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Ignorant & nasty Foreigner in our Condo..

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I smoke cigars sometimes and always try to be polite and think of others prior to lighting up. I just love it however when cigarette smokers gives me a dirty look when I light up a cigar in a smoking area or when someone comes into a smoking area where I am already smoking a cigar and expects me to move. Hahaha...stupid people !

I don't have a problem with smokers as long as they respect others. If you are the only one at the pool then who cares ? If you are sitting away from other people and light up who are you really bothering?

I would guess however that if all the owners voted on a rule and it was adopted then everyone should follow. There are rules about pissing in the pool and I would think everyone would also want people to follow those.

I have also seen the loud mouth bullies who think they can do what they want where ever they are and I find it disgusting. Some people think everything is just about them .... Me me me.... And that goes for both sides of this issue.

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  On 1/3/2016 at 12:35 PM, garryjohns said:

I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

By that logic you should be 100% OK if a non-smoker moved just upwind of you and and pumped a few sprays of Liquid Ass in your direction.

Smoking is so disgusting. Why people smoke is a mystery for me... but that's different story.

There are swimming pools where :

1. You can smoke

2. With non-smoking policy

If i choose to be a regular visitor of a swimming pool, I would also choose the second category. And I would be pretty pissed off if anyone there is smoking.


After a year or so of habituating, people no longer smoke because they enjoy it. They smoke because they need to.

They have two needs (and they are very real needs) to fulfill; the nicotine craving, and the intensely calming effect of the "Sighing Breath Response" effected by that first drag. You smokers know what I'm talking about... taking that first, deeeeep drag on the cigarette, holding it for just a second or two longer than the rest, then sloooowly letting it out... watching the smoke carry away all their troubles....

The psychologists have termed this "The Sighing Breath Response," and it's something EVERYONE does in times of stress or anxiety. The big, long sigh..... It really IS very calming. And cigarette smokers get this calming effect with EVERY cigarette they smoke. Turns out, this is actually the HARDEST PART of the habit to break! Smokers think that the cigarette is calming them, when in fact, the nicotine hit stops the discomfort and the big, deep sigh calms the nerves.

Any one used to this combination is going to fight like hell to protect it! Even at the cost of good health, good hygiene, expense, and social problems. Because that's what addiction does to people.

Hint: You can get the same effect from the common herb 'Lobelia' (attaches to the same nicotine receptors in the brain but isn't addicting yet COMPLETELY resolves the physical 'craving,') and taking a big deep breath, holding it, and letting it out sloooowly..... and not disturb anyone nor negatively affect your health. It's an easy way to help break the smoking habit.

  On 1/4/2016 at 3:48 AM, FolkGuitar said:

After a year or so of habituating, people no longer smoke because they enjoy it. They smoke because they need to.

They have two needs (and they are very real needs) to fulfill; the nicotine craving, and the intensely calming effect of the "Sighing Breath Response" effected by that first drag. You smokers know what I'm talking about... taking that first, deeeeep drag on the cigarette, holding it for just a second or two longer than the rest, then sloooowly letting it out... watching the smoke carry away all their troubles....

The psychologists have termed this "The Sighing Breath Response," and it's something EVERYONE does in times of stress or anxiety. The big, long sigh..... It really IS very calming. And cigarette smokers get this calming effect with EVERY cigarette they smoke. Turns out, this is actually the HARDEST PART of the habit to break! Smokers think that the cigarette is calming them, when in fact, the nicotine hit stops the discomfort and the big, deep sigh calms the nerves.

Any one used to this combination is going to fight like hell to protect it! Even at the cost of good health, good hygiene, expense, and social problems. Because that's what addiction does to people.

Hint: You can get the same effect from the common herb 'Lobelia' (attaches to the same nicotine receptors in the brain but isn't addicting yet COMPLETELY resolves the physical 'craving,') and taking a big deep breath, holding it, and letting it out sloooowly..... and not disturb anyone nor negatively affect your health. It's an easy way to help break the smoking habit.

Well if it's posted by anonymous Internet guy, it must be true. I think we got the gist of your proselytizing the first time around.

  On 1/4/2016 at 2:33 AM, ItDontMeanAThing said:
  On 1/3/2016 at 12:35 PM, garryjohns said:

I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

By that logic you should be 100% OK if a non-smoker moved just upwind of you and and pumped a few sprays of Liquid Ass in your direction.

Rather childish, but hey thats your choice.

No problem to me chum, after 30 years of smoking i have very little taste or smell ability,so bring it on.

My smoking is my choice and the world is all about choices.

  On 1/4/2016 at 5:13 AM, garryjohns said:
  On 1/4/2016 at 2:33 AM, ItDontMeanAThing said:
  On 1/3/2016 at 12:35 PM, garryjohns said:

I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

By that logic you should be 100% OK if a non-smoker moved just upwind of you and and pumped a few sprays of Liquid Ass in your direction.


