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Immigration Promenada One Stop Service 2016-2017

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6 hours ago, Faz said:

Sorry, I'm not trying to unnecessarily worry anyone.


As an alien it's your responsibility to make yourself aware of the laws governing your stay in Thailand.

It's well documented on TV that not all Immigration offices follow the exact same procedures, so it would be wise to consult your own Immigration office to determine exactly what they expect and require in given situations.


If there is an inconsistency with the Immigration offices, then expats will continue to disagree on certain requirements depending on their own experiences, however sharing our experience can be a prelude of what maybe what to expect for newcomers especially.



Faz, I'm sorry, but you can visit the local immigration office in advance to inquire as to which documents EXACTLY are needed and still be hit with a curve ball when you come for your interview.  Even if they hand you a document with a list of required documents and even if you write down the name of an Immigration officer who tells you what you need during your advance rekkie mission.  At Imm. Promenanda, chances are very good that you won't be able to talk with an Imm. office during your rekkie visit, but rather will talk with a college intern at the info desk outside the office, anyway.


I would agree with most of the 'common sense'' answers above except for my two friends recent experience and that is the only reason I posted about this in the first place.  Immigration does NOT use common sense.  I will state again;  my friend was REFUSED his retirement extension until his landlord (they specified landlord or signed and verified by phone call proxy form) submitted the TM 30.  At the point that they will not process your extension it certainly becomes YOUR problem and not just your lanlord's.

That said; I also know others who have processed their extension last month and were never asked for TM30.   



 Why all the fuss / belly aching ,etc etc ,????? sure the immgr dept  should provide a better service, But  thats the way it is, in c/mai


there  are a number of ways  to overcome this minor hiccup,as already discussed  and posted on many threads on the c/mai board


to the latest, in hiring stooges(ret visa) to receive a qeue card ,and using the services next door, for all matters related to your stay in c/mai


using a trusted Visa Agent to boot

its clear as mud, why  the immgr dept are allegedly throwing at us  ,but  for a  few extra baht,  that  can be taken care of , until better days come along

if u want to stick to your principles,and not adjust to the present immgr dept poor services etc etc, by paying the extra. few baht  involved

cop what is allegedly  thrown at you

the street smart have adjusted yrs back, but the senseless continue on their monotous crusade:(this is wrong!!!! and thats wrong!!!! etc etc

its a Peter Frampton  good arvo to all my readers:)





25 minutes ago, evenstevens said:

 Why all the fuss / belly aching ,etc etc ,????? sure the immgr dept  should provide a better service, But  thats the way it is, in c/mai


there  are a number of ways  to overcome this minor hiccup,as already discussed  and posted on many threads on the c/mai board


to the latest, in hiring stooges(ret visa) to receive a qeue card ,and using the services next door, for all matters related to your stay in c/mai


using a trusted Visa Agent to boot

its clear as mud, why  the immgr dept are allegedly throwing at us  ,but  for a  few extra baht,  that  can be taken care of , until better days come along

if u want to stick to your principles,and not adjust to the present immgr dept poor services etc etc, by paying the extra. few baht  involved

cop what is allegedly  thrown at you

the street smart have adjusted yrs back, but the senseless continue on their monotous crusade:(this is wrong!!!! and thats wrong!!!! etc etc

its a Peter Frampton  good arvo to all my readers:)






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I still think some people are still complicating this matter unnecessarily.


First of all, let's keep this conversation focused on Chiang Mai.  

Immigration DOES want notice of a successfully-filed TM30 in their on-line record for each foreigner.  And, yes, the proper way of doing this when a landlord is not handy is to get a proxy from the landlord.  (See my next post.)


Well, maybe a visa service can "straighten out" difficult situations as NancyL has suggested.  I have never used an agent. Over many, many years I have run into nothing but common sense, courtesy and accommodation (except to suffer occasionally  through the usual discomfort and waits like everyone else) in each of the three offices foreigners can visit in Chiang Mai.  One reason is that I normally come prepared with what is needed.  Once I had a housemaster problem of sorts, but it was clear what the situation was and there was no more than a shrugg from the officer.  And I have never complained, gotten in anyone's face, nor been asked to leave the premises while "surveilling" office routine and behavior!


I really wonder about Silverhawk's friend's experience --- but do note (if I read his post correctly --- that had he had a phone number and been able to contact the housemaster, then he would have been in the clear.  That, of course,  DOES sound really arduous!  


I doubt that the TM30-less SIlverhawk is alone.  My advice to those who find it very inconvenient to contact his landlord is to go to the Immigration Investigations Office with a completed TM30 (less the owner's signature), a copy of the rental contract, a copy of any identification or other attempted communication he might have with the landlord, his own ID material, and an explanation of the situation.


Of course, one way to get his landord's attention would be to stop paying the rent.  THEN she's show up!  ;D


If he can't do it by himself, then try an agent. If that doesn't work, then (to be facetious) move!  Hmmmm? Hey!  Sometimes you've got to get creative!


Anyway, learn to live with the concern which was expressed (as reported by someone on TV after a conversation with an Immigration officer) by He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed that every foreigner's location must be tracked down within 24 hours.


