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is painting wifes house against immigration rules?

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As I understand it, you can do whatever work you like around your house as long as you can prove that you LIVE in that house - for example, with a letter from a bank or the ubiquitous yellow book. But if I were to stop by and hold your beer can for you while you were working, then that might be construed as work. Unless I was drinking beer as well - hmmm - I'm free next week, OP.

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Come on guys, its against the law to drive a motorised vehicle or buffalo cart for a Farang. TIT.

No it's not.

IS, is, is. It's a forbidden occupation and is still on the list.


Driving a mechanically propelled carrier or driving a non-mechanically propelled vehicle, excluding international aircraft piloting;

Do you have a definition for a "mechanically propelled carrier"? That sounds very different to a motorised vehicle which is what you first posted..............

No. The difference between a motorised vehicle and a mechanically propelled carrier escapes me.

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Strictly speaking you would be working illegally.

It really depends on your neighbors/others who may take pleasure from reporting someone for illegally working.


removal of typo

You are allowed to work in your own house.This is a old subject.

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I'm in the middle of painting our fence (prep work already done) at the minute up here in Phits.

Would be interesting if I got nicked for it.

I think technically it is against the literal law but as with digital nomads, I think it falls into a grey area.

True but digital nomads are not out in the open, you painting the fence are out in the open for all to see.

I have painted my fence and house.. and had my dad DIY a lot in the house so there could have been problems. But to be honest there never were.

I seem to recall that you can even build your own boat (Phuket immigration said something like that) as long as your not constantly selling them (boats)

The "boat builders" were arrested!


The article said they were arrested.Nothing about being convicted.

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It is rather sad one even needs to worry about things like this. Pay some kid to do it.

That's the problem paying a kid or someone who has not got a clue to do a job I can do ten times better, I am a bricklayer/builder and I have built a few buildings on the 3rai we live on, after the first build of which I used local hands from then on I did most of the running of the jobs and what I could do myself, what I could not do I paid a competent builder to do.

To the OP just do yourself what you can do.

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I've been here over 7 years now on a retirement extension of stay. I have "personally" done so much major and minor work on the outside and inside of my house I must seem like a common laborer constantly working on my house to my neighbors and also real common laborers who do work in my moobaan. No one cares...in fact, they are amazed I can do my own hard work around the house and many generally seem enviousness I know how.

Just paint it...no one cares.

P.S. Be durn sure you have a sturdy ladder spec'ed for your weight....fiber glass ladders are strong but a little heavy....I've go a 24 ft fiberglass ladder I use around the house like when painting/fixing high areas on my two story house.

Same here mate,constant comment is,you know how to do that.What they think i did in Oz for 40 years i don't know.Now asked too help neighbors on their projects,beer rations only.

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I've been here over 7 years now on a retirement extension of stay. I have "personally" done so much major and minor work on the outside and inside of my house I must seem like a common laborer constantly working on my house to my neighbors and also real common laborers who do work in my moobaan. No one cares...in fact, they are amazed I can do my own hard work around the house and many generally seem enviousness I know how.

Just paint it...no one cares.

Well, those real common labourers and local tradesmen may start caring one day. And if they decide to report you you could find yourself in a bad situation. I'm not saying that it will happen, just that it might.

In Thailand everything is fine and perfectly acceptable until someone decides to complain.

Personally I also always do my own plumbing and electrics and decorating and cleaning etc. in my condo (I'm competent, I have the time and I really need the exercise), but I have the advantage that once my front door is shut no one can possibly see what I'm doing or know what I'm doing. I would think twice about doing something similar in a house in a village, with Thai neighbours around.

Not so.When you live in a village,your neighbors are family and friends,ain't gunna happen.The dobber would have big problems.

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Play it safe brother. Let the wife paint the house, while you swing in the hammock and give instructions.

As a rule: Whatever a Thai citizen can do, a Farang is not allowed to do.

Keeping this in mind, any Thai would be capable of having sexual intercourse with your wife/GF. A Farang doing this, is basically taking away a job from a Thai citizen. Yes Sir !biggrin.png


You trying to tell us that a Thai cannot swing in a hammock and give advice/instructions?? They invented it. If it was an Olympic sport they would win Gold, Silver and the Cambodians and Laotians would share Bronze.

Also, if the guy lives in the sticks, very few of the locals are either interested nor do they know immigration law, they have their own lives to lead and get on with.

Paint the bloody fence!

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Yeah..I now have several neighbors who ask for my handyman help and guidance all the time. I do help just to help with no payment of any kind wanted--just the neighborly thing to do--but they still shower me with food and beer....and compliments in how amazed they are in that I know how to do so much stuff. Hech, I'm the handyman in my moobaan...a farang good for something.

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Surely the term "Work" means "Paid Work" if not then how would you even be able to do anything. What if you get a puncture on your car...Are you allowed to change the wheel yourself? I have four old classic cars I work on every day and I work on my house too. I dont see any problem.

