced" by the government some 5 years later, and since they could find it again, a new budget was put in place almost 10 years ago now.

I even recall some renewed talks less than 5 years ago, when the plans for the extended beach road above where now the sea is were revealed, but once again everything went quiet.

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The new PC center is soon on-line and what are they gonna build/do on the now closed Tops super market? The huge plot on the corner 2nd road/north Pattaya road have just been leveled too?

Pattaya is changing rapidly and mostly for the better in my opinion, expect for the traffic off-course but that seems to be Nation wide.

I am very happy Central is here now, bought some good shoes/shirts & other stuff there + heaps of restaurants to choose from, from the cheap food court in the cellar where it belong, to very good ones on higher floors.

Talked to a Bangkok Thai couple at my sons school and they are very happy living here compared to BKK.

Yes the future is looking good for Pattaya no doubt about that.

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The new PC center is soon on-line and what are they gonna build/do on the now closed Tops super market? The huge plot on the corner 2nd road/north Pattaya road have just been leveled too?

Pattaya is changing rapidly and mostly for the better in my opinion, expect for the traffic off-course but that seems to be Nation wide.

I am very happy Central is here now, bought some good shoes/shirts & other stuff there + heaps of restaurants to choose from, from the cheap food court in the cellar where it belong, to very good ones on higher floors.

Talked to a Bangkok Thai couple at my sons school and they are very happy living here compared to BKK.

Yes the future is looking good for Pattaya no doubt about that.

Only hearsay but the wife's sister said it was going to be another shopping mall.

That will be right then....................

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Nah cant see it anytime soon. Least 20 years ago was hearing the same when the amount of money it generated was a lot less than today

Pattaya wasn't ready 20 years ago, but it is now, and will be even more ready in a decade or so.

It may not even take a decade or so.

Pattaya is changing fast and Walking St is not immune especially if there are less sex tourists and that definitely seems to be the case.

It makes economic sense to alter the make up of Walking St to more venues that appeal to the general population.

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It's all economics. Part politics too. When the tourist mix is sufficient enough to demand more malls and seaside condos, Walking Street (and the rest of Pattaya) will likely adapt. We can only hope that the sex industry finds new life in another nearby destination.

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It's all economics. Part politics too. When the tourist mix is sufficient enough to demand more malls and seaside condos, Walking Street (and the rest of Pattaya) will likely adapt. We can only hope that the sex industry finds new life in another nearby destination.

Not too far away, I hope wink.png

Pattaya will never become a Singapore - neither it, nor Thailand, has the class to do that.

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how many of you have seen Chinese buying things?

they get out of their bus , take a few pictures and go back into their bus.

I have never seen Chineses with bags...

My sister and her husband are currently staying at Cape Dara which is full and 90% are Asian, mostly Chinese. They certainly have money to spend!

Why would rich Chinese buy anything in LOS? Whatever they want/ need is available in China and probably cheaper.

Food, hotel rooms, trips and excursions, and holiday souvenirs - just like all tourists.

.....and all pre-paid for in China with Renminbi to Chinese tour operators.

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It's all economics. Part politics too. When the tourist mix is sufficient enough to demand more malls and seaside condos, Walking Street (and the rest of Pattaya) will likely adapt. We can only hope that the sex industry finds new life in another nearby destination.

Not too far away, I hope wink.png

Pattaya will never become a Singapore - neither it, nor Thailand, has the class to do that.

Lived and worked in Singapore in 2011/ 2012.

I couldn't get out of the place quick enough.

Long may Thailand never become another Singapore.

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I think Whitemouse makes some excellent points. Central Festival and Russians with families both worked towards changing perceptions with middle class Thais. Also, lots of BKK residents came to Pattaya to escape the floods a few years ago and they looked around and said hey, Pattaya has changed. Another factor may have been Lumpini, the big BKK developer, moving into Pattaya and building 4 large projects--which have been very popular as weekend getaways for BKK residents. Once Lumpini arrived, Sansiri, Supalai, and SC Asset followed and built, or are building, their own large projects and they are also attracting Thai buyers. It's lots of things coming together. I think Pattaya can be both a party town and a family town--just as Vegas has evolved to be both a gambling and entertainment destination. You can have a nice time in Pattaya and not go near Walking Street, Soi 6, or the other adult-oriented areas. Thais are realizing that.

