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SURVEY: Britain exiting the EU, do you support it or not?


SURVEY: Do you support the UK leaving the EU?  

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With polls showing that the UK public are nearly evenly split on leaving the EU, do you agree the UK should leave the EU?

Please feel free to leave a comment.

Here are some links to recent threads on the issue:

UK Exit:


I want a fairer Europe:


Make or Break: Brexit and migration talks progress:


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100% for leaving and hope Scotland leaves UK as a result. Sincerely wishing for a totally independent England one day. Stronger together? What a load of old tosh! All this 'UK will have less say in world affairs' talk is totally immaterial. Like we do now and like anyone listens anyway. John Major is wrong on sovereignty and immigration. Independence and self respect is everything.

This thread will draw in the jealous uk haters. Flame away monkeys!

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

So we should stay in a corrupt organisation that has not even audited it's accounts for 20 yrs. governed by non elected bureaucrats who govern to their wishes and not the people's, continue to relinquish control of who to allow into the UK,need I go on.

By the way steveni, where do you come from?

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

I disagree.

I am all for an exit because of the fact the EU has become a huge gravy train that has little net benefit.

Free trade agreements would suffice.

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The UK is an island, very similar to a large ship, if it is overloaded then it will sink.

The British people 40 years ago were asked if they wanted to stay in a '' common market ''. the extent of what that '' common market '' was to become, could not have been in the minds of the people like me that voted.

Its time for the British people to vote for what that '' common market '' has become. a clutter of non like minded countries controlled by a megalomaniac female that must be a descendant of Hitler

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The common market in its early years was exactly as its name implies, a marketplace where prices to farmers were guaranteed and common throughout the membership. These days politics, legal rulings and bureaucracy seem to have overtaken and turned what was a good idea (particularly for France) into a bungling top heavy nonsense.

I no longer live in the UK but I'm sure amongst the pros and cons the subject of VAT would be high on the agenda because there would be no valid argument to continue its existence after an exit. It may also be refreshing to pay market prices for produce rather than have some out of touch Eurocrats, in a far off land, setting the price on our behalf.

I'm sure all of the political parties will sort it. It's unlikely to be in the best interests of the common Brit people though.

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

So we should stay in a corrupt organisation that has not even audited it's accounts for 20 yrs. governed by non elected bureaucrats who govern to their wishes and not the people's, continue to relinquish control of who to allow into the UK,need I go on.

By the way steveni, where do you come from?

Certainly not the UK anyway, What does StevenL know about the UK? Nothing, going by such nonsensical comments.

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The United Kingdom isn't really so united in terms of economic and national security. Unless it goes completely isolationaist, something that it wasn't even during WW2, it needs membership in the EU. And for balance in EU governance, the EU needs the UK.

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I cannot believe that half of British people want to STAY in the eu...

We were never given the choice to enter the old common market..The traitor Heath [probably blackmailed] put Britain in for one trial year.

We were then asked to vote to STAY in or leave.

How could we now have expected our old markets to give us the same conditions if we now [after one year of telling them to 'p*** off and find another buyer for their produce.]wanted to trade again.

Many ,like me, did not bother to vote to stay but would have rushed to say no to JOINING.

We have now meekly given all of our power of government to faceless gnomes in Brussells..

How can 50% of British people want this to continue?

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The UK is an island, very similar to a large ship, if it is overloaded then it will sink.

The British people 40 years ago were asked if they wanted to stay in a '' common market ''. the extent of what that '' common market '' was to become, could not have been in the minds of the people like me that voted.

Its time for the British people to vote for what that '' common market '' has become. a clutter of non like minded countries controlled by a megalomaniac female that must be a descendant of Hitler

Well put my friend. I agree with every word you have spoken. especially the descendant of Hitler. Give us back our Island.

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

So we should stay in a corrupt organisation that has not even audited it's accounts for 20 yrs. governed by non elected bureaucrats who govern to their wishes and not the people's, continue to relinquish control of who to allow into the UK,need I go on.

By the way steveni, where do you come from?

Certainly not the UK anyway, What does StevenL know about the UK? Nothing, going by such nonsensical comments.

No need for making it personal, and even less need to accuse people of being non sensical without coming up with any arguments.

@ nontabury, if you look at my username you'll see my nationality.

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Europe isnt working so lets have more Europe and let Turkey join.....

Im voting out of EU, but continue to trade with EU and every other country.

I don't know if you have a poll going but I'm using Tapatalk and can't vote.

I'm undecided about UK leaving the EU, because there are many uncertainties about it. However, I don't see any benefit, only problems in further expansion of the EU, because countries like Turkey, and Greece and Cyprus before them, bring nothing of value to the union. It was only a couple of weeks ago that a Turkish citizen posted on TVF that Turkey has no natural resources and a rudimentary social security system. Additionally, Turkey is 'on paper' still at war with Cyprus, and has been illegally occupying the north of that island since 1974. There are still about 1,000 UN peacekeeping personnel in the 'buffer' zone on the island. IMHO if Turkey was ever to enter the EU, it would only be a matter of when, not if they brought out the begging bowl for the inevitable bailout request.