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I have a question. Has there ever been a case o a Farang being arrested, fined or deported for doing odd jobs around their place of residence? If there has, I have certainly never read about it, on TV or anywhere else for that matter. We all know it is technically illegal, but I like to think immigration have got more important things to worry about.

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I'm in the middle of painting our fence (prep work already done) at the minute up here in Phits.

Would be interesting if I got nicked for it.

I think technically it is against the literal law but as with digital nomads, I think it falls into a grey area.

True but digital nomads are not out in the open, you painting the fence are out in the open for all to see.

I have painted my fence and house.. and had my dad DIY a lot in the house so there could have been problems. But to be honest there never were.

I seem to recall that you can even build your own boat (Phuket immigration said something like that) as long as your not constantly selling them (boats)

The "boat builders" were arrested!


The boat builders had advertised the boats for sale before they were even built. Obviously had a business going. You can paint your own fence. Just like you can cut your own lawn, plant your own flowers and change the oil in your own car.

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I painted the interior of my house, people walking past were amazed, walked up to the door and asked the wife ..

"Wow! The farang can do 'tha si' ?" Like we are circus animals - then followed it with "I can't - I have to get the Burmese guy round to do it" then commenting "nice job - how does he not paint the floor and light switches at the same time - that's clever" before walking away.

Just do it man.

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Hi chap's,thank you for your advice and information about me painting my wife's fence outside our house.I was pleasantly surprised by the different answer's i was given.So many for and against.It was a genuine inquiry and most of the reply's were from genuine people helping a person out with a small problem.I have never lived in a village before and was just trying to get the gist of the situation from many of you who have lived in villages for longer and would know so much more than i do.For this,i thank you.

The two guy's who told me to 'Get a life' I would very much like to know how you know so much about my present life,and suspect that i don't have one.Let me put you right boy's.

I have had a great one. started with sweet F##k all in life.I worked for Gleeson's the builders as an apprenticed plumber and heating engineer for ten year's,where it was discovered that i had a flair for the design side.I was a design consultant and engineer for 3 year's with them until i started my own design company,we also had a fitting side for both domestic and commercial building's.I could still knock out a 20th scale scheme for a fully vented single stack system for a 10 floor block block, or a 25 rad system for a town hall.I had my company for 30 year's and we did quite nicely.When my father died i sold up and went to the USA where i worked in Tennessee,Georgia,and South Dakota doing the same thing.I have danced with a Turkish whore in the moonlight in Istanbul,and courted a French mademoiselle in a place called St Julien de Briola in Tolouse and seen the Church of St Rennie la Chataux ,where the book, Holy Blood and Holy Grail was conceived.I have puffed in Morroco and been drunk in so many other bar's in both Europe and on the African continent. I have lived the life of several men,and when death comes knocking on my door and say's 'c'mon Dave,your names on the chalk board,its time to go' i will have no regret's.

To those of you who told me to get a life,i have and it's still going on.Ahhhh"get a life"some phrase coined,probably by some American adolescent school girl that now trips glibly off the tongue of people who very probably don't have one.In my 62 year's i have done and seen thing's which some people never will.

I am not a rude person,but i take um bridge againt people who insult without knowledge.

Well gent's'and you know who you are,I do not like to embarrass unnecessarily,i'm quite happy with the life i do have.How much more of a life would you like me to get????


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Depends... all the village, including the boss lady knows that I help the SIL in the rice fields and at harvest time, and that I am slooowly building an extension and garden wall. Boss lady just across the road, another official next door, Oberthor visits for a beer regularly.

My use of a chainsaw without a license is no problem as I have helped out in a few clearances.

As I say, it depends. I didn't ask, I just did it.

Your last sentence, yes, well done. I have a small house which is built on to the main one, no planning permission, painted in my own colour, no harm done to anyone else. This is not the UK, you build what you want and you paint what you want, any colour you want.

No one is going to bother you as long as you do not interfere with them, and there is certainly no reason to do that.

Thailand is a country with mainly non confrontational decent people, they will not bother about things which don't concern them.

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Well if you can't paint your wife house then why would you want to live here ? They can have the place.

In the UK I bought a small flat, the window frames needed painted, so I painted them, about two weeks later, the council painters came and did it again.

They sent me a bill, I went to their office and told them in no uncertain terms, I will not be paying them. To cut a long story short. I did not pay them and gave them such problems that they then left me alone.

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Always be willing to break laws that are ridiculous and nonsensical. We owe that ti society. Some laws are made to be broken. You are not getting paid. It is in your family. Come on.

How many times have I said this? Only for the "you are an anarchist" brigade to shoot me down.

Forget rules and laws, if you do not agree with them, just apply common sense and break them.

If you want to be the "good guy" and obey everyones rules, then why bother getting up in the morning?

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I was a professional musician back home, suppose a Thai band wanted a bass player, vocalist, and could not get a competent Thai one.

I wonder if I could get a work permit for that. Would I be taking a Thai musicians job?

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