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I think Whitemouse makes some excellent points. Central Festival and Russians with families both worked towards changing perceptions with middle class Thais. Also, lots of BKK residents came to Pattaya to escape the floods a few years ago and they looked around and said hey, Pattaya has changed. Another factor may have been Lumpini, the big BKK developer, moving into Pattaya and building 4 large projects--which have been very popular as weekend getaways for BKK residents. Once Lumpini arrived, Sansiri, Supalai, and SC Asset followed and built, or are building, their own large projects and they are also attracting Thai buyers. It's lots of things coming together. I think Pattaya can be both a party town and a family town--just as Vegas has evolved to be both a gambling and entertainment destination. You can have a nice time in Pattaya and not go near Walking Street, Soi 6, or the other adult-oriented areas. Thais are realizing that.

What all you lot that want to change Pattaya ( why did you want to live there anyway- isn't Hua Hin more to your liking? ) forget is the traffic. More development attracting Thais= more cars, and Pattaya can't absorb any more without MASSIVE traffic chaos. Also, without demolishing half the city it is impossible to build bigger roads, so that's a non starter.

More people= no water. Water supply has ALWAYS been a problem and isn't going to improve.

More people = more sewage. Always been a problem and going to get even more smelly and polluted than it is now.

So, you guys want to live in a city that is a massive traffic jam all day, that you have to pay to bring in your water to and stinks. LOL.

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Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Nah cant see it anytime soon. Least 20 years ago was hearing the same when the amount of money it generated was a lot less than today

Pattaya wasn't ready 20 years ago, but it is now, and will be even more ready in a decade or so.

It may not even take a decade or so.

Pattaya is changing fast and Walking St is not immune especially if there are less sex tourists and that definitely seems to be the case.

It makes economic sense to alter the make up of Walking St to more venues that appeal to the general population.

and what would those venues be then? The gogos are a miniscule part of WS now and the barbeer complexes are very popular for people watching.

Why do you think people go to WS anyway? Without the girls how many would want to walk up and down a dirty smelly street?

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Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Budget to tear down the seaside of walking street have been allocated, and reallocated, for 20 years

I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you have some sources to prove this?

Anyhow, I'm not talking about tearing it down. I'm talking about a complete, from the ground up rebuild. Everything from Pratumnak Road to the sea. A mega development. Hotels, shopping malls and extended pier all the way from Bali Hai to the beach. One development like this could rewrite Pattaya's image.

Damn, I just binned that 20 year old Pattaya mail the other day.

Anyone who lives here for 20 years or more will confirm you about the 101 illegal businesses on walking street destruction budget allocated some 20 years ago, I admit it may be 19 years.

The budget was then "misplaced" by the government some 5 years later, and since they could find it again, a new budget was put in place almost 10 years ago now.

I even recall some renewed talks less than 5 years ago, when the plans for the extended beach road above where now the sea is were revealed, but once again everything went quiet.

You are absolutely correct. They have been trying to tear them down for years and years- fat chance though.

This thread seems to be populated by people that have no clue about Pattaya's history. Whatever the reason they want to live in Pattaya, they don't know that it all exists because of the sex industry in Pattaya, and that's a fact. Without the bars and the girls ( and the boys and the boygirls ) none of whatever they like would have been built. Pattaya would be just another crappy Thai town. It was literally built on the backs of Thai girls biggrin.png .

Also, the armchair optimists that dream of a Thai Riviera have no clue about the Thai reality, or that increased numbers of Thai people automatically means too many cars, or that there isn't enough water, or that the sewage system can't cope.

People should be careful of what they wish for.

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and what would those venues be then? The gogos are a miniscule part of WS now and the barbeer complexes are very popular for people watching.