Now, about a  proxy (limited power of attorney) to file a TM30.  A while back I posted a copy of the proxy form (I believe in the thread about TM30s), but Silverhawk wrote that it was not "downloadable."  No other complaints after several apparent ownloads by others. Well, I will try again here.  If that doesn't work, then I recall that I found it in a very helpful article post (as I remember) by a TV sponsor, a real estate agency called Perfect Homes.  Check with them.

TM30 Proxy Form.pdf


Now, about a  proxy (limited power of attorney) to file a TM30.  A while back I posted a copy of the proxy form (I believe in the thread about TM30s), but Silverhawk wrote that it was not "downloadable."  No other complaints after several apparent ownloads by others. Well, I will try again here.  If that doesn't work, then I recall that I found it in a very helpful article post (as I remember) by a TV sponsor, a real estate agency called Perfect Homes.  Check with them.

TM30 Proxy Form.pdf

32 minutes ago, Mapguy said:

Here is the TM30 pdf file and other stuff  that I have.  I got it, as I recall, from a long message about reporting residence by Perfect Homes.


Hope this works! First time I tried it this afternoon, TV choked on it!

TM 30 Explanation (7.2016).rtfd.zip

TM30 Householder Form (page 1).pdf

TM30 Householder Report Form (page 2).pdf

TM30 Proxy Form.pdf

Oops!  No such luck.  Maybe Tywais can figure this out.


Now, here's a quote from the article that does possibly raises questions:


If you stay in a hotel/guest house within Thailand, then you’ve re-registered in a different location. Once you return to your primary location in Thailand you have to re-register in that location again.


Notice, It doesn't say anthing about traveling to another private residence in Thailand nor travling abroad and returning to your "primary residence.  


HOWEVER, as I have posted before, I will say it again.  Twice now, it has only been necessary at the Chiang Mai Immigration Investigations Office over the past few months for both foreign travel abroad and within Thailand just to bring the passport with the receipt from the report on file in their computer (with your pretty picture and all) to the office.  You keep that in the back of your passport. Takes five minutes. Done.  Finished.  Smiles all round!!  Same same procedure. 


IF you change your regular residence, that is a differrent matter.  Don't pass "GO," don't collect $200; go straight to your housemaster who must file a  report of your new ergular residence.


Here's another situation (just to confuse things a bit!)  Say you have a long-term (more than three-year) lease on a property and your name appears on the chanote as the lessor on the property.  Take a copy of that to Immigration.  Graciously received.  Done.  Smiles all round!


By the way, if you think that Immigration officers are at all pleased with all this, you are wrong.  Remember, they had been ignoring such report requirements for a long, long time.  Then the shrine was bombed in Bangkok, and the police could not tell where the suspects resided    "He-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed was not amused.


Well, shall we beat this horse to death again?  How many lives does this horse have, anyway?! I have reported exactly what I have experienced at the Immigration Investigations Office in Chiang Mai.  No problems. I regret I can't seem to share all the forms.


I'm out of here!


Otherwise, of course, "Good Guys in, Bad Guys Out."  Not a bad motto, really!




As your quoting Keiths Blog from Perfect Homes as your source of information, :giggle: I suggest you read his advice about TM30's.


Do I need to register everyone staying at the property? Yes. Everyone staying at the property must register, there is the second form for adding multiple people to the property if you are doing it at immigration.

tm030Do I need to register if I am living in my own home? Yes. If you are a foreign national and own your home in Thailand, you must register your occupancy.

tm030Do I need to re-register if I have been out of the country for a couple of days? Whenever you leave the country, you must re-register upon your return.

tm030Do I need to register if I have been on holiday and stayed at another hotel/guest house? Yes. The owner of the hotel/guest house will have registered you as a guest of the hotel/guest house. Once you return to your primary place of residence in Thailand, you must re-register.


Personally I'll stick to the Immigration website for downloading forms and to the Thailand Immigration Act about the law.

I'm sure Chiang Mai do the same..................Keith who!


Happy Joe, Good and useful site, but no proxy from that I can see.


Yes, Faz, that's what the guy says.  I have a copy and have been trying to share it (unsuccessfully) !.  All I have been trying to do, really, is tell people what has worked for me consistently at Chiang Mai Immigration.  Cheers!


Thanks!  Yes, that's where I got my copy. I have successfully downloaded your attachment. There is apparently some problem, accordingto Silverhawk, with my  copy which I have tried to upload onto ThaiVisa CM  The guy who really needs it now is SIlverhawk (and probably many others).

On 1/8/2016 at 0:23 AM, Tywais said:

I have removed several off topic and non-pertinent posts and will continue to do so to keep this on track for useful information and appropriate questions and not become a free for all as the other versions. As I stated in my op, I will remove posts without notice from now on that do not follow this criteria.

It should be the case in every tread...


On 1/8/2016 at 0:23 AM, Tywais said:

I have removed several off topic and non-pertinent posts and will continue to do so to keep this on track for useful information and appropriate questions and not become a free for all as the other versions. As I stated in my op, I will remove posts without notice from now on that do not follow this criteria.

It should be the case in every tread...