Rather childish, but hey thats your choice.

No problem to me chum, after 30 years of smoking i have very little taste or smell ability,so bring it on.

You sound like you're proud of it.


  On 1/3/2016 at 10:28 AM, New beginnings said:

Can we get things in perspective. I also live in Riverside Condo and, from what I remember, the no smoking policy was imposed without reference to the tenants about 18 months ago. Personally I am a non-smoker but what's the problem. I understand, and agree with the policy of not smoking indoors, but outdoors - really get a life! These little "Hitlers" that constantly try to control how others may live are beginning to make me throw up. If you don't like it for Gods sake just move up wind. What next tenants will not be allowed to use sun cream in case the smell may offend. Get a life!!!

So having to breathe someone else's smoke is somehow acceptable when it's "outside"? I never understood that thinking. It's still rude, inconsiderate behavior...period. I remember when they passed the law and you'd go outside in downtown San Diego and you almost needed to go inside to get some fresh air there were so many smokers on the street. The air outside is not their air, it's everyone's. It's a nasty habit and I don't give a ___ if they feel put out.

  On 1/3/2016 at 12:35 PM, garryjohns said:

I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

NASTY with a capital H ?? Interesting. If ever I decide to buy a condo in CM there is one I will definitely be avoiding. Sounds like a miserable place to be. Probably fag ends floating in the pool


Very simple you small minded person just stop going to the swimming pool, it becomes very annoying with every small minded person dictating to others their free choices. Get a life !!


  On 1/3/2016 at 10:15 AM, FritsSikkink said:
  On 1/3/2016 at 9:51 AM, les1 said:
  On 1/3/2016 at 9:31 AM, LivinLOS said:

I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

what about the smoke of everyones car is that acceptable?

Plus, living in Chiang Mai the yearly burn off of paddy straw is a lot more dangerous to everyone's health than the odd ciggy by an open air pool.

  On 1/3/2016 at 9:37 AM, Lannig said:

Agree with LivinLOS above.

You can't stop him using the law anyway. No laws prohibit smoking in open places.

If that's again the rules in your condo, then try speaking to his landlord if that worries you that much.

I have no opinion on the original post but I believe that you are misinformed about smoking in open places as smoking is banned in many parks in Thailand.

I am a smoker and firmly believe that if all people , smokers and non smokers were a little more considerate to each other we would never have needed laws for this type of thing.


....you are not the spokesperson for the condo project....

...if they will not enforce their own laws.....silly that you should try....

...best you could do is ask him to position himself 'downwind' so the smoke will blow away from everyone...

  On 1/4/2016 at 4:23 AM, TheAppletons said:
  On 1/4/2016 at 3:48 AM, FolkGuitar said:

After a year or so of habituating, people no longer smoke because they enjoy it. They smoke because they need to.

They have two needs (and they are very real needs) to fulfill; the nicotine craving, and the intensely calming effect of the "Sighing Breath Response" effected by that first drag. You smokers know what I'm talking about... taking that first, deeeeep drag on the cigarette, holding it for just a second or two longer than the rest, then sloooowly letting it out... watching the smoke carry away all their troubles....

The psychologists have termed this "The Sighing Breath Response," and it's something EVERYONE does in times of stress or anxiety. The big, long sigh..... It really IS very calming. And cigarette smokers get this calming effect with EVERY cigarette they smoke. Turns out, this is actually the HARDEST PART of the habit to break! Smokers think that the cigarette is calming them, when in fact, the nicotine hit stops the discomfort and the big, deep sigh calms the nerves.

Any one used to this combination is going to fight like hell to protect it! Even at the cost of good health, good hygiene, expense, and social problems. Because that's what addiction does to people.

Hint: You can get the same effect from the common herb 'Lobelia' (attaches to the same nicotine receptors in the brain but isn't addicting yet COMPLETELY resolves the physical 'craving,') and taking a big deep breath, holding it, and letting it out sloooowly..... and not disturb anyone nor negatively affect your health. It's an easy way to help break the smoking habit.

Well if it's posted by anonymous Internet guy, it must be true. I think we got the gist of your proselytizing the first time around.

Perhaps Richard Bach, the American novelist, put it most succinctly when he said; "Defend your limitations... and sure enough, you own them."

Thanks for the confirmation. smile.png


It's to late now that you almost came to blows but what you could have done is quietly approached him and try to start a conversation with him. After awhile you can mention that you have had a very close loved one that has recently died from lung cancer and just the sight of someone smoking or the smell of the smoke makes you feel so depressed. Then try to get him to understand the importance of what you're sharing with him.