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

So we should stay in a corrupt organisation that has not even audited it's accounts for 20 yrs. governed by non elected bureaucrats who govern to their wishes and not the people's, continue to relinquish control of who to allow into the UK,need I go on.

By the way steveni, where do you come from?

Certainly not the UK anyway, What does StevenL know about the UK? Nothing, going by such nonsensical comments.

No need for making it personal, and even less need to accuse people of being non sensical without coming up with any arguments.

@ nontabury, if you look at my username you'll see my nationality.

No need for making it personal, OK, but remember that yourself in future.

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The EU is a stitch up by powerful multi nationals and bankers, just like every other 'economic' and/or 'trading' block. It is a way of cutting wages, staff, investment, tax and the smaller competition. It serves the rich and powerful and does nothing for most people. The incredibly dim witted socialists are kept on board with fat salaries and a few 'social engineering' rulings and regulations. Getting out is only step one.

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Will we Europeans also have the right to vote on a UK exit?

If so, I predict an overwhelming majority will vote the UK out.

Much of what goes wrong in the EU (not all) is because the UK has 1 foot in and 1 foot out.

Schengen - euro - tax and social legislation: the UK should accept it all or leave!

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

So we should stay in a corrupt organisation that has not even audited it's accounts for 20 yrs. governed by non elected bureaucrats who govern to their wishes and not the people's, continue to relinquish control of who to allow into the UK,need I go on.

By the way steveni, where do you come from?

Certainly not the UK anyway, What does StevenL know about the UK? Nothing, going by such nonsensical comments.

No need for making it personal, and even less need to accuse people of being non sensical without coming up with any arguments.

@ nontabury, if you look at my username you'll see my nationality.

Just say your nationality,or are you ashamed of it?

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The EU is a stitch up by powerful multi nationals and bankers, just like every other 'economic' and/or 'trading' block. It is a way of cutting wages, staff, investment, tax and the smaller competition. It serves the rich and powerful and does nothing for most people. The incredibly dim witted socialists are kept on board with fat salaries and a few 'social engineering' rulings and regulations. Getting out is only step one.

yeah right, because UK governments look after their people so well, what did i read this morning, in the UK 1% have more than 57%. I lived nigh on 40 years in Germany,what a difference to the UK that was, better treatment for the working person all round, better benefits, higher wages, better health service, higher pensions,longer holidays etc.

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Although I no longer live there, if I did have a vote then I'd be for separation to some degree if not complete isolation. I said before the Euro came in that it was crazy to link things like interest rates with countries that have different needs. For example, if UK is a service industry and Germany is a manufacturing industry, then they have different needs at times. Nothing to do with nationalistic bias, just financial best for each kind of thinking.

What I'd be more interested in is Scotland moving the border further south (anywhere North of Westminster).

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The United Kingdom isn't really so united in terms of economic and national security. Unless it goes completely isolationaist, something that it wasn't even during WW2, it needs membership in the EU. And for balance in EU governance, the EU needs the UK.

Why does the UK need the EU for economic reasons? The U.K. Pays in far more than it takes out, the EU exports to the UK far more than the UK exports to the EU. One of the many advantages of leaving the EU is that it will allow the UK decide what is in the best interest of the UK. As for the EU they will certainly want to make a new trade agreement, as they know it's in the EU interest.

Maybe one of the reasons the EU bureaucrats would prefer for us to remain in, is because they are afraid that if the UK decides to leave, then perhaps others will also,especially when they realise that the UK is better off.

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My hypothetical "out" vote here cannot be replicated in practice as I'm no longer registered to vote. Although I think the UK would suffer in the short term (as the remainder of the EU turns it's back on us, and would introduce punitive trading barriers), the longer term would bring significant successes & improvements - providing of course that the UK stands up to many of the social failings (excessive immigration & benefits, etc.)

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People wanting to exit are living in the past.

And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

Of course the EU is better off with the UK as a member, by £50million per day for a start. The laws and rules of the EU are followed to the letter by the UK, all the other members pick and choose those they believe suit them best. We are restricted in our trade with the rest of the world by membership of the EU, outside we can trade with whomever we decide is best for Britain.. And please don't say we will lose trade from the EU because of a Brexit, they need us more then we need them.

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We will never know the true facts if it benefits us to be in or out or out as politicians in general are liberal with the truth. Cameron has no chance of getting any of his demands re immigration and benefits for them. We can't keep allowing the vast numbers, think we'll over half a million last year of people coming, The NHS can't cope, schools are overflowing, not enough housing etc.

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