Pattaya is changing fast and Walking St is not immune especially if there are less sex tourists and that definitely seems to be the case.

It makes economic sense to alter the make up of Walking St to more venues that appeal to the general population.

Why do you think people go to WS anyway? Without the girls how many would want to walk up and down a dirty smelly street?

I would.


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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

I hope you are right because that is how it should have been designed in the first place.

Recognising that a sex industry exists should have resulted in the creation of zoned areas for 'entertainment'.


There is a "zone" for the "entertainment" industry. It goes from near the Dolphin roundabout on Naklua Rd to the hill at the south end of Pattaya, and from the Beach side of 3rd Rd to the waterfront. It's been there for over 25 years, but I suspect you didn't know that.

There is also a satellite zone up near the Royal Cliff.

You are welcome to go elsewhere in Pattaya if you don't like it. No one is forcing you to go somewhere you don't want to go. I believe the dark side is untainted by the bar scene.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Y sure about that? I am not so sure how it will all look in say 15-20 years from now on.

But okay you seems to be the expert here, one among thousands here on TVwhistling.gif

A forum is about opinions and you are quick to proffer yours.

onemorechang is perfectly entitled to his opinion, which is no less (or more) valid than yours, or mine.

In MY opinion he has got it spot on, Pattaya will always be a sex town. The demand is there and whilst the physical appearance of Pattaya may change the sex industry will continue.

My prediction is that in 15 - 20 years the sex industry will be operating in a very isolated manner, such as what we seen in Bangkok. Walking Street and the whole of Beach Road will be dedicated for real tourists. Sooner or later some developers will realise the amazing gem that Walking Street could be and make it more Thai tourist oriented. Already the Thais flock to Bali Hai Pier in their thousands to attend certain events throughout the year - they love it.

Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Can you point to a single example of a "development" plan anywhere in LOS? It's not Thai to plan cities- they just grow. Perhaps you would prefer Singapore- they had a great development plan.

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.


If you are referring to the resorts along that stretch of road, most of them have been there for over 25 years, and some built at the end of last century before the Thai financial meltdown. Yes some new development, but a few 5* resorts don't mean there is the demand for such all the way along the beach.

If you are referring to the walkway, that badly designed, badly built, falling to pieces piece of garbage 5555555555555.

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Pattaya will always be Sex Town. wai2.gif

Y sure about that? I am not so sure how it will all look in say 15-20 years from now on.

But okay you seems to be the expert here, one among thousands here on TVwhistling.gif

A forum is about opinions and you are quick to proffer yours.

onemorechang is perfectly entitled to his opinion, which is no less (or more) valid than yours, or mine.

In MY opinion he has got it spot on, Pattaya will always be a sex town. The demand is there and whilst the physical appearance of Pattaya may change the sex industry will continue.

My prediction is that in 15 - 20 years the sex industry will be operating in isolated areas, such as what we see in Bangkok. Walking Street and the whole of Beach Road will be dedicated to real tourists. Sooner or later some developers will realise the amazing gem that Walking Street could be and make it more Thai tourist oriented. Already the Thais flock to Bali Hai Pier in their thousands to attend many special events throughout the year - they love it. If they do it right, Thais will keep Pattaya afloat and the international tourists will provide the cream.

Real tourists, LOL

Who are they then? People with money, people with not much money, backpackers, the Chinese tour groups, the Russians, the Indians, Brit louts, Brit guys that aren't louts, French, Germans, Scandinavians, Aussies, Kiwis, Americans, Arabs, families, singles? All of those already go to Pattaya, and far as I'm concerned anyone that came from another country and is going back to another country within a few months is a real tourist.

BTW Bali Hi is a death trap for the thousands that go there to celebrate. One day it is all going to go wrong. It's far better when they close Beach Rd for celebrations- more exits.