If after you have had this conversation he stills ignore your request then you can move on to the next step. That is.... Use your imagination.

Second step examples:

Bring an electric fan and blow the smoke away from you. This will become obvious to the smoker and maybe you can embarrass him into refraining from smoking in that area.

Get this smoker to sit close to the swimming pool and then jump in doing a Cannon-ball splash. This is meant to extinguish his cigarette and even get him wet.

You can be observant and determine when the smoker is extinguishing his used cigarettes. If he is throwing them in a common area you can take a photo and make the case with management. Potential fire hazard, unsightly cigarettes buts laying around the pool area, etc... I think you get the idea!


My solution is simple. I am sure the person who smokes is of the catogary that despises classical music.... I would get a very very load amplifier playing classical music at very high volume at 3am 4am and 5am outside his door. Classical music is nice so I can play it when and where I want cant I.

Seriously I would be getting the condo to contact the owner and advise him thatt he will be fined by the Condo in accordance with the regulations and if the behaviour does not stop he and all his friends and tenants will be barred from crossing public areas to enter his condo.

Perfectly legal. No need to get hit.


In Thailand the average adult smokes 550 cigarettes per year....UK is at 750.....US it's 1100.....Somewhere around 17% - 20% are smokers.....

So some might feel it's more their right based on need....

I don't smoke and cannot stand the smell of it + it permeates the clothes and and lungs around them and befowls the area.....Smokers are immune to it by virtue of saturation....

If someone lights up at a table next to us I'll ask them to put it out....

If I see a few/many people smoking in a place I won't go in - especially if I have my kids/family with me - it's good for NO one.....

If there is a no smoking area smokers shouldn't be there - anywhere (especially a childrens play area) - it comes with the responsibility of being a smoker = respecting the other 80-83% around you.....

It's really infantile to think of it any other way.....When the majority of 4+ to 1 have to ask for sanctuary from someone that's doing something somewhere they shouldn't be and being an @$$hole simply by doing it they should learn to abide by the rules and exercise their "rights" where they are welcome to do so.....

It's part of adulthood....

  On 1/3/2016 at 9:42 AM, pgrahmm said:

I'm 68 but after the first go around - on the second request I think I'd feel obliged to chuck him into the pool.....

Or ask him if I could bum a smoke - grab the pack out of his hands and toss it into the pool as a gentle way of reminding him there's a no smoking policy......

Most things I'm patient about - but not this.....

But I seem to have a way that usually gets the point across.....

AGREED! Nothing worse than swimming and taking a breath of someone's second-hand crud as it settles over the pool water.

  On 1/4/2016 at 9:06 AM, ThaiTony2 said:

It's to late now that you almost came to blows but what you could have done is quietly approached him and try to start a conversation with him. After awhile you can mention that you have had a very close loved one that has recently died from lung cancer and just the sight of someone smoking or the smell of the smoke makes you feel so depressed. Then try to get him to understand the importance of what you're sharing with him.

If after you have had this conversation he stills ignore your request then you can move on to the next step. That is.... Use your imagination.

Second step examples:

Bring an electric fan and blow the smoke away from you. This will become obvious to the smoker and maybe you can embarrass him into refraining from smoking in that area.

Get this smoker to sit close to the swimming pool and then jump in doing a Cannon-ball splash. This is meant to extinguish his cigarette and even get him wet.

You can be observant and determine when the smoker is extinguishing his used cigarettes. If he is throwing them in a common area you can take a photo and make the case with management. Potential fire hazard, unsightly cigarettes buts laying around the pool area, etc... I think you get the idea!

You're one of those touchy-feely types of people, aren't you?

Do you give strangers a hug when introduced instead of shaking hands?


The 'no smoking' in public places is a social health issue. Many addicts moan and groan since their opportunities to pollute themselves and others is being infringed.

Is this any different from the moronic driver who cannot tolerate the slow tuk-tuk in the front of the line of cars? The moron, feeling his rights are slighted by another, pulls out and drives like a mad-man to speed by the tuk-tuk. How many innocents were threatened by the inconsiderate and dangerous goon? 'Who cares', 'call the cops'; when i gotta go/smoke i gotta do it.

I agree with the OP. The smoker at the pool is a public menace. He should be tossed into the pool, followed by the electric fan.


I would be upset if I am at the pool and a jerk sits close to me and smoke starts blowing in my direction. If there is noone around then smoke as much as u want.

  On 1/3/2016 at 11:10 AM, Thailand said:

So there is a no smoking policy and signs are posted accordingly and there are people on here who think it's OK to actually smoke?

How sad.

Agreed, very sad.