On 1/8/2016 at 0:23 AM, Tywais said:

I have removed several off topic and non-pertinent posts and will continue to do so to keep this on track for useful information and appropriate questions and not become a free for all as the other versions. As I stated in my op, I will remove posts without notice from now on that do not follow this criteria.

It should be the case in every tread...


On 1/8/2016 at 0:23 AM, Tywais said:

I have removed several off topic and non-pertinent posts and will continue to do so to keep this on track for useful information and appropriate questions and not become a free for all as the other versions. As I stated in my op, I will remove posts without notice from now on that do not follow this criteria.

It should be the case in every tread...



There are several posts in a Chiang Mai related Facebook group that Promanda no longer does Residency Certificates and people are told to get it from their consulate/embassy.

Anybody here that has the same experience?


Can anyone tell me who has visited Promenada lately, if the alien information sheet has been introduced there yet? I see it has reared it's ugly head in Lop Bhuri. I am due to visit Imm next week for my 90 day. Last time I visited, things were normal form wise:coffee1:



5 minutes ago, Johnice said:

Can anyone tell me who has visited Promenada lately, if the alien information sheet has been introduced there yet? I see it has reared it's ugly head in Lop Bhuri. I am due to visit Imm next week for my 90 day. Last time I visited, things were normal form wise:) 



I did a 90 day report near the end of July and through an agent and I had to fill that form.


I obtained a re-entry permit at Imm. Prom.  (myself, not thru an agent) in late July and also had to submit the Foreign National Info form.  


Just my experience,  tomorrow may be different.


Arrived at Promenada yesterday morning, needed my visa transferred to my brand new passport plus an extension.


Counter staff seemed to think my applications were in order, took my money and told me to come back in the afternoon. Just before midday they called my phone asking me to return. At the counter once more " Sorry sir but this office cannot  transfer your visa to your new passport, you need to apply at the Airport Office"


" "Do I then need to come back here for the extension?"


"No Sir , they should be able to attend that"


The transfer several dociuments, 10 kilomtres and 3 hours  later "was concluded with a " Sorry Sir we cannot do your extension here, that can only be done at Promenada"


It was a long day, successful in the end , but would have preferred not to have spent 600 baht on Songteaws.


I realise the issues at Chiang Mai have had a good airing before  but I am told a number of charming young counter staff are school children getting work experience. At neither office were the school children aware of what the functions of the office were. Polite and charming .. but...  




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Sigh!  That's really regrettable, glenmohr.  Yes, unnecessary travel.


Although Chiang Mai Immigration is getting better at it --- yes, they are! --- the  Chiang Mai office still doesn't use enough common sense in avoiding unnecessary confusion both  for themselves and for those who have business with Immigration.  I don't mean anything elaborate --- just common sense:  helpful communications in public internet-based postings, simple and appropriately-placed signage in appropriate languages, and some hand-out guidance in popularly-used languages, such as English and Japanese (occasionally Chinese or other).  It would save them and their clients a lot of grief.   Not that foreigners pay attention all the time. In the meantime, considering the average clerical intern, they ought to have it spelled out in writing for them or instruct them not to be shy about consulting a knowledgeable officer (which I have seen happen often).  Your intern regrettably got it wrong.


Just returned from 90day report at Promenade. No hassles but tremendous confusion regarding the new Info Form. Guys were panicking big time. Ended up submitting mine with virtually no fields filled in. I gave my address and signed it, no bank details, no car or m'bike details, that's all. GT40 was making a killing with the Photographs because they should be on a Blue background. I only had a 12 year old drivers license size with a white background, took a chance and submitted it. Madam didn't even look at it, just stapled it to the form and chucked it in the out tray :cheesy:

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SORRY, additional to the above....as we have to submit this form every time now, they told me that a photo copy will suffice for future 90 day reports. So guys, make up an original copy attach a photo and then photo copy it a few times(for future visits)...so much for the blue background, it comes up white lmfao

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Just now, Johnice said:

SORRY, additional to the above....as we have to submit this form every time now, they told me that a photo copy will suffice for future 90 day reports. So guys, make up an original copy attach a photo and then photo copy it a few times(for future visits)...so much for the blue background, it comes up white lmfao

Good idea


Plus get more photos printed

As the more you get printed

The cheaper they will be

Maybe cheaper by the 6 or 12 pack!!!


1 minute ago, Lizard2010 said:

Good idea


Plus get more photos printed

As the more you get printed

The cheaper they will be

Maybe cheaper by the 6 or 12 pack!!!


GT40 is charging 200thb for 6


LAMPHUN IMMIGRATION is now open for some services. We drove by today to take a look and stopped off to "say hello' to the guys.  We chatted and were told that for people living in the Lamphun area, they already do 90 Days reports and change of address forms (TM30 & TM28).


Later, they will also be doing re-entry forms - and NEXT YEAR - visa extensions, too. No dates were given - but it confirms CM Immi's statement (to me) that this year was the last time for doing my visa extension at CM.


Good news, indeed - as it means less travel and (hopefully) quicker service, for us.

It should also mean shorter queues at CM Immi - especially as Lampang Immigration will function as Lamphun Immi, reducing the pressure on CM.







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