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Real tourists, LOL

Who are they then? People with money, people with not much money, backpackers, the Chinese tour groups, the Russians, the Indians, Brit louts, Brit guys that aren't louts, French, Germans, Scandinavians, Aussies, Kiwis, Americans, Arabs, families, singles? All of those already go to Pattaya, and far as I'm concerned anyone that came from another country and is going back to another country within a few months is a real tourist.

BTW Bali Hi is a death trap for the thousands that go there to celebrate. One day it is all going to go wrong. It's far better when they close Beach Rd for celebrations- more exits.

Why do you consider Bali High a death trap ?

i must admit i have not been down there for 6-7 years for a large event.

is it just the huge numbers in that location ? wai2.gif

Edited by onemorechang
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Real tourists, LOL

Who are they then? People with money, people with not much money, backpackers, the Chinese tour groups, the Russians, the Indians, Brit louts, Brit guys that aren't louts, French, Germans, Scandinavians, Aussies, Kiwis, Americans, Arabs, families, singles? All of those already go to Pattaya, and far as I'm concerned anyone that came from another country and is going back to another country within a few months is a real tourist.

BTW Bali Hi is a death trap for the thousands that go there to celebrate. One day it is all going to go wrong. It's far better when they close Beach Rd for celebrations- more exits.

Why do you consider Bali High a death trap ?

i must admit i have not been down there for 6-7 years for a large event.

is it just the huge numbers in that location ? wai2.gif

The end near walking street is a bottleneck, and if there was a panic there is no way out except for a few at a time

Don't say that they could just go out towards the lighthouse- when I was there for new year in 2011 the crowd in that area was immense and in a panic you know what happens.

There was a panic resulting in many deaths at a similar celebration some other country at that time- I don't recall where.

I was very uneasy about being in the crowd, as I could see what might happen. Never went there for another celebration.

That's why I said Beach Rd is better for celebrations. There have been too many mass casualties caused by panic elsewhere to say it couldn't happen in Pattaya.

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Oh for a properly constructed development plan 30 years ago! smile.png

I agree with your prediction except that I am not sure Walking Street could be transformed in that time-frame - maybe?

The evidence is there already on Beach Road if you take a walk from the Amari to Central Festival.

You have to that sois 6,7 and 8 days are numbered.

I still doubt that the sex industry will be "isolated". I can see it becoming more zoned, as it should have been in the first place - difficult perhaps when prostitution is illegal in Thailand!

Of course we are just making predictions and anything can happen, but I can see the whole of Walking Street being torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, one day. I probably won't be here to witness it though...

Budget to tear down the seaside of walking street have been allocated, and reallocated, for 20 years

I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you have some sources to prove this?

Anyhow, I'm not talking about tearing it down. I'm talking about a complete, from the ground up rebuild. Everything from Pratumnak Road to the sea. A mega development. Hotels, shopping malls and extended pier all the way from Bali Hai to the beach. One development like this could rewrite Pattaya's image.


Buildings in the Walking Street area were facing demolition in the late 1990s due to environmental problems associated with the discharge of wastewater into the sea. Opposition from the local businesses, reluctance amongst some government staff to enforce the demolition order and the prevailing economic crisis led instead to businesses and authorities redeveloping the street into a major tourist attraction as a pedestrian nightlife district.

Anyone been in Pattaya for a while knows they have been trying to demolish the beach side buildings for years.

Actually, I disagree with the above- Walking Street was created in the mid 90s, not the late 90s. I was there when it opened, and the intention was that it become an extended beer garden, with tables and chairs set up in the middle of the road. Not a single farang volunteer policeman in sight for years.

I loved sitting at Lucky Star barbeer number 2 listening to rock and roll played at setting 11 and watching the passing parade. Bliss.

Do you think that people would actually go to walk on WS if not for the ladees?

I give you an example- Bugis St in Singapore was an extremely popular place every night in the 1970s. Anyone doesn't know why can look it up. Then they got rid of the "attraction" and built a load of restaurants. Not nearly as popular a place now as then. Just because it's got a famous name isn't enough to make it work. Only have to visit Carnaby St to know that.

PS the buildings were there long before WS and were always illegal- still are.

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