  On 1/4/2016 at 7:14 AM, theguyfromanotherforum said:
  On 1/4/2016 at 5:13 AM, garryjohns said:
  On 1/4/2016 at 2:33 AM, ItDontMeanAThing said:
  On 1/3/2016 at 12:35 PM, garryjohns said:

I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

By that logic you should be 100% OK if a non-smoker moved just upwind of you and and pumped a few sprays of Liquid Ass in your direction.


Rather childish, but hey thats your choice.

No problem to me chum, after 30 years of smoking i have very little taste or smell ability,so bring it on.

You sound like you're proud of it.


You sound like you're proud of it.

You deduce this ,how?

You can hear the tone of my voice just by reading?..now that is hilarious!biggrin.png


I'm a smoker, but consider myself as a responsible smoker. I don't smoke in our house, I don't smoke in our car. If I am out with the wife for dinner or something, and I want a smoke, I go outside, and away from other people. Even if I'm outside, but there are others around, I will move away so they are not affected by, or smell the smoke. But some people are just ignorant.

About a month ago my wife and I went into BoSang to one of our favorite open air food courts. I sat down at a table that was outside. There was no one within well over a meter from me. Then this 6 foot plus older guy stands up, picks up his young Thai son, turns around and sees me. He promptly stomps over and tells me roughly - "There's no smoking here. Put it out!" I smiled and pointed out to him that I was not inside the eating area, and was well outside, where smoking IS permitted, and noticed by the ash trays on the table. Then he comes out with - "Well, I don't want my son to have to smell your shitty smoke!" I stood up, placed the cigarette in the ask tray and crossed my arms over my chest and told him - "Then I suggest you take whomever son is you are now paying for, and your fat ugly hill tribe looking wife, and go home."

This was now attracting attention of others. He set his son down and started to step towards me when a Thai friend I know quickly stepped in front of him and told him - "i know this man. He will put your old ass in the hospital for a very long and painful time if you mess with him. My advice is to do what he said, take your wife and son and go home." The old man was pissed, but didn't try to come towards me. Instead he raised his voice even more and threatened to call the cops on me. At which point my usually quiet and shy wife got into the act. She told him her cousin was a Senior Sergeant Major and just lived about 2 kilometers away, and asked if he would like his number. The guy threw up his hands in disgust, snatched up his "son" and stormed off with his fat, ugly wife waddling along behind him. All I could do was laugh.

Like I said, I try to be a considerate smoker, but there are some people who simply want to take things to the extreme. Screw them! lol whistling.gif

  On 1/3/2016 at 9:51 AM, les1 said:
  On 1/3/2016 at 9:31 AM, LivinLOS said:

I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

second hand smoke within 30 meters.coffee1.gif


All these tough pensioners saying I am in my 60's or 70's, but I would knock him out. If it was a group of handy looking, young Thai blokes smoking, would you be as brave as you are on your keyboards ?


Prove to me that garryjohns is not a shill? Prove to me he is the actual offender; or ignore his posts. I can impersonate too, if you like.


People addicted to anything become very angry and aggressive at the thought of being denied their fix...

Evidence the, "What the fanbelt is with closing the bars at midnight?" thread.

"The best bargirl doesn't even come in until 12:15am, dagnabbit! I am getting very angry and aggressive about now!"

Edit// What's more potentially harmful to your health: others making illegal U-turns or someone smoking across the swimming pool?

I'll say this again: I think the OP is more concerned about someone breaking a rule than the actual nature of the offense.

I too enjoyed the, "Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters." Classic. I know I that gerry123 and me always try to keep 30 meters away from running automobiles for the same reason. We're kind of homebodies, as it turns out....

  On 1/4/2016 at 8:25 AM, DavidB4 said:
  On 1/3/2016 at 10:28 AM, New beginnings said:

Can we get things in perspective. I also live in Riverside Condo and, from what I remember, the no smoking policy was imposed without reference to the tenants about 18 months ago. Personally I am a non-smoker but what's the problem. I understand, and agree with the policy of not smoking indoors, but outdoors - really get a life! These little "Hitlers" that constantly try to control how others may live are beginning to make me throw up. If you don't like it for Gods sake just move up wind. What next tenants will not be allowed to use sun cream in case the smell may offend. Get a life!!!

So having to breathe someone else's smoke is somehow acceptable when it's "outside"? I never understood that thinking. It's still rude, inconsiderate behavior...period. I remember when they passed the law and you'd go outside in downtown San Diego and you almost needed to go inside to get some fresh air there were so many smokers on the street. The air outside is not their air, it's everyone's. It's a nasty habit and I don't give a ___ if they feel put out.

For the next three months you're gonna be breathing plenty of Thai farmers and Thai mushroom hunters smoke.

Does the smoke from a few fags really matter to the overall state of the air?


Maybe you could take the initiative to make a 'Smoking Area' sign and post it in a removed area pool side. Kindly direct offending individual to smoking area. Everybody wins.

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